Taking Back Our Stolen History
The Roswell UFO Incident: What Really Happened at Roswell?
The Roswell UFO Incident: What Really Happened at Roswell?

The Roswell UFO Incident: What Really Happened at Roswell?

And as I wrote on the website, I hope I’ve never been more wrong in my life.

“Children with Progeria usually have these features: dwarf, bald head, pinched nose, large head with a small face, prominent eyes, and wrinkle skin.” – Miss St. Univ.

“…results in rapid aging of children, beginning with growth failure during the first year of life that results indisproportionately small bodies given the size of their heads. The children are thin with baldness, wizened narrow faces, and old-appearing skin. Children with progeria develop early atherosclerosis. The average lifespan is the early teens…” – Source: MEDLINE plus Medical Encyclopedia

“Among the first symptoms to develop are: hair loss, disappearance of cheek fat with sharpening of facial features, and diminished growth. “As the children turn old within a remarkably short time, their change in appearance can be shocking. The head is disproportionally large and bald and the facial appearance is one of hollow cheeks with a tight skin, scanty eyebrows and eyelashes, a pointed nose and, frequently either crowded or missing teeth…” – (Excerpted from: Progeria – A Fight Against Time)

But the math did kind of add up… Nazi’s on U.S. soil, known for human experimentation, experimental craft, and a cold war to win…

Progeria victims was just the original line of thinking I posted in 2002, as a possible terrestrial explanation for the bodies. Nick Redfern and Mike Heiser have likewise postulated that the people in the crashed ship could have been other human unfortunates, like POWs or radiation victims, as other possible explanations. By the way, when Nick reviewed my website for me in 2002, he made the comment, that I posted – largely because I felt honored to have a positive review from someone of his stature –

“I would agree with you that the possibility that the Roswell bodies were human is a very real one and is one that regrettably very few researchers are looking into. There was a book being planned on this by 2 authors that was to be titled ‘Iceman Down’ but I think this was shelved. But I would definitely say that more research should be done in this area, particularly re paperclip etc. The only problem I have with the progeria hypothesis is that progeria is extremely rare. Would the nazis or us have been able to acquire 5 people with progeria of similar appearance and similar height and all in 1947?” (Kudos also to Mike Fisher of Roswell for being the first to say this to me.)

Well apparently Nick looked into it a bit more, and it turns out that the last chapter of his book I’ll be quoting for you is actually titled “Progeria.” BUT this second paragraph here, it turns out, is the main thesis of his book. I’m going to read from [Dr Michael Heiser’s summary and review of] Nick’s 2005 book in a moment, but first, just to get Dr Michael Heiser back in the picture, as he’s the one that got me started on the Paperclip trail – although I think I got him started on the progeria trail.

This is from his site, which starts by saying “The view taken in The Facade is that the Roswell crash of July 2, 1947 was in fact a paperclip accident…”

That is an actual government picture by the way, but from a later date, not 1947. Reading from the second half, “The Facade argues that the the object recovered at Roswell was an experimental craft modeled after modeled after flying discs designed during WW2 by Nazi engineers. Under OPERATION PAPERCLIP, the designs and the know-how were exported to the US via some of the sameNazi technicians who had begun the project in Germany. There was therefore some sort of connection between MAJESTIC 12 and PAPERCLIP. The Facade further argues that the bodies recovered at the crash were human unfortunates (Mongoloids, Asians, progeria victims, etc) deemed “worthy” of the kind of human experimentation required for testing high altitude craft.”

(Then) I’m going to have to skip reading from Mike’s excellent summary of Nick Redfern’s book, but I’m going to run through these powerpoints real quickly for those who want to freeze them on DVD

[Skip============ Mike, from this page, was my source for the 1946 Report Cover I showed earlier on the Horten Brothers crafts being known of by the Army Air Corp in 1946. That same document also appears in the back of Nick Redfern’s book, in which he goes into some amazing documentation regarding the connection between radiation experiments done on humans – especially prisoners of war – but builds a paper trail that also leads to the Roswell Incident. For now I’ll quote from  Mike Heiser’s review of Nick’s book

In simplified terms, Redfern believes what happened at Roswell involves the intersection of several programs being conducted by Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany, and our own government during WWII and the years immediately following.  These programs were:

