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The White Ship Disaster: Was it Mass Murder or an Accident?
It was perhaps the worst maritime disaster of the Middle Ages, not just because it cost 300 lives, but because one of them was the heir to the Anglo-Norman Empire. One scholar has a theory that the sinking of the White Ship on the night of November 25, 1120 was ...

King John Affixes His Seal to the Magna Carta, an Inspiration for the US Constitution and Bill of Rights
"The democratic aspiration is no mere recent phase in human history . . . It was written in Magna Carta." --Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1941 Inaugural address On June 15, 1215, in a field at Runnymede, King John affixed his seal to Magna Carta. Confronted by 40 rebellious barons, he consented ...

The House of Wisdom was Destroyed by Hulagu’s Army During the Siege of Baghdad
On February 13, 1258, the Mongols entered the city of the caliphs, starting a full week of pillage and destruction. Along with all other libraries in Baghdad, the House of Wisdom was destroyed by Hulagu's army during the Siege of Baghdad. The books from Baghdad's libraries were thrown into the Tigris River in such quantities that ...

The Chilling True Story Behind the Pied Piper of Hamelin
If you watch enough horror movies, sooner or later you’ll hear a character utter a variation on the phrase, “Every legend has a basis in fact.” Whether or not that statement is true, it is a fact that many of our most outlandish fables and fictions are rooted, at least ...

The Edict of Expulsion: The Expulsion of the Jews by King Edward I was Not Due to their Money Lending Alone but Also Due to Blood Ritual Sacrifices
The Edict of Expulsion was an act of Edward I which expelled all Jews from the kingdom of England. To understand why why Edward acted in this way, you have to go back in history. Biblical exhortations against the lending of money led to an attitude among the inhabitants of ...

The Battle of Stirling Bridge
The Battle of Stirling Bridge, fought on September 11, 1297, marked a turning point in the First War of Scottish Independence and solidified William Wallace's status as a national hero. This battle was a testament to Wallace's strategic genius and the determination of the Scottish forces to resist English domination. Stirling Bridge ...

Freedom Fighter William Wallace of Scotland is Hanged, Disemboweled, Beheaded, and Quartered
Following the defeat at the Battle of Falkirk and his resignation as Guardian of Scotland, William Wallace's role in the Scottish resistance changed. He became less of a military leader and more of a diplomat, seeking to garner international support for Scotland's cause. However, he remained a symbol of defiance against ...

The Original Friday the 13th: Knights Templars Arrested & Tortured to Death
Founded in 1118ce and destroyed on Friday the 13th 1307, the Knights Templar, or Poor Knights of Christ of the Temple of Solomon to quote their full title (1), have contributed to modern society the most inauspicious date in the calendar, so that even those who know nothing of them ...

Europe’s Black Death Kills 50 to 75 Million People
Every child learns at school that the Black Death was spread by rats which carried infected fleas. But the textbooks may need to be changed, as a new study suggests rodents have been unfairly blamed for the plague which killed millions of people across medieval Europe. The Black Death, it ...

Basel Massacre: Dozens of Jews Executed for Well Poisoning Allegedly Causing the Black Death
Jews had lived in Basel since at least 1213, when the local community was one of the largest in Europe.[3] The community grew, and by the middle of the 14th century it featured 19 houses and a synagogue.[4] With the spread of the Black Death in the 14th century, there were pogroms ...
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