Taking Back Our Stolen History
Waco: 95 Innocent Branch Davidians (Including women and children) vs. Delta Force, CIA, FBI, ATF, and British SAS. Guess Who Wins?
Waco: 95 Innocent Branch Davidians (Including women and children) vs. Delta Force, CIA, FBI, ATF, and British SAS. Guess Who Wins?

Waco: 95 Innocent Branch Davidians (Including women and children) vs. Delta Force, CIA, FBI, ATF, and British SAS. Guess Who Wins?

Again, Wilcher had made a critical mistake in presuming the innocence of Janet Reno and Bill Clinton, a mistake that cost him his life, but Bill wasn’t the only Clinton involved.

Infowars reported that:

“During an interview in early February 2001 the former White House aide Linda Tripp alleged that Hillary Clinton pressured the late Vincent Foster to resolve the Waco standoff. As a result women and children were killed. Appearing on CNN’s ‘Larry King Live’ Tripp suggested that Foster, at Mrs Clinton’s direction, transmitted the order to move on the Branch Davidian’s Waco compound, which culminated in a military style attack on the wooden building,” writes Robert Morrow.

The late Mike McNulty, producer of the Emmy Award winning, Academy Award nominated documentary Waco: Rules of Engagement, and its follow-up films, Waco, A New Revelation, and The FLIRProject, also believed Hillary Clinton gave the order.

“Hillary Clinton’s role in the assault on the Davidian campus and its subsequent cover-up has never been fully disclosed. McNulty says that his information indicates that Mrs. Clinton was not only involved, but in command, directing the FBI’s actions from the White House, and leading the subsequent cover-up,” wrote Jeff Knox.

Joel Skousen adds the following from WorldAffairsBrief.com:

There is photographic and physical evidence that the FBI fired M651 40mm explosive CS (tear gas) rounds into the compound, despite repeated denials to the contrary.

One US Army Colonel and one US Army Brigadier General, both experts in special warfare operations, were dressed in civilian clothes and flown from Washington to Waco in FBI aircraft to plan to help execute the final destruction of Waco. These procedures were clearly done to avoid discovery of Army Special Forces involvement, in violation of the legal prohibition of Army personnel being used in civilian cases.

US Army weapons, aircraft and high tech surveillance equipment were used in the attack, without Army markings, also in violation of existing law.

Newly released (by FOIA demand) Forward Looking Infra-red (FLIR) camera film taken by the FBI during the assault not only shows men emerging from a tank and firing automatic weapons into the rear of the compound (to stop anyone from escaping) but comes complete with government pilots describing the movements of the men, dressed in black, as it happens. FBI spokesman Byron Sage admitted these recordings contained tactical conversations of the FBI HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) and contained discussions of use of CS explosive shells. These tactic conversations were transmitted in real time via satellite uplink to the White House situation room.

ANALYSIS: For Janet Reno to continue to deny knowledge of this is predictable but beyond justifiable belief. The physical evidence of the use of explosive CS grenades has been in the custody of Texas Rangers for years, but prohibited from being seen by anyone except by direct permission of the Justice Department (which was never granted). For the Justice Department to demand jurisdiction over who sees the evidence, is good evidence that they knew of its damaging significance to the official story. The Rangers confirm that the Feds have always known what was in their custody.

The cover-up continues today with the collusion of a local federal judge who has seized the evidence and put it under court seal. The two special forces field officers (Col. Boykin and Gen. Shoomaker) are obviously accessories to the illegal Army participation. According to a former CIA officer, Gene Cullen, as reported in The Dallas Morning News, their surreptitious travel arrangements in civilian clothes via the FBI rather than military aircraft was meant to leave no paper trail of their presence in Waco. The systematic lying and official denials from several government agencies points to some form of conspiracy. These arrangements could not have been made except through the highest official channels, since they involved illegal acts of more than one agency.

