Taking Back Our Stolen History
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

The Non-Lethal Weapons Lie

In marketing, the concept is called brand confusion. That is where the consumer gets confused about the message or naming of a product. This is considered bad because there is value in the brand name based upon mind share and recognition. In the military deception game, brand confusion is very good. So having multiple names for the same weapon causes brand confusion. Nobody knows what anyone else is talking about if you keep changing the vocabulary. So here is a sampling of the many names this single weapon system has gone under:

Psi weapons, non-lethal weapons, directed energy weapons, cognitive modeling influencers, voice of god weapons, synthetic telepathy, EEG cloning, EEG heterodyning, neural telemetry, biotelemetry, scalar weapons, behavioral biophysics, microwave weapons, mind control, bioenergetics, neuroinfluencing, mind meld, remote interrogations, remote hypnotic intra cerebral control, neuralizer, RHIC, EDOM, telesuggestion, parapsychology, Radio Frequency weapons, psychotronics, radionics, telecybernetics, bioelectromagnetics, non-thermal effects research, remote brain wave monitoring, psychic spying, stealth radar, microwave interferometry, high frequency pulsed ELF waves, thought reader radar, informational weapons, and the list goes on for another 2 pages.

Now this is brand confusion in the extreme. It is easy to research what the criminals in the Shadow Government are up to because it is so easy to spot what they are trying to hide by what is obviously missing in a trend of research or how they use brand confusion to slow the information flow.

So the lie that is perpetuated in the military and communicated to others who must approve these weapons tests is that electromagnetic mind influencing is non-lethal. What that really means is that on the most part it takes awhile to kill someone. There is only a 5% increase risk of brain cancer my inside sources tell me. That is on par with cops that use speeding radar emitters’ increased rate of testicular cancer. It isn’t all that significant. The lethality of the EEG Heterodyning and directed energy weapons testing comes in very different forms. The whole category should be more accurately renamed “slow kill weapons” or “unpredictably deadly weapons”. But it would be far more difficult to internally market a classification like this for budgeting purposes.

The ways the technology becomes deadly is both on purpose and accidental. See the section on silent assassinations.

Whores of Wars

The famous Bush family lies.

Clinton lies. Porter Goss lies. “Creative Interpretation of laws”. He too is guilty of not keeping a leash on his dogs of war and the hounds of hell.

Using dupe public relations personnel to lie.

Caveat Emptor (buyer beware)

Carefully constructed and thoroughly thought out psychographic maps of buyer behavior are constructed by the most sophisticated marketing companies in world like Proctor and Gamble. The goal of all marketing is to get to ‘yes’. It’s goal in a capitalist framework is not to impart well rounded truth so a buyer can optimize the maximum utility for him/herself. Our rational conscious mind should allow most people to filter out the biases of the information. However, hypnosis, subconscious and subliminal control enters the mind at a level that allows the information to be accepted at face value without these conscious filters. It is extremely dangerous for our own personal welfare. The hypnosis and subliminal programming can be done by these directed energy mind control weapons while a person sleeps. The rabbit hole goes deeper than this.

Military Myths

What is a psychic?

How they are found.
Why they are psychics. Chemical messengers vs. electrical. Verses easily hypnotized.

The word “Psychic” is also used as a joke amongst the cloners. “Psychic”, meaning of the mind, is also close to the word psychotic. I saw it twice in translated Russian literature on paranormal activity and psychic phenomenon that the word “psychotic” used accidentally in place of “psychic”. Also overly stimulated minds exhibit strong electrical signals and are easier to spot as well as piggy back the current electrical brain signals with others, i.e. neurotransmitter modulations. Intellectuals and schizophrenics exhibit increase electrical brain activity. The other condition that determines this slang use of the word “psychic” is the disability of the subject to be easily hypnotized. Or in other words their brains entrain to external stimuli quickly.

Those that have been marked by what the underground has termed “nanotech” are more easily illuminated and tracked. I suspect the nanotech replaces the radiation that used to be fed to half a million Americans. I would like to exhume the bodies of several victims to try to identify with an electron scanning tunneling microscope what the nanotech really is that supposedly is found in the cerebral fluid throughout the brain. If it exists at all. It would be a somewhat lame weapon if a battlefield had to be spayed with aerosol “nanotech” before EEG heterodyning weapons could be used.

