I’m sorry, I know this is supposed to be a festival, and this line of thought isn’t very festive, I realize. But if what I’m sharing here today is anything close to the truth, it does kinda raise the question tho, what exactly are we “celebrating” in the first place?
“Is aliens the only possible explanation for any dead or dying bodies that might have been found at the 1947 crash site?” I’m sorry and kind of sick to my stomach to have to report to you that the answer is patently “No.” There was a cold war going on, and apparently both sides felt that it had to be won at any cost.
I’m not asking you to buy any one particular line of reasoning 100%, I’m just asking you to answer for yourself – now that YOU know what people in 1947 – even in 1997, after the main books on the Roswell crash had been published – now that you know what they didn’t know then. I’ve already been argued that the ship itself doesn’t require a leap to alien spacecraft anymore to explain. So now I’m asking you to consider, “Do the reports of odd bodies require an alien explanation either?”
The Memory Metal
The “memory metal” that as many know, was described as being very tough, but if crumpled or bent would go back to it’s original shape, and there was absolutely nothing like that that was known to exist at the time, right? …Right?
There’s much talk about all the marvels that were allegedly back-engineered from the Roswell crash – like the Stealth Bombers for instance, but we now know that was not the case actually.
“… the top-secret file of Roswell information came into my possession when I took over the Foreign Technology desk at R&D…
“Today, items such as lasers, integrated circuitry, fiber-optics networks, accelerated particle-beam devices, and even the Kevlar material in bulletproof vests are all commonplace. Yet the seeds for the development of all of them were found in the crash of the alien craft at Roswell and turned up in my files fourteen years later…
“It was alien technology that we used: lasers, accelerated particle-beam weapons, and aircraft equipped with “Stealth” features.
Now to be clear, I’m not saying that Colonel Corso was lying – I believe that he believed what he was telling in his book was true to the best of his knowledge. But whoever told him that our Stealth technology was back-engineered from an alien craft – or whoever told the person above him even – or whoever created the famous files and filing cabinet that Corso was put in charge of, possibly was lying. “But why would someone in the government do that to our military, or those under themselves?” we might ask. Colonel Corso actually suggests an answer for that question himself – paragraph 3 of the Introduction – telling us that even before his involvement with the Roswell files, he knew “a terrible secret” – that quote, “…some of our government’s most revered institutions had been penetrated by the KGB.” Colonel Corso himself testified to this in 1962 he says, and made a personal effort to get that information to the President Kennedy, via his brother. And in fact, Tom Bower and Linda Hunt both point out in their books on Operation Paperclip that Lt Col William Henry Whalen, who was running Operation Paperclip, was convicted in 1962 of, quote “selling American defense secrets to Soviet Union.” He is the highest ranking American military officer to ever be convicted of espionage, in fact – the guy that ran Paperclip – in 1962.
And here’s how intelligence and counter-intelligence sometimes work when they suspect that have moles, and the CIA or top military officials are trying to find out who to go after. You give one person some “Top Secret” intelligence data or experimental technology and tell them it’s of Russian origin smuggled out by our spies. You give someone else the same information, and tell them it’s created from Tesla technology. You tell someone else it’s from an extra-terrestrial craft, for instance, and tell someone else Westinghouse invented it and the government seized it and bought it from them under the military application law. NONE of these stories are perhaps true, but you create the documentation and give it to 4 different people. Then you wait to see which fabrication makes it’s way to the Soviets… and you know who your mole is.
Well, there’s also a “memory metal” out there today called Nitinol that’s also argued by some to have been developed in the immediate aftermath of the Roswell crash, as this website and many others argue. Let’s first take a quick look at what Nitinol today does when bent out of shape… Embedded from You-Tube. If it doesn’t load, please notify me guymalone at gmail.com – Thanks!
The metal you’ve just seen requires a temperature change to get back to it’s original shape and that’s not the way Roswell witnesses describe it happening, so that can’t really be it, obviously. But, starting again with good ole Wikipedia…
“Nitinol alloys exhibit shape memory AND superelasticity. Shape memory refers to recovering the metal’s original un-deformed shape upon heating. Superelasticity however, “occurs at a narrow temperature range” and – get this – “NO HEATING is necessary to cause the un-deformed shape to recover.” So, we ask, exactly how long has this stuff been around?
Well, Nitinol, by that name was more or less “discovered” during research in 1962, and not developed – that we know of – until a decade later, BUT the history of memory metals in general dates back – calling your attention to the red highlighted text – it turns out, to 1932 according to this same Wikipedia page on Nitinol (Citing Olander, A (1932), J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 54: 3819)
This source says these properties were first observed in 1938, BUT also says no “serious research advances” were made until the 1960’s. And again I’m going to suggest “none that WE know of.” But hopefully you can see already that if we had aircraft flying around the U.S. that the general military, much less the general public, had no clue existed, how much of a stretch is it to wonder if the “memory metals” first discovered in the 1930’s, might be making it into experimental crafts of the late 1940’s? After all that’s a full decade to have U.S. and later German scientists given access to the initial findings, and secret laboratories to work in and develop them. Nowdays we know it’s pretty normal that any new discoveries or inventions that might have potential military applications are kept out of the realm of public knowledge until decades after the military has had first crack at maximizing the possibilities, before they’re “seeded” into mainstream technology.
