Interfacing TAMI
TAMI’s interface has three screens for the operator. The interface uses an eye tracker instead of a mouse, keyboard, or touch screen. TAMI’s operator needs only look at one spot on the screen for a second, then a drop down x-windows driven menu system allows the operator to traverse the options merely by looking at them. It turns out to be a very efficient way to operate the program. The developers experimented with voice recognition but this turned out to have some issues with covertness.
The eye tracking system is also necessary in light of the fact that an EEG cloned target would catch on more quickly what was happening to them if they were tapping their fingers all the time. Instead the extra-eye movement has already been covered-up by the strategic disinformation agents in the psychology community. I found a paper that said people who are schizophrenic have a very unusual extra rapid eye movement. Nicely done agents.
The left screen shows the operators brain frequency energy spectrum next to the targets and underneath is the combined. The center screen is used to select the tortures and other brain modulation scenarios. The third screen is work space and used for the psychic training games I described earlier or the truth detector brain printing analyzer program.
{ show screen shots from front cover }
Creating powerful and directed ELF (extremely low frequency) magnetic and electric fields using single side band, heterodyned UHF beams.
{ diagram of UHF waves arriving at a point and creating a longer waveform using exponential wave amplitude fronts}
Stupid Alien Tricks
We covered a lot of science; but we had to get through it so that the doubt is removed that this weapons system exists, so we can move on to the more important implications of it on society. Let’s take a break for a moment and watch the fools entertain us.
“We’re going to crush your head and punch you in the stomach,” the agents say. I feel a pressure on my head and a nauseating wrenching in my gut. They tell me that their head hurts because they squeezed too hard. Where can you find so many dumb aliens that would hurt themselves to hurt others. I’ll give you one guess where mindless obedience comes from.
“Scalar” Weapons – Creating High Intensity ELF Magnetic and Electric Fields through Heterodyning High Frequency Directed Energy Weapons
This is a trick that seems quite astounding when you see it. That is the ability to direct enough energy at an extremely low frequency to spin a compass needle or create a voltage gradient seemly out of thin air. We intuitively think that there needs to be a near field physical object present to create the kind of magnetic or electric field strength to accomplish this but with the giant “ionospheric heaters” phased array fields this feat can be done. Puerto Rico’s and Brazil’s are very much within range and operational within the time frame that most ships and planes were lost in the Bermuda Triangle.
During the past century more than 50 ships and 20 aircraft sailed into oblivion in the area known as the Devil’s Triangle, Bermuda Triangle, and Hoodoo Sea. The Satanic Cults or Naval Weapons testers have been operating for a long time conducting warfare exercises on their own ships and civilian crafts.
Here is how I believe the “scalar” directed energy weapons can spin a compass needle. During the heaviest attacks by the ghosts (I say sarcastically), they actually spun several compasses’ needles 360 degrees. They quit demonstrating this trick once I setup “Hall Effect” high sensitivity magnetic sensors around my house to record the fields 24 hours of day. I have video of a compass needle oscillating 45 degrees from true magnetic north at roughly 0.3 hertz for 10 minutes.
Let’s simplify the model to get a better grasp of it. If you created two beams from two beam steered phased array fields which bounce their very intense UHF beams off the ionosphere to intersect at an area the size of a small neighborhood block, you would have roughly 10 Gigawatts of energy to work with. You can only create tight beams with high frequencies. Raw low frequencies emitters create very wide beams. This is true for sound waves as well. But you can create a mixed or heterodyned intersection point that has very low frequencies if the high frequencies are exactly canceled out. This is how directional ultrasonic heterodyning sound projection is done to project a voice into one person’s head with sound waves without the person next to them hearing it . So one high powered UHF beam contains the very low frequency information and the other just contains the same UHF carrier without the low frequency component but it is 180 degrees out of phase at the intersection point. What is left is an extremely low frequency, high intensity, magnetic and electric field that seems to come out of thin air and be directionless, i.e. a scalar field. But in fact is does have direction it just can’t easily be measured. If airplanes still used compasses rather than laser gyroscopes to fly, they could be disoriented and made to crash this way or ships to go off course. But the Bermuda Triangle seems to have quit taking lives once GPS and gyroscopic navigation instrument have been the common instrumentation method. Of course, GPS signals could be fooled by these kind of signal attacks too. Gyroscopes are immune to these directed energy attacks.
