Four LAPD Officers Who Beat Rodney King are Acquitted, Prompting LA Riots; The Siege at Ruby Ridge; Texas state Rep. Suzanna Gratia-Hupp Testifies in Opposition to Additional Gun Control Legislation Relating the Tragic Loss of Her Parents in a Mass Shooting; Clinton Whitewater Scandal Breaks with a Story in the NY Times which provided Just Enough Information to Spark the Interest of an Investigator Looking into a Connected Scam; Joe Biden Penned an Op-Ed for the Wall Street Journal Titled, “How I Learned to Love the New World Order”; President Bush, Sr.: “It is the Sacred principles enshrined in the UN Charter to which we will henceforth pledge our allegiance.”
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George HW Bush Pardons 5 Convicted Gov’t Officials in the Iran Contra Affairs and Caspar Weinberger whose Trial had Not Yet Begun

Political Director of the DNC, Paul Tully, Found Dead in Hotel Room

George Soros Bets Against the UK Pound Profiting $1.4 Billion in a Single Day Almost Destroying the British economy

The Siege at Ruby Ridge

Victor Raiser, Finance Co-chairman of Bill Clinton’s Presidential Campaign, and Son, Killed in Mysterious Plane Crash

“TIME” magazine publishes “The Birth of the Global Nation,” by Strobe Talbott: ““Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority.”

The Greenbaum Speech: Dr. Corydon Hammond’s Groundbreaking Speech on SRA, Hypnotic Mind Control Techniques, and Deprogramming

Lee v. Weisman: Supreme Court Ruled 5-4 that Prayers During School Graduation Violate the Establishment Clause

A UN Summit is held in Rio de Janeiro where 5 Documents are Introduced that Would Help Pave the Way to Global Governance