Remember that the biocommunication signal piggybacks normal brain activity and needs to modulated existing neurotransmitter releases. So more neural activity, more strongly the biocommunication neural link is. This is why psychotics are often the targets of choice for experimentation.


“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.” – Shakespeare. As You Like It. 2/7.
But when you are EEG cloned you become part of the audience.

“You have already made your choices. You are here to understand why.” – The Oracle. The movie, ”The Matrix”.

One psychic phenomenon that is relevant to psychic warfare and EEG Heterodyning is the classic channeling of spirits beyond the grave. EEG Cloning feels like what is portrayed by Hollywood psychic channelers. It is a hypnotized, disassociated state that makes you feel that you are watching a movie but not participating in it. The reason for this subjective feeling of disassociation while fully cloning someone else’s brainwaves is due to the psychophysics phenomena of “choice”. If one has no “choices” of how their electrical brain wave patterns proceed because there were few decision nodes that were close to the firing threshold, they will not subjectively experience choice and feel like they are not participating in any decision. This is how the subjective experience changes, all due to the neuronal firing probabilities. The conscious subject experience is mapped to that probability. Now this is useful for the public at large to notice if a psychic war has initiated between countries. One should be able to notice a change of mental state resembling a feeling of being disassociated while they are being electromagnetically influenced, i.e. EEG cloned.

On the most part, society is ignorant of the scale of government stupidity. One can be fixed with knowledge but the other is forever.

Poisonous Memes, Mind Viruses, and Toxic Thoughts

Richard Dawkins coined the term “meme ”. He created a new field of study called mememics. It is a concept derived from evolutionary genetics, i.e. genes. Memes representing cultural fads, thoughts, and ideas replicate, mix, and mutate in the minds of groups as they spread. It is a way of analyzing abstract cultural concepts using the same rules and framework as genetic evolution. Of course the military and CIA had to weaponize the idea into mememic warfare which is executed through the divisions of psychological operations and information warfare units. When this kind of war is instituted on their country, it is renamed propaganda and strategic disinformation. The marketing terms used to treasonously attack your own country are important to get buy-in from your co-conspirators.

The Department of Defense has several life long projects that they are proposing and may have been approved by the time this book is published. One is to study the formation of relationships by people. How would you do that? This means spying on people for their entire lives without them knowing. Pretty scary how good they have become at marketing domestic spying. Secondly, how do you think they can actually implement this without the subject getting spooked that people are stalking or following them? EEG cloning is how they watch all their experiments. And lastly, what the hell is the DoD doing studying relationships? Do they want to become marriage counselors? No, they are studying mememic warfare. They are watching how information travels and trusts are built. It is a way to control and enslave the population in the end. It is a way to limit freedom of speech or more importantly its influence. It is a way to mold the culture according to their twisted, dictatorial, sociopathic, brainwashed ideals, not American or constitutional values. It is the tail wagging the dog.

So what is next on DARPA’s/DoD’s/CIA’s plate to create and integrate into TAMI? The proposed projects that have crossed my path in my research are worse than Total Information Awareness, the V and Clipper Chips, Echelon, and NSA domestic spying combined. It is hidden in the DoD’s proposal to study how relationships form. Sounds innocuous enough, doesn’t it? The application that is planned to come out of it is to track all relationships and connections. While in strategic sales, I used to create influence maps. These maps are an analysis of who in a company influences sales and technology decisions and other people. They have weighted links between the various players.

TAMI will eventually be used to track neural information flows between people. Once this happens, the matrix of deception will be complete and the free world will be lost and replaced by an illusion acceptable to most. At the highest level, this program will allow the operator to click on a person (either his or her neural profile, location, or name) and display a 3-D mesh of interrelated people and the strength of their relationships. The links are displayed in proportion to metrics like the number of emails, phone calls (Remember the NSA phone database), letters, or face to face conversations they have had. TAMI can automatically keep track of people’s proximity to each other and determine whether a conversation is occurring from the back and forth verbal exchange pattern. This way, information leaks that may wake a larger portion of the population up to the fascist takeover, can be silenced through a number of methods ranging from disinformation intervention, subliminal neural influence and reprogramming, to plausibly denied “natural” deaths in the extreme.

