(Dec 28, 1856 – Feb 3, 1924) was an American statesman, lawyer, and academic and a NWO dupe as the 28th U.S. President from 1913 to 1921. A member of the Democratic Party, Wilson served as the president of Princeton University and as the 34th governor of NJ before coming out of obscurity to win the 1912 presidential election thanks to a coup by the money powers who backed him . Wilson delivered three devastating blows against the Republic of the US: (1) He destroyed Customs Tariffs policy and substituted it with the Socialist system of graduated income tax, [IRS]; (2) he brought legislation that established the Federal Reserve Bank, a central bank forbidden by the U.S. Constitution, and (3) He forced the US into WWI over strong opposition by 87 percent of the American people thus bankrupting the country.
Before the Network chooses a candidate for a particular job, that candidate must be carefully screened. This obviously isn’t a problem for those who have intelligence agencies and other investigative resources at their disposal. A vast amount of personal information can be easily collected on any individual[15] and, if the individual looks promising, a recruiter (like Mandell House) will know exactly what buttons to push to entice and or manipulate the new recruit. To say that Wilson must have looked very “promising” to the Network would be a colossal understatement. He had demonstrated loyalty to the ideals of global government and socialism, as well as contempt for the US Constitution, long before House selected him[16] for the presidency.
In his book To End All Wars: Woodrow Wilson and the Quest for a New World Order, Thomas J. Knock (a supporter of Wilson) provides a detailed look into Wilson’s mind. The similarities between Wilson and the so-called hero in Philip Dru: Administrator are very disturbing. Assuming the Network sought to establish a centralized world government, they could have hardly found a better advocate than Woodrow Wilson.
As early as 1887, Wilson had written of a “confederation” of empires[17] and expressed his agreement with the central idea behind state socialism. That idea, he wrote, is that “no line can be drawn between private and public affairs which the State may not cross at will…it is very clear that in fundamental theory socialism and democracy are almost if not quite one and the same.”[18]
In Wilson’s opinion, the US government needed to move toward centralized socialist control and unlimited power in order to stop “the aggrandizement of giant corporations that threatened to swallow up, not only individuals and small businesses, but democratic government itself.” Wilson went on to condemn “selfish, misguided individualism” and proclaimed “we ought all to regard ourselves as socialists.” He saw that concentrated and unaccountable power had enabled “the rich and strong to combine against the poor and weak,” and it was high time for government to “lay aside” timidity and “make itself an agency for social reform as well as political control.”[19]
Each of these arguments is nearly identical to those offered by House’s fictional hero. But unlike House (who used the arguments deceptively, to justify seizing greater power), Wilson probably believed that his “solutions” would weaken the monopolistic forces he spoke out against. And, if so, this made Wilson much more valuable to the Network than the typical insincere politician who’d say anything in exchange for a paycheck and some power. Wilson would openly and passionately build for the Network what it could never openly build for itself.
But if these aspects of Wilson’s personality and ideology were not enough, there was one final “asset” that the Network could exploit: Woodrow Wilson was a man of towering arrogance and hypocrisy. He had no aversion to the creation of imperial power, provided it was directed by the “right people” (like himself, no doubt) and provided it was used for the “right reasons” (to be determined by the same.) In the case of the United States, he stated, “I believe that God planted in us visions of liberty…that we are chosen…to show the way to the nations of the world how they shall walk in the paths of liberty.”[20]
As with most politicians, when Wilson uses the pronoun “we” (as in “we are chosen”), he would have been more honest to use the pronoun “I.” More to the point: he felt that God had chosen him to secure global liberty by force, and there is at least one reference, provided by Sigmund Freud, where Wilson drops all rhetorical subterfuge:
God ordained that I should be the next President of the United States. Neither you nor any other mortal or mortals could have prevented it.[21]
Additional quotes further clarify the strength of Wilson’s ego. For instance, in his confidential journal, he wrote: “Why may not the present generation write, through me, its political autobiography.”[22] In an address he gave as president (July 4, 1914), Wilson proclaimed that the role of the United States was to be “the light which shall shine unto all generations and guide the feet of mankind to the goal of justice and liberty and peace.”[23] And to achieve this, Wilson generously pledged “every dollar” of America’s wealth, “every drop of her blood,” and all the “energy of her people.”[24]
Even Henry Kissinger took aim at Wilson’s “conceit”:
In Wilson’s view, there was no essential difference between freedom for America and freedom for the world…he developed an extraordinary interpretation of what George Washington had really meant when he warned against foreign entanglements. Wilson redefined “foreign” in a way that would surely have astonished the first president. What Washington meant, according to Wilson, was that America must avoid becoming entangled in the purposes of others. But, Wilson argued, nothing that concerns humanity “can be foreign or indifferent to us.” Hence America had an unlimited charter to involve itself abroad…what extraordinary conceit to derive a charter for global intervention from a Founding Father’s injunction against foreign entanglements, and to elaborate a philosophy of neutrality that made involvement in war inevitable![25]
