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Taking Back Our Stolen History
Population Control / Overpopulation Myth

Population Control / Overpopulation Myth

One of today’s popular boogeymen, along with “climate change,” is overpopulation. It was a boogeyman centuries ago, too. The English cleric and scholar Thomas Malthus warned in 1798, “The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.” Since then, the 1800 world population of one billion has risen to seven billion. And not surprisingly, the notion of an ever-burgeoning population as a clear and present danger has become a basic supposition, one creating perturbation and shaping policy.

On November 13, 2015 for instance, some celebrated “World Vasectomy Day” and held a “vasectomy-athon” in which men, many Western, trumpeted their newfound sterility. Precisely two weeks before, Bowdoin College associate professor of philosophy Sarah Conley, though doubtless a relativist, was quite absolutist in a Boston Globe op-ed entitled “Here’s why China’s one-child policy was a good thing.” Insisting “there is no moral right to have more than one child,” Conley wrings her hands as she warns that the “most recent estimate from the United Nations says we’ll reach a population of 9.7 billion by 2050” and justifies elimination of reproductive freedom by likening it to yelling “Fire!” in a crowded movie theater. It seems the rallying cry “My body, my choice!” only applies to killing children in the womb, not birthing them.

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See a Chronological timeline of Events related to the ‘Overpopulation Myth’ below:

Great Britain Government Begins Requiring Home-Grown Chickens to be Registered to Tackle Bird Flu

Great Britain Government Begins Requiring Home-Grown Chickens to be Registered to Tackle Bird Flu

People in Great Britain who keep chickens in their yards are forced to register them with the government under a new proposed law to stop the spread of bird flu. As part of the ongoing efforts to combat avian influenza, the government of England, Wales, and Scotland introduced a proposal on Wednesday that would make it mandatory for all poultry keepers to formally register their birds ...
Project Veritas Exposes Pfizer R&D Director: Pfizer plans to Mutate Covid for "Directed Evolution" and Profiteer from Vaccines

Project Veritas Exposes Pfizer R&D Director: Pfizer plans to Mutate Covid for “Directed Evolution” and Profiteer from Vaccines

Project Veritas released a new video today exposing a Pfizer executive, Jordon Trishton Walker, who claims that his company is exploring a way to “mutate” COVID via “Directed Evolution” to preempt the development of future vaccines. When confronted following the release of the undercover video, Jordan Tristan Walker plays victim and destroys a Project Veritas iPad. Walker says that Directed Evolution is different than Gain-of-Function, which ...
Actuaries Raise Alarm That Australians Are “Unexpectedly” Dying At An Exaggerated Rate

Actuaries Raise Alarm That Australians Are “Unexpectedly” Dying At An Exaggerated Rate

According to an analysis from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, an extra 15,400 Australians died in the first four months of 2022. Around one-third of these deaths have no link to COVID. Expose.news reported: The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13% excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says. An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months ...
87-year-old concentration camp survivor is one of 11 pro-lifers Arrested by FBI

87-year-old concentration camp survivor is one of 11 pro-lifers Arrested by FBI

Pro-life activist Eva Edl was one of four pro-lifers charged with violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) in relation to a March 2021 abortion facility rescue at Carafem in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. The event was aimed at reaching abortion-minded women in hopes of helping them to choose life for their babies with confidence. Edl is 87 years old and is a German survivor of a ...
World Food Program Warns of Global Fertilizer Crisis

World Food Program Warns of Global Fertilizer Crisis

The UN World Food Program warned Monday that the food crisis is being compounded by a fertilizer crisis. “If we don’t get fertilizers moving, you’re not going have just a food pricing problem, like we’re facing right now. You will have a food availability problem in 2023,” World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley said at an IMF conference hosted by Saudi Arabia on tackling food ...
Amazon Accused of Selling ‘Suicide Kits’ to Teenagers in New Lawsuit

Amazon Accused of Selling ‘Suicide Kits’ to Teenagers in New Lawsuit

Online retail giant Amazon is being accused of selling “suicide kits” to teenagers in a new lawsuit. The lawsuit was brought on by the families of two teenagers, 16-year-old Kristine Jónsson of Ohio and 17-year-old Ethan McCarthy of West Virginia, who used the items to take their own lives. According to the lawsuit, when users went to purchase sodium nitrite, a food preservative that in high doses can ...
Multinational Doctors, Scientists Declare “International Medical Crisis” due to Diseases and Deaths Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines

Multinational Doctors, Scientists Declare “International Medical Crisis” due to Diseases and Deaths Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines

Around 403 doctors, scientists, and professionals from more than 34 countries declared that there is an international medical crisis due to the diseases and deaths following the administration of products known as “COVID-19 vaccines,” according to James Roguski Substack. “We are currently witnessing an excess in mortality in those countries where the majority of the population has received the so-called “COVID-19 vaccines,” according to the news release. “To date, ...
Republican Primaries in Michigan, Arizona, Washington, Kansas, and Missouri

Republican Primaries in Michigan, Arizona, Washington, Kansas, and Missouri

Five states held their statewide primaries on Tuesday, August 2. Patriots saw and reported massive voter irregularities and voting fraud committed on this primary Election Day. The Gateway Pundit reported that Establishment RINOs and Leftists were setting up the steal by pushing bogus poll numbers. The poll they used was completely opposite from all others and was recently caught pushing bogus polls against Trump-Endorsed Senate candidate Eric Greitens ...
Georgia Guidestones Demolished

Georgia Guidestones Demolished

The Georgia Guidestones, once dubbed a “satanic” monument by a gubernatorial candidate, was demolished for “safety reasons” after being irreparably damaged by a bomb blast. The explosive device that sealed the fate of the controversial monument, dubbed “America’s Stonehenge,” was detonated at 4am on Wednesday morning. The blast took out an entire wing of the monument, and authorities moved quickly to demolish the rest of it, ...
Supreme Court Overrules Roe v. Wade in Dobbs Decision – Returns Abortion to State Lawmakers

Supreme Court Overrules Roe v. Wade in Dobbs Decision – Returns Abortion to State Lawmakers

WASHINGTON, DC – The Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade on Friday, holding in the Dobbs case that the Constitution does not include a right to abortion and returning the issue of abortion laws and regulations to state legislatures. The nation erupted in cries of joy and tears of frustration. Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the Supreme Court in Friday’s 5-4 decision: Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does ...