In addition to the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, there is yet another shadowy outfit with Rockefeller and other establishment globalists at its core: Bilderberg. Founded in 1954 by former Nazi SS member Prince Bernhard, the annual meetings and the network behind them started at the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands, ostensibly as a “forum for informal discussions, designed to foster dialogue.” Generally there are between 120 and 150 attendees, most of whom come from Europe and North America, representing every tentacle of establishment power. More than a few analysts have referred to Bilderberg as the “shadow” global government. And there is some truth to the charge. But in reality the true “Deep State behind the Deep State” is more complex than that.
Until recent years, the network, which hosts annual meetings organized by a steering committee, was virtually unknown to the American public, despite the regular attendance of many of the world’s most influential people and their useful idiots — including top “journalists.” Among the attendees is a collection of powerful figures from Big Government, Big Green, Big Media, Big Oil, Big Espionage, Big Banks, Big War, Big Internet, Big Foundations, Big Communism, Big Data, and most of the other important “Bigs.” Virtually all of the attendees share at least one common element though: a fanatical devotion to globalism and secrecy.
Chronological History of Events Related to the Bilderberg Group

Swiss Propaganda Research center (SPR) Releases Research that Ties All American Media to the Council on Foreign Relations

Whistleblower Dr. Rima Laibow Claims The U.N. Would Release A Virus To Trigger Depopulation Through Vaccines!

Retired US Army Gen. Wesley Clark was Told that the U.S. Gov’t Planned to Attack 7 Middle East Countries in 5 Years

Paul Harvey’s Broadcast: “Never in the history of the United Nations has it stood for anything but killing and violence.”

Henry Kissinger at Bilderberg: “Individual Rights will be Willingly Relinquished for the Guarantee of their Well Being Granted to Them by Their World Government.”

John Coleman Publishes ‘The Conspirators Hierarchy, the Committee of 300’

Betty Mill’s Vision and Circles of Power

Sen. Jesse Helms: “This campaign against the American people – against traditional American culture and values – is systematic psychological warfare.”

OPEC Enacted an Oil Embargo in Response to US Aid to Israel in the Yom Kippur War. Was it a Planned Crisis to Raise Oil Prices by Henry Kissinger?