Wilson’s desire to create a global power structure that “no nation” or “probable combination of nations” could resist,[26] coupled with his messiah complex, provided the perfect psychological ingredients for turning the man into a useful idiot.[27] Servando Gonzales summed up the final equation perfectly: “Wilson was a man intoxicated with the sense of his own importance and historical relevance” and, as such, he could be “easily manipulated by a trained intelligence officer (like Edward Mandell House).”[28]
The evidence suggests that this is exactly what happened. The Network had no reason to reveal itself or its New World Order plans to Wilson. Rather, it had every reason to let him believe the crusade for global government was his idea, his divine purpose, to “make the world safe for democracy.”
In his book, The New Freedom, Woodrow Wilson spoke out against a shadowy monopolistic power that was exercising undue influence in the United States. He wrote:
Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.[29]
How ironic that this same “organized, watchful, and pervasive” power is what put Woodrow Wilson in the White House…and this brings us to another very important part of the story.
Assuming we accept the fact that Wilson was a dupe, cynically used by the Network to further its already-established agenda, we still haven’t addressed the most impressive swindle of all: that the Network successfully duped millions of Americans into electing him in the first place.
The Election Deception
Few voters ever stop to consider the way in which they initially meet “their” choices for president. If a strange man were to knock on their door and say “I’m running for president of the United States,” there is almost zero chance they’d view him as a legitimate candidate. However, if they meet the exact same stranger through one of the Network’s main propaganda instruments (radio, print, or television), suddenly the reaction is very different. Suddenly the stranger deserves a serious look.
This is what Bernays referred to as “one of the most firmly established principles of mass psychology,” and the Network applies the principle masterfully. Essentially, it is this: the vast majority of people accept the idea that “credible” individuals and organizations should be trusted to do their reasoning for them.
In the case of elections, the public trusts the so-called credible media to narrow the field down to the top-tier candidates. A political “sideshow” ensues and, at the end, voters “choose” who they’d prefer to have in office. But their choice isn’t what they perceive it to be. Sure, they are technically choosing who they prefer, but they are choosing from a list of candidates that was chosen for them.
Sadly, this sleight of hand works just as well today as it did one hundred years ago. And unless this concept becomes widely understood, it will work one hundred years from now as well. Returning to Bernays, from his book Propaganda:
Political campaigns today are all sideshows, all honors, all bombast, glitter, and speeches. These are for the most part unrelated to the main business of studying the public scientifically, of supplying the public with party, candidate, platform…and selling the public these ideas and products.
In short: without the Network’s backing, a candidate will remain a relative nobody in the election. They will be relegated to begging door to door for enough money to run an (almost meaningless) advertising campaign. However, with Network backing, the candidate can count on millions of dollars in campaign donations, a long list of credible endorsements, and a nearly priceless amount of exposure through the Network’s propaganda instruments. (In the unlikely event that a truly independent candidate emerges, with enough money or a large-enough following to gain some ground, the Network will simply use its instruments to smear and ostracize the candidate and the candidate’s supporters.)
To be clear, this isn’t to suggest that the Network-backed candidates are necessarily involved in the election deception. “President of the United States” is a job title that fewer than fifty men have held. The desire to join the ranks of such an exclusive club, with all of its attendant perks, is undoubtedly very real. The candidates might even genuinely disagree with a few positions held by their opponents. In fact, it’s even better if they do. (The meaningless bickering between them, and the partisan hysteria it incites among the public, only adds to the overall illusion of voter choice.) But on the issues that matter most to the Network, each sponsored candidate is virtually identical in value.
The beauty of this system is its simplicity. The Network scouts potential talent, performs the necessary background checks, and, after conveying its expectations, offers its vital assistance to a handful of candidates. After some “bombast, glitter, and speeches,” the public chooses from the products (party, candidate, and platform) that were put before them.
Now, let’s quickly expand a little on how and why the Network ousted incumbent president William Howard Taft and installed Woodrow Wilson.
Summary of the 1912 Coup
