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- Vaccine Passportsare a major goal of those orchestrating Operation Coronavirus, though not the ultimate end goal of the COVID agenda. The more obvious agenda of vaccine passports is clear, despite whatever flimsy and mealy-mouthed excuses given to justify them: to restrict the movement of the unvaccinated, or in plainer terms, to restrict the movement of those who have seen through the agenda. There are no clever legal arguments that can distract from this basic truth: vaccine passports are inherently(...) Read More
- VaccinesThe CDC changed the definition of “vaccine” and “vaccination” in September 2021 because so many vaccinated people are still being infected with a variant of COVID. The decades long definitions included: Vaccine– “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.” Vaccination– “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.” Rather than admit the Covid vaccine is not working as advertised, CDC took a(...) Read More
- Vaccines for DogsThe Rabies shot is the only "required" vaccine for dogs, however any and all mandatory rabies vaccination programs are colorable law, law passed by Administrative agencies/bureaucrats who have been given so called authority to pass laws, in that they have been passed and mandated upon the pet owning public by certain vested interest groups. Who are these groups? First and foremost they are veterinarians, in general, and veterinarian medical organizations. Second are the local animal(...) Read More
- VAERS(Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) For many years, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has maintained a post-licensing surveillance system to track adverse effects and deaths from vaccines. Even government insiders like Surgeon General Dr. David Kessler acknowledged that VAERS is an abysmal failure. Nevertheless, it is only by clinging to this “designed to fail” system that regulators and industry have maintained their pretense that current vaccine risk profiles(...) Read More
- Van Grack, BrandonCorrupt Chief of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) Unit at the DOJ, an Obama campaign donor, and one of the lawyers on Mueller’s RussiaGate team that headed the Flynn investigation and set-up that has been exposed by Flynn attorney Sidney Powell. Then, promoted to the head of the DOJ’s FARA unit, used to target and ruin Republican officials in 2016 and currently targeting President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani. Prior to working for Mueller, he served as Counsel to the Asst. AG(...) Read More
- Vanguard GroupVanguard is the largest investor in companies that have the greatest number of U.S. military contracts; ie: the “poster corporation” for the military industrial complex that sells war to both sides and profits double. This criminal enterprise has been sued many times and has avoided approximately $65 billion in taxes through spurious means. Beyond a monopoly, they are the modern version of the U.S.S.R. centrally planned economy – in the full control of the Deep State rogue C.I.A. shadow(...) Read More
- Vassiliev PapersNamed after former KGB intelligence operative Alexander Vassiliev, who defected to the United Kingdom in 1996, the Vassiliev papers are a collection of eight notebooks and loose pages kept by Vassiliev while researching in the KGB archives. His research was originally conducted as part of an SVR (Russian external intelligence service, successor to the KGB) book project on Soviet espionage in America. When Vassiliev defected to the U.K., he took his papers with him and donated the original(...) Read More
- VeganismThe practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals. A follower of the diet or the philosophy is known as a vegan. Its roots go back to England, when in 1944, Donald Watson coined the term “vegan.” His primary argument for veganism was one of ethics (having no training in nutrition) after seeing a pig slaughtered. There doesn’t appear to be a single population of any significant size in(...) Read More
- Vegetable OilsVegetable oils (actually seed oils) are one of the unhealthiest oils you can consume. They are rich in trans fat, which is a synthetic fatty acid that inhibits your body’s production of prostacyclin, a factor that keeps your blood flowing smoothly. If your body cannot produce enough prostacyclin, blood clots can form in your arteries, increasing your risk of heart disease. Aside from endangering your cardiovascular health, trans fat may even impair your memory. According to a study(...) Read More
- Venona ProjectA top-secret U.S. effort to gather and decrypt messages sent in the 1940s by agents of what is now called the KGB and the GRU, the Soviet military intelligence agency. Whether it was stealing atomic secrets or influencing U.S. foreign policy, communist victories in the 1940s were fed by an incredibly vast spy and influence network. The beginning of public revelations occurred in a 1995 article in the Baltimore Sun. Thanks to the largesse of Russia not long ago and a bit unwittingly(...) Read More
