Taking Back Our Stolen History
UFO’s & Aliens

UFO’s & Aliens

In the video below, Guy Malone provides an orthodox biblical perspectives on the modern UFO and “alien” phenomenon, exposing proven deceptions, and ministering truth and freedom to those currently deceived by experiences and/or strongholds related to now-popular belief systems of aliens actively visiting humanity. Alien Resistance offers evidences that the widely-reported “alien abduction” phenomenon — while sadly quite real — is in fact a powerfully deceptive spiritual experience. Malone and Joe Jordan’s research suggests that individuals are not being held captive by authentic biological extra terrestrial beings, but that this belief is rooted in vast levels of occult teaching and outright deception. Malone features personal and testimonial proof that the “alien abduction” experience can be stopped — both while in progress and completely terminated as a life pattern — in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ (view testimonies from those who have successfully stopped abductions permanently, and contact us to know more about being set free from the influence of these tormenting entities).

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Chronological History of UFO’s and Alien Related Events below:

Raytheon Whistleblower Eric Hecker Warns the World about Antarctic DEW's and other Military-Industrial Complex Secrets

Raytheon Whistleblower Eric Hecker Warns the World about Antarctic DEW’s and other Military-Industrial Complex Secrets

Eric Hecker is former Navy and contractor for Raytheon, a major U.S. defense contractor. Eric's position as a firefighter and plumber for the South Pole facility gave him unrestricted access to the compound. During his stay, Eric observed highly advanced directed energy weapons and other technologies beyond what we previously thought possible. Eric has testified to congress under oath and hopes to bring his experience to ...
Alien: Covenant (aka Prometheus 2) Premieres in Theaters - A Transhumanism World of Mutatant Experimentation

Alien: Covenant (aka Prometheus 2) Premieres in Theaters – A Transhumanism World of Mutatant Experimentation

Plot Summary: In 2104, almost eleven years after the disastrous expedition to the distant moon, LV-223, in Prometheus (2012), the deep-space colonisation vessel, USCSS Covenant, is on course for the remote planet, Origae-6, with more than 2,000 colonists in cryogenic hibernation to build a new world. Instead, a rogue transmission entices the crew to a nearby habitable planet which resembles Earth. As a result, the unsuspecting crewmembers ...
Whistleblower: DARPA, CIA Scientist and Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan Speaks at The Bases Project Conference, Exposes Mind Control Techniques

Whistleblower: DARPA, CIA Scientist and Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan Speaks at The Bases Project Conference, Exposes Mind Control Techniques

I will begin by saying, we are living in a time where the dangers of Military technology is now beyond our control. We live as guinea pigs in a world where those with the power, knowledge and technology keep us from our true freedom. To live with free will in this beautiful world. They manipulate us, direct us and destroy everything that was truly divine and ...
NASA Sends Unmanned Orion Spacecraft to Van Allen Radiation Belt to Measure Radiation Readings

NASA Sends Unmanned Orion Spacecraft to Van Allen Radiation Belt to Measure Radiation Readings

On Friday, December 5, 2014 NASA launched the Orion Spacecraft into the heavens and proclaimed to the world that it had officially set its cross hairs on the planet Mars. People watching the live telecast on the mainstream media networks might have thought the spacecraft was actually heading to Mars on December 5. The caption printed on the television screen read, “Mission to Mars” as the ...
Hollywood Movie 'Prometheus' is Released

Hollywood Movie ‘Prometheus’ is Released

Following a faint trail of clues, the accomplished archaeologist, Doctor Elizabeth Shaw, and her partner, Charlie Holloway, along with a seventeen-man crew, embark on an ambitious, deep-space scientific expedition. Aboard the revolutionary space-exploration starship, USCSS Prometheus, the team sets foot on the rocky terrain of the desolate exomoon, LV-223, in 2093, to investigate the existence of the superior extraterrestrial species known as the "Engineers". But, there, ...
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Bio of Author "True nobility is exempt from fear". – King Henry the Sixth, Part II (Act IV, Scene I). Call me The Saint. I am the all American - prep school, Harvard College graduating with honors in computer science and a minor in premedical studies, and advanced degrees from Harvard and Dartmouth in business and science. My famous ancestors are President Lincoln, King Duncan of ...
Canadian Journalist, Serge Monast, Exposes Project Blue Beam - a Scientific Plan to Usher in a One World Religion and New World Order

Canadian Journalist, Serge Monast, Exposes Project Blue Beam – a Scientific Plan to Usher in a One World Religion and New World Order

Following is the transcript of a taped presentation by Serge Monast, a French-speaking Canadian journalist. Although there was no date on the tape, Monast speaks of 1983 as "eleven years ago", so we will assume this talk took place in 1994. We heard rumors from time to time of harassment against Mr. Monast, and later had heard that he was killed. That is an unconfirmed (by ...
Betty Mill's Vision and Circles of Power

Betty Mill’s Vision and Circles of Power

Betty J. Mills knew of Project Blue Beam, although when she made the tape she did not know or know of Serge Monast. It is one woman's view and to be taken only as such. My name is Betty J. Mills.  It is January 1991.  The title of this tape is The Vision and Circles of Power.  This tape is undoubtedly the most difficult tape I ...
The 'Report from Iron Mountain' is Published

The ‘Report from Iron Mountain’ is Published

The substance of these stratagems [for the weakening of the U.S. so it can be more easily merged into a global government based on the model of collectivism] can be traced to a think-tank study released in 1966 called the Report from Iron Mountain. Although the origin of the report is highly debated, the document itself hints that it was commissioned by the Department of Defense ...
FOIA Doc: CIA "Investigate... Utilization of (Flying Saucer Problem) for Psychological Warfare Purposes"

FOIA Doc: CIA “Investigate… Utilization of (Flying Saucer Problem) for Psychological Warfare Purposes”

Curiously, the origin of the modern UFO story seems to correspond with the establishment of the CIA. The government itself supposedly conducted investigations and studies, many which were inconclusive. However CIA documents dwelled on the usefulness and utilization of “the phenomena”. It is recommended that: a. The Director of Central Intelligence advise the National Security Council of the security implications inherent in the flying saucer problem ...