Attacking the chain of command
Let’s ponder the power of EEG heterodyning as a weapon. In a hierarchy of command where people can not question authority, how many people’s minds would you have to influence to take control of the whole structure? One. Everyone else’s orders come from him/her. This assumes that no one is bold enough to question the orders of course. So military command structures are extremely vulnerable to a take over. There are few safe guards to watch them or question them especially if the secrecy directive is used. How many people need to be controlled or influenced to take over Congress? How about the judicial branch? Not many, and the whole country would then follow suit. The masses might get suspicious if things seemed too unusual and not in line with the constitution. So you might need to take over the media. How many mass news information streams are there? So the Russians were right. If you could control less than 10,000 people maybe even fewer than 2,000 people, you could steer the direction of the whole country. Is it smart to keep this technology a secret from the population so that they can’t recognize the symptoms of a takeover? Is it smart to not build zero emission superconducting shelters in case of an attack on the public? Who is defending us? Why the f—- do we have a military and security agencies who can’t do their jobs? Is it incompetence, or treason?
Other Limitations of TAMI
When I was brain napped, I was told that I had to slow down my thinking, speak in complete sentences, and think aloud in words. Apparently my brain was of interest because when they EEG cloned my mind onto theirs, they could only pick up vision, sound, and the senses but not my higher level thoughts. They were interested in mapping my brain waves more completely to add to their database. Having a fast mind means that there is not time for the amplification of the brain entrainments to be induced in the psychic spy. This is also somewhat true with vision. If one scans the surroundings quickly, the cloner sees a blurring of images.
Humor Break – A Riddle
So what’s a book about the darkest times in human and American history without some riddles to solve? In the spirit of Bat Man, where the Riddler tries to mind control the world, I riddle you this,” When I began being mind probed and interrogated, I asked for help from every federal government agency. I was concerned that just maybe the Russians were actually behind it given my background and would extract the secrets that I hold. I got no response from hundreds of letters including from the Navy which I hold the most secrets. So I am their destroyer. Who am I?”
Why, “The Matrix”?
Why was the movie, “The Matrix” called that? Is it a reference to the “Global Grid” to which several colonels I worked with for DARPA projects refer? Isn’t the global grid just the internet of networked information? I believe it is a reference to the image matrix calculated with MRI/ESR techniques. Like I mentioned before, I found a Yale Professor who has been doing Earth Gauss intensity MRIs since the late 60’s. Generally high powered superconducting magnets are used in hospital MRIs. This is because they need high resolution and fast imaging techniques. Under a weak magnetic field the same principles apply but the time to acquire an image is greater and the resolution is far less . But you could map out the entire Earth this way especially if you combine it with RADAR techniques.
Perhaps it is a reference to the matrix algebra that is used for hyper fast complex algorithms such as calculating a cognitive model of the human brain.
Perhaps the movie, “The Matrix” was named from interferometry techniques. If you intersect 3 perpendicular coherent, linearly polarized electromagnetic sources, you create a matrix of constructive and destructive interference patterns. Altering the frequencies would cause the matrix to roll or scan. A multifrequency RADAR imaging that tries to balance the return signal from all directions of a target by increasing the strength of the signals accordingly would create “scalar” waves or an invisible electromagnetic interferometric matrix all around the target.
Directed Energy
There is a medical instrument called “The Gamma Knife” used to focus x-rays from all angles around the head to burn tumors in the brain without cutting open the skull. At the intersection of these gamma rays, the energy is intense enough to kill the tumor cells while harmlessly passing through the other brain matter. Only at the intersection is the combined energy deadly. GPS (global positioning system) works on the same principle except one calculates position from the timing of the satellite pulses which arrive at slightly different times.
2MW * 100 satellites * (a beam width of 1/100 of 360degrees) = 454 mw of pulse peek power over a large area. Shrink the beam width to 1/1000 of 360degrees) = 45 watts of power over that area. This is more than plenty to affect neurons. The Russian radio electronics institutes published back in the 70’s that with only 10mwatts up to 100 mw/cm^2 of microwave energy, they observed all kinds of different effects on the firing groups of neurons. Again this back of the envelope calculation says it is quite possible to have satellite based neurological weapons. At first blush it sounded like Star Wars science fiction, didn’t it? However, this was just an exercise. Satellites are better sensors than powerful emitters. It would make more sense to use giant radar fields known as ionospheric heaters to bounce their phased 10 gigawatt energy fields off the atmosphere back to spots on Earth.
