Taking Back Our Stolen History
The Second Congo War: A CIA Coup to Overthrow their own Puppet (Put in Place 1 Yr. previous) who Reneged on Secret Deals to the Cabal
The Second Congo War: A CIA Coup to Overthrow their own Puppet (Put in Place 1 Yr. previous) who Reneged on Secret Deals to the Cabal

The Second Congo War: A CIA Coup to Overthrow their own Puppet (Put in Place 1 Yr. previous) who Reneged on Secret Deals to the Cabal


Dictator Museveni duped Congolese leaders when he persuaded them to form a joint military operation west of Mount Ruwenzori for the purpose of flushing out ADF rebels. This enabled Uganda to deploy troops inside Congo. It was later learnt that their real objective was not to flush out ADF rebels from the mountains as claimed but rather to enter Congo. Soon after the invasion was under way, those troops plus new arrivals captured a number of towns in North Kivu; namely: Beni, Butembo, Bunia. Museveni denied having troops in Congo. Even after his men had taken over those towns, he continued denying it, while sending more, plus 13 tanks all of which captured Isiro and Kisangani. Finally, he admitted that he had troops in Congo to defend Uganda’s interests.

Besides the already known objective of overthrowing Kabila, the other objective evidently is to loot minerals. Museveni’s men teamed up with white mercenaries and other foreign agents in stealing gold and other minerals from occupied areas of eastern Congo. Small planes have been making frequent flights between Congo and Entebbe bringing gold and other minerals. One plane with top UPDF officers was reportedly overloaded and became disabled on take off at Bunia. On Octrober 13th, high ranking officials from Rwanda, including Kagame’s brother, were in London trying to sell an unspecified amount of gold looted from Congo.

The Rwandese, entered Congo and established their headquarters at Goma. They advanced to Bukavu and other areas of South Kivu. They were later joined by a smaller contingency from Burundi, who together with Rwandese, advanced towards Kalemie.

Tutsi invaders unleashed horrifying terror to people in South and North Kivu, killing men women and children. Mass murders of local people: the educated, affluent, religious leaders, local and traditional chiefs were specially targeted for extermination plus any person deemed to oppose Tutsi supremacy. Many families were hacked to death by smashing their heads with hoes as shown in the picture from Bukavu. The invaders started a program of bringing old Tutsi men directly from Rwanda and Uganda into eastern Congo to be the new cadre of local and traditional chiefs. This is presumed to consolidate Tutsi power in occupied territories. Refugees from that area tell horrible stories of mutilations, mass murders, looting and plundering.

In September, two boats carrying Tutsi soldiers reportedly from Burundi sailed on Lake Tanganyika towards the town of Muliro, Congo. Their plan, according to a military informer, was to enter Congo along the Zambia border targeting Lubumbashi. The first boat was captured by Zambian patrol and the invaders were taken to a Lusaka prison. The second boat made a quick u-turn back to Burundi and avoided being captured.

President Kabila reacted by calling upon all the people of Congo to defend their nation against invaders. He declared that this war as initiated by Museveni and Kagame must and will be pushed back to Kampala and Kigali were it came from. Kabila further appealed to friendly nations to come and assist his country. Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe and others responded positively providing him with soldiers and/or weapons. Tanzania which had a team of military officers training a new Congolese army simply pulled out.


Soon after Ugandan troops invaded Rwanda in 1990 under the leadership of Rwigyema and Kagame, the word was out that this was a Tutsi invasion. A few months later, they named the invasion “an internal conflict” and paraded Alex Kanyarengwe, a Hutu opponent of Habyarimana as their leader. Kanyarengwe was used to the maximum in covering up the Tutsi hidden agenda. Once they achieved victory in 1994, he was miserably pushed aside; now languishing under house arrest in Kigali. Another Hutu who was identified as a better stooge, P. Bizimungu, was planted as a straw president when the real leader is Kagame.

Similarly, the Tutsi invasion of Zaire in 1996 was a clear mono ethnic plot with all the trappings of external aggression engineered in Kigali and Kampala. The invaders quickly recruited L.D. Kabila and used him effectively until Mobutu was deposed. However, Kabila was very lucky and witty to disengage himself before they set fire on his rear end.
Congo invasion, phase two, is likewise following the same syllabus. The actual leader is Bizimana Karahamiheto. They recruited Wamba diya Wamba who is apolitical and Ondekane who participated in the slaughter of thousands of Hutu refugees in eastern Congo. These men are considered by many to be egocentric and flagrant. They serve one purpose: to make the invasion look like an internal rebel opposition. Those who learn nothing, forget nothing.


The ethnic difference between Tutsis and Bantu has a long and bitter history. However, external manipulations have flared it into an astronomical catastrophe above and beyond the capacity of local means to contain it.

