Taking Back Our Stolen History
On This Day in History…

On This Day in History…

Surface Station Report shows 96% of U.S. Climate Data is Corrupted

Surface Station Report shows 96% of U.S. Climate Data is Corrupted

A new study, Corrupted Climate Stations: The Official U.S. Surface Temperature Record Remains Fatally Flawed, finds approximately 96 percent of U.S. temperature stations used to measure climate change fail to meet what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) considers to be “acceptable” and  uncorrupted placement by its own published standards. The report, published by The Heartland Institute, was compiled via satellite and in-person survey visits to ...
Study Cited By CDC To Justify New Mask Guidance Rejected By Peer Review, Based On Vaccine Not Used In US

Study Cited By CDC To Justify New Mask Guidance Rejected By Peer Review, Based On Vaccine Not Used In US

At least one of the studies that was cited by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to justify changing their guidance on masks was based on a vaccine that is not authorized for use in America and was rejected by a peer review. The study in question from researchers in India analyzed vaccine breakthrough in over 100 healthcare workers and claims to show that a COVID-19 ...
White Coat 2-Day Summit Begins in DC to Dispel Misinfo and Empower Americans to Stop Living in Fear

White Coat 2-Day Summit Begins in DC to Dispel Misinfo and Empower Americans to Stop Living in Fear

American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign. We can speculate on how this has happened, and why it has continued, but the purpose of the inaugural White Coat Summit is to empower Americans to stop living in fear. If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will ...
Survey: Americans Think COVID-19 has Killed 30 Million People in the U.S. 225X Higher than Even CDC Overblown Figures

Survey: Americans Think COVID-19 has Killed 30 Million People in the U.S. 225X Higher than Even CDC Overblown Figures

A new survey by research firm Kekst CNC has found that on average, people in the U.S. think 9 per cent of the population, around 30 million people, have died from coronavirus when the 'actual' figure is less than 155,000. The survey results generally across six countries, including America, found that, “People think coronavirus is more widespread, and more deadly, than official figures show.” In Sweden ...
CNN Forces Sinclair Broadcast Group to Axe Interview with ‘Plandemic’ Author, Dr. Judy Mikovits

CNN Forces Sinclair Broadcast Group to Axe Interview with ‘Plandemic’ Author, Dr. Judy Mikovits

CNN created an online campaign to bombard conservative broadcast company Sinclair over an interview it was scheduled to broadcast with Dr Judy Mikovits, the author and creator of the ‘Plandemic’ film and book, and it worked as Sinclair eventually agreed to pull the interview. Mikovits, who contends that the Coronavirus outbreak is being inflated and used to push vaccines on people, had already filmed the interview ...
Paper: Recent mitochondrial DNA barcoding results bode well for the recent origin of species

Paper: Recent mitochondrial DNA barcoding results bode well for the recent origin of species

A recent1 review paper proposed a controversial claim—that the vast majority of animal species arose contemporary with modern humans. Not surprisingly, this claim was met with backlash from the evolutionary community. On what basis did the authors make this wide-reaching claim? Is their assertion true? Furthermore, what ramifications do their data have for the creationist explanation of the origin of species from the originally created min or “kinds”? The main focus ...
Court: Probe found over 300 'predator priests' in 6 dioceses

Court: Probe found over 300 ‘predator priests’ in 6 dioceses

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A landmark grand jury report identifies more than 300 "predator priests" in six of Pennsylvania's Roman Catholic dioceses, the state Supreme Court said in ordering the findings released. The justices said the report on clergy child sexual abuse going back decades and allegations of cover-up efforts will be made public but without the names or "individual specific information" of priests and others ...
Oxford-based Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Issues Report: HPV Vaccine Review Loaded With Omissions, Errors

Oxford-based Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Issues Report: HPV Vaccine Review Loaded With Omissions, Errors

(Infowars) In May 2018, Cochrane, the research organization that bills itself as the “international gold standard for high quality, trusted information,” released a flattering review of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. The Cochrane review methodology involves pulling together data from clinical trials and reviewing the assembled evidence in what is supposed to be a standardized, systematic and neutral manner. In June, we reported that Cochrane’s sources of funding—agencies and foundations that ...
Study: Vegetarians Twice as Likely To Be Depressed

Study: Vegetarians Twice as Likely To Be Depressed

Your diet plays an intricate role in your mood. While excess sugar has been linked to depression, certain foods, like dark leafy greens, mushrooms and turmeric, are linked to positive emotions. In the longer term, what you eat, or don't eat, may also affect your mood by altering your body's levels of certain vitamins, minerals and fatty acids involved in brain health and mood. While many people choose ...
The 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony: Predictive Programming and a Covid-19 Ritual?