The 1912 election presented an incredible opportunity for the Network. Although William Howard Taft had served the conspirators well (by openly entertaining the idea of relinquishing US sovereignty and supporting the Network’s long-sought funding mechanism, the income tax[30]), he’d failed to support the one measure that was more important than all others. He refused to support Nelson Aldrich’s plan to hand the nation’s money supply over to the Network through the creation of a central bank.[31] Since the central bank was necessary to truly dominate the United States, Taft’s rejection of the Aldrich plan constituted a major transgression. But there was a remedy, and that remedy’s name was Woodrow Wilson.
Wilson had done more than “openly entertain the idea of relinquishing national sovereignty,” he’d developed a near-fanatical obsession with the idea. There would be no problem getting him to passionately evangelize the New World Order on behalf of the Network.
It would also be no problem getting Wilson to sign the Network’s income-tax scam into law. (The income tax was “sold” as a way to punish the rich and enrich the poor. In reality, the tax simply extracts money from US citizens and dumps it directly into the Network’s projects and pockets.)
Last but certainly not least, control of the nation’s money supply would be far easier to secure with Wilson in the White House. For one reason, Wilson admitted that he really didn’t understand central banking,[32] and this was very convenient. The Network could provide all the “right” advisors, steering the creation of the so-called Federal Reserve System from start to finish.
Another reason the central bank would be easier to secure under Wilson is because the entire issue had been successfully framed in partisan terms. That is, a previous central-bank plan had been put forward by a Republican senator named Nelson Aldrich. Since everyone knew that Aldrich was a Network-connected insider, the legislation was shot down by Democrats when it bore his name. (For this, the Democrats were largely seen as having protected the “little guy” from another big-business Republican scheme.)
With the people convinced that the Democrats had protected them, any alternative central-bank plan put forward under a Democratic administration would rouse far less suspicion. The Network could simply drop the name “Aldrich,” wrap the legislation in some progressive rhetoric, and sell the exact same thing with Wilson and his Democratic administration acting as trusted pitchmen. (Like the income tax, the central bank would be presented as a way to “protect the people” from the rich and powerful. In truth, it accomplished the exact opposite.)
Side Note: The central-bank issue is so crucial to the Network’s plan for dominating the world that dozens of books have been written on the subject.[33] A sizable amount of the next chapter will be devoted to this topic, but, for now, here is what Quigley said the Network intended to create with its central banking power:
…a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country…The apex of the system was to be…a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank…sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.[34]
As a quick reminder, this isn’t a case of Quigley guessing at the Network’s intentions. He speaks with the authority of a man who, in his own words, knows “of the operations of this network” because he “studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its papers and secret records.”[35]
So, when comparing the Republican candidate, Taft, to the Democratic candidate, Wilson, there was no question who the Network wanted more. The decision was made, Mandell House paid Wilson a visit, and the process of grooming Wilson for the presidency began.
In November 1911, Wilson met Colonel Edward Mandell House, one of the first kingmakers in modern American politics. “Almost from the first,” the Colonel later recalled, “our minds vibrated in unison.” Wilson concurred: “Mr. House is my second personality…His thoughts and mine are one.”[36]
James Perloff describes a follow-up meeting at the Democratic Party headquarters in New York:
Wilson received an “indoctrination course” from the leaders convened there, during which he agreed, in principle, to do the following if elected:
- Support the projected Federal Reserve [central bank];
- Support income tax;
- Lend an ear to advice should war break out in Europe;
- Lend an ear to advice on who should occupy his cabinet.[37]
As mentioned in footnote 16, House pulled all of the necessary strings to ensure the Democratic nomination for president went to Wilson. But as impressive as that level of influence might be, it’s still a long way from actually putting a man in the White House. And, unfortunately for the Network, Taft was heavily favored to win against its preferred candidate. Not a problem.
As “luck” would have it, the Network found another potential candidate that it could run against Taft. Not just any candidate, mind you, but a former two-term Republican president. And not just any two-term Republican president, but the same one that Republican President Taft had just replaced in 1909: Teddy Roosevelt.
This was a brilliant strategic move. The most obvious reason being, ten months prior to the 1912 election, Roosevelt had expressed a willingness to support the Aldrich plan.[38] Therefore, whether Wilson or Roosevelt won, the Network could get its central bank. But the most obvious reason isn’t the only or best reason for why the Network poured more than ten million dollars[39] (inflation adjusted) into Roosevelt’s campaign. Sure, Roosevelt was acceptable, but the Network still preferred Wilson. And by splitting the vote, they could have him. Perloff explains:
