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Taking Back Our Stolen History


Sports can be a wonderful thing for young men and women to compete, develop athletically, work within a team and build unity, and develop leadership skills. The accompanying culture of sports fanaticism plays people’s minds and continuously demands their focused emotional attention inning by inning, play by play. Sports fans respond to the constant sensational cycles of competition between individuals and/or teams, and the unavoidable emotional and psychological result of winning or losing. Likewise, sports and the addiction to sports, like many other addictions, is a distraction diverting the attention of the participants from reality to the reality of the game and the emotional and psychological addictive benefits it guarantees.

As the musical chair participants predictably walk in one direction careful not to miss a second or lose attention for fear of losing the game, so also do sports fans figuratively march in one direction; going along with the waves of storylines, latest scores and memes that the sports leagues throw at them on a daily, even hourly or minute-by-minute basis, careful not to miss a score, a game, or a big story.

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Chronological History of Sports Related Events

NHL Apologizes For Its 84% White Workforce, Launches Initiative To Increase ‘Diversity’

NHL Apologizes For Its 84% White Workforce, Launches Initiative To Increase ‘Diversity’

The NHL launched an initiative to recruit “people of color” and improve how underrepresented communities feel about hockey after conducting an internal demographic study that found the majority of the league’s workforce is comprised of white men. According to the National Hockey League’s “Diversity & Inclusion” report on Strategies, Initiatives, and Progress released Tuesday, 83.6 percent of the NHL’s workforce is white. More than 90 percent of ...
Vermont HS Soccer Coach Fired for Defending Daughter and Teammates from Not wanting to Share Locker Room with Trans Biological Male

Vermont HS Soccer Coach Fired for Defending Daughter and Teammates from Not wanting to Share Locker Room with Trans Biological Male

A father’s coaching duties with the Vermont school soccer team were terminated after he defended his 14-year-old daughter’s discomfort with a biological male using the locker room while she was changing, the Daily Signal reported. In a statement released Tuesday, Orange Southwest School District Superintendent Layne Millington announced that Travis Allen, the girls’ soccer coach at Randolph Union Middle School, had been suspended without pay. Allen ...
NBA Star Kyrie Irving Says He Lost $100 Million, 4-Year Extension for Refusing Covid Vaccine

NBA Star Kyrie Irving Says He Lost $100 Million, 4-Year Extension for Refusing Covid Vaccine

Refusing to comply with the NBA’s Covid vaccine mandate cost over $100 million and a four-year contract extension, Brooklyn Nets’ point guard Kyrie Irving explained Monday. “I gave up four years, $100-and-something million deciding to be unvaccinated and that was the decision,” Irving told reporters during the Nets’ media day, adding he had to come to terms with the gravity of his decision. “[Get this] contract, ...
Duke Volleyball Player And Her Politician Godmother Lied About Being Called N Word During BYU Game

Duke Volleyball Player And Her Politician Godmother Lied About Being Called N Word During BYU Game

A women’s volleyball game between BYU and Duke in Provo, UT made national headlines after a player on Duke alleged on social media that she was called racial slurs throughout the game. The teammates told Duke coach Jolene Nagel and Nagel spoke to the BYU coach about the alleged incident. BYU sent a police officer and four ushers to sit in the student section to protect the ...
ESPN Awards Skier Eileen Gu – Breakthrough Athlete of the Year – After Winning Olympic Gold for Communist China But Growing Up in US

ESPN Awards Skier Eileen Gu – Breakthrough Athlete of the Year – After Winning Olympic Gold for Communist China But Growing Up in US

American-born Chinese skier, Eileen Gu, won the gold medal in the Women’s Free Ski Mid Air competition in the Olympics.  In the presser afterward, she wouldn’t say whether she has a US or a Chinese passport. She also supports BLM and spoke out against any suggestions that the coronavirus was a China Flu. Gu is sponsored by several “American” companies. Chinese skier Eileen Gu won the gold medal ...
Female Athletes Speak Out at ‘Our Bodies, Our Sports’ Rally on Title IX Anniversary

Female Athletes Speak Out at ‘Our Bodies, Our Sports’ Rally on Title IX Anniversary

Several female athletes are set to speak at an “Our Bodies, Our Sports” rally in D.C. on the 50th anniversary of Title IX going into effect. Competitive swimmer Riley Gaines Barker is one of many who will speak on preserving women-only sports teams on the same day fifty years ago that the Title IX law went into effect to prevent sex-based discrimination in schools. The NCAA deprived ...
Project Veritas Exposes ESPN's Toxic Work Environment

Project Veritas Exposes ESPN’s Toxic Work Environment

[CHARLOTTE, NC– Feb 8, 2022] Undercover footage recorded at ESPN published by Project Veritas on Tuesday revealed what appears to be a workplace environment full of toxic racist tension. In one clip, a black studio operator discusses, “the racial sh*t that happens in here all the time.” In another clip, a black woman working as an audio communications specialist says, “that’s not how it is” when ...
World's #1 Tennis Star, Novak Djokovic, VISA Cancelled by Aussie PM for Australian Open Despite Vaccine Exemption

World’s #1 Tennis Star, Novak Djokovic, VISA Cancelled by Aussie PM for Australian Open Despite Vaccine Exemption

The Australian Tennis Association, which control the Australian Open decreed that all players and staff associated with the tournament must be vaccinated. Djokovic went through a long process to obtain a medical exemption from the Association and an entrance visa from the government, and then announced he would be playing in the tournament. If there was ever any doubt about the radical nature of the Australian ...
Gymnast Tells Her Story Of Horrific Abuse And How FBI Falsified Her Report To Silence Her and Protect a Pedophile

Gymnast Tells Her Story Of Horrific Abuse And How FBI Falsified Her Report To Silence Her and Protect a Pedophile

Larry Nassar was the team doctor for the US women’s gymnastics team and was sentenced to 60 years in federal prison on child pornography charges in 2016. During the testimony on Wednesday, IG Horowitz confirmed to the US Senate Committee that FBI officials deliberately misled the facts during the investigation.  The lead FBI investigator misrepresented the actions he took when the allegations came in and his ...
Another Fake Race Hoax: Media Claims Rockies Fan Yelled N-Word at Black Batter after Yelling Mascot Name "Dinger"

Another Fake Race Hoax: Media Claims Rockies Fan Yelled N-Word at Black Batter after Yelling Mascot Name “Dinger”

The lefty media went crazy over audio of a fan supposedly yelling the n-word at a black batter during the 9th inning of the Colorado Rockies vs Miami Marlins game in Denver. After viewing footage and interviewing the fan, it turns out he yelled “Dinger” – the name of the home team’s mascot. “I’m absolutely disgusted at the language that was picked up by the mics ...