The Psychic Army
No one knows the exact size of the U.S. or Russian psychic armies but we do know they have been increasing. We can only gage the size based on those that complain and are told through the synthetic telepathy that they are target practice, cannon fodder to hone the army’s skills. Those people who are successful remote heart attack targets or written off as crazy are not counted. Nor are those that are experiments in love or other emotions or simply could never guess that they were being manipulated.
Would you want to know if you were suffering immense pain due to betrayal of your government? You’d be happier to think it was just an unidentified ailment and seek Eastern or holistic medical treatments.
Their out of their mind controllers
The agencies and upper rank of the Pentagon need to be flushed due to the corruption and incompetence. Newt Gingrich even recently suggested this. When the Russians had infiltrated the CIA and FBI back in the 80’s with double agents that reached the highest levels in those organizations it was lucky that we found them and we were able to completely overhaul those agencies. Well what if we did just the reverse and through out the patriots. Behind the curtain of secrecy with a bunch of obedient sociopaths, they would then have the power to take over this country from the inside out. The incompetence in these organizations that even President Bush commented on, could be orchestrated through just a few high level traitors. It is simply fact that they are organizing unnecessary wars and training and funding terrorism using a variety of MKULTRA and mind control tactics.
When mass violence erupts like Columbine high school shootings or postal shootings, we say they went crazy. What if all these historical events could be traced back to CIA mind control experiments that continue to this day or a secret mind control war between the Russian’s and the U.S.? Would you feel betrayed that you weren’t told the truth by the government agencies behind it?
Most of the educated elite who keep their pulse on the whole population often comment that it seems like there has been a systematic “dumbing” down of the population especially in math, physics, and science in general. What better way to keep the conspiracies of UFO abductions alive for many decades. How better to force people to join the military rather than have a draft through increasing the separation of classes? According to pentagon documents, soldiers are still cheaper than robots. Once the cost of a machine that kills effectively comes down, we won’t need soldiers. We have the technology. It is simply a matter that human life still replicates more cheaply than building the machines to do the same task. Similarly, the citizens are viewed by the warlords as cattle to be butchered for experiments and as batteries to fill their defense department coffers with tax dollars to continue to help them get their power fix and satiate their need for “false” purpose of their lives dedicated to control, domination, and eventual enslavement of the entire population of the planet. There is a New World Order due to the unchecked powers in government that is leading to a very dark future. Peace is not an option for the powers that be. They do not get financial or motivational benefits from peace and a shrinking defense budget.
War, what is it good for?
The war against “terrorism”, which is just a guerrilla war like any other, was instigated by the U.S. foreign policies over many decades. The news would like you to believe they hate us because we are “infidels”. Or they hate us because they are jealous of our wealth as a nation. They don’t know what’s good for them and we are just trying to free them from a dictator that we supported with weapons and training in the Iraq and Iran war. They are building weapons of mass destruction which they are going to use on us. How easily Americans forget who divided up the Middle East to begin with. Who gave arms to Iraq and Iran? Who put the leaders in power? Who has occupied the countries with troops? Why do people buy into this bullshit spouted over the news. They hate us because we are using them and controlling them. We used them in the cold war against Russia in the Iraq/Iran war. It was not about those two countries. They figured it out and have a lot of resentment. They are a sovereign country and feel they have the right to build any weapons they want and the U.S. should get out of their affairs. They then played the religion card to mind control their people into fighting, just as Bush used it when calling them the axis of evil. More people have died throughout history due to leaders using a god’s name to back them and to motivate support for their cause than any other reason. The same mind control games work today.
The Enemy Within
We will have U.S. cities nuked at some point due to seeming mistakes of foreign policy, perhaps opening the ports to be controlled by foreign governments was an attempt at this. This is part of the long term plan for reasons to expand. It will give the U.S. warlords the support and excuse they need for an all out attack on the non-NATO countries.
I don’t know of a way out of the current model of world domination, “The New World Order”, that the power addicted and corrupt investors in the defense industry are using. They have had the technology to stop wars and make peace using the system of TAMI or MIND but they chose the less noble routes each and every time.
