Many blasted the committee’s findings however as pure make-believe. Wikipedia shares these reactions:
The New York Times declared it a “giant hoax” and a “bald and unconvincing narrative. “Thomas W. Lamont of J.P. Morgan called it “perfect moonshine”. General Douglas MacArthur, alleged to be the back-up leader of the putsch if Butler declined, referred to it as “the best laugh story of the year.” Time magazine and other publications also scoffed at the allegations.
When the committee released its report, editorials remained skeptical. Time wrote: “Also last week the House Committee on Un-American Activities purported to report that a two-month investigation had convinced it that General Butler’s story of a Fascist march on Washington was alarmingly true.” The New York Times reported that the committee “alleged that definite proof had been found that the much publicized Fascist march on Washington, which was to have been led by Major. Gen. Smedley D. Butler, retired, according to testimony at a hearing, was actually contemplated.”
Separately, Veterans of Foreign Wars commander James E. Van Zandt stated to the press, “Less than two months” after General Butler warned him, “he had been approached by ‘agents of Wall Street’ to lead a Fascist dictatorship in the United States under the guise of a ‘Veterans Organization’.”
In 1936, William Dodd, the U.S. Ambassador to Germany, wrote a letter to President Roosevelt in which he stated,
A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. … A prominent executive of one of the largest corporations, told me point blank that he would be ready to take definite action to bring fascism into America if President Roosevelt continued his progressive policies. Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there. Propagandists for fascist groups try to dismiss the fascist scare. We should be aware of the symptoms. When industrialists ignore laws designed for social and economic progress they will seek recourse to a fascist state when the institutions of our government compel them to comply with the provisions.
We know that the Illuminati has a long term plan, but there are varying schools of thought at the head of this beast (it’s like unto a leopard / stealth-like; feet of a bear / powerful; and mouth of a lion / fierce & intimidating – Revelations 13:1-2). Perhaps they were frustrated with some of the setbacks of their long term strategy (US failed to join League of Nations after WWI, McFadden, Ford, and others exposing them, etc.) and thought they actually had a chance with this plan. And though, most of these are now known conspirators against the constitution, it is also likely that others were willing to try anything rather than allow a believed-to-be Jewish banker groomed FDR to continue to serve the bankers interests and not the peoples.
Or, Was the Whole Thing a Ruse to Get the Public to Trust FDR and Give Him Credibility with His Ties to the Banker Families? Henry Makow is convinced so.
The Illuminati bankers staged the coup to give FDR credibility as Wall Street’s nemesis. As I will show, they routinely used such tricks to build up their Presidential puppet.
The conspirators (members of the “American Liberty League”) approached retired Major General Smedley Butler to use 500,000 veterans to remove FDR and become a Mussolini-like figure. Smedley Butler was absolutely the LAST man you would approach if you were serious. The most decorated Marine in history, Butler recently had been forced to resign by Herbert Hoover for calling Mussolini a “mad dog” and warning that his fascist cohorts “were about to break loose in Europe.” Butler refused to retract his remarks and thus became a national hero overnight.
However, if you wanted someone to expose your coup (as he did; thought it “smacked of treason,”) Butler was the go-to person. Nor was Butler fond of Wall Street. He was touring the nation with the message that the bankers used the US army as “gangsters for capitalism” — thugs and debt collectors: “Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints,” Butler said. “The best he could do was .. operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.” (“War is a Racket” 1933) Why would the bankers enlist their biggest critic?
In an interview with Salon Magazine, Sally Denton, author of a book on 1933 titled ‘ FDR, a Nation in Crisis, and the Rise of the American Right’ answered this below as to why they chose Smedley Butler:“I think the impetus for selecting him was that there was no other military figure whom this half million-strong potential army of veterans would follow, and there must’ve been an assumption that Butler was malleable enough to stand up for the veterans above all else. And it backfired. He became the whistleblower and told the government what was going on.”
“There was definitely something crazy about the whole affair,” remarked Curt Gentry. “Butler who had gained prominence for speaking out against fascism, being asked to become an American Duce.” (“J. Edgar Hoover” p. 203) Nevertheless, Gentry and most other historians accepted the tale, indicating their function as highly paid flacks.
The story received its widest currency in Jules Archer’s book “The Plot to Seize the White House” (1973). Judging from Archer’s other works, he is an Illuminati propagandist. His other subjects include such “defenders of the people” (Illuminati front-men) as: Trotsky, Mao Tse Tung; Chou En Lai; and Ho Chi Minh. He has also penned books about such elite-sponsored movements as feminism, civil rights and environmentalism.
For the answer, we are indebted to a book by a courageous honest, public-spirited New York Jewish doctor, Emmanuel Josephson: “The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt” (1948.)
FDR was the scion of two Illuminati families, the Delanos and the Roosevelts. He was related to a dozen US Presidents: four on the Roosevelt side and eight on the Delano side. He was a third cousin of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. These families have some Jewish antecedents but they also have Dutch, German, Swedish and principally English blood. FDR’s mother’s father, Warren Delano made a fortune in the opium trade. His father James Roosevelt was Vice President of a railway and director of several companies.