Similarly, one could use extremely high powered directed energy weapons from satellites to converge their energy onto one point using phased array beam steering or high powered masers. Ignoring the obvious assassination application, it can be used to increase the resolution of MRI/ESR and other imaging techniques. At the intersection, the phase/frequency/amplitude is calculated such that the full energy for a duration of time is maximized in the magnetic field by modulating a very low sideband and destructively heterodyning the beams high frequency carriers. During that increased magnetic field another radio or higher frequency signal can be used for the excitation of the electron spins or magnetic nuclei for the relaxation photons to be collected and viewed. This would be better than just using the natural Earth’s magnetic field for increased resolution. Seems like another science fiction feat doesn’t it? But just look at the infrared image resolution of the Air Force’s AC130s 5 miles from their targets . This energy is emitted by thermally generated collisions of vibrating molecules without any external energy to excite it. If every valence electron or nucleus could be prodded to give off a photon in a similar fashion the landscape and people would be easily reconstructable into a 3 dimensional image, i.e. Earth penetrating tomography, an application of the ionospheric heaters.
Here is another brain teaser for you. Suppose you have two laser beams with perfect monochromatic (one frequency) and coherent (in phase) wave fronts. The beams each enter a cube made of two right angle prisms. The cube acts to combine the beams and project it onto a screen. One laser is moved ½ wavelength further from the cube than the other. If one laser is operational you will see a spot on the screen. But if they are both operational you will not. Why? Where does the energy go?
Why is this relevant? It demonstrates how to make pin point high energy waves anywhere on Earth via directed energy weapons with constructive interference of energy sources. All sorts of interesting effects can be done with these sorts of weapons. From being able to induce electronic machines to behave a certain way for example or to destroy their circuitry with high powered EM or microwave pulses. Destructive interference mode beams like in the laser example above create “scalar” waves that can travel tremendous distances with high intensity fields without burning the object of interest and reflect back with tremendous signal to noise ratio. More on this technique later.
Hyper Geeking – The concepts behind the most top secret Global Human Surveillance and Manipulation Systems
Synthetic Aperture RADAR and Beam Steering
All these concepts of directed energy are just rebranding marketing jargon for half a century old concept except with more power. Grids of transducers or antenna can shape the wave front by phase controlling the individual elements in the grid. The beam can be shaped wider by using lower frequencies or narrower by using high frequencies. It can be steered 360 degrees and its intensity whether in constructive or destructive modes can be controlled. The carrier signals in the beams can be modulated and shaped with ELF waves or heterodyned into high frequency side lobes. That is it behind the concepts of scalar scatter RADAR and directed energy systems.
Time Reverse Echo
Time reverse echo is a technique which can be used to send a signal back to the source even if the location of the source is undetermined due to multiple reflections. By using a phased array of microphones or antenna, the signal is collected and rebroadcast in the reverse time sequence the signal arrived. The phased array signal will bounce off all the same structures to combine and arrive at the source at the same time. If you amplify the return signal, you could potentially attack a signal source this way once it is identified from a signature.
This technique was written about in Scientific America and the principle would probably work in any medium. One could envision arrays of transducers on the ocean floor that could send out jamming sonar or high powered directed sonic waves that would deafen occupants in submarines listening to ocean sounds, shake the haul of the water vessel, create cavitations in the turbines to stall it, or act like a lithotripter and from a calculated energy propagation or resonance pattern of direct mechanical energy to locations within the water vehicle to cause structural or mechanical failure. I have never heard of any research in this area of directed pressure waves as a weapon, but maybe that’s what has been causing so many whales to beach themselves.
Neuron induction and brain wave modulation techniques
Scalar ELF brain modulation using magnetic field induction or electric field modulation. Rausch video for CNN. Byrd.
Resonances –standing microwaves using FDTD modeling of humans. Using Malech and Stocklin’s brain resonance frequency modulators.
Nanoparticles and designer biochemistry
Neuronal Amplification Technology
It was discovered back in 1920’s that neurons could be influenced by electromagnetic induction. This technology has been held in the strictest top secret clearance government labs since then as it was developed. Only now are universities exploring it as a tool for curing depression and quelling the voices of schizophrenics (Yale, and University of Pennsylvania ). The population was being prepped for the human efficacy trials even as far back as the 1960’s. The television series, “The Outer Limits”, features mind control, synthetic telepathy, and evil alien experimentation in almost every episode. It is simply easier for people to cope with the idea of evil aliens than high treason and being betrayed by the government of a country that they are ready to die for to uphold the ideals of the doctrines. The mass programming through popular media has continued to this day to seed the ideas that these high technology experiments of mind are conducted on behalf of a secret evil alien plot.