  1. The Japanese Fugo balloon program – – This program involved the use of experimental high altitude balloons as weapons.  The goal was to launch these balloons from Japan in such a way as to ensure that they would be carried by the winds over the western United States.  The intended payload on these balloons were lethal biotoxins. 9,000 such balloons were launched in the initial phase of the plan, complete with ingenious explosive devices.  A few reached U.S. soil, and there were a few casualties.  The press wisely obeyed military gag orders on these events, and so the Japanese were kept from ever finding out if their balloon bombs were effective.  The nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki brought the war to an end before the Japanese could send the Fugo ballons with bioweapons. Learning about all this has renewed my confidence in our nuclear decision to end the war.
  2. Japan’s Unit 731 – One of the more infamous atrocity mills of WW II.  Unit 731 was an officially sanctioned and funded bioweapons program / facility headquartered in Harbin, Manchuria.  Headed by Shiro Ishii, Unit 731 has become synonymous with human experimentation for those who know of its existence.  Experiments on human beings (or “logs” as they were referred to) involving live human vivisection, effects of frostbite, high altitude pressurization, exposure to bioweapons, flamethrowers, and explosives were routine.  These experiments included U.S. POWs.  This Unit was the potential source of the bioweapons to be used for the Fugo balloon project.
  3. Operation PAPERCLIP – The now well-known program begun under the Truman administration to bring Nazi scientists to U.S. soil for their knowledge and expertise.  As Nick demonstrates, the program eventually included Japanese scientists.  However, even prior to the “heyday” of PAPERCLIP, the U.S. government, with the approval of Douglas MacArthur, was soliciting and procuring Unit 731 scientists for their advanced knowledge of bioweapons and their effect on human beings. Nick marshals brief, but weighty, evidence that both Nazis and Unit 731 scientists who engaged in human experimentation made it into this country and wound up on the U.S. payroll.
  4. Nazi Advanced Wingless Aircraft / the Horten Brothers “UFO” Development – This refers to the work of Reimer and Walter Horten, mainly toward the end of the war, to produce a flight-worthy wingless disk aircraft.  Although models were tested and commissioned by the Luftwaffe in 1944-45, the war ended before the Nazis could more perfectly develop and mass produce the model.  The Horten craft was discovered by the British, after which the Horten brothers were invited to Britain to continue their work.  An agreement between the two and Britain could not be reached, and the Hortens returned to Germany in 1945.
  5. NEPA (Nuclear Energy for Propulsion Aircraft) – This program focused on developing nuclear energy for the propulsion of aircraft.  One of the significant obstacles with achieving the project goal was shielding pilots from radiation.  Another problem was constructing a reactor light enough and small enough for an aircraft.  A sub-problem for the testing involving the protection of occupants from radiation was that, eventually, human occupants would have to be put at risk.  Redfern argues that, in the wake of the 1947 close of the Nuremberg trials—which called for the end of human experimentation—those involved in our testing program felt rushed to gain official permission to use human subjects.  Attempts were made to procure legislation allowing human experimentation.  Documentation indicates that, eventually, prisoners and mental patients from U.S jails and institutions were used, along with dead bodies snatched from morgues and hospitals without consent of surviving kin.  This body snatching program was dubbed Project Sunshine.  Of particular relevance for Redfern’s thesis is the documentary evidence that certain “specimens” were procured from Formosa, home of Unit 731.

“The intersection of all the above offered by Redfern can be briefly described as follows.   Roswell was a PAPERCLIP screw-up.  The “UFO” was in reality a wingless craft launched from a U.S. base in the southwest via a high altitude Fugo balloon. These craft were occupied by either a Japanese crew (no one over five feet tall) or human unfortunates being utilized for testing purposes.  Two or more of these craft crashed at Roswell and other nearby locations, explaining the multiple site / multiple date problem pointed to by skeptics as conflicting (and therefore unreliable) testimony.  The bodies were human, but physically unusual to those who discovered them.  The victims were small, perhaps oriental, or perhaps unfortunates who suffered from progeria or Turner’s syndrome (which involved baldness, enlarged head, and even polydactylism).  The UFO explanation was floated to the public to deflect attention away from the fact that Nazis and other Japanese war criminals were on our payroll.  After the late forties, the UFO scenario proved useful for misdirecting the Soviets, and so the myth was continued.

Redfern supports this reconstruction in a twofold way:  actual de-classified documents and clandestine sources.  My only criticism of the book pertains to a small point about the documentation, so I mention it here before proceeding.  I would have liked to see Redfern give more details as to where he got the documentary evidence.  That annoyance aside, in my view, he does a good job in laying out the details of the above reconstruction from his inside sources, and then proceeds to systematically corroborate data points with physical (documentary) evidence.  For example, his book contains documentation for the adaptation of the Fugo program at U.S. military facilities (including a Japanese crew), a far-reaching program of radiation testing involving U.S. citizens as guinea pigs, procurement of Japanese war criminals from Unit 731 under PAPERCLIP,and human experimentation involving the handicapped, retarded, children, dwarfs, and victims of progeria.  Redfern also adds some startling correlative evidence to support his reconstruction.  For example, Dr. Lincoln Lapaz, long suspected to have been involved in the Roswell incident because of witness testimony, was actually the leading U.S. expert on Fugo balloons. There are of course others, even down to how theseexperimental programs were utilizing exotic materials that account for some of the more dramatic Roswell testimony—like metal that “remembered” its original shape.  Space prevents more than passing mention of the details of such details.

What does all this add up to?  On one hand, there is strong documentary evidence for Redfern’s thesis.  It is coherent and has powerful explanatory value.  On the other hand, most of the specific connections to Roswell itself come from inside sources—witnesses to events who either want to remain unnamed, or who must be taken at their word.  The question the reader will have to answer is whether this is sufficient for providing the “final answer” for the Roswell story.  In my mind, this reconstruction covers every significant data point in the Roswell legend.  All that remains is documenting each point.  Nick has documented a number of the points, and so work remains.  Not everyone agrees, naturally.]