Polls showed incumbent President Taft as a clear favorite over the stiff-looking professor from Princeton. So, to divide the Republican vote, the [Network] put money behind Teddy Roosevelt on the Progressive Party ticket. J.P. Morgan and Co. was the financial backbone of the Roosevelt campaign. The strategy succeeded. Republican ballots were split between Taft and Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson became President with only forty-two percent of the popular vote.[40]
The full results of the 1912 election were as follows: Wilson received 41.8 percent of the vote, Roosevelt received 27.4 percent, and Taft received only 23.2 percent.[41] How is that for impressive? William Howard Taft, a man who would have handily won the election with a strong majority, wound up dead last in a three-way race against two Network-manufactured candidates. House summed it up this way: “Wilson was elected by Teddy Roosevelt.”[42] The rest, as they say, is history.
After the election, House proceeded to fill the president’s important cabinet positions with the “best” advisors the Network had to offer. He guided Wilson’s policy decisions like a “disembodied spirit” that had “found its opportunity” to shape the world with Wilson’s hands.
Before the end of 1913, the income tax would be law. Before the end of 1913, the central bank would be a reality. These new instruments provided the funding and leverage that the Network needed to greatly accelerate its sovereignty-destruction project. But they, alone, would not provide the greatest opportunity to capitalize on Wilson’s evangelical crusade to “make the world safe for democracy.” Only a long and protracted world war, with funding guaranteed by the new instruments, could achieve that.
Once again, as luck would have it, just such an opportunity presented itself shortly after Wilson took office. World War I provided the political impetus for the Network’s first major attempt at establishing a global government (the League of Nations). And although it wasn’t as successful as they might have hoped, the League of Nations, along with all the other “instruments” that came into existence under Wilson, laid the foundation for all of the Network’s progress over the past one hundred years.
In Dr. John Coleman’s outstanding book, ‘The Committee of 300‘, he points out that:
In 1916 President Woodrow Wilson campaigned on the solemn promise to keep “American boys” out of the war in Europe. He knew full well that it was a good campaign tactic inasmuch as 87 percent of the American people were strongly opposed to the war with Germany, and they let it be known in no uncertain terms. Yet, just a year after being re-elected to office, Wilson violated his solemn promise and his oath of office by conscripting the Militia of the States to serve in the war in Europe. Instead of being impeached and removed from office and prosecuted for treason, Wilson remained firmly in power as if he had done no wrong!
Once the U.S. was engaged in the war, Wilson organized a Committee on Public Information, the first of its kind to mobilize American public opinion. This committee proved highly successful, particularly in the sale of Liberty Bonds. And no wonder. The program was written for the White House by Tavistock and was largely directed from London.
On the surface it is a paradox that Wilson, who had always been a pacifist, should now enter into a secret agreement with foreign powers to involve the United States in a war which should could easily avoid. The key that unlocks this mystery is the fact that Wilson also was an internationalist. One of the strongest bonds between House and himself was their common dream of a world government. – G Edward Griffin, The Creature From Jekkyl Island
During 1915 and 1916, Wilson kept faith with the bankers who had purchased the White House for him, by continuing to make loans to the Allies. His Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan, protested constantly, stating that “Money is the worst of all contraband.” By 1917, the Morgans and Kuhn, Loeb Company had floated a billion and a half dollars in loans to the Allies. The bankers also financed a host of “peace” organizations which worked to get us involved in the World War. The Commission for Relief in Belgium manufactured atrocity stories against the Germans, while a Carnegie organization, The League to Enforce Peace, agitated in Washington for our entry into war. This later became the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which during the 1940s was headed by Alger Hiss. One writer* claimed that he had never seen any “peace movement” which did not end in war.
On October 13, 1917, Woodrow Wilson made a major address, stating:
“It is manifestly imperative that there should be a complete mobilization of the banking reserves of the United States. The burden and the privilege (of the Allied loans) must be shared by every banking institution in the country. I believe that cooperation on the part of the banks is a patriotic duty at this time, and that membership in the Federal Reserve System is a distinct and significant evidence of patriotism.”
In Wilson’s War Message in 1917, he included an incredible tribute to the Communists in Russia who were busily slaughtering the middle class in that unfortunate country.
“Assurance has been added to our hope for the future peace of the world by the wonderful and heartening things that have been happening in the last few weeks in Russia. Here is a fit partner for a League of Honor.”
Wilson’s paean to a bloodthirsty regime which has since murdered sixty-six million of its inhabitants in the most barbarous manner exposes his true sympathies and his true backers, the bankers who had financed the blood purge in Russia. When the Communist Revolution seemed in doubt, Wilson sent his personal emissary, Elihu Root, to Russia with one hundred million dollars from his Special Emergency War Fund to save the toppling Bolshevik regime.