{Sketch of 3-d rotatable multi-nodal relationship maps}

How far has the study of mememic and information warfare gone? When the Pentagon was setting up the psychic warfare unit, they recruited the worst prison inmates from around the country back in the 70’s. Why would you do this? By finding the scum of the scum, the worst subhuman creatures on the planet, they were testing a new kind of warfare. TAMI (thought amplifier and mind interface) is being used to amplify and multiply these toxic minds onto other people to see if they become violent or self destructive. Interesting weapon indeed! This is truly the definition of a mind virus. To bring it back to the movie “The Matrix”, agent Smith becomes a virus replicating his destructive personae on anyone he comes into contact with.

You can imagine the kinds of economic espionage this weapon would have on a culture. Strange that they are also conducting economic espionage on the U.S. for these large tests without the Secret Service being the wiser.

During one of my searches through information warfare documents I came across the strange strategy of making an enemy search down a seemingly endless path of misinformation. I thought this to be a strange kind of warfare and wondered how it could be implemented. But I discovered it is being used on test victims. All victims go through the same research process to try to figure out how their brain waves are being modulated. In evitably they go to the internet to search for mind control weapons. It will lead you to Bearden’s websites which are all in the top 50 hits. Here the discussion takes on the form of scalar waves and Russian weapons. Strange and mystical like pseudo sciences are introduced where interfering electromagnetic waves and photons get new bazaar qualities when they meet and cancel their fields out. This is not a mistake. I immediately recognized it to be an example of information warfare on the victim community. Who else reads this stuff? It takes you down an endless maze of crazy physics and Telsa technology of free energy that no one will acknowledge in western science. Scalar waves which is just a special case of interferometry can be used as a stealthy radar technique like what was used on the U.S. embassy in Moscow.

But the research doesn’t say that, it talks about purposefully misleading things in the absurd. The military is conducting information warfare operations on the U.S. public. You will find that nearly all x-military connected researchers in this area are misinformation agents. Anti-gravity waves is another example of this misinformation campaign. When the photons fields exactly cancel each other out, some scientists refer to the resulting beam as gravity waves. Photons have momentum or E=mc2 which means energy even if not measurable has mass. So yes one could say that scalar waves are gravity waves in essence. But momentum of a photon is its energy divided by the speed of light. It is ridiculously small to be useful as a repulsive gravity beam device as some Russian scientists claim. Apparently the Russians are very involved in the scientific espionage game too. Superconductors will create reflected “gravity waves” from any incoming EM source because they create an opposite electromagnetic field to cancel and exactly oppose EM beams.

So the CIA/DoD has created a true mind virus. This is how it works. When they choose a target to be silently assassinated and MKULTRA tortured, they use a set of scripts that have worked in the past to confuse targets and make them look crazy. These scripts evolve depending on the beliefs of the target. At each branch of the growing base of knowledge and understanding, errors of logic are interjected in the mind meld. Other sources support the slightly illogical conclusions that targets reach. You will have other people talk about their alien abduction. You will find the misinformation supported on the internet under strategic key words. While the victim tries all the possible routes of understanding, the mind virus hive is collecting the false ideas that that person comes to and tries to amplify that line of thinking. They are also collecting any new paths of thinking to be added to the collection of misinformation scripts to be used on other people. This is a mind virus. It replicates and destroys minds. It needs TAMI and an army of broken minds to be really effective but the information virus can replicate through tradition information streams too.

There is evidence that perhaps this isn’t just an exercise any more. Both the TWA flight 800, Waco, and the Oklahoma bombing investigations were botched and many experts involved in all these investigations said that the wrong conclusions were found. Mememic information warfare would account for this, assuming no blatant corruption in the chain of command occurred.

The balance between good and evil might be equivocated to the imbalance of virtuous memes vs. selfish ones. The ‘Me’ meme selfish gene ‘generation’ would be an example of an imbalance occurring between the survival advantages of altruistic ideas that benefit the whole and selfishness which benefits the individual at the expense of the whole.
Altering an enemies country’s culture so that it becomes more selfish, superstitious, or criminal would be a use for mememic warfare for example.

