Taking Back Our Stolen History


The science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. (Oxford dictionary)

“Eugenics” comes from the Greek roots for “good” and “origin,” or “good birth” and involves applying principles of genetics and heredity for the purpose of improving the human race. The term eugenics was first coined by Francis Galton in the late 1800’s (Norrgard 2008). Galton (1822-1911) was an English intellectual whose body of work spanned many fields, including statistics, psychology, meteorology and genetics. Incidentally, he was also a half-cousin of Charles Darwin. Galton’s first academic foray into eugenics analyzed the characteristics, such as superior intelligence, of England’s upper classes and concluded they were hereditary; therefore, desirable traits could be passed down through generations (Norrgard 2008). Galton advocated a selective breeding program for humans in his book Hereditary Genius (1869): “Consequently, as it is easy, ….. to obtain by careful selection a permanent breed of dogs or horses gifted with peculiar powers of running, or of doing anything else, so it would be quite practicable to produce a highly-gifted race of men by judicious marriages during several consecutive generations.

The eugenics movement took root in the United States in the early 1900‘s, led by Charles Davenport (1866-1944), a prominent biologist, and Harry Laughlin, a former teacher and principal interested in breeding. In 1910, Davenport founded the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island “to improve the natural, physical, mental, and temperamental qualities of the human family” (Norrgard 2008). Laughlin was the first director. Field workers for the ERO collected many different forms of “data”, including family pedigrees depicting the inheritance of physical, mental, and moral traits. They were particularly interested in the inheritance of “undesirable” traits, such as pauperism, mental disability, dwarfism, promiscuity, and criminality. The ERO remained active for three decades.

Elite money from the East Coast of America joined with the aristocratically-inclined scientific crowd from Britain to create an organized attempt to establish Eugenics as a mindset that enabled elite control, and gave a rationale for reigning in the procreation of those declared unfit. Leading industrial magnates threw the weight of their wealth behind the fields of social work, genetics, medicine, public health agencies and politics to establish new offices, new organization and new laws to enforce Eugenics – declaring the unfit stripped of their right to breed, while glorifying the reproduction of best as progressors of the race of the world state.

The Rockefellers were leaders in this area, using their foundation to pursue Eugenics in university research and attempt to engineer a ‘new Man’ by controlling the science of life and establishing a tyranny over the reproductive cycle. Privately the Rockefellers funded Margaret Sanger, founder of the organization that became Planned Parenthood and who stirred controversy in Congressional testimony for breaking laws by promoting birth control. It also funded extreme eugenicists like Paul Popenoe in America and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Nazi Germany, set up explicitly to study eugenics under individuals like the notorious Josef Mengele.

Eugenics was not only the purview of academics, and it became a popular social movement that peaked in the 1920s and 30s. During this period, the American Eugenics Society was founded, in addition to many local societies and groups around the country (PBS 1998). Members competed in “fitter family” and “better baby” competitions at fairs and exhibitions (Remsberg 2011). Movies and books promoting eugenic principles were popular. A film called The Black Stork (1917), based on a true story, depicted as heroic a doctor that allowed a syphilitic infant to die after convincing the child’s parents that it was better to spare society one more outcast.

The English eugenics movement, championed by Galton, promoted eugenics through selective breeding for positive traits. In contrast, the eugenics movement in the US quickly focused on eliminating negative traits. Not surprisingly, “undesirable” traits were concentrated in poor, uneducated, and minority populations. In an attempt to prevent these groups from propagating, eugenicists helped drive legislation for their forced sterilization (Norrgard 2008). The first state to enact a sterilization law was Indiana in 1907, quickly followed by California and 28 other states by 1931 (Lombardo n.d.). These laws resulted in the forced sterilization of over 64,000 people in the United States (Lombardo n.d.). At first, sterilization efforts focused on the disabled but later grew to include people whose only “crime” was poverty. These sterilization programs found legal support in the Supreme Court. In Buck v. Bell (1927), the state of Virginia sought to sterilize Carrie Buck for promiscuity as evidenced by her giving birth to a baby out of wedlock (some suggest she was raped). In ruling against Buck, Supreme Court Justice Wendell Holmes opined, “It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind….Three generations of imbeciles is enough” (Black 2003). This decision legitimized the various sterilization laws in the United States. In particular, California’s program was so robust that the Nazi’s turned to California for advice in perfecting their own efforts. Hitler proudly admitted to following the laws of several American states that allowed for the prevention of reproduction of the “unfit” (Black 2003).