I have tried my best to avoid scientific details of these technologies that are often ungraspable by the general public. But at this time we must use the magnifying glass to examine the details to garner clues to solve the world’s biggest mystery. In this case, we need to scrutinize the psychophysics term of “choice”. “Choice” occurs at the moment of neuron depolarization. It is the summation of synaptic potentials at the Hillock which determines whether a depolarization is warranted. There are a plethora of biological mechanisms which can be affected by electromagnetic forces that would alter this moment of “choice”. Affecting the neurotransmitter release, voltage potential across the membrane, the voltage sensitive organelle’s on the cell membrane responsible for conductance, or any ionic current flow in the biochemical mechanisms would achieve the desire neural influence. Remember that biochemical sensitizers can increase the electromagnetic influence in these mechanisms. The key to influencing a neuron and the entire informational structure of the mind is in the timing of the pulses of electromagnetic signals. Using just EEG probes is generally not enough to determine the timing. One needs to precisely time each neurons interaction with the next throughout the whole structure at the moment of choices. This is why electromagnetic energy doesn’t send everyone into seizures. It is only in the informational coherence of the signal specific to each individual that matters. Everyone has different axon lengths and hence timings of potential amplification of external electromagnetic influence. This is the reason that the ever growing database of TAMI must be maintained for maximal effectiveness on the world’s population. The synapse of a neuron has been analogized to Medusa’s head. It looks like a bunch of snakes extruding from the body of the neuron. Be careful not to stare directly at this science or you will be turned to stone, menticized like a zombie .
Neurotransmitter Release with specific frequencies and power levels
So, for arguments sake let’s say that the Air Force documents that I published in the appendix of this book are true and not meant to look like an accidental misclassification of a top secret weapon, and the Russian literature from their radio and electronic institutes are true too. Then neurotransmitter release occurs at specific power absorption and under certain frequencies. EEG heterodyning which causes neuron amplification could be done in this way.
Why are certain people chosen around the world for these endless tortures and extermination? Directed energy might work like the Stanford gamma knife. Only at the intersection of several power pulses does the neurotransmitter release occur. Perhaps certain individuals exceed an allowable sensitivity that is used for communicating with spies and need to be terminated for that reason. Perhaps everyone is monitored by a specific program and those that get classified as “psychics” become too sensitive and start picking up other people’s monitoring signals or programs and need to be terminated or psychotronically imprisoned for that reason.
It is only speculation what the rationale the traitors use to justify why they do this, but the illusion of freedom is crumbling. No illusion is 100% containable. Perhaps we are chosen on the Human Surveillance Global Grid as “one of the thousand points of light” to be human property of the DoD. If Congress were to order another independent investigation as has been done several times in the past, documents would be shredded and the cowards scrambling to the shadows. All the countries in the World need to stand up and say enough is enough. We will not allow you to pick us off one by one like cattle with your mind control weapons, manipulate our politics, and instigate wars, just so the machine can justify growth like a cancer over the planet.
Many will have trouble accepting this basic research. But it does not detract from the truth of it. The educated will at least see the plausibility of it and if they have time investigate it further.
In a nut shell, direct the energy for the correct power level, time the pulses to the individual’s cognitive model for synaptic transmission in the state dependent time sequence. Why is this concept so difficult for academics to understand and catch up with the aliens in their research?
Brain Reading Satellites and Ionospheric Heater Radar Fields
To give you an idea of power density and sensitivity of instruments, let’s consider an FM radio station 20 miles away emitting 50 kilowatts of power. The receiver would only measure 2.1 x 10-5 W/m2. That’s what your car radio receives, demodulates, and amplifies for your listening pleasure. A one Terahertz sub-millimeter wavelength radio antenna such as the 10-meter Heinrich Hertz Telescope can view a typical radio source intensity of 10-26 W/m2 through the Earth’s atmosphere. Do you still believe that RADAR brain resonances can not be read by satellite radio Telescopes?
How the electromagnetic sensing systems work together
Any ground based network like HAARP, GWEN, cell phone towers or the Russian WoodPeckers could also perform this feat of mind reading and control but not on a global scale. Only through the hundreds of spy and remote sensing satellites circling the earth and the tens of giant ionospheric phased array fields could you cover the entire globe with directed energy weapons and the subset class of mind control weapons.