Secrecy Spawns Mind or Mememic Viruses

In order for higher order systems to become viral, secrecy needs to be the fertile ground in which they can incubate. Government programs and agencies under the umbrella of “National Security” have become this fertile ground for spawning the culture and ideas that are suboptimal to the entire human race and difficult to conceptualize without dedicated study.

Mind Viral Warfare

There is another hypothesis that is greatly disturbing that we must consider as a possibility which is a result from the bazaar and grotesque research of the cognitive modeling and neuroscientists who have worked for the “conspiracy”. That is a nearly perfect simulation of a demented mind has been created. That single model could be reused by a computer during these EEG cloning experiments. That demented mind model I will refer to as the mind virus. It is the most perfectly mentally deranged psychopathology that the CIA/DoD monsters could come up with. That simulated mind virus could be “grown” into anyone via virtual neurons and the self organizing nature of biological neural networks. (See the section on Virtual Neurons for a better understanding of biocommunication technology). EEG cloning would allow this weapon to scale to large population sizes by cloning this mind virus with all its toxic thoughts into anyone if the weapon system targeted his/her body/brain signatures. It only requires more computing power to add unlimited scalability. This is how EEG cloning could be used as a full scale weapon without requiring a real army behind it.

Is there evidence that the mind virus exists? Yes. Many of the idiosyncrasies of the EEG heterodyned personalities are similar. For example, several torture test subjects state that their EEG cloner wiggles their tongue all the time like a snake (which causes the victim to wiggle their tongue). This is a very unusual nervous habit and to find it accidentally reported by more than two people leads one to believe it might be the same cognitive model simulation running. There have been several “personality types” described in detail that match other personality types reported from other victims. The conversations and scripts are nearly identical in hundreds of cases. There could be several variations of mind viruses that they are testing. Perhaps the setup is one simulated toxic mind virus and a couple loosely connected real heterodyned people to observe the progression of induced mental illness and record the success of the mind virus.

Remember in the movie The Matrix Revolutions where Agent Smith becomes a virus and starts cloning himself into everyone he touches. There only needs to be one nearly perfect cognitive model like this. The super computer can evolve and simulate multiple copies of that mind virus for everyone. Think about this mind virus as a much more advanced Elisa artificial intelligence program. However, rather than based on just words and some logical inference engine, it uses a neural network model. It is fairly easy to extrapolate what weapons they are developing using the 1% of the population with schizophrenia or wrongly diagnosed with it. Now what if after WWII the Nazi’s had the last say? They could have cloned a sociopathic Nazi mindset and started copying it to the entire world. Do you see the urgency to expose and stop this research especially if you are Jewish?

I must question again, what is the real percent of naturally occurring mental illness and what percent are DoD/CIA experiments for this line of weapons development? These torture tests have been going on since 1947. How many have to suffer and die for mass stupidity? Diabolically evil indeed! Can you begin to see why the United States is called “The Great Satan” by other countries who aren’t in the American delusion and mentally congested by the US information grid lock and propaganda show? The Muslim Fundamentalists appear crazy to people in the American delusion, and we appear callous, stupid, and controlled from their viewpoint. Who’s right? How can we know since our government keeps so many secrets and lies to us much of the time? Do you notice a trend of how we use the “crazy” diagnosis so quickly when we don’t understand the context of someone’s behavior? It is a final catch phrase like “National Security”. “No more questions or thought needs to be put into it because we have the answer he, she, they are crazy” is the popular understanding. Using a word like crazy is like creating a God to explain an event. We don’t understand how the Sun rises each day so we will create “Zeus” to explain it and no more questions should be asked. It is the same psychology. The gods must be crazy.

Imagine a doctor who creates and releases a flu virus just so he can have more business each year. That’s what the military does by secretly inciting war. Imagine if you dedicated your life to psychiatry and found out that you have been misdiagnosing many of your patients due to a scam, faulty information inserted into textbooks that you obediently regurgitated. How would you feel? It would be a painful realization to find out you wasted your life through a betrayal of the “Shadow government”. Well, the time is drawing nearer to that awakening for many of them. They better learn some coping mechanisms.