As World Net Daily pointed out, the two officers have since been well rewarded for this and other services to the dark side of government. They have both been promoted rapidly in rank over their contemporaries–Col. Boykin to Lt. Gen. in command of US Army Special Ops (the dirty tricks side of Delta Force) and Shoomaker to CIC of US Special Operations Command (the boss over all Army black operations that Congress has no knowledge of). After reviewing this and other data on a television special, Ted Kopel could not resist calling for Reno’s resignation. But that won’t help. This conspiracy of government control goes well beyond any individual player. When Reno goes, they will simply give us a “kinder, gentler” face who will still carry out the same policies. The establishment has long learned that all they have to do is make the appearance of doing something and the public will go back to sleep. (Source)

Gene Cullen, a former CIA agent (mentioned above in Joel Skousen’s ‘Analysis’), asked a Senate committee for “protection” in return for his testimony regarding Delta Force activity at Waco. Cullen requested “protection,” according to reports, because he had been threatened with prosecution for violating national security if he talks.


A release of documents through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveals that Army officials, and in particular those from Delta Force, met with White House and Justice Department officials, including Attorney General Janet Reno and her then second-in-command and former Hillary Clinton law partner, Webster Hubbell, to discuss a resolution to the Waco standoff.

However, information obtained by The SPOTLIGHT reveals that Delta Force played far more than an advisory role in ending the siege. In fact Delta Force had a direct, operational role in the attack on the Branch Davidian compound that resulted in the holocaust that took the lives of 76 residents of the religious community, including dozens of women and children.

Steve Barry, a retired long-time member of Army Special Forces and a top expert in the field of military special operations, said a team of about 10 members of Delta Force was involved in the Waco massacre. Barry’s military career included training with Delta Force. On April 19, according to Barry, “two bricks,” or four-man teams, were involved in the actual attack.

Released FBI infra-red video tapes of the crucial minutes of the April 19 assault on the compound, fully-automatic gunfire is seen being directed into an area of the structure, which Branch Davidians were attempting to use to escape from flames, fanned by high winds, consuming the wooden buildings, although the FBI has consistently maintained that it did not fire into the compound during the April 19 assault.

Barry told The SPOTLIGHT that there was a team of “as many as 10” Delta Force troopers assigned to Waco, including, as he describes them, “a commander, a sergeant major, two to three communications guys, two to three intel [intelligence] guys, a medic and two to three operations guys.”

He said assigned to them, supposedly in an advisory capacity, were members of the British SAS (Special Air Service), an elite British special operations force.

The Delta Force, Barry explained, shared a Tactical Operations Center (TOC) at Waco with an FBI Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) force. Since the 1993 tragedy, the American people have been led to believe that the HRT force alone conducted the assault on the compound.

Barry said the Delta Force receives its orders from what is known as the National Command Authority, which then included Clinton, Secretary of State Warren Christopher, Secretary of Defense Les Aspin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Colin Powell.

The tanks were from Fort Hood, where Wesley Clark was, in early 1993, commander of the Cavalry Division of the US Army’s III Corps. In our last issue we cited a congressional report commissioned in the aftermath of Waco which described how Texas governor Anne Richards had consulted with Clark’s number two at Fort Hood. Then, on April 14, there was a summit at the Justice Department in Washington, where Attorney General Janet Reno, top Justice Department and FBI officials and two unnamed senior Army officers reviewed the final assault plan scheduled for April 19.

The two Army officers at the Justice Department that day were Colonel Gerald Boykin, and his superior, Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, the head of Special Forces at Fort Bragg. Though Clark (who had served with Schoomaker) was not directly involved in the onslaught on the Branch Davidians, the role of the US Army in that affair throws into harsh relief the way prohibitions against the use of the US military for civilian law enforcement can be swiftly by-passed.

Boykin and Schoomacher were present because the Army’s Fort Bragg-based Combat Applications Group, Delta Force, had been enlisted as part of the assault team on the Branch Davidian Compound. It appears that President Clinton had signed a waiver of the Posse Comitatus Act, with the precedent being Ronald Reagan’s revocation of the Act in 1987, allowing the Delta Force to be involved in suppressing the Atlanta prison riot.

The ultimate decision to send Delta Force into action rests with the president, Barry said. “It can be no other way,” he added.