- Vera Institute for JusticeA leftist thinktank that takes a more hands-on approach to change, engaging in direct advocacy as well as providing research and technical assistance. As technical advisor, Vera is paid by taxpayers to implement the radical policies of Larry Krasner, George Gascon, and Steve Descano.1 Simultaneously, Vera defends and celebrates the same prosecutors including Kim Foxx and Marilyn Mosby, feting both at a private spa retreat in 2019 paid for by Vera.2 Vera received a $10 million grant from(...) Read More
- Vespucci, Amerigo(1454-1512) He was an Italian explorer, financier, navigator and cartographer who played a significant role in the establishment of America. He was the first to establish that America was a new continent and not a part of Asia. Amerigo’s legacy is not only his name, but in his dignity and devotion to the divine. Amerigo had believed for years before any actual discovery that there was a New World. ‘Those new regions which we found we may rightly call a New World.’ Unbeknownst to Amerigo,(...) Read More
- Victimhooda philosophical position many conservatives believe liberals adhere to, and many liberals themselves maintain that they are in fact victims. Where does this come from? Why would anyone want to be a victim? In the following essay, the rationale for why victimhood is a mainstay of liberal ideology is addressed. Additionally, the connection between liberal victimhood and “safe-spaces” is made.For those unaware, a safe-space is a place, usually on our college campuses, where individuals(...) Read More
- Victory TaxThe Victory Tax Act of 1942, passed by Congress for the years 1943 to 1944, was the Federal Reserve's scheme (proposed through their useful idiots in Congress) for coercing citizens of the 50 states who were not federal employees into paying "income taxes" to support winning World War II that they were not legally liable for. The Victory Tax also introduced the practice of "withholding." This was to be a temporary two year tax supposedly authorized by Article 1 Section 8 clause 12 of the(...) Read More
- Vidal v. GirardStephen Girard, a French immigrant, died in Philadelphia. His estate of over $7 million dollars was left with the stipulation that it be used to start an orphanage and school that did not allow the Bible. The city rejected this plan to separate the Bible from the education of our youth. In a case that went before the U.S. Supreme Court (Vidal v. Girard’s Executors, 1844), the court ruled unanimously (9-0) that the Bible could not be extracted from the education of our youth. Daniel(...) Read More
- Vietnam WarThe media depicted the war as a “quagmire” begun by “right-wing hawks” who wanted to stop the spread of communism. They said the war was “unwinnable,” dragged out because the “hawks” were too proud to pull our troops out, our military having underestimated the determination of Ho Chi Minh’s forces. Here’s what the media omitted: The roots of the Vietnam disaster trace to World War II. At the “Big Three” conferences at Teheran and Yalta, President Roosevelt asked Soviet dictator Joseph(...) Read More
- VirologyThe fraudulent "scientific" study of biological viruses created by the Rockefeller medical cabal. The corrupt model of modern medicine is an epidemic based on fear, not viruses or bacteria. One of the outcomes of the alleged new SARS Covid virus that publicly emerged in 2019 is that the medical specialization of virology has been raised to a stature almost Godlike in the media. Few understand the origins of virology and its elevation into a leading role in today’s medicine practice. For(...) Read More
- Virtue SignallingTo take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else. (Urban Dictionary) Such politically correct (and dishonest) “holier than thou” empty gestures by ordinary individuals are silly but innocuous. By the powerful, though, this can have real impact on pushing agendas. What’s quite troubling is how common it is for corporations, celebrities, and the ultra-wealthy to jump on the virtue(...) Read More
- VirusThe inability of the Germ Theory to satisfy the POSTULATES OF KOCH... the Virus Theory can't survive the basic requisites of scientific scrutiny to remain a theory, much less become a LAW. Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary tells us that a VIRUS is a minute, infectious agent not resolved (distinguished separately by the light microscope). It is without independent metabolism and can only replicate (reproduce itself) within a living host cell. A virion is defined as a complete viral(...) Read More
