In December of 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court rules to end the vote recount in Florida in the Bush v. Gore case, giving the presidency to George W. Bush after a prolonged legal battle following the election. Alex Jones, Jon Ronson, and Cameraman Sneak into the Bohemian Grove where Global Elite have Secret Meetings, Gay Sex, and Worship Moloch; The USS Cole attack in Yemen; NSA director Michael Hayden initiated the Trailblazer Project – the NSA Spying Software for Cell Phones, Email and other Communications; PNAC Release a Report that their Plans to Conquer Global Resources needed “Some Catastrophic and Catalyzing Event, like a New Pearl Harbor”; The Pentagon Simulates a Commercial Plane Striking the Pentagon; UN Holds the Millennium World Peace Summit to Begin Push for a One World Religion; More and more bodies pile up in the Clinton body count; The Y2K Computer Glitch Scare that Wasn’t; The Taliban Bans Poppy Production Eradicating Opium Production by 99% in 1 Year, Only to Explode to All-Time Highs Following US 2001 Invasion; Bill Gates left his position as CEO of Microsoft in order to spend more time doing ‘charity work’ with the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”.
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2020s | 2010s | 2000-09 | 1990s | 1980s | 1970s | 1960s | 1950s | 1940s | 1930s | 1920s | 1910s | 1900-09 | 1800s | 1700s | 1600s | 1500s | 1400s | 1300s | 1200s | Full Timeline | Top 100 Conspiracies

Influential DC Lawyer who Defended Clinton in Monica Lewinsky Scandal and Hillary Assistant Ira Magaziner, Dies of Apparent Heart Attack

Famous Japanese Archaeologist Exposed as Fraudster

The Pentagon Simulates a Commercial Plane Striking the Pentagon

Archaeologists Discover Ancient City Helike, Once Submerged for a Period under Sea Water, Yet Now are Above Sea Level

Missouri Governor and Senate candidate Mel Carnahan Killed in Plane Crash

USS Cole Attacked in Yemen: A Mossad False Flag?

The Forged Document that Promoted the Uranium Hoax that Triggered the Iraq War

NSA director Michael Hayden initiated the Trailblazer Project – the NSA Spying Software for Cell Phones, Email and other Communications.

PNAC Release a Report that their Plans to Conquer Global Resources needed “Some Catastrophic and Catalyzing Event, like a New Pearl Harbor”