Imagine a steerable beam using a phased array of transmitters. This is similar to a mechanical method of using a mirror to deflect a laser beam like for laser light shows except it requires no moving parts. The intensity of the beam and all other participating satellite beams can converge on one spot or many spots simultaneously. This would be directed energy whose intensity is suppose to be enough to fry the electronics in anything not “RADIATION HARD” shielded. It might heat a human being but I don’t believe the effects can be made immediately lethal by the thermal effects alone otherwise Saddam Hussein would not have complained about the biocommunication directed energy weapon torturing him in ’92. He would have been fried like the rest of us. The torture just pisses people off if they can’t kill you through menticide. Notice how we had to fight another war after we used it on him. The European parliament commented on the “non-lethal and mind control” weapons in general and stated they need to be banned because they only instigate wars and increase violence. The U.S. refuses to sign any treaties or acknowledge them to their own citizens. Welcome to the land of freedom, where you are free to believe all the lies your government tells you.
The grid of satellites in the hemisphere or the ionospherically reflected ground based miles wide antenna fields can be used in a time sliced manner or calculate an inverse Fourier Transform to attack many people at the same time without exposing too many others to the same intensity and frequencies. All the sensor systems are integrated to act as one single antenna or phased array. This allows the linked system to redirect energy from almost any angle to find a weakness in a shielded structure. Remember in the Malech Patent it said that frequencies between 10 Megahertz and 40 Gigahertz could be used for mind reading RADAR. That’s a huge range and may extend even higher in the spectrum. Different frequencies have different ability to penetrate different materials and structures. Full spectrum RADAR sends a broadband ping across all frequencies like a flash of white light from a camera, and records all the returns across the area. Each person has a unique set of frequencies that they will absorb or return to the sensor arrays. This uniquely identifies everyone. Based on autocorrelation techniques, one can determine the optimal route and frequencies to be emitted by the phased arrays of antenna to optimally modulate the brain waves of the target.
By finding the weaknesses of shielding or barriers by using any frequency or path, there would be few defenses against a nervous system disruptor that targets individuals. When Dan Rather was beaten up by directed energy weapon torture victims, they kept asking “What is the frequency Kenneth?” Everyone looks for the frequencies that the illegitimate CIA and DoD elements are using to torture them but it is nearly impossible to isolate them with a budget under a million dollars. Especially if they can use narrowband or broadband in such a large spectrum. The patent claims you can use pulsed or continuous wave. It would be easy to devise a frequency hopping scheme so that the pattern would not stand out or use deterministic broadband noise to diabolically hide the informational coherence. On top that, who would recognize brain waves modulated into a frequency hopping scheme? We are bathed in electromagnetic energy and I have yet to see a successfully built full spectrum anechoic EM chamber.
{diagram of satellite energy hitting many points on the U.S.}
{diagram of penetrating shielding}
What other advantages do scalar waves have? They can penetrate materials to a greater degree since the electromagnetic energy doesn’t get absorbed by the surfaces. Remember that electromagnetic waves reflect, scatter, get absorbed, or transmit through any material with these different parameters. A perfect scalar wave will no absorption in the material so more will get through allow one to penetrate to greater depths with high energy RADAR. Some refer to this as ground penetrating RADAR.
{diagram of frequency hopping brainwave encoded pulses}
Why is it difficult to detect “scalar” waves? They exist as pure field potential, some call this a gravity wave. Separating the sources of the interference requires a radio telescope with enough resolving power. There are other techniques that disinformers and Tesla junkies call “free energy” machines that try to extract the scalar wave energy in which the global surveillance system baths our planet. The extra energy the humans absorb is only supposed to increase the risk of cancer by 5%. You do the math of how many people the aliens are killing each year while watching and “protecting” us.
Here is a diagram of what a scalar wave looks like.
{diagram of a person within a destructive interference fringe of electromagnetic energy}
So the question that it raises is, “Do the energy sensors still pick up an object in an interference fringe?” With just one source alone they would. People might believe that you could penetrate solid objects this way if it didn’t interact with the object. If the scalar field can penetrate the shielding this would be a large distance quantum tunneling effect. This is an outstanding question for the scientific community for civilian defenses.
This is the basis of the top secret “scalar” weapons that have so many disinformation agents confusing people in the scientific community and are the basis for menticizing and silently assassinating people without easily being detected.
So I will leave the answer for you to discover it on your own. Get a laser and create a Michelson interferometer whose beams completely interferes with each other destructively. Place a photodiode in the path or a piece of film and see what happens. Now place a piece of thin black film at the perfectly destructive interference path and measure the intensity at different points behind it. That will answer whether the photons can penetrate a shield while the waves seem to be non-existence because of averaging. Stealthy isn’t is?
This is the paradox between waves and photons that baffle our intuitive senses.
Continued on next page…