Taking Back Our Stolen History


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History has been rewritten by the globalists in text books, encyclopedias and even Wikipedia – the ‘free and democratic encyclopedia’. Official narratives are falling apart thanks to investigative journalists, whistleblowers, and FOIA requests. Cut through the censorship, the fake news, and fake history and discover the buried truths by our self-appointed overlords who rule behind the scenes. Look up words / phrases, organizations, and people bios and discover if they are sheep or wolves in sheep’s clothing. You’ll also be able to quickly glimpse at a quick tip about each term by mousing over the under-dotted words when reading articles on this site.

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  • An agency of the US State Department created in 1961 with the stated mission to provide "international development". In addition, it has also gained global notoriety for its extensive role in helping brutal dictatorships repress, torture and murder; its role in facilitating drug trafficking; and its decades-long effort in mass sterilization. A former USAID director, John Gilligan, admitted it was "infiltrated from top to bottom with CIA people." Gilligan explained that "the idea was to(...) Read More
  • Established in 2002 to “prevent terrorist attacks within the United States,” the DHS has expanded to include patriots as 'extremists'. If the United States is a police state, then the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is its national police force, with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies. In fact, although the DHS’ governmental bureaucracy may at times appear to be inept and bungling, it is ruthlessly efficient when it comes to building what the Founders(...) Read More
  • an Eastern European country that was part of Russia and Austria-Hungary and later the Soviet Union until the dissolution in 1991. It was previously independent from 1917 to 1918, a German puppet state in 1918, again independent from 1918 to 1920, and again a German puppet state from 1941 to 1944.Ukraine is very ethnically heterogeneous. It had a significant Russian population in its eastern provinces, and many of these Russians have declared independence to become self-governing or(...) Read More
  • Also known as Natural Law or Absolute Rights, Jefferson understood “unalienable rights” as fixed rights given to us by our Creator rather than by government. All individual's have unalienable rights. You cannot surrender, sell or transfer UNalienable rights; they are a gift from the creator to the individual and cannot under any circumstances be surrendered or taken. Jefferson’s thought on the source of these rights was impacted by Oxford’s William Blackstone, who described “unalienable(...) Read More
  • A phenomenon that, wile there have been many hoaxed sightings, there have been many sightings from very credible, honest people all over the world.The phenomenon referred to as “Unidentified Flying Objects” has been studied and discussed from so many different perspectives and for so many years, that we are reluctant to even try to add anything to it. But, since the overwhelming majority of discussion in the popular press, “scientific” inquiry, and military analysis ALL focus on the(...) Read More
  • A covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War of World War II. It was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes carried out by Imperial Japan. Unit 731 was based at the Pingfang district of Harbin. Kept a secret for over 40 years, the lab was exposed in 1984 when a graduate student at Keio Medical University in Tokyo found human experiment(...) Read More
  • A sovereign state north-west of mainland Europe. It comprises England, Scotland and Wales, which occupy the island of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland on the island of Ireland. It attained its current identity in 1922 after most of Ireland was granted independence. The UK, at least in part, has a separate identity from mainland Europe.[1] The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. Its head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, and its head of government is Prime Minister Boris(...) Read More
  • The gradual development of the UN from an international organization into a world government was planned from the world body’s beginning in 1945. The communists and American one-world Insiders, operating primarily through their CFR front, “worked energetically and tirelessly to lay the foundations for the United Nations.” We saw also that from start to finish the UN has been wholly a CFR-conceived and driven operation. The UN's basic philosophy is both anti-American and pro-totalitarian,(...) Read More
  • A Paris-based, specialized U.N. organization that was designed by Sir Julian Huxley, who also was its first director general. In his founding 1946 document, Huxley defines Unesco's two main aims as popularizing the need for eugenics, and protecting wildlife through the creation of national parks, especially in Africa. The real goal behind what is taking place in education is more than just mass-producing uneducated people unable to resist planetary totalitarianism. It is about transforming(...) Read More
  • A federally funded group of policeman with the mission is to "Protect the Congress – its Members, employees, visitors, and facilities – so it can fulfill its constitutional and legislative responsibilities in a safe, secure and open environment.," according to its website.[2] The Capitol Police is in the Legislative Branch and is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.According to the New York Times, the U.S. Capitol Police have expanded operations outside Washington “beginning(...) Read More
  • America was preserved by God as a land of Freedom. Many Christians came to America to find refuge and freedom to worship God as they believed. Never in history had so many unselfish leaders united together as the founding fathers. They sought a balanced government between tyranny and anarchy, knowing neither could be effective in leading a free and independent people. They believed that all men were created equal with certain unalienable rights and formed a constitution that was meant to(...) Read More
  • A group of concerned families, business leaders, and other professionals that collaborated to aid a unified movement against forced Covid-19 child vaccines, via unification efforts, resourcing, and the need to amplify the best strategies of the most effective groups already doing tremendous work in this space. The Unity Project is mostly led by well-known doctors and business and civic leaders who are standing up against the insane laws coming down in California.The Unity Project(...) Read More
  • Learning should be a lifelong mission. Universities used to be a good place to continue our education, but are they still? For doctors, lawyers, and scientists there is no getting around a college indoctrination. College used to look like a good “investment” because earning a degree was a competitive advantage in landing a job, but success always depended on personal performance rather than educational pedigree. Today, students leave college with relatively few job opportunities and often(...) Read More
  • a company created by Canadian entrepreneur Frank Giustra, in conjunction with former president Bill Clinton, in a deal that began in 2005 when Guistra and Clinton decided to corner the uranium market in Kazakhstan and ended up with the Clinton Foundation receiving $500,000 to give a speech in Moscow, with the speaking fee paid by Renaissance Capital, RenCap, a Cyprus-registered corporation controlled by former Russian intelligence officers with close ties to Russian president Vladimir(...) Read More
  • USA TODAY is a leader in mobile applications with more than 21 million downloads on mobile devices, but has seen its . In 2020, the Sunday issue of USA Today had a circulation of just 802.68 thousand copies, down from 2.55 million in 2018. Daily circulation also fell significantly, from over 3 million in 2019 to 1.06 million in 2020.It is known mostly for its complete and detailed coverage of sports, but also features regional issues ignored by major city-based newspapers. Critics have(...) Read More
  • Former MSNBC anchor who is the co-founder and main host of the left-leaning online media outlet ‘The Young Turks’, that according to him is the “biggest online news show in the world”.[1] It's not! Uygur, a communist, progressive racist, is a proponent of legalized bestiality and an Armenian holocaust denier with an affinity for common use of the "N" word. In 2019 Uygur announced his intention to run for the U.S. House as a Democrat to fill the seat vacated by California Democrat and white(...) Read More