SHARPVILLE – A name that reverberated across the liberal world – a word that instigated hatred and disgust against the white people of South Africa. Sharpville– a dreaded place where the “Fascist” white police opened fire and “massacred” 69 “innocent” people and injured 180 “in a hail of submachine-gun fire.”
HOW disgusting! This was an act of blatant white “aggravation “ against “helpless” black people that only took part in a “peaceful” demonstration against carrying a pass-book. How utterly disgraceful!! Or was it? At least this is what the deceptive liberal media instigators and secret services from within the house of Leviathan rammed into the empty heads of millions of misinformed goats across the globe. Sharpville started the black hysterical mass riots that helped topple the white government and still are commemorated today in order to fuel hatred against the white people of South Africa.
Many different and extremely impartial accounts of this tragedy surfaced everywhere, but only real contextual facts count. Politics Web explained, “The first factor [in this shooting] was the killing of nine policemen in Cata Manor, near Durban.. a few weeks before… [Sharpeville.] In his analytical chronicle of the Sharpeville shooting, An Ordinary Atrocity, Philip Frankel writes: “… The much vaunted marshals, whose primary task was to steer up the mob … were unable or unwilling to steer the crowd away from what was clearly becoming a cataclysmic situation.”
In 1960, the day before the actual shooting, an initial crowd of 7,000 – 10,000 hostile protesters began to advance on the Sharpeville police station protesting the carrying of ‘pass books,’ [I.D. documents,] which non-white people had to produce on request – just as everyone is now compelled to do in the new South Africa. The huge crowd very aggressively, in “loaded language,” threatened the lives of the twenty police officers who were on duty at the time. Outnumbered officers who, from behind the police station’s wire fence, tried to restrain the big crowd from entering and demolishing the station, murdering them in the process.
The attacks carried on throughout the night. “By 10 o’clock the next morning, the crowd had grown to about twenty thousand rioters. Only 130 police reinforcements, (some say 200,) and four armored cars, [Casspirs carried no more than two crew and 12 men; which makes for 48 policemen altogether,] were then hastily brought in to assist the twenty policemen on duty…”
Emeritus professor David Welsh, wrote in his book The Rise and Fall of Apartheid, “The immediate cause of the tragedy was two simultaneous events: firstly, a scuffle at the fence gate when police officer Att Spengler opened it to let a member of the crowd in and [one can assume a lot of aggressive] people at the gate entered with him… And, secondly, the arrival of Geelbooi, a common law criminal who was drunk and armed with a handgun, and who, thinking he had spotted a policeman who had maltreated him, fired two shots in the air. The reaction of a more nervous and younger policemen inside the perimeter of the fence was to open fire without being ordered to do so. [Allegedly,] the firing continued even as the attackers… still fled for their lives…”
I could not find any real evidence of this allegation that the police pursued the rioters with sharp point ammunition. The photo below on right tells another story. The latest accounts of assaults with machine guns from armored cars and helicopters can also not be verified. If this were the case, hundreds or evem thousands of rioters could have died that day. One must be wary of ‘evidence,’ which is clearly fabricated because it does not fit the context of the scene.

So, what really happened in the old South Africa at the small police office in Sharpeville?
Wikipedia tells another story, “The [Sharpeville] mob became increasingly daring and threatening, using the common attitude which later was described as ‘insulting, menacing, and provocative.’ Teargas proved ineffectual, and [the 130-200] police officers were forced to repel these advances with their batons. At about 1:00 pm the police tried to arrest an alleged ringleader. There was a scuffle, and the throng surged forward. The shooting began shortly afterwards…”
The vastly outnumbered police officers shot and killed 68 rioters, wounding 180. As always, the ANC, Pan African Congress, and other Communist Parties resorted to their old tactic in driving women and children to the fore of the attack, shielding the men behind them. As a result, 8 women and 10 children were among [the 68] killed in this mass attack on police.”