At the surface, this strategy of self attack seems retarded. Why would elements within the U.S. government want “terrorist” attacks? What better way to justify to the people more funding, more power, more secrecy, and more expansionism. It is a sacrifice as they view it to get everyone to agree fervently to the war on “terrorism” and “terrorist” countries. You can see the public opinion manipulation at so many levels even within the government staff itself. It only took a few people to orchestrate these events and future ones. They are still the minority with in the government secrecy decree, but they manipulate all the others easily through trickle down orders or more devious tactics of threats and blackmail like Bush Jr.’s spokesman to the Republicans, “You will suffer in your own private purgatories.” (if you get out of line.)
Even the Oklahoma Bombing serves the same purpose of justifying a crackdown which many believe was another mind controlled assassination attack given his untelevised testimony which fits perfectly with the thousands of others put through the MKULTRA mind control program.
I have not been able to find one example where the psychological manipulation tactics discovered through the CIA’s mind control research programs have yielded a positive benefit to the U.S. They have mostly been using their discoveries to control the opinions and people in the U.S. to support their causes of more money and more control. This is psychological warfare on the citizens who paid for the research and is nothing short of treason. But it appears that the apathy levels are too high, people are too caught up in their own local drama in this country to save it from the same fate as other countries who allowed their military industrial complexes to cycle out of control.
You must remember that the U.S. government has historically sacrificed its citizens for military might in the radiation feeding experiments of tens of thousands of people and many other crimes. Sacrificing a building of people or a plane full of people to further a military strategy of quickly changing the mindset of the supporting population for global expansionism is a small price to pay in their opinion. That’s only a few hundred to a couple thousand people. That far less than the number they kill in a year by maintaining secrets and hording technologies. That is far less than the numbers that they have killed directly with human effects weapons testing. So it isn’t a far stretch for the sociopaths to create newsworthy events to influence public opinion for their own objectives.
Also it is interesting to note the blatant hypocrisy of our government. Mind control technologies are inherently communistic in goal. We were taught that communism is bad because you can’t say what you want without being imprisoned and tortured, you are told what to do, and things are decided for you, etc. The mind reading and influencing directed energy weapons technology along with the CIA MKULTRA experiments and information warfare on the U.S. is not a military exercise like they would pawn off to the budgeters, but a true takeover of a communist like government who found ways to cover it up better with lies and plausible denial. We were overthrown, but most people just aren’t aware of it yet.
Psychotronically Instigated Wars
`Recently several U.S. reports on mind control technologies were translated into Hebrew and published in Israel. We have communications from victims there too. They say that the perpetrators use the cover story that they are Israeli secret service doing the testing on them. This is the pattern and technique that is being used throughout the world. The U.S. façade government can openly support a country while the shadow government instigates the wars. I am certain that many people from “the axis of evil” countries have been tortured by the U.S. psychotronic weapons and made to believe Israel was behind it. The Jews are fools if they can’t see that the friendship from the fascist country is fake and merely being used as a political tool to justify invasion of countries we don’t yet control. It wouldn’t take much to invade Israel with a justification that they have nukes if relations ever soured and their leaders became disobedient.
There have been many incidences in the last few decades in the time frame of which SATAN and TAMI came online where “psychos” committed acts of violence and said that Satan or the Devil made them do it. They could have been inadvertently telling the truth. The voices commanding actions are projected through the U.S. weapon system whose acronym is SATAN, Silent Assassination Through Amplified Neurons, i.e. U.S. mind control.
Myths sponsored by the military
The Philadelphia Experiment
The myth goes like this. The Navy conducted an experiment with a ship that would transport it in time and make it invisible. The ship disappeared and no one saw it again. In reality, this was one of the first experiments in radar cloaking technology. The vessels halls were draped with vertical and horizontal wires which canceled electromagnetic energies directed at them, thereby making it invisible to radar and a particular part of the EM spectrum. The ship of course was still visible with binoculars. But this is a good example of the power of the propaganda disinformation machine.
Alien autopsies and spaceship crashes
Area 51 was the classic setting for duping the public into this long standing myth, setting the stage for countless atrocities committed against citizens. Initially, isolated rednecks were the target of human experimentation because they were easily discredited. Their boldness has stepped up in the last decade conducting “alien abductions” to a politician, FBI agents, military personnel, professors, a New York city cop, etc. They have been successfully at discrediting these people in the media. The BBC wrote that over twenty five million Americans believe they had alien contact. I haven’t done my own survey to validate this rather large number but it matches with the capability of the EEG heterdyning system in place since the mid seventies.
There are two types of military exercises that people report as UFO sightings: experimental aircraft designs being tested and directed energy weapons.
