Technocracy is the dark plan for a resource-based economy that is being pushed by the Trilateral Commission, the UN, and other globalist institutions in order to bring about a completely managed, controlled and regulated society. It is not Communism Socialism or Fascism, even though there are similarities and overlaps. Rather, it is an economic system originally designed in the 1930s to replace Capitalism and Free Enterprise. In 1938, ‘The Technocrat’ magazine defined Technocracy as follows:
“Technocracy is the science of social engineering the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population… “
This is exactly what is happening today: social engineers working with global corporations to take over the entire economic and social landscape. Thus, society is being ‘scientifically’ reengineered to serve the corporate lords. The old-fashioned terms of ‘supply’ and ‘demand’ don’t apply any more. Consumer demand is artificially manipulated to soak up whatever global corporations decide they want to manufacture. In other words, Technocracy is a complete takeover of both the means of production and consumption, a feat never before attempted nor achieved in the history of the world. Read More…
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