The vastly outnumbered police, who resorted to violence in pure self defense, restrained themselves to the extent where they should all have been decorated for bravery in their attempt to uphold the peace. However, the media puffed and distorted this “massacre of innocent and peaceful women and children” to such an extent that the instigating ANC, PAC and other collaborating parties got exactly what they were looking for: a motive to maim and murder thousands of civilians in ghastly terrorist attacks over the next twenty nine years, (1960-1989.) In addition, by provoking or actually forcing the ‘Sharpeville massacre,’ the PAC and other communist parties in South Africa received global media attention and worldwide support.
In 1988, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission found that “the police actions constituted gross human rights violations in that excessive force was unnecessarily used to stop a gathering of unarmed people.” “Unarmed people” and “unnecessary force” – some 20,000 violent people, armed with stones, pagans, knives and whatever else, against only the initial number of 20 police officers? What a laughing matter the ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ Commission’s twisting of historical fact turned out to be!
The well planned consequences of this shooting was instant! Wikipedia explains, “The following week saw demonstrations, protest marches, strikes and riots around the country.” This proves that the outcome of the ‘Sharpeville massacre’ was exactly what the ANC/PAC was anticipating with that attack on greatly outnumbered police officers at that police station! Because fierce mass action threatened the safety of everyone in South Africa, “On 30 March 1960, the government declared a state of emergency, [not martial law as Jan Smuts did in 1914 and in 1922,] detaining more than 18,000 people, including prominent [communist] activists who were known members of the Congress Alliance.”
The full-blown, communist war against the South African government and its peoples began here, at Sharpeville.
Mandela and other comrades’ communist attacks on South African citizens
Among the many other charges against him, Nelson Mandela was indicted for (statistics differ) 156 acts of terrorist activity. As said, the United States government considered Mandela a terrorist until 2008. While a few anti-apartheid activists were hanged for treason and terrorism, Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1962 after his Rivonia Treason Trial. He was not sentenced to death, as the law of the land prescribed for acts of terrorism to protect the innocent – which should wake up South Africans and the world to the clandestine forces that were at work between the old regime and new South African regime.
While receiving VIP treatment in prison and studying leisurely for his doctorate degree, Mandela was still commanding terrorist attacks and planning the outcome of ‘the struggle.’ In his book,” Long Walk to Freedom”, Mandela said that, while in prison [since 1962,] he “signed off” [in 1983] with the Church Street Bombing, killing 19 non-white and white people, children included, and maiming and injuring 217 other bystanders! Mandela also approved random bombings such as the 1985 Amamzimtoti Shopping Complex, the 1988 Krugersdorp Magistrate’s Court, the 1986 Durban Pick ‘n Pay Shopping Complex, the 1988 Pretoria Sterland Movie Complex, and the 1988 Roodepoort Standard Bank. Yet, the international media made nothing of these incredible attacks on ordinary civilians!
Basically about 15,000 Blacks armed with guns, pipes and machetes (pangas) marched on a police station manned by about 300 policemen to “Peacefully” demonstrate against the law of having to carry a passport when visiting or working in South Africa. The march was organised by the Pan African Congress Communist Robert Sobukwe, who in typical cowardly communist fashion used women and children to do his dirty work while he was sitting in a pub in an adjacent town during the events. About fifty policemen, mostly rookies, one of which were in the service for only a month, went outside to meet the crowd. The police officers were given strict orders not to shoot, but nervousness set in and one policeman dropped his weapon and a shot went off. All hell broke loose and the police started firing.
69 Blacks died. The official reports states that many were shot in the back. But the journalism have to be brought into question because the bodies photographed had EXIT wounds on their backs where the most blood is shown. Shot in the front, small entry, person runs away and collapses on his stomach, bloody exit wound on his back is photographed by BBC journalists and claim that he was shot in the back… you get the picture. If the police really wanted to commit a “massacre”, they would have shot wildly into the crowd, emptied their magazines and thousands of Blacks would have been killed. The fact that only 69 were killed was a testimony to the discipline and restraint exercised by the policemen.