- Vitamin AFirst discovered in 1919, and by 1924 it had been broken down and separated from its natural whole food complex: “purified.” By 1931, LaRoche – one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, even today – had succeeded in “synthesizing” vitamin A - a purely chemical copy of a fraction of naturally occurring vitamin A known as retinoic acid. Isolated, it cannot perform its biological functions. Taken as a synthetic, it must then draw on a list of resources already in the body in(...) Read More
- Vitamin B1PubMed lists 16,004 studies on the effects of thiamine. Advances in Nutrition discusses thiamine’s role in protecting against dementia, along with the other B vitamins and in conjunction with vitamins C and E. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy recommends thiamine supplementation to improve outcomes in patients with heart failure. A study in Congestive Heart Failure links thiamine to improvements in cardiac function, weight loss, urine output, and the symptoms of heart failure. Case Reports(...) Read More
- Vitamin B2PubMed reveals 17,529 articles concerning the effects of riboflavin (Vitamin B2). The substance has been shown to produce many health benefits. The publication Headache analyzes riboflavin’s action in modulating mitochondrial metabolic abnormalities, alleviating migraine symptoms and pointing toward classification of migraine as a mitochondrial disorder.18 The journal Electrophoresis demonstrates riboflavin’s ameliorative effect on muscle weakness linked to dysfunctional mitochondrial(...) Read More
- Vitamin B3Also called niacin vitamin and niacinamide, is an important lipid-altering, water-soluble vitamin that can be found in many common foods including certain types of meat and organ meat, tuna fish, seeds, mushrooms and others. Niacin appears in the PubMed literature in 13,061 articles. A sampling of this research reveals widespread clinical benefits stemming from this nutrient. Biomedical Pharmacotherapy outlined the therapeutic benefits of niacin supplementation in alleviating oxidative(...) Read More
- Vitamin B5Ever the naysayer, Wikipedia states that “although pantothenic acid supplementation is under preliminary research for a variety of human diseases, there is insufficient evidence to date that it has any effect,” but there is an abundance of evidence – pantothenic acid is referenced in 3,347 articles on PubMed. Its effects are numerous, as it is the precursor to co-enzyme A, a biomolecule involved in over 70 enzymatic pathways. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research reveals(...) Read More
- Vitamin B6The substance has numerous beneficial effects across human cellular systems and is mentioned in 9,893 articles on PubMed. The journal Cellular and Molecular Biology illuminates pyridoxine’s protective effects against Alzheimer’s disease, citing the vitamin’s antioxidant property as the active mechanism. Anticancer Research shows pyridoxine’s potential role in treating malignant melanoma. Food and Chemical Toxicology demonstrates pyridoxine’s protective effect against acetaminophen-induced(...) Read More
- Vitamin B7(or biotin) is a water-soluble vitamin that’s a part of the vitamin B complex — a group of key nutrients needed for healthy metabolic, nerve, digestive and cardiovascular functions. “Biotin is often recommended as a dietary supplement for strengthening hair and nails, though scientific data supporting these outcomes are weak,” says Wikipedia. Not quite – biotin is referenced in 31,208 articles on PubMed, which show systemic benefits extending far beyond hair and nails. The(...) Read More
- Vitamin B9Folic acid or vitamin B9 belongs to the family of water-soluble vitamins and it is essential for copying and synthesizing DNA, producing new cells, and supporting nerve and immune functions. It performs the most vital functions of the body, including everything from RBC formation to energy production. It has a positive action on cardiovascular, neural and psycho-emotional health. The research suggests that maintaining a consistent dietary intake of folate is essential to managing(...) Read More
- Vitamin B12Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is a B vitamin necessary for cardiovascular and cognitive health. It helps in the production of hemoglobin, improvement of nerve strength and regulation of homocysteine levels.5 Homocysteine is an amino acid produced by the body, which in large amounts can increase the risk of a person for heart attacks and strokes. Vitamin B12 works by making sure that the homocysteine in your blood is successfully expended by your body.6 Unfortunately, the human body cannot(...) Read More
- Vitamin CA water-soluble vitamin, which means your body doesn't store it. Unlike most other mammals, humans do not have the ability to make vitamin C, which means you need to consume it via your diet. It's numerous functions in the human body include being a powerful antioxidant, as vitamin C is known to block some of the damage caused by DNA-damaging free radicals. It also acts as an essential cofactor in enzymatic reactions. In this way, it plays a role in your body's production of collagen,(...) Read More