As soon as Tutsis captured eastern Congo, Congolese religious leaders, including the Bishop of Bukavu were among the first casualties. Many priests, nuns and religious brothers were murdered by marauding Tutsis. There is shocking evidence that Tutsi priests, nuns and other religious persons are turning a blind eye on executions and injustices, assisting the invaders in various ways, and also in directly persecuting non-Tutsi religious persons in their own communities. “Sister Catherine” a Nandi of Bukavu, whose real name is withheld for security, was actively involved in aiding refugees and other victims of the Tutsi hegemony in the area. She provided assistance to people who were escaping marauding invaders. She raised funds from friends and charitable organizations abroad in order to support her humanitarian assistance to the suffering population. She protected the innocent victims of ethnic killings. For these reasons, Tutsi nuns in her own community hated her and fabricated charges of stealing money, corruption and behaving in a manner unfit of a religious person. Finally they demanded her expulsion from the Order until her life was threatened that she run into exile leaving the convent only to Tutsi nuns. Her entire family was slaughtered. She tells of native Congolese priests and other religious persons who have been killed; others are hiding in forests or gone in exile. Their Tutsi counter-parts remain comfortably at their posts, oftentimes covering up the true picture of the situation.

The scandalous activities of Bishop Halem’Imana, former Bishop of Kabale, Uganda, with RPF during the invasion of Rwanda is further proof of the depth of ethnicity. He reportedly turned his residence into a training camp for RPF agents, according to a defector who completed the month-long indoctrination course. RPF officers used his vehicles to carry out their missions oftentimes returning them with blood stains.

In 1993 a Tanzanian Evangelist investigated the ethnic conflict in Burundi. He found out that even Christian virtues have not bridged the satanic gap between Tutsis and Hutus. As he delivered his report to a meeting of All African Council of Churches in Nairobi, he concluded that “if the devil belongs to a tribe, it must be Tutsi”.


The African people are in a struggle for survival, freedom and self-determination. Political independence is a part of the unfinished agenda. The UN and OAU Charters clearly defend the principle of territorial integrity and strongly condemn armed aggression against member states. None of these organizations has defended the territorial integrity of Rwanda nor of Congo when they were invaded. Neither are the lives of African people been effectively protected as promised in those Charters. The way the UN responds to Bosnia and the way it has handled Congo or Rwanda certainly leaves a lot to be desired.

The invasion of Congo is a tragic event but a wake up call to African states and their leaders. It has exposed the fundamental weaknesses in the OAU as a hollow and hopeless organization incapable of standing up for the people of Africa. Every African leader knows very well that Uganda and Rwanda do not possess the financial and military capacity to wage wars in the region. It is also known that these are proxy warriors for the U.S. neo-colonial interests disguised as the “NEW WORLD ORDER”. Yet whenever there is an opportunity to discuss the crisis in the region, most African leaders are afraid of speaking the truth or seek counsel from Washington on the basis of which they will discuss Africa’s tragic situations. The real problem is never addressed for fear of angering the powerful criminals, lest foreign aid will be suspended. Yesterday was Rwanda; today is Congo. The next could be any of the neighboring countries.

The fact is that Congo was invaded by Tutsis from Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi backed by USA. These countries are dominated by minority Tutsis who took power by force. The same clique is openly working for foreign interests who have taken upon themselves the right to determine who should rule Congo. It was a grave mistake for Kabila to team up with Tutsis in overthrowing Mobutu. He knew that they were not Congolese. He knew that they had a foreign master whose agenda was detrimental to Africa. Actually, Congolese people, who detested Mobutu’s dictatorship, did not fancy his being replaced by a foreign-dominated regime of Tutsis from Rwanda and Uganda.

Some self-acclaimed ‘western experts on Africa’ have argued that “no country should send troops in Congo to save Kabila’s regime for he is a buffoon”. Their knowledge of Africa falls short of revealing that Kabila did not have a regime of his own but was riding on a foreign conquering force composed of Tutsis from Rwanda and Uganda. Those “experts” ignore the criminal part played by Uganda and Rwanda who invaded Congo in violation of the UN and OAU Charters. They also omit mentioning the U.S. criminal role in this invasion. Let us face it, Tutsis would not have posed a problem in the region without U.S. involvement. In the past some of these experts boldly condemned the Pentagon/CIA support for dictator Mobutu and denounced all its false propaganda. They are now resonating the Pentagon/CIA theme of calling the Congo crisis “an internal revolt” when all evidence shows that this is a Pentagon/CIA made “invasion” from Uganda and Rwanda using Tutsis as tools. They also avoid mentioning the genocide which Tutsis are committing in occupied eastern Congo. Museveni warned Ugandans four years that if they continue opposing his government, they will be treated like American Red Indians.

The issue is not whether to defend President Kabila against foreign invaders but rather to defend the national integrity of Congo and save African lives. It is no secret that Rwanda and Uganda are carrying out these barbaric military expeditions in the region on behalf of American interests who want to plunder Africa’s mineral wealth and depopulate the land. They display no regard to the lives and welfare of the African people. This is precisely what European companies did in Africa more than a century ago. King Leopold treated the Congo real estate as his personal plantation. American corporations are currently pursuing the same, committing horrendous atrocities by proxy and devouring mineral-rich real estate in the Great Lakes region.

