Taking Back Our Stolen History
Venona Project
Venona Project

Venona Project

A top-secret U.S. effort to gather and decrypt messages sent in the 1940s by agents of what is now called the KGB and the GRU, the Soviet military intelligence agency. Whether it was stealing atomic secrets or influencing U.S. foreign policy, communist victories in the 1940s were fed by an incredibly vast spy and influence network. The beginning of public revelations occurred in a 1995 article in the Baltimore Sun. Thanks to the largesse of Russia not long ago and a bit unwittingly releasing their version of the Venona Papers to the public even more insidiousness has been revealed about FDR’s Administration. Alexander Vassiliev and his Notebooks [Note on Reliability] of briefly declassified KGB documents by post-Soviet Russia verifies and even updates the revelations of the Venona Project and vindicate Joe McCarthy who was proven right about communist infiltration.

The McCarthy era is commonly depicted as one where America, consumed by a paranoid and irrational fear of domestic communism, went on a witch-hunt. Since, like witches, Communist spies were largely regarded as figments of the imagination, it is little wonder that the first version of the National History Standards for High School, released several years ago, devoted an inordinate amount of time to McCarthyism as the most frightening and detestable era in modern American history. For much of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, there was a steady outpouring of books and articles arguing that the Communist Party of the United States was a small, inoffensive group of idealists committed to democracy, civil rights and labor organizing that was demonized and persecuted by an American inquisition, headed not only by McCarthy, but also by J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, and Richard Nixon, persecutor of Alger Hiss. During the 1970s revelations of FBI excesses and breaches of the law led to denunciations of Hoover, who was also smeared in an expose as someone blackmailed by organized crime because they had pictures of him dressed as a woman. (That, incidentally, is a charge we now know to have been fabricated by the Soviet KGB and disseminated by a gullible press.) And, of course, Watergate led to Nixon’s disgrace and resignation from the presidency.

Per Wikipedia, a left-of-center outfit, this:

“The Venona project was a counterintelligence program initiated by the United States Army’s Signal Intelligence Service (later the National Security Agency) that ran from February 1, 1943 until October 1, 1980. The purpose of the Venona project was the decryption of messages transmitted by the intelligence agencies of the Soviet Union (e.g. the NKVD, the KGB, and the GRU). During the 37-year duration of the Venona project, the Signal Intelligence Service obtained approximately 3,000 Soviet messages (only some of which were ever decrypted); the signals intelligence yield included discovery of the Cambridge Five espionage ring in the UK and Soviet espionage of the Manhattan Project in the U.S. for the Soviet atomic bomb project. The Venona project remained secret for more than 15 years after it concluded, and some of the decoded Soviet messages were not declassified and published until 1995.”

“Venona has added significant information to the case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, making it clear Julius was guilty of espionage, and also showing that Ethel, while not acting as a principal, still acted as an accessory, had full knowledge of Julius’s espionage activity and played the main role in the recruitment of her brother for atomic espionage.”

“The Venona decryptions were also important in the exposure of the atomic spy Klaus Fuchs. Some of the earliest messages decrypted concerned information from a scientist at the Manhattan Project, who was referred to by the code names of CHARLES and REST. One such message from Moscow to New York, dated April 10, 1945, called information provided by CHARLES “of great value.” Noting that the information included “data on the atomic mass of the nuclear explosive” and “details on the explosive method of actuating” the atomic bomb, the message requested further technical details from CHARLES. Investigations based on the VENONA decryptions eventually identified CHARLES and REST as Fuchs in 1949.”

According to the Moynihan Commission on Government Secrecy, the complicity of both Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White is conclusively proven by Venona, stating “The complicity of Alger Hiss of the State Department seems settled. As does that of Harry Dexter White of the Treasury Department.” In his 1998 book, Senator Moynihan expressed certainty about Hiss’s identification by Venona as a Soviet spy, writing “Hiss was indeed a Soviet agent and appears to have been regarded by Moscow as its most important.”

Who were these guys?

Harry Dexter White was a high-ranking Treasury Department official and State Department liaison who provided info to the Soviets. White put in place the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to aid the globalists and the Soviets. He also helped financially destabilize the Chiang Kai-Shek government in China, which aided Mao and the Communists in beating Chiang’s people. Former Communist Elizabeth Bentley, who regretted her spy work, came out of the cold and implicated White in 1945. He didn’t leave government service until 1947. White died of a heart attack after testifying before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1948.

Alger Hiss was a high-ranking State Department official who transmitted American diplomatic service info to the Soviets thru courier Whittaker Chambers. Hiss was with a doddering feeble FDR at Yalta, and helped engineer the sellout that gave Eastern Europe to Stalin, and gave him three votes in the General Assembly of the United Nations to America’s one vote. FDR died within weeks of the Yalta conference.