With EMP weapons (electromagnetic pulse), you can stall a car. People involved in UFO sightings with black helicopters flying by, often reported that their cars stalled and their radio started changing stations. Directed energy weapons alter the radio frequency modulations and would have this effect.
A phenomenon known to scientists that work with high energy physics is “air sparking” or atmospheric excitation. When the energy density becomes great enough, the Nitrogen and other molecules will begin to glow. So an uneducated observer will see a bright bluish ball in the sky, zipping around at improbable velocities.
I am not an expert on chemtrails so I can’t speak to all their purposes. Spraying Barion or aluminum particles in the air will act as a radar shield and are experiments in cloaking technology since countries have figured out how to track the stealth bomber by using the background cellphone radiation from satellites.
Chem sprays can also be used to test biological weapons like was done over San Francisco in the 70s and the reason Olsen was killed by the CIA. Other operations have included using chemical tracers by lightly dusting an area that can be fluoresced in some invisible wavelength. Long term health risks are unknown.
Bermuda Triangle
I have no evidence from military documents released through the Freedom of Information Act to support my inference about the mysteries surrounding this area other than one of the largest terrestrial radar dishes exists on the island of Bermuda near Ross Pero’s estate. Take a helicopter ride over the island to view it. The descriptions by pilots effected and downed by violent and strange electromagnetic forces that would spin their compass needles and interfere with their navigation instrumentation are classic side effects of directed energy weapons and in particular scalar weapons.
Some people might speculate if JFK junior’s plane wasn’t downed in a similar fashion and assassinated like his father. Short of a confession, it will be impossible to prove the exact sequence of causalities leading to these tragedies and therefore will reside in the realms of conspiracy theory and speculation.
Psychic Warfare Unit at the Pentagon
Lin Buchanon and colleagues have written up their experiences as psychic warriors for the military. Unbeknownst to them, was the fact that they were EEG heterodyned for their psychic feats. This is why the military doesn’t care that a top secret project is now extensively written about by these guinny pigs. It was a secrecy layer to ensure that they promoted more nonsense about mystical psychic phenomenon to cover up the truth about the science behind mind melding.
Psychological experimentation cover-ups
Brain chip implants
Several military personnel who were considered disobedient were committed to psychiatric hospitals where brain implant experiments were conducted on them. These atrocities were covered up and people who had them surgically removed were systematically discredited by the usual formula. Scientific America September or October of 2005 had an article about Delgado who conducted much of the human brain chip implants and lobotomies touting him as the father of this field. He came out of hiding from Spain back to San Diego where secret psychotronic experiments are rumored to be conducted. Satanic Ritual Abuse cults are fairly common down there. Let us not forget the atrocities committed, covered up, then later talked about like they were heroes for doing it. He uttered the phrase of the conspiracy when asked if brain modulation can be done wirelessly, “That’s science fiction.”
Splitting personalities
I found many disinformation websites that had a list of the biggest hoaxes of the twentieth century, listing much of what I am talking about here. One they mentioned was that multiple personality disorder doesn’t exist. CIA sponsored research on this topic has been going on for decades for the purposes of both to activate Manchurian candidates and to allow agents to infiltrate other countries security agencies and still pass the lie detector tests about their loyalties and background through hypnosis and splitting personalities. The EEG heterodyning mind melding also allows control of the classic polygraph responses as well as the newer brain printing technologies in a much more precise and predictable manner. Polygraphs and courtroom processes need to be conducted in labs that are electromagnetically shielded as well as having monitoring equipment for psychotronic signals interfering with the justice process.
Finally, just a mention on how elements of the executive branch have stolen democracy from us. Because freedom of speech was granted to people in order to protect us from military coups and tyranny, they bypass this right by flooding the mass media and Internet with noise and disinformation to the point that one’s message can not be heard – a clever way to rationalize destroying this important safeguard of democracy. Short of silencing everyone and protests through licenses and permits to congregate publicly, they have done the equivalent of blasting rock music and white noise at public speaking events so nobody can hear the truth through media control and flooding the Internet with disinformation.
Orwellian Pranks
Continuing the tradition that George Orwell began, the military found that the UFO/evil alien cover story for abduction and experimentation on random citizens still works. It appears from the stored database of brain signals that they may be preparing for another mass scale Orwellian prank of an alien take over. After being given a demonstration, I assure you that most people will believe it.
Boo, spooks are scaring you
Let me scare you as a demonstration of how the government has used and created “terrorism” for justifying a “shadow” fascist government to acquire funding and power.