- Vitamin DA fat-soluble vitamin that’s stored in the liver and fatty tissues. This means that increased body fat has the ability to absorb vitamin D and keep it from being used within our body. It is somewhat different than other vitamins because our bodies make most of our vitamin D on their own, rather than solely relying on food sources. It is estimated that up to 90 percent of people have insufficient levels of vitamin D and are unaware of their deficient state. While conventional media and(...) Read More
- Vitamin EA fat-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant in the body. It’s broken up into two different forms: tocopherols and tocotrienols. A specific form of vitamin E called alpha-tocopherol is the most commonly found form in the modern Western diet. Getting enough vitamin E foods in your diet through a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and oils may aid in the treatment of certain skin conditions, boost hair growth and even support healthy vision — in(...) Read More
- Vitamin KVitamin K is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in bone and heart health. It is one of the main vitamins involved in bone mineralization and blood clotting, plus it also helps to maintain brain function, a healthy metabolism and protect against cancer. Vitamin K is referenced in 24,421 studies on PubMed, but none of those studies are good enough for Wikipedia, which states that “vitamin K has been promoted in supplement form with claims it can slow tumor growth;(...) Read More
- VitaminsOrganic micronutrients essential to normal human metabolism. Unlike fats, carbohydrates and some proteins, vitamins are not metabolized to provide energy. Most are not manufactured by the body but are present in minute quantities in natural foodstuffs. Each of these naturally-occurring organic vitamin compounds performs a specific vital function and is required by the body for disease prevention and good health.The known vitamins are divided into four fat-soluble types (A, D, E and K)(...) Read More
- Volcker, Paul(9/5/27 - 12/8/2019) Former chairman of the Federal Reserve during the 1980’s. Following his 2019 death, major media wrote words of praise for the banker who “killed inflation” in the wake of the 1970’s oil crises and food price crisis. Volcker’s true legacy is far less positive. No one person did more to bring about the dysfunctional debt-bloated financial system we have today than the former Chase Manhattan Bank economist who spent most of his life in the employ of America’s most(...) Read More
- von Braun, Wernher(March 23, 1912 - June 16, 1977) was one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology in Germany and the United States. Originally a German scientist who led Germany's rocket development program before and during World War II, he entered the United States at the end of the war through the then-secret Operation Paperclip. He became a naturalized U.S. citizen and worked on the American ICBM program before joining NASA, where he served as Director. The space architect is(...) Read More
- von Grumbach, ArgulaAbout 260 miles south of Martin Luther’s Wittenberg, a noblewoman who had converted from Catholicism reading Luther’s work. She corresponded directly with him throughout the remainder of her life and was one of the few visitors Luther allowed to see him when he was seeking protection in the Coburg castle. Remarkably, Argula became the first female lobbyist of the Reformation. She even attempted to arbitrate between Lutherans and Zwinglians at the Diet of Augsburg in 1530, arranging a(...) Read More
- Vos, RobinA RINO Wisconsin Speaker of the House (R) who was intimately involved in the creation of ballot drop boxes nationwide which were instrumental to stealing the 2020 Election from President Trump, and especially in WI where he signed off on their use. Skilled at 'speaking' out of both sides of his mouth, Vos promised to get to the bottom of the Election fraud in WI where Biden received a massive overnight spike in (illegal) ballots, but has done nothing but tried to stall and cover his own(...) Read More
- Voter Fraudthe crime of a voter submitting a ballot he or she is not entitled to cast. It can change the outcome of a close election. Even areas not known for voter fraud have unexplained discrepancies between voter registration lists and estimates of the number of eligible voters. While the mainstream media gives the fale impression that the most serious threat of voter fraud comes from countries such as Russia hacking the election, the source of most voter fraud comes from having people on voter(...) Read More