As a good college level physics problem, I will leave the math up to the reader. What is the power required to counter the Earth’s natural magnetic field of 0.5 Gauss over a neighborhood block? Determine the low frequency power component of a high intensity UHF signal modulated with it. You will find that it falls well within the upper bounds of the so called ionospheric heater phased array high powered directed energy fields. For more advanced students, write your own Maxwell equation solver. You might want to use the numerical approximation method of finite differential time domain (FDTD) to do it. Run the simulations as described above to simulate scalar interferometry and convince yourself that it can be done at these power levels. Let’s say that Col. Thomas Bearden’s gravity wave “free energy” device that collected 75 Watts of power was 100% efficient and used a one square foot gravity wave collection dish which is about the area of the head and body viewed from above. That means the average scalar scatter radar energy passing through a person is roughly 70 milliwatts per centimeter squared. That is exactly the range the Russian University papers describe altering neuronal group firings coincidentally. And for the professional physicist, estimate of how many Coulombs of gyro synchronized electrons are needed per unit area under 70 milliwatts per centimeter squared intensity RADAR beam to read the bioelectric field given a known noise background and a antenna field the size of HAARP. Next how many electrons need to be jostled to disable this surveillance technique and at what rate? You can see why plasma research is so popular at NASA and DARPA.
This is very good evidence that while satellites could perform the same trick, they would have difficulty generating that kind of power continuously from solar panels. This is extremely good news for the thousands that are tortured by these systems each year. See the section on anti-psychotronic theory for more details. That means the killing signals have an exact direction that can be calculated by ray tracing your location to the ionosphere back to the 4 or 5 directed energy antenna fields, aka over the horizon radar. Those are the directions you want to block to weaken the nervous system disruptor or the surveillance system’s secondary effects for “electrically sensitive” individuals.
Hiding the Scalar Killing Signals – i.e. Low Probability of Interception RADAR
Not only do the scalar waves look like they are coming out of nowhere, the carrier frequency can be what is called deterministic broadband noise . Deterministic Broadband noise is a signal that appears just like noise across some bandwidth of a broad spectrum let’s say HF-UHF for example. It is calculated from a uniform random distribution function. It is really just a deterministic, very complex function that looks just like true random noise. It will appear like regular noise to an amateur signal analyst looking at an oscilloscope or spectrum analyzer. The background noise levels will be just a bit higher and most amateur radio engineers do not keep measurements on the absolute background noise levels. This very complex broadband carrier wave will be cancelled out at the point of intersection of a scalar wave anyway. So this is how you can hide the carrier wave of the signal in noise and hide the direction and carrier wave frequencies of the signal with heterodyning destructive interference, i.e. scalar waves.
The reverse is true too. You can create a high frequency coherent signal at the intersection of directed energy wave fronts that would increase the bandwidth by the addition of the frequency sources. This too could be a combination of several deterministic broadband noise signal carriers. If one signal was intercepted, it would appear like noise. Only at the intersection of the many signal sources can the message be deciphered and will be automatically decoded through natures signal addition arriving at the correct time, phase, and amplitude. So the upper bounds of the bandwidth of the psychotronic attack signals would be the maximum frequency that can be bounced off the ionosphere at the angle from the three or four radar fields added together.
Scalar Interferometric Stealth RADAR – AKA Scatter Radar
How does stealthy scatter RADAR work in terms of low probability of interception?
