Eye Tracking Interfaces
TAMI, SATAN, and MIND use eye tracking to control the interfaces. Eye trackers work by bouncing an infrared light off the eye ball or by imaging the pupil of the eyes. These interfaces make it simple enough for even a chimp to use these weapons systems. I found in my quest into the psychological communities historical research papers which postulates that schizophrenics can be identified through the saccadic eye movement frequency. Incredible how much the psychological community has been both used and duped to further the cover-up. If they were to acquire the help of current psychotronic hostages, they could look into the saccadic eye movement frequency modeling the expected number of eye gaze changes with multiple people. They could also see that the movement of the eyes using an eye tracking correspond to exact angles and frequencies of someone who would be using an interface like I describe. But the mathematical sophistication of most psychologists is lacking to demonstrate and prove what is obvious to us who know the systems in abuse. Plus if these tests were conducted properly, the heterodyned operators would simply go silent during them. A portable eye gaze recorder worn all the time with the visual scenery overlay would be required over a longer period of time to demonstrate and reverse engineer the menu driven interfaces to the experimenter’s satisfaction. (See Hacking the Hackers for how to control TAMI/SATAN operator’s eye gaze and use their visual interface against them.)
Extracting Information with Brain Printing
The Brain Print is an invention that is admissible in court. It demonstrates whether a suspect recognizes an event. Uncontrollable neural circuits fire if an event is recognized. With remote EEG readings, mental images can be presented to view the Brain Print guilt or recognition response. I practiced a technique similar to brain printing in order to extract the names of my assailants. Flashing letters and name fragments at high speed with our shared visual work space, I could feel when they recognized or panicked from the word fragment. It is a subconscious response when images are presented quickly and very difficult for one to learn how to control it. Like cracking a combination, I cycled through the various possibilities until I gathered the highest probability responses and tested them further when they had their guard down. This same technique can be used for facial recognition. By morphing different human faces at a rapid rate, one can use the brain print technique to stop on faces that the EEG heterodyned mind or traditional EEG probed mind recognizes. It may be their own face or someone they know.
As an example: Visual word presentations based on recognition response. Hacking the mind. This is easier than a brute force password hacking program because of the feedback. It is like safe cracking. One can listen to the tumblers fall into place.
Ewen C – some response
Cristopher Evens – higher response
Chris Evens – lower response
Christian Evenson – higher response
Kevin Christianson – higher response
Kevin Christian – highest recognition response from the feature set of brain printing.
Biopharmaceutical Remedies
Higher concentrations of neurotransmitters are required to effectively perform EEG cloning at safe energies. Due to the increased amplification at the synapses it requires less electromagnetic energy to nudge the brain into specific entrainments. There is an artificial Dopamine neurotransmitter called, L-Dopa. A subject could increase their susceptibility to electromagnetic influence by taking this which is temporary and reversible with no permanent damage. Similarly, if the pharmaceutical companies could come up with a dopamine repressor or blocker, psychosis whether electromagnetically induced, naturally occurring, or caused from damage to the reuptake mechanisms could be cured. It would at least make the energy required to induce synthetic psychotic symptoms using modulated neurotransmitter release more detectable.
Knowledge is Protection
“Choose life. I chose something else.” – Quote from a career military personnel whom I interviewed and probably unbeknownst to him, the movie “Train Spotting.”
Besides the technological protection methods I describe in this book against CIA RHIC, MKULTRA, and psychic warfare experiments, the best immunity you can have is the knowledge in this book. Some of the most important data they are collecting from these brutal experiments on people, relies on the fact that a target does not know what is happening to them. They are collecting effectiveness statistics before and after knowing of the existence of the weapon and programs. To protect your friends and family from this horror, give them this book to read and understand. Then they won’t be useful for these experiments. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Reduce your risk – Rid yourself of secrets
If you have ever worked at a secret base or on secret technology you are at risk of being silently assassinated like myself and my colleagues in order to minimize the risk of leakage. This is often the rationalization in their twisted minds. If I could go back in time, I would have divulged all information in untraceable ways to the world since that is what I am sure lead to my colleagues’ assassinations and my tortures.
