What is a hero? Merriam Webster offers the following option, in contrast to the pop-culture reference to a thick, meat-laden sandwich: “A person admired for achievements and noble qualities. One who shows great courage.” One only needs to look at the heroes of our young men and women today. Few know or seem to care about those great heroes that have been men and women of honor and valor. The youth of today idolize those athletes, musicians, business icons, and actors predominantly living lives of immorality and doing little, if anything, to make the world a better place or build the kingdom of God, rather the opposite, as they influence, through the media, the false hope that popularity, riches, and power are what life is all about. Read the stories of some true heroes below:
Abolitionists Activists Brave Journalists Founding Fathers Religious Reformers Whistleblowers
Chronological History of all of the above True Heroes

WHISTLEBLOWER: CIA Collaborated With China To Release COVID-19

Medical Whistleblower Says COVID Jabs Caused Patients to ‘Die So Horrifically, So Quickly’

Three FBI Whistleblowers Testify to the House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on FBI & DOJ Abuses of Power

61 French Gendarmes Injured After Clashes With Violent Eco-Left Extremists

Newsmax bans Journalist Lara Logan after She Calls out Biden Administration for Human Trafficking Crisis

Pfizer and BioNTech Team with Marvel Comics for Children’s Propaganda Comic Book for Covid Vaccine

GOP Lawmaker Obtains New Documents that Show Joe and Hunter Biden Working to Sell US Natural Gas and Drilling Assets to China

Multinational Doctors, Scientists Declare “International Medical Crisis” due to Diseases and Deaths Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines

Democrat Official Arrested After Fatal Stabbing of Investigative Journalist Who Accused Him of Corruption