You must remember two facts to understand “scalar ” scatter RADAR. Photons reflect off of surfaces at 90 degree angles and they do not convert to other photon types during flight, except off course Doppler shifting due to relativistic effects of space dilation or contraction and reflecting off moving objects. Beaming two coherent, monochromatic photon streams at an object 180 degrees out of phase with very little difference in intensity will render the measurable energy at the intersecting path nearly 0 in terms of its combined electromagnetic field but the photons still exist and continue their flight path and reflection points which can be read accordingly through phase angle filtering or where the beams no longer intersect at a distance. This technique is especially useful if a tracking lock has occurred and the targets location is already known. Using time of flight filtering and Doppler shifting to update location adds to the precision of all low probability of detection RADAR imaging techniques. In the reverse mode of constructive interference, all the intersecting beams would add their intensity together and maximum energy transference to objects would occur.
How does this relate to mind reading RADAR? The Russian’s first used scatter RADAR on the U.S. embassy in Moscow. The microwaves used to collect the brain resonance changes and electron spin resonances were scalars from phased arrays. The microwave energy was still detectable and far from a perfect scalar. But the measurable microwave energy could have been the influence signal necessary to effect brain wave modulation. Putting deflecting screens on the building actually increased the energy readings. This is because if you block one path of two intersecting beams, the full energy of one of the beams will be measured as well as confine the scalar energy that penetrated the walls then separated into their individual paths. Once the beam paths separate out of a scalar, the energy has more difficulty escaping back through the walls and windows, now with screens on them.
Synthetic Telepathy and Microwave Hearing Effect
There is actually a subtle difference between these two communication modes called synthetic telepathy and microwave hearing effect. The microwave hearing effect is thought to heat the brain slightly and cause a pressure wave to the inner ear according to Dr. Lin for the University of Illinois. Other microwave hearing devices claim that they stimulate the auditory nerves and a third claims it stimulates the brain cells in the auditory cortex using microwaves. This is the crossover point to synthetic telepathy.
The microwave hearing effect is often used during the brain mapping processes. Words are stimulated to be heard, and the automated mapping software records the whole brain patterns that are triggered by that word. So meanings of words are now mapped to the sounds. Synthetic telepathy uses both the direct stimulation of the audio cortex and word association brain areas for brain to brain communication. It is a far more accurate and efficient way to convey ideas and thoughts without misinterpretations. The pulsed microwave audiograms are heard as sound but usually needs background noise to be heard giving the illusion that the source of the background sound is the source of the pulsed audiogram transmission.
During my time as an unpaid quality assurance engineer for EEG heterodyning experimentation, I was able to achieve pure thought communication based on word meaning without internal voice or microwave hearing transmissions. It is creepy to be that close to someone else’s mind. While speaking a different language throws off the other hive mind participants and the sentence completion software, it doesn’t entirely prevent thought reading because words are mapped to concepts and meanings and those are conveyed if a good mind mapping has been achieved. (See The Promised Land for the Universal Translator concept).
“Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect.” is the title of a small business contract for the Department of Defense.
Communication initial results are: “The feasibility of the concept has been established” using both low and high power systems.
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request as to the project’s outcome met with denial on the part of the Air Force, on the grounds that disclosure “could reasonably be expected to cause damage to national security.”
Though the Air Force denied this FOIA disclosure, such a contract’s purpose is elaborated by the Air Force’s “New World Vistas” report: “It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction . . . . If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 5-15 kilohertz range, which is audible.
Thus it may be possible to ‘talk’ to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them.”
Robert O. Becker, whose eminence was enough to have been twice nominated for the Nobel Prize in biological electromagnetic fields research, is explicit regarding clandestine use: “Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with “voices” or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin.”