Once the secrets are out, they will have no reason to kill you. Be careful that it is untraceable so that they can’t pursue legal retaliation. Use spoofed email addresses and multi-routed cloaked IP addresses or just drop it in the mail to foreign embassies or conspiracy websites. The beautiful thing about mind manipulation technology is that you can’t ever be sure whether you are giving a false confession due to memory implants or forced speech. Of course you could always pull a President Regan and not remember due to EDOM (electronic dissolution of memories).
My physical torture waned over a period of two weeks after I finally gave into revealing what I knew of interest and the whole ordeal mostly ended on its anniversary of Halloween 2005. This has allowed me to regain many of my mental functions in order to write this book. I did not publish under the pseudonym, “The Saint”, to protect myself from government retaliation. I have been very outspoken at conferences, rallies, and organizational meetings. I am sure that I am on every watch list invented by the conspiracy agencies. I published under the pseudonym because of the stigma attached to being tortured, raped, and brutalized. Most rape victims keep quiet even though 1 out of 3 women are raped in their lifetime.
Someone needs to teach other governments to deprogram the CIA mind control assassins, to flush out double agent that are using hypnosis, split personalities, and EEG Heterodyning to pass their polygraphs and brain printing technologies.
Hopefully designs of zero emission Tempest standard labs and shelters will proliferate. If the state of the art remote mind melding and CIA interrogation tactics and psychic defenses against them are known by everyone perhaps this technology will be turned over to the people and regain constitutional controls. The goal is to make this weapon useless through education thereby accelerating the timeframe that the military/CIA will declassify and release the information to the public, so all the beneficial uses of the technology can come to fruition. According to Air Force scientists working on the weaponization of the technology, they plan to keep it secret until the year 2030. By that time, most if not all of the test victims should be dead, tortured to death for the remainder of their lives by the automated system.
Stupid Alien Tricks
When I speak the truth and get upon my pedestal to preach, the aliens like to say, “Bite your tongue!” Followed by trying to force my tongue out of my mouth while they chomp down on their teeth. Evil aliens are so immature.
Warnings of mass mind control side effects
Like with any psychoactive drug, the long term effects of neuron amplification through microwave induction or other means, will render an individual dependent on the increased stimulus. The brain’s chemistry will adapt to compensate for the extra pushes that it gets from the external electromagnetic energy. If the entire population were to be put onto the TAMI network, they would become dependent on the signal since birth. If the signal were suddenly removed through a space war against the satellites or ionospheric heaters, the people would turn into zombies, unmotivated and blissfully and ignorantly compliant (more than they are now). Like Brad Pitt said in the movie Fight Club, ”They would be calm as cattle.” They would be easy to subdue and herd. That is a nice built-in military fallback mechanism that some will experience should they find ESR, MRI, and superconducting sanctuary.
Signs of Psychic Spying and Espionage
A psychic spy generally doesn’t need to be too careful these days about with whom they EEG heterodyne because the capability is not very well known and people are still in disbelief of its existence. But in the not too distant future they will need to be more careful, for those in-the-know will be watching for the signs. A psychic spy will need to practice remaining still and their eye movements will need to follow the targets eye gaze naturally. A psychic spy who sits in front of computer monitors in a comfortable chair will find themselves out of habit rocking back and forth as many of us do. This causes a heterodyned target to rock their hips back and forth like a fidgety young child while they are standing. Although being able to control the targets eye movements is important in surveying a room, it is also detectable by those trained to observe this “mixed will”. All a target needs to do is try to stare at a fixed spot for a duration of time. Normally you can keep your eyes steady on that point. With one or more heterodyned minds, you will naturally get multiple urges to move your eyes in the direction of any of the other heterodyned people who are usually looking at monitors. More people in the hive mind, the less likely they can synchronize their ability to stare and gaze at a point. The other reason this is so difficult for the psychic spies to do is that their computer interfaces are driven by infrared eye trackers . Additionally, many people can hear a very artificial sounding tinnitus from the microwave energy. The tinnitus can be a very loud, steady multi-toned square wave generated above 10khz or as in my case it sounds either like a star trek computer with a full range of pinging and bleeps or a 3.2 hz science fiction like phasor sound. If the auditory cortex is not mapped correctly, the target will hear crackling and hissing instead.
