In America, President George Washington delivers the first “State of the Union Address” on January 8, 1790. Benjamin Franklin dies on April 17, 1790 in Philadelphia, PA. Washington, DC, is established as the capital of the United States, in 1791. Considered as some of the Industrial Revolution’s earlier days, the 1790s called for the start of an anti-imperialist world, as new democracies such as the French First Republic and the United States of America began flourishing at this era. Revolutions – both political and social – forever transformed global politics and art, as wars such as the French Revolutionary Wars and the American Revolutionary War molded modern-day concepts of liberalism, partisanship, elections, and the political compass. Marie Antoinette was beheaded in 1793.
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The Coup of Napoleon Bonaparte

The United States Civil Flag of Peacetime

Abbe Augustin Barruel’s Publishes his 4-Volume Study, ‘Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism’

George Washington Receives ‘Proofs of Conspiracy’ Book; Says he Doesn’t Believe America’s Freemasonry Lodges are Fully Infested with their Doctrine Yet

John Adams: “We have no Government armed with Power capable of contending with human Passions unbridled by morality and Religion…”

Rev. Jedediah Morse Warns his Congregation about the Illuminati that has already shaken the Ecclesiastical Establishments of Europe to their Foundations

John Adams Issues a Proclamation for a National Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer for the Protection & Blessings of the Almighty God for the new Nation

John Robison publishes a book entitled “Proofs of a Conspiracy’ after Being Invited into the Illuminati and Shown Weishaupt’s Secret Plans

Inaugural Address of John Adams