So what do you do to a President who commits and participates in high treason according to the laws of the country? Some investigators contend there is a Nazi link to the Bush family. If the connections can be proven and shown, you can see that the country is in a desperate situation with its leadership. A President is not exempt from high treason just because they leave office or get impeached. Every live x-president would need to be sentenced accordingly too.

Higher Order Intelligence

While we are on the topic of mental illness, I thought I would share an insight into intelligent organizational architectures. One can think of an organization as a intelligent evolving entity. So if we use this larger perspective to understand what abnormal and detrimental behaviors might occur if similar practices of informational organization are used as by neurotics or psychopaths. For example, a person who suffers a severe traumatic event often learns how to repress memories and segment ideas and thoughts in order not to deal with the pain often leading to sociopathic tendencies. A country who keeps too many secrets from itself and compartmentalizes knowledge on a need to know basis laced with lots of self lies will too exhibit neurotic like illnesses when judged as a whole. Throw in multiple personalities from changing leaders every 4 years and having a rogue shadow government and you have a recipe for problematic self destructive behavior of that organization. You can see why other countries view America as schizophrenic. I have taken great interest in researching and understanding organizational intelligence. Why did our form of government fail? How did this implementation of democracy go awry? Where did the management control mechanisms break down?

Information warfare works as an internet strategy according to war college documents by having people chase the white rabbit around the endless maze of disinformation so that they can’t even tell what is true anymore. The only people who research these topics are the thousands of victims. No one else takes an interest. Why isn’t virtual reality and neural computer interfacing of interest to entrepreneurs or academic researchers? It has already been demonstrated to work so the research would pay off handsomely for whom ever cracked the brain code. The CIA/DoD figured it out well over 30 years ago. Surely it can’t be that difficult with the right equipment. This is how freedom of speech is destroyed by self attack of information warfare on the U.S. that they market as “strategic deception”. Just remember there is more than one way to skin a rabbit.

Mental Illness Taboo Topic and Preferred Cover-Up Technique for the Last Few Decades

The most amazing discovery I found was in trying to find the statistics of how many government drug and directed energy mind control weapons victims there were in the general population of classified schizophrenics. To my surprise, over half of the patients at one hospital believed they were victims of government experiments. Being a torture test subject myself, I have to believe them. It is an epidemic so well concealed by mass programming. I would not have believed what I am saying just two years ago. I had a friend about 5 years ago that began to become paranoid and believed that government agents followed him and an x-boss was paying people to stalk him. This is the typical script as documented in several CIA programs released through the freedom of information act. I assumed he became paranoid schizophrenic and like what many people do, I wanted to distance myself from him. So one day when he emailed me, I copied the logo of the NSA off of their website and sent a message back to him saying that “This account has been confiscated by the NSA.” as a joke to make him more paranoid. Bad Karma. Who new that several years later it would happen to me. I had another friend who went to Harvard and then Wharton business school who participated in a government program that injected some sort of radiation into him for a brain imaging study. He needed the money to pay for college. The radiation was not suppose to be that damaging. Several years later, we thought he lost his mind. He said he spoke to God, and in one week changed from an outgoing lascivious type, to a hard core born again Christian. My friends and I thought that he lost his mind. Now, it has happened to me. Our group has dwindled as each of us gets picked off as the years progress. I can explain what happened to my friends now in scientific, historical, and current political terms. So, reader, if you think my account is an isolated event and you don’t feel like you should do anything, it is merely a matter of time. This is how Nazi Germany went as far as they did. Everyone stood by in disbelief as they heard the accounts of the evil deeds and because of the incredible mass scale and excessive brutality people were unable to accept the accounts as being completely true. The same strategy is being used again but by the U.S. on its own people. No one will stand up, believe, or even think about that the taboo topic of mental illness might be a cover up just like how the government used what they called retarded children in their radiation experiments for 30+ years. I believe that the term “radiation” has been purposefully confused in much of the literature. The word “radiation” is used to describe two different kinds of energy release. Classical use of the word “radiation” means that an alpha-particle was released like from Uranium. But an acceptable use of the word means electromagnetic radiation which is just photonic energy, i.e. directed energy RADAR. These are possibly more word games and brand confusion techniques of the traitors conducting informational warfare.

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