After our entry into World War I, Woodrow Wilson turned the government of the United States over to a triumvirate of his campaign backers, Paul Warburg, Bernard Baruch and Eugene Meyer. Baruch was appointed head of the War Industries Board, with life and death powers over every factory in the United States. Eugene Meyer was appointed head of the War Finance Corporation, in charge of the loan program which financed the war. Paul Warburg was in control of the nation’s banking system*. Jacob Schiff’s lawyer at Kuhn & Loeb, Louis Brandeis, received the first available appointment on the Supreme Court of the United States that Woodrow Wilson was allowed to fill.
It seemed strange that Woodrow Wilson felt it necessary to place the nation in the hands of three men whose personal history was one of ruthless speculation and the quest for personal gain, or that during war with Germany, he found as persons of supreme trust a German immigrant naturalized in 1911, the son of an immigrant from Poland, and the son of an immigrant from France. Bernard Baruch first attracted attention on Wall Street in 1890 while working for A.A. Housman & Co.
In 1896 he merged the six principal tobacco companies of the United States into the Consolidated Tobacco Company, forcing James Duke and the American Tobacco Trust to enter into this combination. The second great trust set up by Baruch brought the copper industry into the hands of the Guggenheim family, who have controlled it ever since. Baruch worked with Edward H. Harriman, who was Schiff’s front man in controlling America’s railway system for the Rothschild family. Baruch and Harriman also combined their talents to gain control over the New York City transit system, which has been in perilous financial condition ever since.
In 1901, Baruch formed the firm of Baruch Brothers, bankers, with his brother Herman, in New York. In 1917, when Baruch was appointed Chairman of the War Industries Board, the name was changed to Hentz Brothers.
Testifying before the Nye Committee on September 13, 1937, Bernard Baruch stated that “All wars are economic in their origin.” So much for religious and political disagreements, which had been specially touted as the cause of wars.*
A profile in the “New Yorker” magazine reported that Baruch made a profit of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars in one day during World War I, after a phony peace rumor was planted in Washington. In “Who’s Who”, Baruch mentions that he was a member of the Commission which handled all purchasing for the Allies during World War I. In fact, Baruch WAS the Commission. He spent the American taxpayer’s money at the rate of ten billion dollars a year, and was also the dominant member of the Munitions Price-Fixing Committee. He set the prices at which the Government bought war materials. It would be naive to presume that the orders did not go to firms in which he and his associates had more than a polite interest.
Not only was the U.S. Food Administration managed by Hoover’s director, Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss, who married into the Kuhn Loeb Company by marrying Alice Hanauer, daughter of partner Jerome Hanauer, but in the most critical field, military intelligence, Sir William Wiseman, chief of the British Secret Service, was a partner of Kuhn, Loeb & Company. He worked most closely with Wilson’s alter ego, Col. House. “Between House and Wiseman there were soon to be few political secrets, and from their mutual comprehension resulted in large measure our close cooperation with the British.”75
One example of House’s cooperation with Wiseman was a confidential agreement which House negotiated pledging the United States to enter into World War I on the side of the Allies. Ten months before the election which returned Wilson to the White House in 1916 ‘because he kept us out of war’, Col. House negotiated a secret agreement with England and France on behalf of Wilson which pledged the United States to intervene on behalf of the Allies. On March 9, 1916, Wilson formally sanctioned the undertaking.*
Nothing could more forcefully illustrate the duplicity of Woodrow Wilson’s nature than his nationwide campaign for re-election on the slogan, “He kept us out of war“, when he had pledged ten months earlier to involve us in the war on the side of England and France. This explains why he was regarded with such contempt by those who learned the facts of his career. H.L. Mencken wrote that Wilson was “the perfect model of the Christian cad“, and that we ought “to dig up his bones and make dice of them.” It is America’s misfortune that our subsidized press and educational system have been devoted to enshrining a man who colluded in causing so much death and sorrow throughout the world.
See also:
Chronological History of Events Involving Woodrow Wilson

A Jewish Defector, Benjamin Freedman, Warns America About the Pagan Conspiracy to Take Over the World

Charles Beard, former Pres. of the Amer. Historical Assoc.: “The Rockefeller Foundation and CFR… Do Not want Journalists… to Examine… Propaganda… During WWII.”

Smedley Butler, the Most Decorated Marine in U.S. History, Publishes ‘War is a Racket’

“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the Work of Jewish Planning and Jewish Dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to Have a New World Order.”

The League of Nations was Founded as a Result of the Paris Peace Conference that Ended World War I.

The Palmer Raids Biggest Raid

The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles

Sedition Act of 1918 Enacted. Imprisons Hundreds for Anti-War Speech

Chicago Tribune article “Nationality and the Yellow Campaign” Warns against Globalism and Cultural Marxism
