Taking Back Our Stolen History
The Scofield Reference Bible is First Printed to Advance the Zionist Deception
The Scofield Reference Bible is First Printed to Advance the Zionist Deception

The Scofield Reference Bible is First Printed to Advance the Zionist Deception

Israeli settlers abuse a Palestinian 

For those Christians who think the book of Joshua somehow still justifies this, I wish to point out that the Canaanites whom Joshua and the Hebrews fought against were giants; satanically transhumanized beings and worshippers of Satan. (See my article “Making Sense of the Supernatural.”) Today’s Palestinians do not equate to the ancient Canaanites, and contrary to what “Christian Zionists” typically believe, many Palestinians are Christians.

Israel destroys a Gaza town, 2014:

Israelis celebrate their bombs:

Christian Zionists have bought into the myth that Israel is only “defending its right to exist” and that Palestinians are “terrorists.” The Israelis have over 4,000 tanks and over 400 combat aircraft, thanks to a steady flow of about $3 billion annually from American taxpayers. The unarmed Palestinians have not one tank or plane; they fight their illegal occupiers primarily with stones.

George W. Bush invaded Iraq in 2003 on the pretext that it was avoiding UN inspections of weapons of mass destruction (which, it turned out, didn’t even exist). Israel, on the other hand, has hundreds of nuclear weapons which it refuses to let the UN inspect; the United States grants it a free pass, and has even given Israel the hydrogen bomb.

False-flag Terrorism and War for the Rest of the World. Contrary to the Zionist media’s spin, Israel has been the world’s number-one sponsor of terrorism, implemented “by way of deception”—the motto of Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service. This has included, for example, the 1946 King David Hotel bombing, the 1954 Lavon Affair, the vicious 1967 attack on the USS Liberty, the 1986 “Trojan” deception that led Reagan to bomb Libya (scroll down a little if clicking link), and of course, the mother of them all, 9/11, covered with Zionist-Israeli fingerprints. 9/11 led to the countless and unnecessary Middle East wars which were already foreknown in 2001. Those wars in turn produced the refugee crisis ravaging Europe today.

• Provoking Hostility of Muslims toward Christianity. Christian Aid is a leading Christian charity and missionary organization, founded in 1945. Here is an informative 2003 quote from Bob Finley, Christian Aid’s founder and CEO:

Christian support for the Zionist movement began in England a century ago when a few Bible teachers began to interpret certain Old Testament prophecies regarding the ancient Hebrews as being applicable to the present day Jewish people. Apparently those teachers did not know that (according to the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia) the Ashkenazi, or Yiddish, majority of Jewish people originally came from the empire of Khazaria in Southern Russia and are not biologically related to Abraham. So when a few Ashkenazi Zionists began trying to take over parts of Palestine through acts of terrorism about 70 years ago, some Christians started saying it signified the fulfillment of some obscure Old Testament prophecies.

Christians today fail to realize how such statements have had a destructive effect on our fellow believers in many parts of the world, so Christian Aid has begun to call attention to these facts. Since 1940 the Zionists have killed, driven out or displaced over two million of the original residents of Palestine. Their lands, houses and businesses have all been stolen, and most of their personal property as well. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled to refugee camps in surrounding countries over a 20-year period. Yet all the while, unbelievably, some Christians in America were cheering for the Zionists, and proclaiming their atrocities as being blessed of God. . . . Our thoughtless expressions of approval have been destructive in three ways.

  1. What we have done to our fellow Christians in Islamic Lands.

When Americans speak favorably about Zionist aggression in Palestine, we bring needless persecution on multiplied thousands of our fellow believers now living in Islamic countries. Christian citizens of those countries are suspected of being in agreement with what the Americans are saying, though not one in a thousand of them are. When Muslims hear of Baptists in America praising Zionist atrocities, what are they to think of the Baptist churches in their countries? Or the Pentecostals? Or Presbyterians? How can we expect them not to retaliate against those who favor killing their fellow Muslims?

