Taking Back Our Stolen History
Sarsour, Linda
Sarsour, Linda

Sarsour, Linda

a political activist and self-proclaimed “Palestinian-Muslim-American organizer” that may be America’s most vicious public Jew-hater. She was co-organizer for the Women’s March of 2017 to protest the Trump administration the day after his inauguration, but kicked off after racist remarks only to be replaced by another jew-hater. Sarsour has a long history of controversial statements, especially on Twitter, her medium of choice.

Sarsour says she fights for the rights of women. Marches for those rights. And yet supports Sharia law which limits women’s rights and allows men to treat women as objects to be collected, abused, and disposed of. Honor killings. Wife abuse, and so much more.

In late 2019, Sarsour came under fire for claiming that “Israel ‘is built on the idea that Jews are supreme to everyone else’” at the American Muslims for Palestine conference. According to The Times of Israel, Sarsour also “supports a boycott of Israel and favors a one-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” The one-state solution is code for ending the state of Israel.

Not only is Sarsour known for antisemitic comments, but she is also infamous for making anti-American statements. When Sarsour spoke at the 54th annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America, she said Muslims should commit a form of jihad against the American government.

“I hope that we, when we stand up to those who oppress our [Muslim] communities, that Allah accepts from us that as a form of jihad,” said Sarsour. “That we are struggling against tyrants and rulers, not only abroad in the Middle East or on the other side of the world, but here, in these United States of America.”2

The world must be upside down when liberal media outlets celebrate Linda Sarsour as a courageous Muslim feminist fighting against the evil forces of the far-right. “Feminist activist Linda Sarsour has become one of the far right’s favorite targets,” Newsweek tweeted. The same week, The New York Times ran a piece headlined, “A Muslim-American activist’s speech raises ire even before it’s delivered,” depicting Sarsour as a victim of the anti-free speech crowd.

The whitewashing of Sarsour by liberal media outlets is quite extraordinary given her controversial record as an activist. Although she has over the years deleted many of her most notorious comments, the picture that emerges is that of anything but a feminist and defender of free speech.

Sharia law is reasonable and once u read into the details it makes a lot of sense. People just know the basics,” Sarsour wrote on social media in 2011. That would be the same fundamentalist Islamic code that is enslaving, mutilating, and killing hundreds of millions of Muslims and non-Muslims across the Islamic world. Let’s go, as Linda demands, into details for a moment.

Sarsour recently stated that those who identify as Zionist can’t be feminist because they are ignoring the rights of Palestinian women. That seems rich coming from a supporter of the inescapably misogynistic Sharia law. Zionism is the belief that Jews, like any other people, deserve a homeland. In other words, acknowledging the state of Israel’s right to exist — the country with the best record, by far, on women’s rights in the entire region.

Sarsour’s support for strict Islamic laws doesn’t stop with Sharia. Sarsour is also a well-known advocate for the hijab, a piece of cloth she celebrates as a symbol of liberation, usually with the support of misguided third wave feminists.

But wearing the hijab is no achievement. In the West, women are free to wear whatever they like. It is the beauty of a free society. And a free society shouldn’t celebrate a symbol that in many parts of the world stands for a culture of dehumanization. Ask Iranian women forced into a modesty culture by the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Or their sisters suffering under the Taliban in Afghanistan. Or the Yazidi minority enslaved by Islamic State in Iraq. For them, religious modesty codes are no sign of liberation. They are the epitome of their oppression.

But Sarsour has little regard for victims of Islamic extremism, as she demonstrated with her crass and obnoxious abuse directed at other activists. “Brigitte Gabriel = Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s asking 4 an a$$ whippin’. I wish I could take their vaginas away- they don’t deserve to be women,” Sarsour wrote on Twitter in 2011.

Ali, who was born a Muslim in Somalia, escaped an arranged marriage and was subjected to female genital mutilation. She has since become one of the leading voices of the ex-Muslim movement. “She hates me because I expose what Sharia law is,” Ali said in response to Sarsour in an interview on Fox News. ”And what Sharia law is, is what the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is doing,” she added.

Although Sarsour has since deleted her comment, her views on female genital mutilation remain evasive. She refused to answer a question on the subject because it was asked by a “white male” student at Dartmouth College. The audience applauded her.

Imagine for a moment a white male student refusing interaction with Sarsour, a brown Muslim woman, based on the color of her skin. The liberal media would have run extra editions on how Sarsour, the brave Muslim feminist, had become the subject of vile racist abuse by the far-right. But apparently racism is a one way street.

In a just world, criticism of Sarsour wouldn’t be about identity politics anyway. She would be condemned by left and right as a matter of principle – a united moral opposition to her amoral views. But the world is not just and so the whitewashing of Sarsour continues.

Linda Sarsour is not a feminist. She supports a culture that is forcing millions of women into religious slavery. She is a false apostle selling her regressive views to a blinded liberal audience.

Bernie Sanders named Sarsour to his campaign as a surrogate in September 2019. In the Twitter announcement of her support for Sanders, Sarsour claims she “would be proud…to elect the first Jewish Amerian president” after a “startling rise in white nationalism and anti-Semitism.”

She hates White women. She hates Arab women who oppose Islamism. She hates Muslim women who oppose Islamism. She hates women on the left who, though predictably critical of Israel as all Leftists are, do not support selectively boycotting Israel alone among all countries on earth. Don’t even get started with how she feels about men. But this vile hater, Sarsour, does not hate everyone. She loves Saudi Arabia. She loves sharia law. Sure, the women may not drive, but the credit cards are interest-free.

To understand Sarsour, she wrongly portrayed the murder of Shaima Alawadi as resulting from hatred of Muslims when in fact Alawadi’s Muslim husband honor-killed his wife in that religious tradition. Even crazier, she got herself major media attention when a mentally deranged homeless man, known by locals to scream and yell epithets at everyone passing him by, yelled at her; she tweeted that she had been victimized by an Islamophobic hate crime.1

On Friday, the 20th of September 2020, the infamous Democrat anti-Semite was behind the scenes leading the rioters in Lousville, harassing innocent drivers and damaging vehicles in the process.3 Dozens of protesters – including Sarsour — were arrested during the event dubbed “BreonnaCon,” intended to draw attention to the March police-raid death of Breonna Taylor.