The metal from the 1947 Roswell Incident was reported by Jesee Marcel Sr and Jr to be unlike anything known at the time, which usually leads to the explanation “Well then it must be from outer space.” Perhaps that’s a further leap in logic than is actually necessary however, knowing now, that memory metals were first discovered in the 1930’s.
Interesting twist – in just May 2009 well-known UFO reporter Billy Cox published an article revealing that the files relating to the history of memory metal’s development in the 1940’s are now missing (surprise!) from both the U.S. Air Force base and the Battelle Institute, both of which should have them. So I forward this article to Mike Heiser, who does some research and blogs
And Mike notes that “Billy Cox notes that nitinol can also be linked to the Oak Ridge Laboratory — a place that plays a key role in Nick Redfern’s book (the part about radiation experiments on humans exposed to nuclear powered aircraft engines) and Mike adds
> That perhaps General Craigie went because he knew of a highly-classified project involving a disc-shaped craft that employed the use of nitinol, a metal that had the properties described by Col. Marcel. When Craigie heard the reports and did the math, he knew that the project had to be kept under wraps and attention diverted.”
So, keeping in mind the 1946 document which originated in Wright Field Ohio,
detailing the use of the Horten technology, the obvious question that has to be posed is, “Is the reason that the Roswell crash debris was taken to Wright Field Ohio in the first place, simply because THAT’S WHERE the top army brass who knew the WHOLE picture, actually worked out of?” To put it another way, “Is it possible that General Craigie just wanted his Nitinol back, before it fell into the hands of the 509th Nuclear Bomb technicians?” Or even, “Was the 1947 debris taken to Wright Field Ohio, because that’s where some of the Nazi scientist were – as the Christina Gibson article detailed – who – crash and cover-up aside – still needed to document the effects of the nuclear test-flight on the bodies?”
Any or all of the above?
To finally close this out… In 1947 the general public and most of the military knew absolutely nothing about the exotic flying crafts the Germans had invented, or that the American government had in our possession and was working to replicate – and improve upon before the Russians could do so, and come over here and wipe us off the map. 1947 Americana citizens also knew nothing about the 1930’s discovery of Memory Metals. In fact most of you probably didn’t until today – even tho, if you wear eye-glasses – there could be some in your frames. And especially in 1947, American citizens would not have believed or even wanted to know that our own government was even remotely capable of FATALLY experimenting on its own citizens, for ANY reason. The possibility of such well-documented – now – atrocities didn’t even enter their minds. Of course it wouldn’t – we were the good guys, remember?
So when the Roswell Incident happened in 1947, none of what I’ve shared with you today was even remotely within the realm possibility to consider when faced with the facts 1947 witnesses had at hand.
ALL people knew for 50 years was that an exotic ship made of an unheard-of type of metal, with strange bodies dying everywhere around it, crashed in the desert here, and that the government enforced a cover-up of never-before heard of proportions. You need to know that polls from the 1940’s and 50’s – unlike today – show that not 1 in 10 people believed life on other planets even existed, much less was visiting earth, like three-quarters plus believe today, according to polls.
It took some pretty courageous people, thinking really outside the box, to even go on record as considering that the Roswell wreckage might be from another world. Anybody willing to think outside the box on this event for even the first 50 years of the cover-up, has always done so at the risk and personal expense of extensive ridicule – especially from their peers and family. The witnesses who have come forward over the decades and the researchers who have affiliated their good names with these stories are to be commended for their courage, in most cases, I’d say.
But I’m also finally suggesting that this proverbial box that people have been thinking outside of all this time, is today much larger than we ever previously thought.
I’m asking “Do we even have to go outside of the box – today – to account for the reported details of The Roswell Incident anymore?”
I want you to consider, that if everything we’ve discussed today WAS public knowledge in 1947, and the news got out that our government recovered a crashed flying saucer in the New Mexico desert and covered it up for some reason .. what do you think most people would have thought, then, if all this we’ve learned today were public knowledge in 1947?
Perhaps something like “Oh it’s just another one of those Stealthy Horten/Lippisch spin-off thingies they’re working on over in White Sands to fight the Commies – Hope nobody got hurt.” “What kind of “legs” do you think the alien theory would have gotten over the last 6 and a half decades IF the average American in 1947 knew about Operation Paperclip, or the fantastic Nazi flying machines?
Because the main strength behind the alien hypothesis of the 1947 Roswell Incident is not ANYTHING resembling PROOF of extraterrestrial activity, but has instead always been the belief that there’s just simply “no other explanation” for the reported and undisputable facts, and extremely credible witness testimony.
I am gently, and humbly I hope, confronting that belief system today, and asking you to re-think the entire event yourself also, based on the preponderance of evidence made available to us all only very recently. I am today presenting to you that there are in fact many other possible explanations for all of the reported details of The Roswell Incident, and suggesting that it’s time for us all to re-think what we think we know about this event.
Note that about 15 minutes is cut from this lecture version. The longer version of the planned talk is HERE
The original (2002) version of this website is now archived HERE
Please contact me via guymalone at gmail.com with your thoughts.
Source: http://www.alienresistance.org/the-1947-roswell-ufo-crash/