  1. What we have done to missionary work among the Muslims.

Fifty years ago millions of Muslims were open to the gospel. There was a great missionary opportunity for reaching them for Christ. Muslims make up the largest segment of unreached peoples on earth, and they were very open until American Christians began to praise Zionist conquests in Palestine. Since most of the violence has been against Muslims, it is to be expected that Muslims in other countries would be sympathetic toward the victims and resentful toward the Christians who support Zionist expansion. This political development has served to cut off millions of Muslims from their previous receptivity to the gospel. . . . Our missionary opportunity among them has been ruined.

  1. What Zionism has done to our churches.

Until 50 years ago most Christians accepted events recorded in the book of Joshua as something special for that particular time. We believed that the coming of the Saviour brought a New Covenant under which we no longer resort to violence to advance the kingdom of God. But when the Zionist movement began in Palestine around 1920, some Christians started to disregard New Testament principles. We would say it’s wrong for us to kill our neighbor and steal his property, but if Jewish people did it in Palestine, then it was O.K. First it was thousands, then tens of thousands, and eventually hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who were driven from their homes. All of their property was stolen by the Zionists. Forty percent of the victims were professing Christians, many of whom were born again believers. Yet, to our everlasting shame, many Christians in America have stood on the sidelines and cheered for the murderers. It’s all O.K., we say, because Zionism is a fulfillment of prophecy. It is hard to imagine how any Bible believer with reasonable intelligence could endorse such things, particularly when so many thousands of conscientious Jews the world over have objected strenuously to Zionist aggression in Palestine.

Some of our faithful friends in Christ have told us that if we dare to say anything about the tragedies that have resulted from Christians endorsing Zionist atrocities we may lose some financial support as a result. That doesn’t bother me. My Bible says, “We must obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)

Faithfully yours in Him,
Bob Finley
Chairman and CEO21

I do wish to point out: the great majority of Christian Zionists have endorsed Zionism without conscious knowledge of the atrocities in Palestine, which the U.S. media has suppressed. Most American evangelicals and dispensationalists are good-hearted people, who have unfortunately been led astray about Israel.

Why So Many Christians Buy the Nonsense

Besides Scofield’s distortion of the Abrahamic covenant to mean an “unconditional” real-estate promise to the Jews, and his invention of a third prophesied homecoming, the following reasons stand out:

• The “chosen people” myth. In keeping with Zionist preferences, Scofield ignored the New Testament’s clear explanation: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Galatians 3:28-29). Scofield instead reverted the promise to an Old Testament context, a misinterpreted one at that.

Moreover, we now know that most people identifying as Jews are probably (as Finley noted above) not descendants of Abraham, but of the Khazars, a Turkic people who made Judaism their state religion in the eighth century AD. Jewish author Arthur Koestler pioneered historical evidence for this in his 1976 book The Thirteenth Tribe, research since affirmed by DNA evidence. The significance? If most “Jewish” occupiers of Palestine aren’t Abraham’s descendants, then they are not his seed, and thus not entitled to the land, even under the terms of Scofield’s twisted theology.

• The “Judeo-Christian” myth. Most evangelical Christians harbor the illusion that religious Jews today are adherents of the Old Testament. They believe they as Christians live in “Judeo-Christian” harmony with Jews who share the same essential values.

Of course, one cannot stereotype Jews, many of whom (like my late father) are non-religious, have no interest in Zionism, and assimilate into other cultures. However, when referring to organized Judaism, it is important to understand that religious Jews follow the Talmud, which rabbis consider senior to the Tanakh (Old Testament of the Christian Bible). Jesus consistently directed his most severe censures against the Pharisees, the teachers of the oral law, which they used to nullify the laws of God. After the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, dispersed Jews continued teaching the oral law, eventually written down as the Talmud. Over the centuries it evolved, becoming many times more evil than in Jesus’s day.