Adding to the controversy, it has been confirmed that Lon Horiuchi was in charge of a sniper post where Texas Rangers recovered spent .223 and .308 shell casings. Horiuchi was the FBI sniper who fatally shot the wife of Randy Weaver, while wounding both Randy Weaver  and Kevin Harris, during the federal standoff at Ruby Ridge in Idaho. The recovered shell casings would be consistent with government-issued sniper rifles. Horiuchi has denied that he or any members of his “team” fired any shots at Waco.

The retired special operations expert said that during the siege at Waco, first lady Hillary Clinton operated a “crisis center” at the White House, put together on her own initiative. Serving with her was another former member of her Little Rock law firm, White House Deputy Counsel Vincent M. Foster Jr. Foster was later found dead under mysterious circumstances in a Virginia park across the river from D.C. According to Barry, it was from this “crisis center” that word went out that there was “child abuse” by adult members of the sect, including leader David Koresh, at the Waco religious facility.

This revelation about the part Foster played in the Waco tragedy has been confirmed by Mike McNulty, a producer of a documentary film on the siege. McNulty said he was told by Foster’s widow, Lisa, that the White House attorney’s depression at the time of his death “was fueled by horror at the carnage at Waco for which the White House had given the ultimate green light.” McNulty also said that Foster was preparing a Waco report when he died. This has been confirmed by veteran British journalist, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in his book, The Secret Life of Bill Clinton.

Pritchard wrote:

The Branch Davidian siege was clearly on Foster’s mind. He was “drafting a letter involving Waco” on the day of his death, surely a point of some significance. He kept a Waco file in the locked cabinet that was off limits to everybody, including his secretary. His widow mentions Waco twice in her statement to the FBI. Toward the end of his life, Foster had no sense of joy or elation at work. The Branch Davidian incident near Waco, Tex., was also causing him a great deal of stress. Lisa Foster believes that he was horrified when the Branch Davidian complex burned. Foster believed that everything was his fault.*


When asked about how the Delta Force action jibes with the Posse Comitatus Act, which outlaws the use of Army forces to enforce civilian law, Barry said: “That’s just it. It doesn’t jibe with Posse Comitatus.” A violation of Posse Comitatus is in-deed “a high crime or misdemeanor,” which would be an impeachable felony offense.

And if Clinton’s reasons for ordering the Delta Force attack at Waco are murky, the reasons for directing a cover-up are obviously not. Posse Comitatus clearly states that “Whoever . . . willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a Posse Comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than two years.” (18 U.S. Code, Section 1385) But not for the Clintons’. They’re above the law.

Carlos Ghigliotti – April 28, 2000, 42 years old. A key figure in the congressional investigation into the Waco massacre, was found dead in his home outside Washington, D.C. His badly decomposed body was found sitting at his desk in his office in Laurel, Maryland.

Ghigliotti, a respected expert in the field of thermal imaging, had been retained by the House Government Reform Committee to analyze surveillance film footage taken by means of Forward-Looking Infrared, or FLIR, during the siege and final inferno of Mt. Carmel, the Branch Davidian complex near Waco, Texas. The FLIR footage, which was filmed by FBI aircraft circling two miles above the site, was critical to the case. For years, debate had raged over claims that on April 19, 1993, government agents fired automatic weapons upon Davidians trying to escape as flames engulfed their home. Seventeen children and 62 adults were killed. Ghigliotti had reportedly uncovered additional evidence contradicting government protests of innocence.

Ghigliotti’s friend, attorney David T. Hardy, told WND, “I think he may have known too much. Carlos told me he had discovered things that were much, much worse than anything that had come out yet.”

The cover up of the misdeeds in Waco resulted in the deaths of 82 Branch Davidians (including men, women, and children), 4 ATF Agents (all former Clinton bodyguards), Vince Foster who was writing a report on Waco, Paul Wilcher who had contacted Janet Reno about the conspiracy, possibly the 4 Delta Force Agents who died in unrelated ‘accidents’ immediately following the release of Wilcher’s report surfaced, thermal imaging expert Carlos Ghigliottiand probably others we don’t know about. Nearly 100 lives needlessly lost.
