It is estimated that the century witnessed the death of more than 45 million lives from political and natural disasters in both Europe and the Mongol Empire West Africa and the Indian Subcontinent experienced economic growth and prosperity.
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John Wycliffe, the First to Translate the Entire Bible into English, Dies
Wycliffe had been born in the hinterlands, on a sheep farm 200 miles from London. He left for Oxford University in 1346, but because of periodic eruptions of the Black Death, he was not able to earn his doctorate until 1372. Nonetheless, by then he was already considered Oxford's leading philosopher and theologian. In 1374 he became rector of the parish in Lutterworth, but a year ...

John Ball, a leader in the Peasants’ Revolt, is hung, drawn and quartered in the presence of Richard II of England
John Ball was born in St Albans in about 1340. Twenty years later he was working as a priest in York. He eventually became the priest St James' Church in Colchester. (1) Ball believed it was wrong that some people in England were very rich while others were very poor. Ball's church sermons criticising the feudal system upset his bishop and in 1366 he was removed ...

Basel Massacre: Dozens of Jews Executed for Well Poisoning Allegedly Causing the Black Death
Jews had lived in Basel since at least 1213, when the local community was one of the largest in Europe.[3] The community grew, and by the middle of the 14th century it featured 19 houses and a synagogue.[4] With the spread of the Black Death in the 14th century, there were pogroms against Jews because of rumors of well poisoning and very few Jews dying from the Black ...

Europe’s Black Death Kills 50 to 75 Million People
Every child learns at school that the Black Death was spread by rats which carried infected fleas. But the textbooks may need to be changed, as a new study suggests rodents have been unfairly blamed for the plague which killed millions of people across medieval Europe. The Black Death, it appears, may not have been spread by filthy rats, but by lice and fleas carried by ...

The Original Friday the 13th: Knights Templars Arrested & Tortured to Death
Founded in 1118ce and destroyed on Friday the 13th 1307, the Knights Templar, or Poor Knights of Christ of the Temple of Solomon to quote their full title (1), have contributed to modern society the most inauspicious date in the calendar, so that even those who know nothing of them are influenced indirectly by them through superstition. The purpose of forming the Order was to protect ...

Freedom Fighter William Wallace of Scotland is Hanged, Disemboweled, Beheaded, and Quartered
Following the defeat at the Battle of Falkirk and his resignation as Guardian of Scotland, William Wallace's role in the Scottish resistance changed. He became less of a military leader and more of a diplomat, seeking to garner international support for Scotland's cause. However, he remained a symbol of defiance against English rule and a target for English forces. Wallace's capture came about in 1305, a result ...