2022 US Primary Elections
The 2022 midterm elections were held on November 8, 2022, will determine membership in the 118th Congress for all seats in the United States House of Representatives in addition to Class III U.S. senators. A number of statewide elections were also be held, including gubernatorial races. The top U.S. Senate races were in Nevada, Georgia and Arizona, where the party that wins two out of those three races will take control of the Senate and the ...

Space Force Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier Fired for Blowing Whistle on Marxist Ideology Infiltrating Military
Space Force Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier has been fired for detailing how radical leftist ideology rooted in Marxism is infiltrating the U.S. military. “Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, Space Operations Command commander, relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier of command of the 11th Space Warning Squadron, Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado, May 14, due to loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead,” Space Force told The Washington Examiner. “This ...

Delta Employees Circulate Scathing Letter Condemning the Company CEO’s Woke ‘Fascism’
Delta employees are circulating a ‘scathing’ anonymous letter that was obtained by Dr. Karlyn Borysenko, who shared it on social media and in a podcast. The letter, signed by a 20+ years Delta Airlines Employee, was posted online. It is called “Ed Bastian and Death of Reason at Delta Airlines” in a reference to the company’s “Woke” CEO. The letter will be transcribed below: “Against the ...

Survey Finds People Who Identify As Left-Wing More Likely to Have Been Diagnosed With Mental Illness
A new survey of more than 8,000 people has found that those who identify with left-wing political beliefs are more likely to have been diagnosed with a mental illness. Ann Coulter’s “liberalism is a mental disorder” catchphrase has become something of a clichéd meme, but the data appears to support it. Carried out by Slate Star Codex, the online survey collected a wealth of data from respondents ...

Mallory Millett, Sister of Famous Feminist Kate Millett, Wrote an Article About Her Horrible Experience Inside the Women’s Liberation Movement
The sister of famous writer and feminist activist, Kate Millett, wrote the article below about her 1969 experience attending a Marxist meeting with her radicalized sister. They have since followed much different paths, but her experience gives us an eye-opening peek inside the aims and tactics of these culture assassins. Pastor Dowell reads and gives commentary on the article: Marxist Feminism Ruined Lives: The horror I ...

Study: 98% of All Preschoolers Test at “Genius” Level, But Education System Destroys Their Imagination
Two researchers studying the creative problem-solving abilities of American school-aged youth found that our education system is harming, not growing the abilities of our youth. The book Breakpoint and Beyond: Mastering the Future Today contains their findings. Dr. George Land and Beth Jarman were commissioned by NASA to help the space agency identify and develop creative talent. The two were tasked to research school children in an attempt ...

Ronald Reagan’s Evil Empire Speech: “Freedom Prospers when Religion is Vibrant and the Rule of Law under God is Acknowledged.”
President Ronald Reagan delivered the following address on March 8, 1983, before the National Association of Evangelicals. This was the first time President Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as an “evil empire.” In fact, he used the term “evil” eight times in the speech, and by so doing clearly and boldly characterized the Cold War as a contest between the forces of good—represented by the ...

Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture and future President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Gives a Speech on the Proper Role of Government
Men in the public spotlight constantly are asked to express an opinion on a myriad of government proposals and projects. “What do you think of TVA?” “What is your opinion of Medicare?” How do you feel about Urban Renewal?” The list is endless. All too often, answers to these questions seem to be based, not upon any solid principle, but upon the popularity of the specific ...

The National Organization for Women (NOW) was Founded in Washington, DC by Communist and Jewish Betty Friedan
The National Organization for Women (NOW), an American leftist, feminist organization, was founded in 1966 and consists of 550 chapters in all 50 U.S. states and in Washington, D.C. This group advocates the unfettered right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; seeks to "eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia" from American society; attacks Christianity and traditional religious values; and supports gender-based preferences for women. It's co-founder and first president: Betty ...

Senator Strom Thurmond: “The aim and purpose… is now world socialism, which communism seeks to achieve through revolution… socialism… through evolution.”
Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina in a letter to the editor of the Washington Post penned these words: "...Both socialism and communism derive from the teachings of Marx and Engels. In fact, the movements were one until the split over methods of approach, which resulted after the Russian revolution in 1905 . . . The aim and purpose of both was then and is now world ...