Chambers repented of his Communism, asked Hiss to do likewise, and when Hiss would not, Chambers confessed to his deeds and implicated Hiss. Chambers testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1948. Hiss sued Chambers for defamation, and Chambers cut Hiss’ throat by producing the “Pumpkin Papers” – the microfilm of documents Hiss stole and had Chambers give the Soviets. The statute of limitations had run out on the direct proof Chambers had so jurors convicted Hiss on lesser perjury charges in early 1950.

The Venona Papers (the records) listed a large number of American politicians and government payrollers mentioned in intercepts of Soviet messages. This cleared some people accused wrongly of loyalty or security problems, but nailed others.

Other researchers who checked Soviet archives and provided notes were able to show a large number of people McCarthy had named as loyalty risks or security risks had helped the Soviets.

Why didn’t the Venona papers see the light of day until 1995?

They were part of a secret program. Some say Army Chief of Staff Omar Bradley didn’t trust the Truman administration with direct knowledge of the intercepts due to leakers on his staff, so he hid the existence of the Venona Program from Truman. Others say Truman was skeptical of the info the Army and CIA and FBI gave him because he couldn’t believe FDR would allow so many scumbags to get into high places in his administrations. Truman, a loyal Democrat, kept most of FDR’s appointees, even the toxic ones.

Still others say Truman as a politician feared damage to his party. Truman also called the Alger Hiss case “a red herring.” Freshman congressman Richard Nixon had shown Hiss to be a liar when he questioned Hiss about mundane things that could be checked against the public record. Hiss denied knowing Chambers. Chambers gave details about Hiss, and his testimony was accurate. Hiss’ contradiction of the public record made him look like a lying weasel.

Truman also stuck up for other members of his team who would let him down.

Truman, who was basically a good man, did push back against Stalin in Europe and did commit to the Korean War. But he underestimated the extent of Communist penetration of his own administration. Right after Hiss’ conviction, Joe McCarthy made a speech in Wheeling, WV about Communist subversion that made it one of the top issues in the country. McCarthy was able to damage Truman’s credibility, help elect a number of GOP candidates to the Senate in 1950 and 1952, and help General Dwight Eisenhower win the election of 1952.

But the Establishment was bigger than McCarthy. All Democrats and the GOP people we today would call RINOs savagely attacked Joe McCarthy in some of the vilest terms imaginable. When he married his staffer Jean Kerr, the Left falsely said she was sterile because Joe forced her to get an abortion. (Joe and Jean adopted a daughter.) McCarthy was a friend to whistleblowers on corruption or subversion in government, which angered Establishment types. Many media people hated McCarthy because in a DC bar, he kicked Establishment Washington Post and NBC writer Drew Pearson in the crotch and dropped him. (And the media today thinks President Trump is hard on them.)

Eisenhower, behind the scenes, struck at McCarthy after McCarthy exposed espionage in the Army. The Senate, led by Republican opponents of McCarhty, then censured McCarthy in late 1954 for his violations of “decorum” in that body. Prescott Bush ( R-CT), the slimy father of George Bush (41) voted for censure. Joe’s war buddy John Kennedy (D-Mass.) did not vote against him even though Lyndon Johnson (D-TX), the Senate Minority Leader, got virtually all other Democrats in the Senate to do so.

McCarthy wasn’t much of a GOPer anyway. He was pro-black civil rights, pro-farmer, and pro-union. He was also a coarse outsider in DC. He was more at home harvesting crops or drinking with Service buddies or chasing women (before Jean Kerr made an honest man of him) than he was at attending formal DC soirees. But because as one man he dared to question the intelligence and integrity of the DC Establishment, Democrats and Republicans united in trying to destroy him.

McCarthy, unbowed, was the first GOP senator to come out against Eisenhower’s involvement in the Vietnam War. He said all the war would do was kill Americans for no valid purpose. Hepatitis aided by his heavy drinking killed Joe McCarthy in 1957, while he was still in office.

A 2/8/2000 World Net Daily article commemorating the 50th anniversary of the speech Joe McCarthy made in Wheeling, WV about subversion in government noted:

“Professor Arthur Herman (‘s) new book, “Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator,” and featured in the Sunday New York Times Magazine, shows the vindication of most of McCarthy’s charges. Herman, who is also coordinator of the Smithsonian’s Western Heritage Program, said that the accuracy of McCarthy’s charges “was no longer a matter of debate,” that they are “now accepted as fact.” However, the term “McCarthyism” still remains in the language.

Asked whether McCarthy had understood all the forces arrayed against him, Herman said no, that McCarthy hadn’t realized he’d be fighting against much of the Washington establishment. President Truman was fearful that exposures would reflect on key Democrat officials, he said, and big media and the academic world were very leftist, a heritage of the Depression and World War II. High government officials also feared investigations of their past appointments and associations with people who turned out to be communists or sympathizers.

