Taking Back Our Stolen History
United Nations

United Nations

The gradual development of the UN from an international organization into a world government was planned from the world body’s beginning in 1945. The communists and American one-world Insiders, operating primarily through their CFR front, “worked energetically and tirelessly to lay the foundations for the United Nations.” We saw also that from start to finish the UN has been wholly a CFR-conceived and driven operation. The UN’s basic philosophy is both anti-American and pro-totalitarian, basically ignoring God’s existence and implying that it grants rights. The UN seeks power to control the environment, population, children … the world and is building its global army to enforce its will. Once the UN was granted global legislative, executive, and judicial powers, the various UN bodies (UNESCO, WHO, WTO, ICAO, ICC, IMF, etc.) began and are now exercising those powers to various degrees — and constantly pushing to usurp more control (ie. Agenda 21 & 2030 as enviro-cops, Arms Trade Treaty gun grabbers, UN ‘Peacekeepers’ genocides, and various other front organizations setup to accomplish the New World Order Satanic agenda.

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Chronological History of the UN and its Organizations

Map for a New World Order on 1941 Communist World Planning - The North American Union

Map for a New World Order on 1941 Communist World Planning – The North American Union

In October of 1941, before Pearl Harbor, Philadelphia clock-maker Maurice Gomberg completed a communist world map of future regional unions, including a continental North American Union. The name Canada is not on that map. However, the former provinces are depicted as states, re-federated into a vast "United States of America" stretching to Greenland. Maurice Gomberg sympathized with the Communist Party of America (CPA). Interestingly, Canada's recent ...
The Hague Agreement of 1930: The Formation of the Bank of International Settlements by the Central Banks Under the Auspices of German Reparation Payments for WWI

The Hague Agreement of 1930: The Formation of the Bank of International Settlements by the Central Banks Under the Auspices of German Reparation Payments for WWI

The formation of the BIS was agreed upon by its constituent central banks in the so-called Hague Agreement on January 20, 1930, and was in operation shortly thereafter. According to the Agreement, The duly authorized representatives of the Governments of Germany, of Belgium, of France, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of Italy and of Japan of the one part. And the ...
The Council on Foreign Relations is Established

The Council on Foreign Relations is Established

The Council on Foreign Relations Handbook of 1936 provides the following details concerning the organization's establishment:  "On May 30, 1919, several leading members of the delegations to the Paris Peace Conference met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs.  It was decided at this meeting to call the proposed organization the ...
The Rockefeller Foundation Establishes the International Health Commission

The Rockefeller Foundation Establishes the International Health Commission

The Rockefeller Foundation Establishes the International Health Commission (1913-1916) which laid the foundation for how health and science research and development were to be conducted. It became the International Health Board in 1916 until 1927, and was known as the International Health Division from 1927 until 1951. Many of today’s health institutions were modeled on this commission’s practices, policies, and research processes such as the UN’s World Health ...
Jacobson v. Massachusetts, SCOTUS Upheld the Authority of States to Enforce Compulsory Vaccination Laws (Individual Liberty < Police Power of the State)

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, SCOTUS Upheld the Authority of States to Enforce Compulsory Vaccination Laws (Individual Liberty < Police Power of the State)

Massachusetts was one of only 11 states that had compulsory vaccination laws. Massachusetts law empowered the board of health of individual cities and towns to enforce mandatory, free vaccinations for adults over the age of 21 if the municipality determined it was necessary for the public health or safety of the community. Adults who refused were subject to a $5 monetary fine. In 1902, faced with an ...
The Theosophical Society was Officially Formed in NYC by Helena Blavatsky and others as 'an Unsectarian Body of Seekers after Truth'

The Theosophical Society was Officially Formed in NYC by Helena Blavatsky and others as ‘an Unsectarian Body of Seekers after Truth’

On the southern edge of Madras, India’s fourth largest city, nestled between the sea and one of the city’s busiest boulevards, is a sprawling, well-wooded compound known locally as Adyar. For more than 100 years, Adyar has been the international headquarters of the Theosophical Society, a worldwide organization dedicated to the promotion of Eastern religious thought and the occult. Nowadays, Adyar is chiefly famous among Madrassis ...