Another Apology
Again I must reiterate. I know that I blast whole groups of people with generalizations of occupations, affiliations, and organizations. I apologize profusely to those people who happen to fall into one of the categories that I scold but who do not fit the mold. Just remember if the ruby slippers fit, wear them Dorothy.
Stupid Human Tricks
So to make the ignorant public (that’s you) more aware of the “voice of God” technologies that exist and are being used to manipulate religious groups and the like, I will be pranking people with ultrasonic directed acoustic heterodyning and a parabolic microphone like the setup the Japanese candid camera show I mentioned earlier had. At a reasonable distance, I will be able to project my voice at an unsuspecting person and if they respond out loud, I will be able to hear them. But, I will be nowhere in sight. If you suddenly begin hearing aliens, satanic cults, God, or dwarfs speaking to you and your friend next to you doesn’t hear it, it might be me if it lasts only 30 seconds and I tell you that you have been pranked, or much worse that it is the usual suspects in the US government and you will be tortured for years. People who have experienced the three types of “voice to skull” technologies can distinguish between the sounds, but few are experts in all them all. Hopefully the message will get out. It is incredible how much people rely on those little boxes called TVs for their reality. When I describe the details of how wide spread EEG cloning experiments are, everyday people almost always respond, “Well, if that’s true why haven’t I heard about it on the news?” Just what if the news wasn’t allowed to talk about certain topics and the information streams were controlled as tightly as we think communist counties information to their population is controlled? The news wouldn’t publish the thousands of people’s claims who the government fed radiation to either when it was happening. Nothing changes except the delusion of democracy get better as the actuality furthers.
Entrainment Disruptors
The microwave hearing effect can be overpowered by another signal. It looks like individuals need to be tuned. Simple acoustic binaural beating jammers also work somewhat to weaken the focus of attention on the integration of the signal into voice.
Breaking the hypnosis and electromagnetic trance of rhythmic base brain waves can be done temporarily by focusing on none rhythmic sound patterns like this logarithmic clicking sound file, repeatedly.
Experiments with Signal Strength and Disruption
Like with cell phones which frequently encounter dead spots or lost connections, the direct brain link on the MIND network also encounters noise or drop outs. But unlike with audio noise, neural noise is perceived much differently. And unlike a dropped cell phone connection, the communications reestablishing technologies like multipath and adaptive signal strengthening and background noise estimation very quickly reestablishes the link.
I found what I jokingly refer to as psychic protection points. These are geographic spots that for some reason interfere or reduce the neural link strength. The San Francisco Bay Bridge has at least two spots while driving over that cause the neural link to drop out. Unfortunately, you can’t walk across the bridge to stand in those zones. A drop out of an EEG heterodyned neural link simple feels like a relaxing or quieting of the mind, less neural chatter or babble from the participant minds. A noisy neural link doesn’t cause a hissing or white noise like sound in the synthetic telepathy but rather takes on different forms depending on the focus of attention. If the brain stops interpreting the “tinnitus” or Taos hum, due to misalignment of the energy pulses or unequal binaural perceived sound match as voice, just the hum or melodic tinnitus is perceived from very subtle or up to 120 decibels. But if one uses Mylar and other metalized synthetic polyeurothane deflection and absorption shielding around their body, they will perceive non-sequitorial thoughts and images ever so slightly or even the microwave hearing effect words can become garbled, sounding like a computer generated random sequence of phonemes. However the disruptive shielding effects and degaussers are usually only temporary and the neural link is reestablished by the very impressive adaptive algorithms. The neural link is much less prone to disruptions due in part to the low bandwidth requirements. Voice can go as high as 10,000 Hz but brain bandwidth can be as small as 2,000 Hz. In addition to the low bandwidth requirement, the brain has a natural tolerance for fleeting errors. The information is encoded in the timings of the pulses and compressed in the complexity of the brain structure itself. One could analogize the signal timing to represent a page, paragraph, sentence and word of a book each adding context to the information stream.
The information is already almost all contained in the book it just needs to be referenced in some order to create new thoughts from that previous work. You can see how a brain link has some encryption and compression built into its very nature. Only the person who holds the private key, i.e. the cognitive map of the target, can decipher the signal and since the deciphering key changes at every moment in time depending on the current brain state, interception of the signal is almost worthless to normal signal intelligence interception methods.
