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The FISA Court Grants Near Dictatorial Powers to US Attorney General, Eric Holder and the Obama Administration to Spy on Americans
The FISA Court Grants Near Dictatorial Powers to US Attorney General, Eric Holder and the Obama Administration to Spy on Americans

The FISA Court Grants Near Dictatorial Powers to US Attorney General, Eric Holder and the Obama Administration to Spy on Americans

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC, also called the FISA Court) granted almost dictatorial powers to the U.S. Attorney General to spy on Americans, signed by Judge Reggie B. Walton, a James P. Chandler, Eric H. Holder, Jr., David J. Kappos (IBM) colleague. This opinion was declared unconstitutional by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on May 07, 2015. However, it gave Eric Holder the excuse he used to steal the privacy of American citizens during most of the Obama Administration nonetheless.