The WikiHow website, a hub for how-to information, has joined the other evil tech giants by going all-in with vaccine propaganda that poses a very real danger to the health and safety of children. The site now features a dangerous article that teaches children how to scheme against their own parents and stage fake cover stories to get vaccinated with toxic vaccines that even the U.S. government admits cause thousands of injuries, hospitalizations and even some deaths every year in America. ( and
The WikiHow article, entitled, “How to Get Vaccinated Without Parental Consent,” begins by warning children that their parents might “fall into rabbit holes of conspiracy theories” about vaccines, falsely implying that all evidence of vaccine dangers or vaccine injuries is a “conspiracy.” The article appears at this link:
The article goes on to teach children how to “get vaccinated in secret” and claims that anti-vaccine parents might “abuse you if they learned that you disobeyed them.” (These are actual quotes from the WikiHow article.) Here’s a screen shot from the article itself:

Many vaccines — including vaccines that contain mercury — are never tested for safety in pediatric patients (children and teens), yet it is exactly those children who are being targeted by WikiHow in one of the most dangerous and brazen assaults on parental rights and child safety that has ever been hosted by any tech platform. See the stunning photos, below, showing the actual insert sheet of a popular flu vaccine for more proof.
This article is so dangerous to public health that WikiHow deserves to be sued by parents and criminally investigated for publishing it.
U.S. government confirms billions have been paid out to families of vaccine injured children – an irrefutable fact denied by WikiHow
In truth, vaccine insert sheets openly admit that vaccines are dangerous and, in most cases, never even subjected to clinical trials for safety or effectiveness. These damning facts about vaccine safety are never mentioned by WikiHow.
The so-called “Secret Vaccine Court” (the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) has already paid out over $4 billion to families of vaccine-injured children, and more claims are filed each year.
That program publishes a “vaccine injury table” that lists some of the many injuries known to be caused by vaccines.
The program also reveals that, as of 2019, over $4 billion has been paid out to families of vaccine-injured children:
Since 1988, over 21,491 petitions have been filed with the VICP. Over that 30-year time period, 18,473 petitions have been adjudicated, with 7,044 of those determined to be compensable, while 11,429 were dismissed. Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $4.2 billion.
A detailed PDF report published by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program lists the influenza vaccine as responsible for 3,647 of the injury petitions, and the MMR vaccine responsible for 252 petition. The Tdap vaccine accounts for another 470 petitions. The report reveals that more petitions were filed in 2019 than in almost any other year in the program’s existence, demonstrating that vaccines are trending toward causing more injury, not less.