The Talmud decrees that:

—Jesus is in hell, being boiled in feces; Gittin 57a.22
—Jesus’s mother Mary was a whore; Babylonian Talmud (BT), Sanhedrin 106a.23
—Gentiles are donkeys; BT Berakoth 58a.24
—All gentile children are animals; Yebamoth 98a.25
—If a gentile hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed; BT Sanhedrin 58b.26
—Gentiles who study the Law deserve death; BT Sanhedrin 59a.27
—A Jew may lie to a gentile; Tractate Baba Kamma 113a.28
—A Jew need not pay a gentile wages owed for work; BT Sanhedrin 57A.29
—It is permissible to cheat a gentile in court; BT Baba Kamma.30
—If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile, it does not have to be returned; BT Baba Kamma 113b.31
—When the Messiah comes, he will destroy the Christians; BT Sanhedrin 99a.32

It is not just ancient texts that disdain non-Jews, but modern rabbis as well.

—Rabbi Kook the Elder, first Ashkenazi chief rabbi of the British Mandatory Palestine, said: “The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-Jews—all of them in all different levels—is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.”33

—Israeli Rabbi Yaacov Perrin said in 1994: “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.34

—In his 2003 book ‘Jewish Superiority and the Question of Exile’, Rabbi Saadya Grama of Beth Medrash Govoha wrote: “The Jew by his source and his very essence is entirely good. The goy, by his source and in his very essence, is completely evil. This is not simply a matter of religious distinction, but rather of two completely different species.”35

—Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef said in a 2010 sermon:

Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. . . . With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.36

Talmudic Judaism is inherently racist, not rooted in Biblical values. The behavior of Jews, not some sort of universal “anti-Semitism,” caused them to be expelled from more than 100 countries over the past two millennia. Martin Luther, well aware of their views and activities, denounced them.

Judaism regards non-Jews as animals. This is why Israel’s heavily-armed IDF soldiers regularly abuse Palestinians as though they were not humans. A booklet, written by the IDF’s chief rabbi and published by its Central Regional Command, indoctrinated soldiers with Talmudic outlook in proclaiming:

When our forces come across civilians during a war or in hot pursuit or in a raid, so long as there is no certainty that those civilians are incapable of harming our forces, then according to the Halakhah [Jewish law] they may and even should be killed.37

The IDF’s new chief rabbi, Eyal Karim, has even said IDF soldiers may rape Arab women to boost their morale.

Judaism regards Christians with contempt, and only tolerates them for the time being because they represent a powerful pro-Israel voting bloc. The Jerusalem Post observed in 1983:

The real Zionists in the U.S. are not the American Jews but the Christian evangelicals since these Christians feel that we are coming closer to a critical period in history and they want the Jews to fulfill prophecies and thus hasten the Second Coming of the Messiah. The evangelicals affect 20 million people a day in America. They are a great asset and must be used as such.38 [emphasis added]

Many Christians are duped into the illusion of “Judeo-Christianity” because Israel permits American church groups to visit ancient holy sites in Israel. But as Jack Bernstein, an American Jew who lived in Israel, wrote:

Tourism is one of Israel’s main sources of income. The largest group of visitors are American Jews. But, there are also many American Christians who want to visit the holy shrines and to see the land of “God’s Chosen People.” These Christians come away very impressed and filled with religious fervor.

While in Israel, Jews and Gentiles alike are carefully watched so that they do not stray and happen to see the sordid side of Israel—the true Israel. Like in Soviet Russia and other communist countries, visitors to Israel are taken on carefully planned guided tours. They are shown the religious sites, the universities, the lush orchards, the technical accomplishments, the arts, and to stir sympathy, they are taken to visit the Holocaust Museum.

But, kept from the eyes of the tourists are the ghettos, the prisons where political prisoners, mostly Arabs and Sephardic Jews, are subjected to the most inhumane forms of torture. The tourists do not see the widespread crime activities and the corruption and cooperation between organized crime bosses and government and police officials. The tourists do not learn of the true inner workings of Israel’s Marxist/Fascist government; nor do they see Israel’s racism.    

I met one American tourist who couldn’t help telling me about the wonderful religious feeling she had from being in Israel—the Holy Land. I remarked to her, “Just try giving a Bible to a local Jew and you will see how much religion and religious freedom there is in Israel. If seen by the police, you will be arrested.”39

Check out Israeli television mocking Christianity (WARNING: contains some strong language):

Continued on next page…

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