Media bias in the United States occurs when the media in the United States systematically emphasizes one particular point of view in a way that contravenes the standards of professional journalism. Claims of media bias in the United States include claims of liberal bias, conservative bias, mainstream bias, and corporate bias. To combat this, a variety of watchdog groups attempt to find the facts behind both biased reporting and unfounded claims of bias. Research about media bias is now a subject of systematic scholarship in a variety of disciplines. (Wikipedia)
Sharyl Attkisson has compiled a media bias chart with the help of her followers. She points out about it that… (Read More…)
Chronological History of Media Bias

Michigan News Channel and AP Publish Election Results One Week Before Actual Election
Last night something miraculous happened: Tudor Dixon won the GOP primary for governor in Michigan! She received 47% of the vote compared to Ryan Kelley (23%) and Kevin Rinke (13%). Dixon is endorsed by the DeVos family, one of the most influential families in the State of Michigan. She is also endorsed by the “RINO” Sen. Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey. Incumbent Peter Meijer also defeated John ...

University Study Reveals Google’s Gmail System in 2020 Election Had Progressively Anti-Conservative Bias
A study performed by the Department of Computer Science at North Carolina State University revealed that Google had a material liberal-leaning bias in the 2020 Election. The day after the 2016 Presidential election the leadership team at Google was caught crying at a company-wide meeting with one exec saying “We lost.” The Gateway Pundit previously reported after the 2016 election on’s video showing Google execs crying like children after Hillary Clinton lost ...

Poject Veritas Releases CNN Undercover Recordings Showing Bias Against President Trump, Tucker Carlson
CNN President Jeff Zucker: “This is a president who knows he's losing, who knows he's in trouble, is sick, maybe is on the aftereffects of steroids or not. I don't know. But he is acting erratically and desperately, and we need to not normalize that.” Zucker: “You know, this is what we've come to expect for the last three and a half years, four years, but ...

Twitter Changes Retweet Functionality to Add ‘Friction’ Before Election
Social media site Twitter is reportedly altering how retweets work on its platform ahead of the November presidential election in an attempt to prevent the spread of what it considers “misinformation” on the platform. The company hopes that adding “friction,” or extra clicks, will slow down the virality of content like the New York Post Biden bombshells the company clumsily censored last week. The Verge reports that social media giant ...

Trump / Biden Hold Town Halls
The second Presidential debate was cancelled due to Covid concerns after the president had just recently recovered from minor symptoms and a positive covid test. While President Trump was sure to get a lefist from NBC, he got one of the nastiest - Savannah Guthrie. Joe Biden's town hall event was hosted by ABC and Democrat operative George Stephanopoulos. Biden's Town Hall ABC News and George ...

NBC-WSJ Poll Gives Biden 14 Point Lead… By Massively Oversampling Democrats
A new Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll released on Sunday gave former Vice President Joe Biden a 14-point lead over President Trump, suggesting that “the debate – is having a material effect on Mr. Trump’s political standing.” Another factor having a ‘material effect’ is the poll’s egregious oversampling of Democrats – with 45% of those asked identifying as either “Strong Democrat” , “Not very strong Democrat” , “Independent/lean Democrat” – vs. the 36% of ...

First Presidential Debate of 2020: Trump vs. Biden… and ‘Debate Moderator’ Chris Wallace
The first of three scheduled debates between Trump and Biden took place on Sept. 29 at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. “The format for the first debate calls for six 15-minute time segments dedicated to topics announced in advance in order to encourage deep discussion of the leading issues facing the country,” the commission stated in a news release a week before the event, ...

OAN’s Chanel Rion Launches New Nat’l WH Correspondents Assoc. to “Restore Balance and Diversity of Viewpoints” in WH News Coverage
Founder Calls Existing Organization “Exclusionary” An “Old Boys’ Club” of “Press Bullies” Operating Rent Free on White House Grounds, Without Legal Standing Chanel Rion, Chief White House Correspondent for One America News Network (OAN), announced today, the formal launch of the National White House Correspondents Association (NWHCA). Rion’s newly formed correspondents’ organization has begun accepting applications by invitation only. NWHCA’s first phase mission aims to accomplish ...

STUDY: 150 TIMES More Negative News on Trump than Biden
As the pandemic grinds on, the Big Three broadcast evening newscasts are among the highest rated programs on television today — and that means millions of viewers are witnessing the most biased presidential campaign coverage in modern media history. I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it. A new MRC analysis of all evening news coverage ...

Twitter Labels RT as ‘State Affiliated Media’, But Ignores BBC, NPR
In another bold censorship move, Twitter has decided to label certain accounts as ‘state-affiliated media’, but apparently this extends only to the accounts whose content the platform does not agree with. Accounts such as RT and Sputnik, Russian news sites, and accounts of people who work or supply content for those websites have been labeled with the tag by Twitter: That's new. The 'R' stands for ...