The Congolese people should put aside their differences with Kabila and first defend their nation. The governments of Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia and others who responded positively to President Kabila’s urgent appeal for help because “African brotherhood” is not meant to be hollow words. Other African leaders should to get more serious about defending African lives. Foreign conspirators (whether Americans or Africans) should never be allowed to recruit local surrogates whom they may send out to topple African governments as they wish while the rest of the continent is watching by the sideline. Tutsis have prostituted themselves to neo-colonial interests against their fellow Africans. They are committing genocide in eastern Congo and one wonders whether the U.N. will institute a SPECIAL GENOCIDE TRIBUNAL for the Tutsi killers of Congolese. The African people are not blind to the ongoing conflict in the region. They know who the criminals are and where their support is coming from. It is very clear to most people that America is supporting Tutsi minority to dominate and exterminate the majority of people. All this is consistent with Kagame’s declaration on Radio Rwanda three years ago that he will have no problem “emptying a drum of water using a bottle cap”. America has lost respect and honor among Africans.

Along with the United States, South Africa has become a major supplier of weapons to Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi. These weapons are now used in invading and killing innocent people in Congo and throughout the Great Lakes region. South Africa cannot be making blood money through sales of weapons to murderous regimes of Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi who are killing Africans in Congo and at the same time try to mediate for peace. One cannot be against apartheid in South Africa and at the same time turn a blind eye on Tutsi minority sinister campaign to dominate the majority with savage brutality which surpasses that of apartheid South Africa. The defense for human freedom and majority rule cannot be on a pick and choose basis unless one is suffering from voluntary selective amnesia.


Presidents Moi of Kenya, Mkapa of Tanzania recently met with Museveni of Uganda and called for a withdraw of all foreign troops in Congo. Isn’t it incredible that neither Moi nor Mkapa could tell Museveni to get out of Congo? It is either hypocrisy or ignorance when respected African leaders avoid condemning Uganda and Rwanda for having invaded Congo and demand their immediate withdraw. It is nauseating to see statesmen tolerating a notorious criminal like Museveni and permitting themselves to listen to his folly.

Inasmuch as that the people who want to topple Kabila are foreign invaders. Museveni had the audacity to advise Kabila to negotiate with those fighting to overthrow his regime. Uganda has more rebel groups who are fighting to overthrow his bad regime than Congo has. Museveni has repeatedly refused to negotiate with rebels. How can he prescribe a medicine which he himself has refused to take?


The Tutsi problem compounded by foreign corporate greed in the region will spare none unless it is handled honestly and decisively. What Angola, Namibia and Zimbabwe have done in Congo is what Zaire, Tanzania, Kenya should have done in Rwanda in 1990 when Uganda invaded. That could have saved over 4 million African lives. Many Kenyans are aware of the danger Museveni and Kagame pose for their country. Tanzania is even more infiltrated by Tutsis, according to internal sources. It is a matter of time for any country in the region to face the bitter reality. When UDC Newsletter predicted the invasion of Zaire and the current Tutsi hegemony some years back, some people rejected it because the writers were not white. That is what colonialism has done to Africans.

European corporations colonized Africa for the purpose of plundering her enormous resources, including human beings. More than a century later, American corporations are repeating what their European counter-parts did in the past. Tutsis, under the leadership of Museveni and Kagame, have submitted their clansmen to be used by neo-colonialists, doing the dirty work of murdering thousands of Africans with guns and money supplied by present day “corporate Lugards and Rhodes”. Colonial masters have always showered their stooges with praises, e.g., new breed of African leaders, the way a hunter praises his dog when it is chasing another fellow animal. Those who do not learn history are bound to repeat it.

There will be peace in Congo and throughout the Great Lakes region if and when United States stops fueling armed conflicts. African people (Tutsis and others) should not let themselves be used by foreign agents to carry out criminal activities on their behalf against fellow Africans. The old cliché of “the devil made me do it” is no excuse. People are responsible for their actions. Tutsis should remember that they are a minority in each of the countries. They cannot afford to be the hired murderers of African people in the region because the situation is bound to change.

African leaders have a special responsibility to think and act as Africans for the benefit of their own people. Those who may think that Rwanda’s or Congo’s tragedy cannot happen in their own territory better think again. What will they do when the escalating tragedy engulfs their own nations and none comes to their rescue?

Foreign aggression, corporate greed, racism, selfishness and apathy are serious problems. There are many more good persons. The unfortunate reality is that apathy has taken over many that not enough good ones are standing up for righteousness. As more and more good people hide in the shelter of apathy, it gives a chance for the work of evil people to prevail on the stage of human society causing incredible suffering to innocent people as is being witnessed in East Africa today. The choice is clear. Will African leaders be truly African, standing by, with and for their people or will they be serving foreign interests even to the detriment of Africa?

Source: http://africanagenda.net/war-against-congo/

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