The 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony: Predictive Programming and a Covid-19 Ritual?

This was one of the creepiest and craziest opening ceremonies you could possibly imagine and it had nothing whatsoever to do with athletics, but everything to do with occult ritual. Disregard the text the videomaker adds to this video, like how giants are going to target Christians and jews. Coronavirus was predicted in the opening ceremony of the Olympics Games in London 2012. Corona Pro-Vaccine propaganda ...
US 'Fails to Account' for 96% of Iraq Reconstruction Billions

US ‘Fails to Account’ for 96% of Iraq Reconstruction Billions

A US federal watchdog has criticized the US military for failing to account properly for billions of dollars it received to help rebuild Iraq. The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction says the US Department of Defense is unable to account properly for 96% of the money. Out of just over $9bn, $8.7bn is unaccounted for, the inspector says. Much of the money came from the ...
Daniel Dutko, who Headed the DNC Fundraising Effort when Money was Illegally Funneled from China in Exchange for Technology, Has Fatal Mtn Biking Accident

Daniel Dutko, who Headed the DNC Fundraising Effort when Money was Illegally Funneled from China in Exchange for Technology, Has Fatal Mtn Biking Accident

Daniel Dutko, 54, the co-chairman of the Democratic National Committee fundraising effort, Leadership 2000, reportedly died from head injuries in a mountain biking accident in Aspen. Authorities said Dutko was not wearing a helmet and hit his head on the pavement twice. He was in Aspen for a fundraiser attended by President Clinton. Dutko had also been vice chairman of finance for the Clinton-Gore campaign in 1995 ...
Harvard Psychologist Stanley Milgram Submits his Experiment on Obedience to Authority to the 'Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology' for Publication

Harvard Psychologist Stanley Milgram Submits his Experiment on Obedience to Authority to the ‘Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology’ for Publication

If an authority figure ordered you to deliver a 400-volt electrical shock to another person, would you follow orders? Most people would answer with an adamant "no." However, the Milgram obedience experiment aimed to prove otherwise.During the 1960s, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of obedience experiments that led to some surprising results. These results offer a compelling and disturbing look at the power ...
Hitler Addresses 340,000 in Stump Speeches for 1932 Election Campaign

Hitler Addresses 340,000 in Stump Speeches for 1932 Election Campaign

For Germans 1932 was a year of mass unemployment, economic paralysis, and a broken, unresponsive political system. The world economic downturn, known in the US as the Great Depression, had shattered production and business life. This was also a year of intense campaigning in four fiercely fought nationwide elections – two for the Reichstag or parliament, and a two-part presidential contest. The most pressing issue in these campaigns ...
Vincent Van Gogh's Death: Did he Commit Suicide or Was He Murdered?

Vincent Van Gogh’s Death: Did he Commit Suicide or Was He Murdered?

For many decades, suicide was the unquestioned final chapter of Vincent van Gogh’s legend. But in their 2011 book, Pulitzer Prize-winning biographers Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith offered a far more plausible scenario—that Van Gogh was killed—only to find themselves under attack. Now, with the help of a leading forensic expert, the authors take their case a step further. A lone figure tramps toward a ...
The Bank of England is Formed - later to be Purchased for Pennies on the Dollar After a Rothschild Financial Coup

The Bank of England is Formed – later to be Purchased for Pennies on the Dollar After a Rothschild Financial Coup

For purposes of a mainstream account, the official site of the Bank of England provides a flowery version about the background and purported success of the scheme proposed by “William Paterson, envisaged a loan of £1,200,000 to the Government, in return for which the subscribers would be incorporated as the "Governor and Company of the Bank of England". Although the new bank would have risked its ...