Unfortunately many victims have been tricked into believing that if they shield their computers and monitors better it will cut down on the near field antenna effect. They have been trained by pain signals to believe this. All extra electromagnetic noise is good at reducing the signal to noise ratio for reading bioelectricity. Similarly, most have been trained not to sleep on spring mattresses. The coils probably interfere with their signal to noise ratio too.
Blinding the Cyclops
By using fixed location phased array antenna fields one can create directed energy that appears like it is coming from any direction. But in fact, the antennas are fixed. They can bounce their energy off of surfaces like the ionosphere. But the directions of the intersecting heterodyning beams are really stationary. That means the killing signals have an exact direction that can be calculated by ray tracing your location to the ionosphere back to the 4 or 5 directed energy antenna fields, aka over the horizon radar. Those are the directions you want to block to weaken the nervous system disruptor or the surveillance system’s secondary effects for “electrically sensitive” individuals. Another idea is to blind the Cyclops. By blocking one of the intersecting beams even if they have a very small angle between them, you can then detect the “gravity” wave or carrier signals, i.e. pinhole photography. Even if the carrier signal is hidden in deterministic broad band noise, you should be able to amplify it and direct it towards the ionospheric heaters. By amplifying the carrier wave and rebroadcasting it in the right direction, the signal to noise ratio would be nearly completely brought down to zero and your bioelectric information can no longer be read with this technique.
Detecting Scalar, Interferometric, Gravity Waves or Scatter Radar
Rather than go into details of the many methods used to disentangle the two or more nearly perfectly aligned cancelling carrier signals, I will just point the interested reader to the US Patent Office for scalar wave detectors:
- #6,753,690 Interferometric signal processing apparatus
- #6,420,872 Probe for detecting a transient magnetic resonance signal, wherein the ratio of the Q of the probe to the Q of the resonance signal is relatively large filed by the Secretary of the Navy. Always look at patents filed by the DoD with a critical eye, strategic deception is often the purpose. But this patent looks plausible.
Here is a basic scalar wave detector design. Normally the waves destructively interfere and create a nearly zero electromagnetic field reading, but by putting in pinhole lens perfectly aligned, one can get a focused image of one of the sources in a phased array. The difficulty is the wavelength can change and if satellites are used, they are probably moving targets. If ionospheric heater phased arrays are the main source, then the task becomes much more practical by the armature investigator.
Portable Bioelectric Field Scramblers
“Don’t Cross the Streams. Crossing the Plasma Streams is bad.”
– Ghost Busters
Wrong advice. Mixing the plasma is good to rid yourself of the ghost in the machine.
Disrupting the electron spin alignments using ion generators works to weaken ESR surveillance and EEG cloning attacks.
Since ESR/EPR (electron spin resonance/electron spin polarity resonance) technique is one of the major methods of monitoring citizen’s brain activity, one should be hypothetically able to build a portable device that scrambles the ionic “heating” of the body’s surface charges. Something as simple as an irregular astable high voltage oscillator with skin contact may do the trick. However, the high voltage ionic charges may not migrate away from the point of skin contact so something like a thin wire threaded conducting jacket may be necessary to provide a larger area of field disruption. The idea is to lower the signal to noise ratio containing the modulated bioelectric field information in the ionic electron gyro frequency.
Magnetic field modulation will also disrupt the bioelectromagnetic field information contained in the electron spin. This is why magnetic jewelry items are so popularly worn to alleviate pain for millions of people who are sensitive to the global human surveillance system’s biofield reading mechanisms. However the magnetic jewelry has a static magnetic field except when one is moving. The adaptive filtering algorithms of the system will rather quickly learn to filter out any steady or regularly oscillating signals.
As a side note, I want to dive into Russian theories of biocommunication in their psychic research from the late 60’s. The entire field was a study of how neuron electrical fields could be picked up, amplified and received by someone else. The first break through was using EEG probes to read the brains electrical activity and modulate it with (high voltage) electrical fields around a person who was placed in a sensory deprivation tank for a week or longer. The person who was in the sensory deprivation chamber would begin to interpret the electrical modulation as his/her own sensory organs. So it was learned that the human brain is adaptable enough to interpret almost anyone else’s electrical brain patterns as their own. This is the “sixth sense” phenomenon. Except in this example the “psychic” or person in the sensory deprivation chamber is like Helen Keller and has no senses of their own so this is pure EEG cloning or in other words a substitution of their own senses and some higher level cognitive pathways mimicking the external brain signal. Monkey see, monkey do. We can not escape our 96% DNA similarity to chimpanzees. It is an inherent property of self organizing neural networks. This is why we conform, why fads spread, why culture exists, and traditions feel good.