That was the reason McCarthy was so demonized, he said.”

Herman was right, to a point. He didn’t say McCarthy thought he’d have Republican help. But his president and half the GOP senators turned against him.

Anti-Americans in the State Department over the years have done a lot of harm.

John F. Kennedy, as a congressman, criticized the ineptness and/or treachery involved in the fall of China to Communism. It didn’t matter to him it was Democrats who were to blame.

North Korea puppet dictator Kim Il-sung, urged on by Stalin and Mao, in 1950 sent his Red Koreans to conquer South Korea. This happened not long after Dean Acheson, who took over the State Department from George Marshall in the Truman cabinet (Marshall would resurface as Truman’s Secretary of Defense in 1950), had stupidly said publicly that South Korea lay outside of America’s defense perimeter. Acheson’s top China hand Owen Lattimore said, “The thing to do was let South Korea fall, but not to let it look like we pushed it.”

This led to the Korean War, which cost more than 36,000 Americans their lives. The Reds cost my Uncle Don some of the best years of his life and multiple wounds from the Chinese bastards who used his medic’s cross for target practice.

It was revealed Lattimore lied in a number of publications about Soviet prison camps and other items to the benefit of Communists. Lattimore was a sympathizer of Communism who gave them cover as a writer. He was later outed as a Communist by former Communist Louis Budenz. Lattimore would be indicted for perjury for lying under oath before the McCarran Committee about his connections to Communist and leftist groups. Left-leaning federal judge Luther Youngdahl in 1955 dismissed the case on technicalities. Ike’s DOJ may have tanked the case.

McCarthy listed Lattimore as a security risk and as a Communist. He was both. Lattimore was still allowed to teach in college, but left for England when JFK became president.

Patrick McCarran (D-NV), who ran the committee, died in 1954. He was Joe McCarthy’s mentor in the Senate even though they were of different parties. Both men hated Communism.

Persons unknown in the State Department leaked to the New York Times in 1956 that the Hungarian Uprising in so many words was not the concern of the American government. Eisenhower was president in 1956. This was a green light to Soviet dictator Khrushchev to smash the Hungarians.

Bush 41 diplomat April Glaspie, a native of Canada, in 1990 gave Iraq’s dictator Saddam Hussein the word that his border dispute with the Kuwaitis was not a concern to the Bush Administration. Saddam interpreted this as an okay to take over the little country. This led to wars against the people of Iraq during both Bushes’ administrations.

But other government agencies started to join the State Department in attracting anti-Americans.

The CIA were involved in the murders of Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo, South Vietnam leaders Ngo Diem and his brother Ngo Nhu, and Chilean leftist leader Salvador Allende.

Some say the CIA were so incompetent in trying to kill Castro that the Cuban Red dictator struck back and had JFK murdered. Others say the CIA and the FBI worked with Lyndon Johnson to have Kennedy murdered so he could become president.

Kennedy wanted to shatter the CIA because they were outlaws. Even Harry Truman, who created the CIA, said likewise after JFK’s murder. And Truman was an LBJ supporter, not a Kennedy supporter.

Another guy in my report on Joe McCarthy – John Abt – showed up in the JFK murder. Remember, Kennedy and Joe McCarthy were pals, and Joe dated John’s sister Patricia. Joe was right on Abt. After McCarthy questioned Abt, a government lawyer and pal of Communists in labor circles, Abt became counsel for the Communist Party. Was I naive for thinking Abt was a problem child? Oswald, a Communist and Castroite by conviction (say some) or by Deep State cover (say others) asked Dallas police to get Abt to represent him after they arrested him.

The CIA, with former CIA director and VP George Bush’s assistance, turned President Reagan’s aid to the Contras plan into a drugrunning, murder for hire and money laundering scheme involving CIA asset Arkansas governor Bill Clinton. Oliver North and other CIA operatives mocked President Reagan and praised Bush, according to Terry Reed, a CIA man and author of the book “Compromised: Clinton, Bush, and the CIA.” Terry was in on meetings with North, Clinton, and future Bush AG William Barr. Reed also disclosed some of the CIA’s illegal activity was designed to force Reagan out of office, and they almost succeeded.

John Hinckley, a family friend of the Bushes, tried a less complicated route. He shot and nearly killed President Reagan in 1981.

The FBI, which rose from ineffectiveness to professionalism and patriotism in the 1950s, slid once again. J. Edgar Hoover kept his job by helping LBJ spy on Dr. Martin Luther King and others. Politics drove law enforcement.

The Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas have put a number of anti-American operatives into the CIA, the NSA, and the FBI over the three decades they held the controls of this nation in their slimy hands. These people are in place throughout the government to attack opponents of the Deep State.

Source: https://howtobeyourowndetective.com/2018/07/17/joe-mccarthy-donald-trump-and-the-public-record/