Flares dropped from airplanes flying across the U.S. in less than 5 hours would cause multi-million dollars in damage during the dry months, stadiums filled with sports fanatics could be tear gassed and machine guns utilized at their exits, cannons or catapults could be used against damns (like the Hoover) to drown towns down stream, and the jaws-of-life could be used to bend railroad tracks to interrupt supply chains across the country. These simple methods could cause enormous fear and damage instituted by a group smaller than one hundred organized people and less than one hundred thousand dollars of financing.
Let’s continue the frightening scenario in order to show you that “terrorists” are anywhere to be found and bent on destroying the U.S. but the militant government is. If you wanted to take out airplanes, you could blind the pilots taking off or use home made rockets to hit the intakes of the engines. Even releasing a flock of birds has downed aircraft by them getting caught in the turbines. As described to me by agents, garage door electrical engines could be used to cause a surge in the electrical power grid disabling power to large portions of the population. A denial of service attack could be instituted with an overriding radio and TV broadcast to influence the public.
These are minor inconveniences. Let’s look how individuals and the economy can be influenced. The wine industry could be destroyed by introducing the sharp shooter beetle or a fungus into Napa Valley fields. Known bacteria or chemicals in the drinking water reservoirs would taint the water supply for years. The mad cow disease could be easily introduced into the unprotected meat supply as was covered up recently by the FDA. The economy could crash through loss of trust. Simply a demonstration of how mind reading can be done or bugging abilities that these elements use to further increase their revenues for black ops projects that need not be overseen by Congress is an example. Placing hits on the top executives of fortune 500 company executives would be another easy way to manipulate the stock market to fund these black ops projects.
Every system in our society is fragile and the recklessness of the torturing and killing of thousands can not go without consequences whether recognized or not. These chuckleheads in the government are even torturing an x-DoD biological weapons specialist. What could be the purpose of all these attacks? Think about all the traditional torture our government is doing to Iraqis. Do you think this will be forgiven and forgotten in one generation? Torture is a stupid strategy.
Are these simple “terrorist” acts being committed? No, for obvious reasons.
Stop letting the government control your fear and hold them accountable for the tens of thousands of victims worldwide for radio frequency directed energy torture. The façade government needs to try diplomacy and apologize for the shadow government’s f__k-ups, and compensate people worldwide for their nervous system weapons, drug and radiation experiments.
False Advertising
The various agencies and people competing for bigger budgets has always used the same tactics of deception to justify their funding to Congress and others. They lie about the current state of Russian technology. They always make the claim that the Russians are ahead in some technology and they need deep pockets and no restrictive oversight of projects in order to catch up. They really played this up with electromagnetic mind control technologies and directed energy weapons. Just as fear works with the public, Congress responds to it too.
Question Authority
Some fall by virtue, others rise by sin. – Shakespeare
Would you trust a hungry man with your food, a promiscuous man with your wife or daughter, a greedy man with your money, a drug addict with your prescriptions or a power seeking man with authority? Question authority!
Secrecy is the mechanism that allows the power addicts to further their addiction at the expense of the community.
Why do the NATO countries have the illusion of freedom with fascism behind it, a facade government and a shadow government?
It can best be illustrated with a child. If you want the child to rake the leaves in the yard, you could order him and pay him to do the task. He/she will begrudgingly do it and call it a chore. We have traditionally been taught to think of this approach as communism or dictatorship. But, if you allow the child the privilege to rake the leaves in the pile so he and his friends can jump and play in the pile, he/she is grateful and will do it for free. It is the illusion of choices and freedom that can increase productivity of the military/industry complex.
Similarly, if a country were to draft people into an army like in Vietnam, people begrudgingly do it. They will fight half heartedly. Give them an imaginary ideal where they are willing to die for their principle and cause, they will sign up and fight righteously.
It is this layer of lies that has given the United States an edge over other forms of government in order to control and motivate the minds of the masses more efficiently.
This method of rule turns out to be a double edge sword. It relies heavily on the ability to control information streams so that the illusion doesn’t come crashing down. The backlash of a population, who believed they were free, will also be willing to overthrow a fascist shadow government just as fervently if the knowledge reached critical mass. Simply the lies needed to discount everyone as crazy would start falling apart as people became more aware of the cover ups. This is their Achilles heel. Knowledge is power and an informational civil war is how they can be destroyed.
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