A microwave voice transmission non-lethal weapon is referenced in the thesaurus of the Center for Army Lessons Learned, which is a military instruction website (Vide infra for discussion of the analogously listed “Silent Sound” device.) 19
An article from a magazine that publishes notably non-mainstream views details microwave inner voice device demonstration by Dr. Dave Morgan at a 1993 classified Johns Hopkins sponsored non-lethal weapon conference, manufacture by Lockheed-Sanders, and used by the CIA, who call the process ‘voice synthesis’ or ‘synthetic telepathy.’
Electromagnetic signatures of spoken words applied to the head at very low field levels (1 microTorr), affect word choice significantly along the emotional dimensions of the applied word.
Though inspired by microwave hearing, this report is not of direct hearing.
The author suggests that such an influence, even though weak, could shift the direction of group decisions in large populations, and has previously elaborated on the possibility of a less specific electromagnetic influence on populations.
Psychic Spying Through Animals
The Navy has since the 40’s or earlier tried to train dolphins as suicide bombers. Dolphins swim silently. Strapping a bomb to them and getting them to approach an enemy submarine or boat was the goal. They now have complete remote control of sharks to do this trick. However, one civilian researcher in EEG cloning amplified someone else’s brain waves using magnetic coils to inject it into his brain. He could see a flash light bright spot in his vision where the cloned subject was looking into a bright spot light moving around. He felt really agitated during this experiment. He said he wouldn’t try it again. He started doing research with EEG heterodyning with dolphins. That is all I could track as to his progress.
Now interestingly, Neuroscience magazine reported that with electrodes implanted in a cat’s brain they could decipher the visual cortex and display the cat’s vision on a computer screen. It seems like a logical inference that you could then use animals’ visual cortex to do spying too. What would it be like to try and map other species’ minds onto a human, I wonder? Maybe we would all become vegetarians if we tried it and we could feel what other species feel. If not, we can still apply a consciousness metric to every species including fetuses. We can then make an informed decision about the line we draw and what we can kill without remorse.
The death doctors as they are called, performed an experiment using an implanted cyberlink from a child to an ape. The experiment was to see if the ape would recognize the little child’s mind and be calm when the child was put into the cage. The experiment failed and the child was killed immediately . Clearly, the DoD funded death doctors were very interested in controlling animals and viewing through their mind or eyes with this line of research.
Star Wars and SPAWAR
The division within the government that strategizes about space conflict is called SPAWAR, shortened from space wars. What many call science fiction, I know to be current science fact.
It took the top DARPA scientists almost five years to figure out what the Russians were doing to the U.S. embassy in Moscow. Clearly the best scientists do not work for the Department of Defense.
Earlier I described the disinformation campaign on destructive interference fringes called “scalar” waves by the weapons marketing division. Keep this in mind.
Let’s perform some thought experiments in the tradition of Einstein. So here is the problem rephrased. If two wave fronts destructively interfere at the point of measurement, how can you separate the photons such that you can determine whether a destructive fringe is being measured from two interfering wave forms? With normal measuring equipment, it would read zero in both the electric and magnetic fields.
A pinhole camera would block all but one path of the rays and reveal a single source of energy. A convex mirror would also separate the signal and amplify the very, very small angle of incidence. These are “scalar” detectors or scatter radar detectors. I leave the specifics of engineering one up to the reader.
The other way to look at the problem is to view the sources from a radio telescope to get the resolution necessary to separate the very separate sources of the energy and pinpoint them. It would take a very large dish to do this. This makes you wonder if this is why we invest so much as a country into looking at the stars. Using pinhole photography techniques to resolve scalar energy, can be difficult. The problem is that the frequency can be changed and hence the alignment of the holes would change. But that is the basic idea of how to turn an interference fringe (scalar gravity wave) into “free energy”.
All this technology can be discovered by researching Russian translated documents but so many of the ideas get lost in the verbatim translation. You need to understand the errors of translation between languages to get the nuances of the ideas.
All the lies and propaganda, makes one wonder if that perhaps through psychological warfare, i.e. propaganda, we have been persuaded to fight for the dark side of the force in the delusion that we are fighting for democracy and freedom.
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