Taking Back Our Stolen History
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Propaganda – Word Games

One U.S. military leader in an article called, “The mind has no firewall,”” coined a term called “psychoterrorism”. It means terrorizing citizens with psychotronic weapons. Guess what they are doing to thousands of Americans and others in NATO countries. It is nothing less than federally sponsored terrorism. They prefer to call it “weapons testing” though. Precise language is important in communicating ideas and more importantly it reveals how the communicator changes language for their intention. The word “terrorism” is a perfect example. Breakdown what this marketing term means. It means guerilla warfare and to terrify the populous. How do you distinguishes it from normal guerilla warfare? Is trying to destroy the Pentagon and hurt the financial center at ground zero, really terrorism or just very strategic targets to take out your enemy? Who benefits from the population being frightened? Paranoia favors government in rallying the people’s support for a fight. It does not favor the other side. They could have killed more people by going to a football stadium with machine guns at the exits. They are trying to stop a system, not kill the citizens, just as we are in Iraq. The word was coined as propaganda by those that are most threatened in order to garnish support for their cause.

Another phrase that has more meaning now than it did when it was coined is living “the American Dream”. We are allowed to create a myopic world view for ourselves. We can be sheltered from knowing or caring about the hardships of the rest of the world. We don’t even have to care about our neighbors anymore. Selfishness and the “me” generation currently rule. The mass news media and hollywood will help create the American delusion for you. You can live in happy bliss ignorant of politics, corruption, and other pesky concerns. Replace the bigger questions and concerns with the immediate ones like where is the nearest Star Bucks and when do I get a raise. Ahh, how I reminisce about the simple life and on occasion I wish I could be reinserted into the matrix, the American delusion. But I carry the burden of knowledge and with that responsibility to educate and motivate the 300 million people into action, a force that is unstoppable if they would just be told the God’s honest truth about the secrets which the Pentagon holds from them in both technology and strategy. The populous would have a very different opinion than what is fashionable now if they knew and believed the truth of the larger picture.

What I would like to clarify is the vocabulary surrounding this relatively new breed of weapon called EEG heterodyining. It has so many misnomers and misdirections surrounding it in literature. In an effort to confuse the public, the EEG heterodyning weapon goes under many names: non-lethal weapons, soft kill weapons, silent kill weapons, directed energy, bioelectromagnetic weapon, psychic warfare, psi weapons, psychotronics, neurological weapons, neuralizer, nervous system disruptors, electronic weapons, EEG cloning, mind melding, ionospheric heaters, over the horizon radar, continental ballistic missile defense, and the list goes on. A constantly changing vocabulary around this weapons system has confused the topic to the point of non discussion.

Genius or Insanity

Throughout history geniuses have often been misclassified as insane. Galileo was wrong for 300 years according to the church. Since I have been told by non-government experiment victims that I am like Nash from “The Beautiful Mind”, I must address this topic directly. We need to more precisely define “insanity” to understand what it means. Most often it is simply a word to describe an inability to understand an individual’s behavior and their speech due to context. Contextualism is of utmost importance when understanding concepts or people. The description of “insanity” is a cop out. Most precisely defined, the word “insane” or mental illness should mean erroneous thinking. Erroneous thinking can only be judged in the framework of logic and mathematics. It should not be judged as psychology would have it, in the context on common acceptable ideas. Delusion and errors of thought must be demonstrated through the frame work of truth that has endured the test of time. While many of the government torture test victims show an amplification of neuronal pathways in the front temporal lobes, we should not discount their testimony based on this. Errors of thought are amplified with SATAN (silent assassination through amplification of neurons). In order to separate out what is true and what are just perceptional errors, you need to study a victims testimony from the view point that you already know about how these weapons work. It becomes quite apparent how each person interprets the “alien” experience of having their mind messed with differently.