Supposedly in the case of pure EEG cloning where the target is uninfluenced, then she/he won’t have any of the aforementioned signs. However, this is much more difficult to do for a psychic spy since their mind needs to be more flexible and follow the targets brain entrainments completely. If the target thinks quickly, they can not lock on in this mode very successfully unless there is an exact match already in the MIND database.
Glitch in the Matrix
“A machine for every man, women, and child? That sounds like the thinking of a machine to me.” – Morpheus, The Matrix
One way one knows if they are being heterodyned is a thought, a visual after image, or voice is repeated several times. This is a technique to synchronize the two or more EEG patterns. Everyone has to be on the same wavelength (pun intended). A snapshot of the visual workspace (mind’s eye) can be captured, held, or replayed at a later time. These events are the so called, glitches in the matrix, a necessary side effect of synchronization.
Controlling and reading every person’s mind requires a program specifically with their cognitive configuration. This is the rationale behind the EEG Cloning and Cataloging operations. There is truly a machine for every man, woman, and child working behind the curtain of secrecy.
Password Protection
With this type of psychic surveillance, nothing is private, not even your thoughts. Since the illegitimate and illegal powers that be are using this surveillance method treasonously on their countrymen, we must now cope with new problems. In order to protect your passwords and access to your encrypted information, you need to protect your passwords from yourself. Get a random password generating program that masks the password from your own eyes. These programs that are used mostly to store the tens or hundreds of passwords one need to access various financial, email, an other accounts on the internet also prevent this kind of password stealing. You only need to know one password to access the main encrypted database which is stored locally on your computer. So it would be very difficult for these spy agencies to steal your passwords and access or modify your accounts from another location. They would need to physical break into your dwelling to gain the data.
Angular Modulation of RADAR Reflective surfaces
To disrupt the synthetic aperture, full spectrum radar and imaging techniques, changing the reflective direction of the radar signals makes it difficult for them to adapt to the environment. Using material as simple as Mylar (metalized plastic film), loosely surrounding a shelter with a fan blowing changes the deflection angles of the radar. It only works for a limited frequency range, but reduces the effectiveness of their imaging and influencing techniques.
You can think of this technique as similar to stealth technology using EM radar dampening material, sharp deflection angles, MRI/ESR field gradient disruptors, and electron gyro frequency noise generators, scalar interferometry distorters and superconducting magnetic mirrors.
Changing the specular reflection angles of the incoming radar signal through mechanical modulated plates will change the radar signature enough to throw off some automated tracking algorithms.
Super Shields
An alchemist friend gave me a recipe to help us deflect the witches hypnotic spells. He said to use a smidgen of Yttrium, a dabble of Barium, and a pinch of Copper in the ratios of 1,2,3. Smelt it in the fires of Vulcan at 1000 degree Celsius to forge a superconducting shield which when cooled by the breath of Zephyr to 77 degrees Kelvin will protect us from the witches hexes and spells .
Superconductors have the special property of being a perfect magnetic mirror. This is why a magnet will float on top of them. For MEG magnetic brain readings at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories they had to use a superconducting shield to block the external noise for their SQID readings. A superconductor slab creates an electric current that exactly opposes an impinging magnetic field.