“Psychic spies” are like dummies or scarecrows. They are just receptacles for someone else’s brain signals. Due to the sensory deprivation to make their brains entrain on the external signals, they become stupid or brain dead if and when they are disconnected from the signal. Our military was merely supposed to be a bunch of scarecrows to frighten off other countries from invading. What happened? Why are the scarecrows the aggressors? Why do they get positions of power in the government?
Once it was known that human brains are mostly compatible and can learn any one else’s patterns, it became weaponized. Inducing one or more brain patterns into someone could also be done. This is just like piggy backing various brain signals. It matters not whether it is a voltage gradient on your skull or a synaptic voltage from a nearby neuron. It is like stealing that person’s soul. “Body Snatchers” might have been another movie inspired by the large testing of the world’s population of this weapon. Killing someone psychically is probably the most cowardly act in human history. Even the lion from the wizard of Oz had more courage. (See the section on psychic assassinations). And I’m sure the tin man had more heart than any of the scum in the US CIA/DIA/Military that continues the MKultra tortures and Artichoke programming of assassins to do their dirty work. Thousands if not more are tortured under this program, but you will never hear about it in the very controlled information streams. I’m so proud of what my ancestors fought and died for, to create a country based on lies and torture. If only we had a little more secrecy we would all feel safer. Please ignore the mental midgets behind the curtain of secrecy playing fascist gods, they are unimportant.
Ionic Heating Frequency Scramblers
There are two possible mechanisms of action in order to “heat” the ions so that their electron gyro frequency and angular momentum are synchronized or that they create the high electron voltage necessary to induce neurotransmitter release. First there is a microwave frequency that causes ionizing to occur . Secondly, electrical body resonance or head resonance would induce the desired gyro frequency alignment. The body electricity would be modulated into the stealth RADAR return intensity like a flickering candle or a twinkling star in the distance. So there must be a way to deresonate the body and head using their unique resonance frequencies. Perhaps messing up the ionizing frequency will also decrease the effectiveness of the surveillance technique. All these techniques will work under low intensity directed energy, but could probably be over powered if all the energy from these RADAR fields were focused on a very important target.
If I Only Had a Brain – The Scarecrow Effect
It should hypothetically be possible to record samplings of your own brain waves and modulate an external electric field with it so that the targeting and tracking mechanism would get confused and follow the EEG decoy, assuming you have no biotelemetric implants, GPS chips, or chemical markers. Since many methods are employed for surveillance of civilians, similar decoy methods would need to be implemented to throw off infrared thermal signatures, magnetic signatures. Body/head resonance manikins might be needed as well as traditional RADAR absorption and reflection signature alterations. Heart rhythm signatures can be fooled in a similar fashion to brain print signatures. I even worked on a technology that identified people by their unique gait.
Stealth Bomber RADAR Absorbing Insulators
Teflon has unusual insulating and charge collection properties that make it somewhat impermeable to ESR techniques or bioelectric modulation. A Teflon-like material is used on Stealth fighter planes. Saran Wrap is also a synthetic polymer with similar properties and sure enough it does prevent some ionic heating and has similar ESR radar absorption properties since it doesn’t conduct.
Thermal Signatures can be thrown off by electronically controlled Peltier Junctions used to cool microprocessors.
Scintillation techniques could be shielded by superconductor material. Remember that the radar fields are directional but they can bounce signals off other material in order to reach the target.
There are several more sensing technologies that you can read about on most physics websites such as NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance sister techniques like nuclear quadrupole resonance NQR). The object is to reduce the signal to noise ratio of all the tracking mechanisms in order to escape from the US virtual HELL and the global human surveillance grid.
Full Spectrum or Broad band RADAR
Another reason the biocommunication and surveillance technologies are so difficult to lose is that every wavelength is observed. So even if one blocks or jams several of the frequencies, there is always more of the spectrum. Here is what a ping from a broad spectrum RADAR pulse might look like:
A RADAR ping with an exponential intensity decay at one frequency would help the imaging software more easily figure out at what depth a return is from and compensate for any non-linearties in transmittance, absorption, or reflectance of a material.