Related Addendum – July 07, 2010 E-mail from Nick Redfern

Re the whole Japanese angle: several people have said to me (old-timers) have said that part of the secret of where the people came from is a place called Fort Stanton. Do a Google on Fort Stanton, New Mexico and take a good look at its history, which includes keeping both handicapped people there AND Japanese people during the war. And, it’s just down the road (in aviation terms) from where the debris was found in Lincoln County at the ranch.

Fort Stanton has a curious and intriguing history which definitely deserves looking at deeper.


Mike ends with / goes on to continue with a very fair assessment of Stanton Friedman’s review of Nick’s book – which you can probably guess was less than favorable. Mike charitably points out that it’s fair that someone who has invested so many years of his life into promoting one view would indeed need a little more documentation than Nick provided to completely overturn Friedman’s alien view of course.

But what about you? Not everybody is as ardent in their belief that aliens crashed here as Stanton Friedman is, and quite honestly, I’m considering my target audience for this lecture the “undecided” category, not so much the true believers. I think it’s a cinch that the craft can be argued as an earth-made vehicle… But let me read to you in Nick’s words some documentation regarding the types of humans who – in general – were being experimented on in 1947 by the U.S. government.

Reading just one paragraph from Nick’s chapter, citing the November 1947 Biology Division Bulletin…

“One other critical piece of evidence officially links such conditions as progeria and dwarfism with the activities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and elsewhere in the summer of 1947…

“…November 3, 1947 issue of the Biology Division Bulletin of the Clinton National Laboratory…” pp 202-203

“More specifically, the report focused on the results of a whole range of radiation-related experiments undertaken in mid-1947 on no fewer than “fifty-four test subjects” of whom “Fifteen were between one and four years of age, 7 were controls; 2 were classic cretins; 1 showed some features of hypothyroidism which were not modified by the treatment; 2 were dwarfs; in 1 the diagnosis was ‘gargoylism;’ 1 was suspected of Progeria, a disorder associated with some of the features of hypothyroidism; and the last exhibited features of moderate sexual precocity. Twenty-seven were more than four but less than fifteen years of age. Of these 2 had unmistakable hypothyroidism, 2 Graves disease, [and] four were dwarfs.”

Now I’m not asking you if you 100% believe Nick’s hypothesis about some of those kids playing into the Roswell incident, or my original progeria hypothesis that was postulated before Nick introduced radiation testing on human subjects of experimental nuclear-powered ships that were so new they needed balloons att’d to help them fly – as Mike’s earlier picture also suggests. I’m not asking you if you believe Mike’s hypothesis completely either. All that I’m asking, is “do you now believe that there COULD BE a – or any – terrestrial, earthly, explanations for the bodies that were reportedly found in 1947?”

The only images you’ve probably ever been exposed to of the “Roswell bodies” were based on something drawn third-hand, 46 years after the fact.

Drawn third hand, 46 years later, that singular, debatable, image is the major source of almost all “Roswell Bodies” stories that you’ve most likely ever heard.

I’ll also submit now for your consideration the drawings of Frank Kaufman, who was part of the 509th Army Air Base that handled and cleaned up the Roswell crash debris and bodies, altho there’s no way of telling today how much of his testimony can be believed, unfortunately. You may have seen this artwork on display when you came in.

This is what Frank Kaufmann drew to describe the bodies he claimed to have personally witnessed – this is NOT a third-hand drawing, but first-hand. After he died, Frank Kaufmann’s overall testimony itself has finally been deemed as unreliable by Kevin Randle, who along with Don Schmitt distance themselves from his version of events. I just say that to remind you that every drawing of the Roswell bodies and ship that you’ve likely been exposed to is based on testimony that the researchers who originally published the drawings, themselves now dispute as inauthentic. America and the whole world is under a mistaken notion that I think I can fairly and accurately describe as “a modern mythology.”

These images don’t look particularly alien, I’d submit to you, but I also submit that no drawings of the alleged bodies are considered reliable by the majority of any published Roswell researchers. All we know is that they are pretty universally said to have large heads, and big eyes, and child-sized bodies.

See also Mickey, from the documentary “I am not a freak”  0:27 – 4:28  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llHgPR2wie8

Something like this, I’m afraid. I’m not going to cue this video by the way, don’t worry. But, knowing that high-altitude and radiation tests were among the exact human experimentation tests being run all through the 1940’s, AND that disfigured and so-called “undesirables” were among the favorite victims of such…  with what you know today about what different world governments have done in the name of “science” and “research” – including the factor of employing Nazi scientists to carry out the dirty work… I’m simply posing the question to you, “Would you put it past them, to have put someone like this into an experimental craft, just to see what the effects on the human body would be of perhaps never before achieved altitudes and speeds?  Or, “Would you put it past our government – now or then – to use someone like this to find out how much radiation a human body could safely absorb, assuming they’re flying a craft with a brand-new, untested nuclear powered engine or something?” Why risk losing Chuck Yaegar when people like this are available, and allegedly expendable?

Continued on next page…