What if we had a national Truth Day

I’ll break my staff,
Bury it certain fathoms in the earth,
And, deeper than did ever plummet sound,
I’ll drown my book.
The Tempest, 5. 1

Imagine how strange it would be if we had one day where everyone had to tell the truth. The news might go like this. “This is the 6 O’clock news on truth day. Today government officials fed radiation to hundreds of people while posing as cafeteria workers to test the long term carcinogenic effects from radiation. Three more people have been grabbed for the MKULTRA torture and mind control experiments and practice assassinations. One of the victims was a whistle blower and was successfully killed right away in a car crash. The government denies that there is any connection between whistle blowing and the selection of this target. They say that they do everything fairly and they randomly select people to torture and kill for their data and practice. Also, 500 navy officers were exposed to extremely high levels of electromagnetic energy unbeknownst to them during another experiment. We are not allowed to release who was exposed because they will be upset if they found out. One soldier was wounded in Iraq today because his buddy accidentally shot him while playing with his gun. The final numbers have been re-tallied for Desert Storm and yes, we killed more of our own allies than the Iraqis but it was close. Yet another strange story of government experimentation is giving methamphetamines (or energy drinks) to fighter pilots before their missions. Aren’t drugs banned in the military? I wonder how the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy is holding up on truth day. The last story of today is to answer the question, “Can the government read brain activity at a distance?” As it turns out, they have had this capability since 1960 and they claim it is ‘all nice and legal like’ when asked to comment. And finally when Porter Goss was interviewed at a press conference and asked if the CIA uses torture on Iraqi’s in order for the U.S. to free Iraqi’s from a torturing dictator, he stated, ”No, we creatively interpret laws and redefine words. We also strip away the CIA agents’ title during the torture process to make sure it is all legal.” This news station and the reporters have all been indirectly threatened that if we have any more truth days we will ‘suffer in our own private psychotronic purgatories’. So this will be the last broadcast that we tell it like it is. Thank you and have a good evening America.”

Strategic Deception and purging the erroneous

Error propagation can not only be achieved through memenic warfare, social engineering, but also direct electromagnetic entrainment and programming of brains. These purposeful errors of understanding and thought are extremely detrimental to the global distributed intelligence of the geopsyche . Only through truth unbridled by ego shall mankind achieve harmony with itself and our place in the Universe. Purposeful error propagation leads to suboptimal decision making in chaotically unpredictable ways that harms everyone on the planet. This is the mission of the CIA, psychological operations, information warfare unit, INSCOM, and many others division that practice “strategic deception”. They need to be eradicated for the good of the country and planet for they too are programmed and influenced by the very errors they create in the self fulfilling spiral of self destruction. These agencies are a tool that have turned on the tool users and makers.

Part of the disinformation campaign for mind control victims

When one becomes part of the TAMI network, one naturally goes to the internet for information. I found many documents in the military information warfare strategy that talk about how to lead the enemy down fruitless paths of research with slightly erroneous logic that leads to an endless maze of false assumptions and deductions. This is part of the strategic deception initiatives launched on the American people. This disinformation warfare has confused and stupefied many people. Helping them sound crazy about the science behind their predicament. Col. Thomas Bearding is the perfect example of this initiative. He invented the concept of “scalar waves” and weapons that he warns the Russians possess and U.S. scientists know nothing about. He talks about weather and earthquake weapons and zero point energy. He has a good education in physics so I can’t come to any other conclusion than he is a disinformation agent or a victim of menticide. All his theories are so purposefully skewed. Since he talks about mind control and then discusses all these ridiculous scientific ideas about free energy, faster than light information propagation, and electromagnetic vortexes, the mere idea of mind control weapons is also put into question. This is “the classic method” of discrediting a topic.

Disinformation streams

Dating back to early cartoons, one can remember images of a mad scientist transferring consciousnesses of people or animals with people. This theme is pervasive throughout popular cartoons and TV programming. It is always spoofed with absurdity and the idea of that it is science fiction. I found early scientific research that really investigated EEG heterodyning using electrodes or electrostatic plate hats to read brainwaves and write them to someone else. This mind control pursuit is very old indeed. Cartoons have been used to discredit this science and anyone who speaks about it.

Based on the idea that the CIA has utilized for over 50 years that it is best to hide secrets in plain view and nobody will see it, I will speculate that there is no reason that cartoons should be the first media to describe real top secret research in spoof it in absurdity. Bioelectric communication signals are a very real active area of research throughout the world.