The recorded readings from many government tortured test subjects’ houses had a variation of this waveform. It’s pings started at a high frequency then progressed to a low energy low frequency with a lower energy continuous saw tooth waveform background. This actually makes more sense given the mathematics from radio communication theory of the energy spread when heterodyning or modulating a progressively lower frequency to create a lower side band. Or in simpler terms, sweeping a high frequency carrier range of one of two heterodyned beams would create this lower frequency combined waveform.
It is a combination of every frequency up to some point. It could take the appearance of a broad background noise or in order to segment the frequency ranges better it might skip logarithmically up the frequency domain. Even square waves or saw tooth radar signals create good broad band returns because every square wave form is made up of the infinite sequence of every odd harmonic and the saw tooth is made up of every harmonic which gives a nice sampling of frequencies across the spectrum.
Low Probability of Detection, Scatter Radar
Ion Heating
During a severe directed energy attack, CCD (charge coupled devices) cameras become somewhat disabled due to the (charge build-up). During “hautings” the air becomes electrified, i.e. ionized. Knocking an electron out of orbit or just raising it to the outer most electron valence shell can be done with specific frequencies and thereby create ions, some negative and some positive. This is what the “ionospheric heaters” do. Once static electricity, (ions or cold plasma) is created, the single electron orbits are used to amplify electron spin resonance signals and reading methods for the synchronized gyro frequency of the electron orbits as well as traditional ion reflectance spectra. See the appendix for an example of how NASA tricks astronomers and cosmologists into developing weapons by saying they are interested in observing meteors in the ionosphere. They are so bold with their hints of the real uses, that they call the ion flash of a meteor the size of a baseball upon impact “The head echo effect” when observed by the puerto rico “ionospheric heater”/over the horizon radar. That is exactly what it is used on human heads not just meteors. They told the researchers that they can’t look more than 20 degrees from zenith due to physical restrictions of the setup. The real reason is that the radar signal passes into space at those angles and frequencies but they bounce back to Earth more than 20 degrees from Zenith. The “Head Echo Effect” location and tracking is exactly the same for human tracking. The flaws in the algorithms described in this paper are the same ones I discovered from my own experimentation.
How can we play the same game as the government with the secret NSA domestic spying?
We can organize a flood of the echelon system with false positives. Or use the method of auto-stereogram message passing to by-pass them completely. A multi billion dollar system is completely worthless at detecting anyone who tries to defeat it. It monitors your average citizen quite well though and helps bloat government with lots of federal government welfare jobs who get to pretend they are useful.
Ideas to take out the Weapons of torture and global Tyranny
Spraying an orbiting cloud of ferromagnetic charged and magnetized particles at low Earth orbit counter rotation for impacts and black outs of the satellite systems capable of being used for psychotronics would probably work. Large ground based solar ovens or lasers to lock on and heat the satellites above superconducting temperature might cheaply knock them out. Satellites over other countries airspace that can emit psychotronic weapons signals or directed energy should be shot down since they are an immediate threat to their countries security.
The internet has proven to be the most important vehicle of truth. I commend Google and other search engine companies for continuing a high standard of integrity for the quest of truth. The right to free speech is being trampled on by algorithms flooding the internet with disinformation to drown out the truth . I devised AI natural language parsing algorithms, to parse out truth from the “method” used to supplant it. By the way, type in “miserable failure” into Google to see a biography of George Bush.
Plead to the public
I hope America appreciates what I am doing by going public with this information. Since I was tortured for a year by something far worse than what McCain experienced and thrown into one of these secret mind control prisons for just being too knowledgeable, I imagine I will surely get a secret death sentence for telling the truth in a publication. I am hoping that more public exposure makes me safer instead. But monthly, I get the reports of how many psychotronic victims have perished and it doesn’t look good.
Poisoning Space
The US has 413 satellites and the rest of the world has 382. Because the United States has taken the course of installing many space based weapons, irresponsibly turning the pristine space into a battlefield of directed energy weapons, other countries should protect themselves by poisoning the airspace so the energy can’t focus. Also create scalar wave detectors and bounce directed energy off the ionosphere back to the 15 or so ionospheric heaters to blind them. Here’s an idea how. There are 8,000 tracked objects greater than the size of a golf ball.
A ferromagnetic charged particle cloud at 480KM (300 miles) above the Earth’s surface would greatly reduce remote sensing capabilities and targeting capabilities with directed energy weapons.
There are no laws that any country abides by in space. So putting up anti-psychotronic shields which would disrupt other satellite services too would be a smart defense to counter America’s expansionism phase, and to stop their soft kill weapons of assassination.
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