FDR was a spoiled brat who always changed the rules to suit his whims. He was tutored privately, and failed law school but allowed to enter the bar anyway. He never held a real job. In the 1920’s, he helped float some stock market scams. As Governor and later President, he was extremely suggestible, evasive and shifty. Louis Howe created his public persona and did his thinking for him. Howe was FDR’s “alter and wiser ego.” (102)
FDR had a small army of speech writers and sometimes there were screw-ups. For his Democratic nomination acceptance in 1932, he was handed two speeches with diametrically opposed views and read them both. (157)
After his attack of encephalomyelitis, the Rockefellers gave him a health spa at Warm Springs, Georgia. They subsequently funnelled millions of dollars to FDR in the guise of charitable contributions to his “foundation.” (Dr. Josephson found that the institution did not accept charity cases and didn’t issue financial statements.) (118-ff)
In Josephson’s words, “Roosevelt was magnificently bribed to run for office. By the end of 1930, some $700,000 was poured into the coffers of the foundation …[FDR] was the pathetic puppet of conspirators scheming the destruction of democracy and the establishment of an American monarchy.” (95, 124)
In return , the US Treasury under FDR spent hundreds of millions bribing Saudi King Ibn Saud and building oil infrastructure in Saudi Arabia to benefit Standard Oil. (262-263)
Josephson said the basic doctrines of the Rockefeller Empire are “feudalistic monarchic government” … “monopoly of every necessity of life and of national existence, and absolute dictatorship…” (86-87)
The rich must “divide and rule”: ” The people must be dealt with not as Americans but as minorities set at each other’s throats, Labor vs. Capital, Black vs. White, Catholic vs. Protestant, Christian vs. Jew for e.g.” (87) He could have added male vs. female and gay vs. straight.
Rich degenerate inbreeds running for President naturally pretend to defend the public good. Naturally their banker-sponsors are willing to feign displeasure and opposition. FDR learned the game from his cousin Theodore Roosevelt who pretended to be a “trust buster” while remaining a creation of the trusts and giving the country to them.
The contributors to FDR’s 1932 campaign include a “Who’s Who” of the US business elite, the same people who supposedly tried to overthrow him a year later: Hearst, Rockefeller, Morgan, Baruch, Du Pont, Astor.
In 1933, a group of “publicity men” advised that fascism was becoming unpopular in America and FDR could score points by opposing the Nazis. “They suggested that Hearst and his publications launch a sham attack on Roosevelt and at the same time pretend to support Nazism and Fascism, thus throwing the Anti-Nazis and Anti-Fascists into the Roosevelt camp.” (Josephson, 167)
“As the perverters of public opinion expected, the gullible public raged at Hearst and flocked to the standards of Roosevelt, blind to the fact that he was giving them another of the same brand of dictatorship.” (Josephson, 167)
The antagonism was an utter sham. Hearst employed FDR’s son Elliot, his daughter and her husband! Similarly the public enmity of the munitions manufacturing Duponts was also a sham. Ethel Dupont married FDR Jr. !
“The Liberty League was then set up for the ostensible purpose of attacking Roosevelt and fighting his re-election. This served to throw the entire pacifist vote into Roosevelt’s camp and helped reassure his re-election.” (Josephson, 169)
Clearly the “Fascist Coup” was just another clever ploy invented by the “publicity men.”
Curtis Dall was a banker and FDR’s son-in-law. He portrays the President not as a leader but as a “quarterback” with little actual power. The “coaching staff” or “brain trust” consisted of mainly Jewish “advisers” like Louis Howe, Bernard Baruch and Harry Hopkins who represented the international banking cartel. For Dall, FDR ultimately was a traitor manipulated by “World Money” and motivated by conceit and personal ambition. (Dall, “FDR: My Exploited Father-In-Law” 1970)
The 1933 “Banker’s Coup” is indicative of the trouble the financial elite takes to deceive the public. Until George W. Bush, no President did more than FDR to take America down the road to tyranny.
Sally Denton, the author of a new book, The Plots Against the President: FDR, a Nation in Crisis, and the Rise of the American Right, says it was a genuine plot:
Critics on the right worried that Roosevelt was a Communist, a socialist or the tool of a Jewish conspiracy. Critics on the left complained his policies didn’t go far enough. Some of Roosevelt’s opponents didn’t stop at talk. Though it’s barely remembered today, there was a genuine conspiracy to overthrow the president.
The Wall Street Putsch, as it’s known today, was a plot by a group of right-wing financiers.
“They thought that they could convince Roosevelt, because he was of their, the patrician class, they thought that they could convince Roosevelt to relinquish power to basically a fascist, military-type government,” Denton says.
“It was a cockamamie concept,” she adds, “and the fact that it even got as far as it did is pretty shocking.”
The conspirators had several million dollars, a stockpile of weapons and had even reached out to a retired Marine general, Smedley Darlington Butler, to lead their forces.
“Had he been a different kind of person, it might have gone a lot further,” Denton says. “But he saw it as treason and he reported it to Congress.”
Denton says that as she was writing the book, she was struck by the parallels between the treatment of Roosevelt and that of Barack Obama. For example, a cottage industry much like the birther movement grew up around proving that the Dutch-descended Roosevelt was actually a secret Jew.
Hans Schmidt wrote:
“Even if Butler was telling the truth, as there seems little reason to doubt, there remains the unfathomable problem of MacGuire’s motives and veracity. He may have been working both ends against the middle, as Butler at one point suspected. In any case, MacGuire emerged from the HUAC hearings as an inconsequential trickster whose base dealings could not possibly be taken alone as verifying such a momentous undertaking. If he was acting as an intermediary in a genuine probe, or as agent provocateur sent to fool Butler, his employers were at least clever enough to keep their distance and see to it that he self-destructed on the witness stand.”
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