The Sunday night and the Monday morning preceding the “Massacre” the police drove the Blacks back with batons and tear gas, but they still kept coming, at about 13h35 on the Sunday they broke through the gates and their aim was to kill every policeman inside the police station. But what gave the Blacks this courage and confidence to march on a police station and kill everyone inside was an horrific incident that took place about two months before that at Cato Manor.
It was a Saturday, 25th of January 1960. A large amount of blacks came to have a family reunion and were getting pissed out of their brackets at a local “Shebeen”, an illegal drinking spot in Cato Manor, Durban. Standard police practice was to set off a 12 man patrol in certain areas and then pick them up with their captives later on. On the watch of a Sergeant Winterboer, he set off a 12 man patrol and arranged to pick them up at later at the premises of a firm called “Benoni Nr 1”. The leader of the patrol was a constable Joubert. The police arrested a man and suddenly was surrounded by a mob of drunken Blacks who demanded the release of the prisoner. Under the circumstances it would probably have been the best thing to do, but Constable Joubert, who has been a policeman for only 18 months, underestimated the danger.
The black women started cheering on their drunken males with their traditional high pitched tongue noises. Constable Joubert’s answer was, “Only over my dead body will I let this prisoner go”. At this point a Black policeman stepped on the foot of a Black woman who started crying and screaming hysterically. Within a few minutes the police patrol was surrounded by a mob of drunken Blacks armed with Knobkerries and Machetes coming from every surrounding shack and shouting, “Kill the Boers!, Kill the Boers!”. Under a hail of rocks the policemen tried to make their way back to the premises of “Benoni Nr1” where they hoped sergeant Winterboer would be waiting for them, but the Blacks barricaded their retreat.
At this time Sergeant Winterboer arrived at the scene, but instead of using his rifle, panicked and ran back to the police station to call on reinforcement. While he was gone, the stone throwing increased on the police patrol and Constable Joubert made his way to a nearby Avocado tree, attempting to climb it and escape the machete wielding mob. Joubert was pulled down and the mob of machete wielding Blacks hacked him to pieces. Two White policemen called Kriel and Rademan and a Black policeman called Dludla also tried to escape the mob. Kriel fought with his bare fists and ran almost a kilometer before he was also hacked to pieces. Rademan heard the cries of his comrade and returned to help and was also hacked to pieces. The Black policeman Dludla tried to help Rademan and he also was hacked to pieces.
The body of another White policeman Gert Rheeder was later retrieved from under a heap of rocks and loaded onto a police truck. When it arrived back at the police station, Police Major, Jerry van der Merwe officially saluted the slain Policeman, at which point an Indian policeman saw the finger of the “corpse” move, his head and his body was reduced to such a bloody mess that his own parents could not even recognise him. Rheeder, survived, but remained for the rest of his life a useless psychological wreck. “So what about the Avocado tree that Joubert tried to climb?” you ask.Well, about a month later nine Blacks bought a case of beer at the local Shebeen and parked off under the exact same tree and started drinking, when out of nowhere a lightning bolt hit the tree an killed all nine blacks underneath. Coincidence?… An act of God?….you be the judge.
The Cato Ridge incident- a flint to the Sharpville “massacre.”: What do you know about the Cato Manor tragedy a few weeks earlier? There the police obeyed the order not to shoot. The crowds overran the police station and four white and five black police officers were viciously killed – their bodies dragged through the streets by blacks, with their penises cut off and stuffed into their throats. It would also have happened in Sharpeville if one frightened policemen did not open fire first as hundreds of blacks started throwing bricks and rocks at them (The Police). Cato Manor was swept under the carpet by the (British and SA National) press as it was not inline with the liberal press’ communist agenda of the day.