Research into thin film superconductors will eventually yield cheap and affordable Scalar RADAR and magnetic resonance shields. But if the “Evil Aliens ” have selected you for torture experiments, then a rather expensive superconductor chamber with electric field disruptors may be your only refuge . Perhaps our political leaders will wisely decide to super shield Congress and the Whitehouse to avoid undue electromagnetic influence from the conspiracy or foreign governments. Of course black mail will always be effective. Juries and Judges will someday need their chambers super shielded for the same reasons.
Dispelling Myths
Thanks to the MIT professors and students who worked to dispel the disinformation agents much promoted aluminum tinfoil beanies myth, which were claimed by movies and websites to protect one from the directed energy weapons and brain wave reading. It turns out that the aluminum acts like an antenna and actually enhances body resonance signatures in the suspected FCC allocated military bands. However many have gotten relief from the EM RADAR noise that causes symptoms from mild discomfort to outright torture by grounding Mylar shielded rooms. See the guide on RADAR, scalar interferometry, hypnosis, electron spin resonance disruptors and shielding in the Appendix.
The Source of the Killing Signals
Interesting to note that ionospheric heaters have popped up all over the world.
- Arecibo, Puerto Rico (built 1953-1960 ).
- Fairbanks, Alaska (HAARP 1990).
- Tromso, Norway
- Ukraine
- Russia
- Tadzhikistan
- Brazil
- Armidale, New South Wales
- Platteville, Colorado (1969)
- Australia
- Jicamarca, Peru
- Millstone Hill, Massachusetts
Here are some of the listed capabilities of these facilities:
- Incoherent Scatter Radar (stealth scalar Radar)
- VHF radar (operating within brain resonance frequencies)
- UHF radar (operating within head resonance frequencies)
- HF receivers (operating within body resonance frequencies)
- Fluxgate magnetometer
- Induction magnetometer (possibly useful for detecting the low intensity magnetic field brain manipulation methods in case another country tried to use them on the Shadow Government)
- Stimulated electron emission observations (this is similar to ESR imaging techniques)
- Gyro-frequency heating research (this is another ESR,MRI like imaging technique. With a variation that might be used in the imaging over large areas using synchronized gyro-frequencies for EM absorption or reflection angles. )
- Spread F observations
- Heating induced scintillation observations (another surveillance technology)
- VLF and ELF generation observations (brain wave frequencies)
- Radio observations of meteors and ballistic missile reentry. (Strange how we spend so much money on looking at meteors and the sky, but seemingly don’t take interest in relieving the suffering here on Earth. Perhaps we should take the efforts to observe the universe with a grain of salt. It is just another way to couch technology development for military applications.)
Actual picture of the HAARP mind reading and influencing and over the horizon radar facility being constructed in 1990, sent to me by a saint who worked on it. The largest phased array in the world stretches beyond what the eye can see. This is not the field that has tortured the most Americans. Brazil’s or Puerto Rico’s ionospheric heaters are the most likely candidates. But they are all integrated now into the “Global Human Surveillance Grid” that I was duped into helping integrate.
So, this spread of terrestrial high powered extremely large antenna is very suspect. While satellites could be involved in the integrated world wide surveillance of human beings, it may be difficult for them to generate the power of the directed energy over the area that I measured during the severest attacks on me. My back of the envelope calculations from the power output and Gaussian distribution over the area targeting my neighborhood gave me a figure above 500 kW that greatly depended on how far the field extended. This is within the power ranges of most of the ionospheric heaters listed earlier. There are other coincidences. I deduced the methods of surveillance through many simple experiments during the year of the attack on me which happen to correspond to the capabilities of these so called “ionospheric heaters”.
More suspect behavior on the part of the military is that the two over the horizon radars / ionospheric heaters are based about equal distance from the continental U.S. Total internal reflection from the ionosphere is optimal for power transference from antenna to target arena.