Let’s look at this possibility quickly using just logic and reason. If a neuron depolarizes at 70 millivolts and one can read 10 microvolts at the surface of the scalp using EEG probes then hypothetically one should be able to apply an electric field of 70×10-3/10-5 = 7,000 volts at the scalp to induce a 70 millivolt field at the neuron. Since neurotransmitter release is the signaling mechanism between neurons and since it is proportional to voltage at the end of the axon, one can reason that high voltage static electric helmets actually can affect neurotransmitter release. Add in the fact that neural networks self organize with any electric signal and you can in fact combine brains using this biocommunication technique. The electric signals of those involved must be learned over time, but you can create larger brains this way albeit mad. Even the recent cartoon Wallace and Grommit portrayed this consciousness swap with a rabbit and human as science fiction. The DoD never change their methods even in 60 years. The best kept secrets hidden in plain view!

Now of course 7000 volts is a large electric field gradient for a wireless electromagnetic wave but shorter the wavelength more energy it carries and other methods of head resonance were perfected to perform the same task. And since static electricity, i.e. ionic heating, can create the surface voltage one only needs to move around the static electricity on a head or body to create the necessary field. Even low frequency and low intensity magnetic fields have been shown to have profound effects on the brain. And ion cyclotronic resonance was another investigated method. No research in longer term “learned” biocommunication signals is currently occurring in civilian research in this country; again for obvious reasons because it is prohibited.

The information bubble that Americans are confined within is truly amazing. We think we are the most important country and connected to the world because we have CNN and other news stations. Look at the vast selection of channels available to surf on cable. Intuitively we think we are free and informed based on the number of choices presented to us.

Those that do not travel abroad to foreign lands very often can not appreciate the contrast of world perspective and the tacit controls and compliance the mass media has with government through FCC pressures and other places.

Scientific espionage against the U.S. population.

Don’t we have laws to stop the government from doing this on purpose by paroled disinformers? Who is policing the government? Who else publishes about scalar waves. Capt. Robert Collins. Isn’t it strange that all this bullshit science comes from ex-military personel? Scalar waves are just standing waves or interference patterns. Nothing more. This is just holography in any wavelength and has been around since the 60’s. The disinformation campaign is world wide. I found articles in German, French, and Italian stating similarly ridiculous things like free energy and faster than light communications. Google had 1,240,000 hits for “scalar waves”. While scalar waves are a real concept, they are nothing new. In the military, beam forming is a type of scalar wave. You can completely shape the “scalar” or amplitude modulation of the carrier frequencies in 3 space. It is not such a big deal. Their connection with mind control technology is merely a way to pinpoint a human target and keep a lock on him/her finding ways around most shielding attempts through a total hemisphere of attack angles as well as tracking multiple targets around the world.

I have read so much bad science from x-military personel that I can only come to the conclusion that they are conduction mememic warfare on the scientific community at large. Most of the disinformation agents are “retired”. They want to keep this secret of Malech’s and Stocklin’s patents so badly that they are willing to commit treason against the United States people and the constitution. They are willing to torture people to death using psychic warfare and gather the statistics in order to get an extra decimal place in their human effects kill statistics data. The U.S. is getting more criminally brutal than ever before and improving their methods of lying and deceiving the public. It has reached epidemic proportions given the secrecy culture and justification to treat their bosses, the tax payers, as cattle and the potential enemy. Every document that I have read that states that the Russians are doing so and so around the world, I find out that the U.S. is actually behind it every time. Lying is treason and needs to be punished severely whether you are a general, director of the CIA, or the president. The CIA first fed radiation to thousands of people to watch the progress of cancer and possibly a mechanism of tracking from space. Then they torture children for MKULTRA assassination programming. Then they dose people with various drugs including LSD and BZ. They tried a biological warfare virus over San Francisco. Now they are torturing people to death for years with electromagnetics. Do you see the tread? Did I congratulate you on living in the land of freedom? Don’t worry your government is in control again.

Every real scientific paper I’ve read that happens upon the topic of bioelectromagnetic non-ionizing radiation effects comments on the fact that there is so little literature on it. In other non-NATO countries it is a much bigger field. A publication by the FDA doing a comprehensive food sanitizing method survey had many military representatives on the board. The paper commented on how there was almost no literature on microwave effects. A paper on implanting a small piece of wire in the head or body for biotelemetry commented on how they could find almost no data on such an obvious application. We are bathed in microwave energy, how come there is so little independent investigation in this area especially in light that the head acts as a microwave cavity and neurons as microwave transceivers? There are Earth shattering patents from the 70’s and 80’s on brain wave amplification, brain wave reading at a distance, and brain wave modulation using a wide range of frequencies. How is this being ignored? Pretty obvious what is going on, isn’t it?