The brutal slaying of a number of Black and White policemen by a mob at Cato Manor shortly before the infamous ‘Sharpeville Massacre’ was still fresh in the minds of the besieged police contingent at Sharpeville. If the Sharpeville ‘massacre’ had not been a massacre of protesters, if would have been another massacre of policemen. Cato Manor was even then a keg full of explosives – waiting for the right catalyst to explode at any minute. Various riots took place there – the newspapers were full of it. Major Jerry van der Merwe once appeared on the front page of a local newspaper with a bleeding face after a stone was thrown at him, which struck him in the face. All the factors and actors were present, especially over weekends. Various factors were at play. It was just a question of time.
On a lazy, hazy, warm Sunday-afternoon a squad of policemen were at work. Never did they think for one moment that they would become “famous” in their death. Yes, when they came on duty, like thousands of policemen before then and like the police is still doing today. They were inspected, produced their appointments and equipment, lectured to and posted to their duties. They were clean, sober and fit for duty. For the first time in our history, and so far the last time in our history, nine members of the police force were to die! They died a horrible death!
Harvey Tyson writes: “Cato Manor was the key to the problem. It lay out of view of Durban and not easily noticed from the university on the hill dividing the bay from the over¬crowded valley. Cato Manor, hidden and neglected, was notorious for its squalor and its inflammability.”Just more than a decade after the first Cato Manor riots a policeman, part of a police raiding party, stepped on a woman’s toe while searching a shebeen. He should not have done that, as it served as a catalyst for a new riot on that Sunday-afternoon. Among the same crowded Cato Manor shanties, police made arrests for illicit possession of liquor, and on 24 January 1960 the umpteenth riot broke out. This riot shocked South Africa! Nine policemen were dead! The Daily News reported that a black police sergeant and four very young white constables and four black constables were murdered: |
With 24 bullets among them, a police raiding party fought the horde of black rioters until their ammunition ran out … Three 19-year-old European constables, trapped in a bungalow, were massacred by the mob who broke the doors and windows with rocks and iron bars. Three black constables were hacked to pieces and mutilated beyond recognition. The fourth European constable ran about 400 yards before he was brought down by the mob and bludgeoned to death. The bodies of two more black constables were found nearby.
Empty shell cases found in the rooms today indicate the desperate battle the policemen put up until their ammunition ran out. It was every man for himself after the white constables had emptied their revolvers into the mob. One by one, the policemen leapt through doors and windows. Of the 13 who escaped, three were badly injured
It is regretful to report that the following nine members of the Force were murdered at Cato Manor on Sunday 24 January 1960 by a mob of black thugs instigated by mainly the Britsh M5 , M16 – and American CIA operatives operating in black areas as “NGO’s.” :
- No 119702 2nd Class Sergeant K. Buhlalo
- No 36446 Constable C.P.J.S.Rademan
- No 35490 Constable G.J. Joubert
- No 36496 Constable L.W. Kunneke
- No 34624 Constable C.C. Kriel
- No 133633 Constable P. Jeza
- No 130543 Constable F. Dhludhlu
- No 134706 Constable M. Nzuza
- No 136349 Constable P. Mtetwa
You can search the web as much as you want- eerily you will find HUNDREDS of pictures and much propaganda about the Sharpville massacre- however not ONE picture of the Cato Ridge massacre of the policemen. The shrewd media mobsters very deviously removed all the evidence. More than 1000 frenzied mad instigated armed black mobsters stormed the police office in Sharpville– chanting, screaming, pelting and threatening the small band of policemen. The question is – if YOU were one of them…what would you do?
Nelson Mandela the worlds Saint: You seem to believe that Nelson Mandela was an innocent man who was jailed because he merely wanted “freedom?” Not so. His trial was attended by representatives of most Western countries and closely followed in the rest of the world. Documents in his own handwriting eventually convicted him. In those he praised the Communist and Marxist systems in the Soviet Union. The present ANC is simply fulfilling the ideals for which Mr Mandela was incarcerated.