So the best guide to pinpointing when and where the first mind control radio network was established is to follow the trail of possible victims back in time and look at when the mass media streams began prepping the population for the human experiment trials.
While I stated in the introduction that TAMI came on line in 1976, that was only one system. There were earlier ones. John Nash, noble prize winner, and made famous by the movie, “A beautiful mind”, worked for the NSA then apparently had sudden onset schizophrenia afterwards. This is a suspect case. It seems too intentional in its message, “Really smart people who worked on top secret government projects can become crazy overnight.” His illness began in 1960. That is the date that the Puerto Rico ionospheric heater came online according to several documents. HAARP is often implicated in the mass torture experiments the US is conducting but it didn’t come online until 1990 and is probably only a backup system or meant to cover a different portion of the world. Remember that the mind control technology came from the Nazi scientists that were smuggled into the US after WWII, in 1945.
The TV series, “The Outer Limits”, began broadcasting a common theme in almost every episode in 1963. Every episode deals with evil aliens, psychic mind control, abductions, futuristic technologies, and zombification or mental enslavement from aliens. The DoD and CIA are not an extremely creative group. The evil alien propaganda has worn thin by today and completely overused. Satanic cults, demonic possessions, poltergeists, and other wacky ridiculous stories are now in vogue to dupe the gullible masses and help those they torture and kill for data to cope with the betrayal of their government and people. However “mental illness” is still their golden psychological mass mind program. Interestingly, those closest to the evil elements like enlisted men are the most likely to believe the technology and brutality while doctors are the group quickest to jump to the programmed response and irresponsible diagnosis of “mental illness.”
Nash may have been a threat because he wasn’t working on cracking encryption codes as the movie contends, he was probably working on decision matrices and game theory for military applications or even for cognitive modeling and psychology of mass persuasion. His research interests were not in encryption like the movie would have you believe. He won the noble prize for his work with game theory and optimizing decision models such as the famous Nash equilibrium used in economic theory. You can see how cognitive decision modeling would be more up his alley and aligned with the development of this system. He could have posed a major threat of leakage to civilian researchers or continued advancement on his own ideas. Another interesting coincidence is that Nash was forced into insulin shock therapy by his wife which was used to treat psychosis in that day. Insulin shock therapy is another way to torture and split a personality thereby erasing the memory of the person or at least making the memories inaccessible. Directed Energy weapons can be used to induce diabetes as I stated earlier based on the World Health Organization literature. One victim got diabetes and then was manipulated into inducing insulin shock therapy through EEG cloning by messing with that person’s ability to sense the symptoms of going dangerously low in blood sugar. Nothing has changed with their techniques other than it can all be done with EEG cloning remotely and with better plausible denial.
So, the low hanging fruit if the people ever get fed up with tyranny, the illusion of freedom, and being killed and plucked off the planet to be an alien weapon test decimal point, they may want to organize in order to defend themselves and try to fry the electronics of all these “research” facilities simultaneously. Be creative; find a way to stop this! Poison space if disabling these antenna fields fails to stop the world wide tortures. Build superconducting shielded rooms. I put the recipe in the appendix to make your own relatively cheaply . Build ESR and MRI field jammers. Stop the subterranean half humans! I also put a list of joint command and control bases in the appendix that are suspected of housing many of the traitors.
The rumor is that many of EEG Cloning Army is located in a Californian semi-secret base on the edge of Death Valley, near some mountains where there are 50 miles of underground tunnels and a very large signal intelligence and communications war room. The evil aliens are most likely kept in their cages there. I thought that I’d mention it in case people who are being tortured want to speak to their killers face to face. Two twin girls who were tortured and made into CIA split personality spy slaves were used to assassinate people and prostitute themselves to the politicians in order to collect black mail so that US politicians could be controlled by the executive branch of government also wrote a book called, “Secret Weapons”. I highly recommend it for another true story and perspective on the depravity and shameful heritage American’s sweep under the rug.
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