After WWII and the stain of the Nazis, the Rockefellers helped Eugenics shed its dark associations and re-brand under cause like “Family Planning & Worldwide Planned Parenthood” (now just Planned Parenthood) through organizations which most notably include John D. Rockefeller III’s Population Council. Rockefeller money paid for lots of propaganda and instituted involuntary sterilization programs in Puerto Rico, Brazil and California, among many other locales. National Family Planning ministries in India, China, Peru and elsewhere have enforced compulsory sterilization and/or birth limits with often dictatorial and genocidal population control methods. Family planning programs were pushed on most of the developing nations of the world, with special emphasis on the top countries with the largest population growth – which was echoed in State Department and National Security policy through Henry Kissinger’s 1974 NSSM #200 memo which identified population as a major threat to national security and recommended the use of “food as a weapon” in order to curb populations.

It is important to understand the the goals and beliefs of the eugenicists never went away. In fact, they have been conducting eugenics operations on the public in the west since world war II. In later years, the Rockefeller Foundation funded the development of genetically engineered edible contraceptive plants, such as through the work of Charles Arntzen (and with eerie parallels through the Epicyte episode). The Rockefeller Foundation also quietly funded an anti-fertility in the HcG vaccine which was used covertly with the widely distributed tetanus vaccine, which served as a carrier to trigger autoimmune response to HcG and trigger spontaneous abortion and infertility. Scientific studies have demonstrated the undisclosed use of this HcG infertility vaccine in the Phillipines and Thailand.

All this way done as Rockefeller dollars also heavy funded the medical industry and pushed the use of vaccines worldwide. More recently, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation became the foremost player in philanthropy and formed multiple alliances with the Rockefeller Foundation, agreeing to use its funds to pursue their goals. This can been seen in the GAVI vaccine alliance, AGRA (the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa) and CGIAR (the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research), among others, pushing vaccines and GMO crops on the developing and developed world alike.

Since that time, Gates and Rockefeller have taken things a step further, organizing a Bilderberg-style secret meeting among billionaire philanthropists to coordinate the agenda for population control efforts and other leading issues. It was covered in the media in glowing light, portraying these billionaire control freaks as literal superheroes and ‘saviors of the planet.’

The overarching desire for population reduction has been implemented in two forms – hard kill and soft kill. The hard kill versions are the millions of babies killed each year by the former eugenics organization Planned Parenthood; the millions killed each year in wars created and funded by the globalist; and in bioweapons research labs that include AIDS, Ebola and SARS. These programs were designed for large scale population reduction.

As Henry Kissinger said population reduction has different characteristics in different parts of the world. In the west, the slow kill method has been implemented. This includes vaccines containing mercury and Simian 40 cancer viruses; fluoride in water supplies as used by Stalin in his gulags; the introduction of the excitotoxin aspartame into the food supply; the presence of xeno-estrogen / bisphenol in plastics; the introduction of GMO crops and their well understood destructive side effects; the use of cell phones will result in brain cancer for millions in coming years as a result of the radiation; and the use of microwave ovens – which the Soviets banned in the 1970’s due to the fact that they destroy the nutritive content of food. Further, the combined effects of these programs has manifested itself with a 75% reduction in the sperm counts in the western males according to the UN (ask yourself why aren’t the alarm bells ringing and a crisis announced to the public) and an increase in the rates of cancer from 1 in 66 to 1 in 3 over the past 50 years. These slow kill tactics all contribute to the creation of a sick, dumb and compliant population.

Sources: TruthstreamMedia; GlobalResearch.ca; GlobalistAgenda.org


See Also:

Chronological History of Events Related to Eugenics

(see also Depopulation agenda)

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