(born August 13, 1946) was appointed Treasury Secretary by the Biden junta in 2021 (after accepting millions from world banks as Fed Chair for speaking engagements in 2020 via Zoom). Yellen is a staunch advocate of confiscation of Americans’ money and savings through inflation (euphemistaclly dubbed, an “inflation dove”).[1]
Formerly Yellen was chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank appointed by Barack Obama to replacee Ben Bernanke as of February 3, 2014, making her the first women to hold the title. She believes in the Phillips curve.
Since 1985, she was a Professor at the leftist University of California, Berkeley.
Judy Shelton of The New York Sun reported on a 1996 Federal Reserve Board meeting in which Yellen argued for inflation:
She proceeded to tell Mr. Greenspan and her colleagues around the table about a survey posed to a random sample of Americans by Yale economist Robert Shiller to measure their aversion to inflation.
The survey asked respondents whether they agreed with the statement: “I think that if my pay went up, I would feel more satisfaction in my job, more sense of fulfillment, even if prices went up just as much.” Ms. Yellen reported that 28 % fully agreed and another 21% partially agreed. “Only 27 percent completely disagreed,” she observed, “although I think it will comfort you to learn that in a special subsample of economists, not one single economist Shiller polled fully agreed and 78% completely disagreed.”
The transcript notes parenthetically that this last aside prompted laughter in the Fed boardroom. Get it? Economists don’t fall for that inflation ruse — only ignorant workers.[2]
In January 2021 it was reported that Janet Yellen made more than $1 million in speaking fees from Citidel. In August 2021 we find out Yellen made $7 million in speaking fees in 2020 from Citibank alone…. in Zoom calls! Yellen’s official limited disclosure reveals she received millions more from other banks like Barclays, BNP, UBS, and more.
That indicates that her incentives are completely misaligned because her government salary is just $221,400 a year, while just Citi has paid her more than $7 million. Moreover while this sum might look like a small amount for an open bribe, Yellen’s wealth is estimated to be $20 million, so she has been given in one year almost half her net worth by just one bank.
- https://www.conservapedia.com/Janet_Yellen
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/huge-conflict-uncovered-janet-yellen-made-7-million-2020-speeches-zoom-calls-covid-citi-alone/