Modern day Timothy Leary

Shulgun is well known for his experiments in psychoactive drugs that avoid scheduling because he creates analogues of known molecular types. I have not been able to uncover any documents that connect his research with CIA mind control like his predecessors. However, his experimentation may be tolerated because it goes hand in hand with mind control drug research the CIA has been pursuing for decades. Those that experiment with his drugs might be CIA Guinny Pigs. Remember that Charles Manson used LSD to create his mind control cult.

Test patterns

I was able to interview over 500 people that know they are/were electronically harassed, slipped drugs, fed radiation, MKULTRA mind controlled, or directed energy weapons test victims. Several have died while writing this book. They range from children to the elderly, from poor to wealthy, from religious to atheist, from uneducated to educated. People are chosen at random like in all their other tests. There is a segment that is overwhelmingly large for a random testing pool and that is government whistle blowers. FBI agents, military personnel, or cops in particular are targeted by these weapons if they testify against other government agencies. It is just so heart breaking to hear all these stories. I met a few families where everyone was targeted suddenly with voice to skull and with the EEG replay of the pains which they are collecting and storing from other people. Most people get a slight variation of all TAMI’s capabilities, I assume to make any test patterns less noticeable. Some people only get voice to skull, Stocklin’s patent. Some only get tortured and physically manipulated limbs. Some get the remote MKULTRA programming.
I was unlucky. I got a demonstration of the full works of mind control technologies and SATAN. SATAN (silent assassination through amplification of neurons) is the program to try and kill the target through car crashes, heart attack, depression and suicide, self destructive behavior, neglect, or to be a programmed assassin. They were somewhat fair in that they told me ahead of time using the synthetic telepathy, exactly how they were going to try to kill me each day. They told me every torture they were to inflict on me ahead of time. It was oddly routine for them. They said that they had successfully killed an artist in San Francisco with a heart attack, a woman pediatrician, and an old lady in a nursing home. They felt pretty confident that they could kill me with EEG cloning. The 200 people in their weapons testing group were competing for points according to the main heterodyned project leader. Those that gained enough experience points could go on to the psychic assassins and mind controllers team who work on real projects like world leaders after they collected the effectiveness of the pain data, collected the mind control statistics, and mapped the unique brain waves that I had for their database.

Angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other

(Good alien bad alien yet another derivation of the good cop bad copy interrogation and control method)

In product marketing, one learns that to disentangle the importance of factors in the appeal and success of a product you need to conduct a survey. A well designed survey uses a correlation matrix to determine the factors that effect the outcome. Questions are designed so that every possible combination is tried. In the mind control MKULTRA survey, combinations of overt suggestion, subliminal, brain entrainment, and EEG heterodyned forced will are used to determine how effective each method is in combination with the others. So part of the program entails, conflicting commands by the possibly outsourced CIA weapons testers. You hear one command in one ear like an angel saying “don’t do it” and the devil in a different voice or nearly subliminal auditory level, “do it”. These conflicting directives in combination with all the other techniques is how statistical correlation data is collected to determine the effectiveness of each method on your particular personality. If you are ever in this position, it may not be an angel or devil on either shoulder but something far worse called the U.S. black ops mind control Star Wars defense project going under the highly classified acronym, TAMI.

Weapons testing faulty analysis of costs, risks, and poor scientific methods

The Black-Scholes modeling of military risk and uncertainty would need to be employed in order to correctly do the total cost and benefit analysis of human capital for testing weapons on the public. By the way, Melissa Black, the daughter of the Black Scholes model of options pricing and MIT professor is hot and was in my dorm at Harvard. I transgress…Back to slamming the idiots that we put our blind trust into.

When running the mind control experiments, the data gathers would give conflicting commands through subliminal and overt channels along with other techniques. This is a statistical approach to tease out the weighted influences of each method.

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