Who was Vince Foster? What was his relationship to Hillary Clinton at the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas? What was he working on in the Clinton White House? And what secrets did he take to his grave? Watch the above video (Vince Foster segment starts about 13 minutes in) from The Corbett Report as James Corbett explores the unanswered questions of the death of Vince Foster, the highest-ranking White House official to die on the job since JFK.
Who was Vince Foster?
According to Wikipedia:
Vincent Walker “Vince” Foster Jr. (January 15, 1945 – July 20, 1993) was a Deputy White House Counsel during the first half-year of President Bill Clinton’s administration. Prior to that, he was a partner at Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he was a colleague and friend of Hillary Rodham Clinton and where, as The Washington Post later wrote, he rose to “the pinnacle of the Arkansas legal establishment.” At the White House he was unhappy with work in politics and spiraled into depression. His death by gunshot was attributed by five official or governmental investigations to suicide but several conspiracy theories emerged.
Foster’s death prompted a wave of controversy as conflicting facts in the investigation of his death suggested murder and a cover-up at the highest levels. It became fuel for what Hillary Clinton termed a “vast right-wing conspiracy” that increasingly nested on the growing Internet, and has remained one of the most conspicuous and shady events under the still looming reign of the Clintons.
In the end, with Vince Foster such a close associate and friend of the family, his is the closest body to their front door on what has been considered a very long “trail of dead bodies” entangled in mystery, intrigue, and conspiracy.
From Conservapedia:
Under laws passed after the JFK assassination, the FBI should have led the investigation, but it was relegated to the US Park Service in the Department of the Interior. The FBI was without leadership at the time, Clinton having fired the FBI Director less than 24 hours before Foster’s body was discovered.
Vince Foster was an attorney with a professional reputation for integrity, and in the early 1980s started cooperating with Israeli intelligence. But Foster began playing a dangerous game in the mid 1980s when he became the link between Systematics and the NSA, the main US government agency that was looking for fronts to market the stolen Inslaw software. Foster had a Swiss bank account and was making one-day trips to Switzerland every six to eight months. Foster was the bagman for the Arkansas political machine. Less than five months into the Clinton administration first term, on July 1, 1993, Foster purchased a round-trip ticket to Switzerland. This prompted surveillance by CIA counterintelligence, NSA, FBI, and a four-person IRS team, putting a tremendous amount of psychological pressure on him. Foster became alarmed that he was under investigation when he phoned ahead of time and discovered the Swiss bank account had been drained of the $2.73 million deposited there. The account had been drained by ex-CIA hackers who placed the funds in an escrow account for the CIA. Foster hired James Hamilton, a high-powered Washington lawyer specializing in white-collar crime who handles cases before Congressional committees.
A weekend meeting was held with Webster Hubbell and both their wives at the estate of Michael Cardoza who later headed the Clinton Legal Defense fund. George Stephanopoulos is also said to be at this meeting. $286,000 was deposited into the account of Vince’s wife, Lisa Foster, shortly before the meeting. The money was paid evidently as hush money, and for legal fees. The hope apparently was that Foster would not break under stress and name names of others in the Clinton administration.
Six months after his body was discovered Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno appointed Robert B. Fiske as an ‘independent’ counsel to investigate Foster’s death. Fiske had represented Clark Clifford in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International scandal a few years earlier, BCCI, the world’s 7th largest bank, was investigated in several countries in the late 1980s and early 1990s for the money laundering services it provided to international drug lords and arms trafficers. Stephens Inc of Arkansas, together with the Lippo Group of Indonesia, owned the American branch of BCCI. As early as 1978 Hillary Clinton, Vince Foster, and Webster Hubbell handled Stephen’s interests in these matters and helped BCCI gain entry into the United States. According to a 1991 article in Time magazine, the National Security Council had accounts at BCCI, which were used for a variety of covert operations, including transfers of money and weapons for Iran-Contra. When Fiske’s conflict of interest as independent counsel eventually became more widely known – investigating the entities and interests he once defended – he was forced out and replaced with Kenneth Starr.
The first investigation was a joint FBI and US Park Police investigation. The second under Robert Fiske was an FBI investigation. Starr used the FBI and most of the same investigators Fiske used. Congress, having no field investigators and limited jurisdiction, could only probe whether or not there was improper conduct by the White House during the course of the first US Park Police/FBI investigation
On July 20, 1993, six months to the day after Bill Clinton took office as President of the United States, the White House Deputy Council, Vincent Foster, told his secretary Deborah Gorham, “I’ll be right back”. He then walked out of his office, after offering his co-worker Linda Tripp, the leftover M&Ms from his lunch tray.
That was the last time Vincent Foster was seen alive.
Contrary to the White House spin, Vincent Foster’s connection to the Clinton’s was primarily via Hillary, rather than Bill. Vincent and Hillary had been partners together at the rose law firm, and allegations of an ongoing affair had persisted from the Little Rock days to the White House itself.
Vincent Foster had been struggling with the Presidential Blind trust. Normally a trivial matter, the trust had been delayed for almost 6 months and the U.S. trustee’s office was beginning to make noises about it. The Clinton’s claimed to have little in financial assets entering the White House, but had amassed millions in underhanded deals and likely had asked Foster to fraudulently hide those assets. Foster was also the keeper of the files of the Clinton’s Arkansas dealings and had indicated in a written memo that “Whitewater is a can of worms that you should NOT open!”
But Vincent’s position at the White House did not sit well with him. Only days before, following a public speech stressing the value of personal integrity, he had confided in friends and family that he was thinking of resigning his position. Foster had even written an outline for his letter of resignation, thought by this writer to have been used as the center portion of the fake “suicide note”. Foster had scheduled a private meeting with Bill Clinton for the very next day, July 21, 1993 at which it appeared Foster intended to resign.
Vincent Foster had spent the morning making “busy work” in his office and had been in attendance at the White House announcement of Louis Freeh as the new head of the FBI earlier in the day (passing by the checkpoint manned by White House uniformed guard Styles).
This is a key point. The White House is the most secure private residence in the world, equipped with a sophisticated entry control system and video surveillance system installed by the Mitre Corporation. Yet no record exists that Vincent Foster left the White House under his own power on July 20th, 1993. No video of him exiting the building exists. No logbook entry shows he checked out of the White House.
Several hours after he was last seen inside the White House, Vincent Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park, in a Virginia suburb just outside Washington D.C.
The death was ruled a suicide (the first major Washington suicide since Secretary of Defense James Forrestal in 1949), but almost immediately rumors began to circulate that the story of a suicide was just a cover-up for something much worse.
The first witness to find the body insisted that there had been no gun near the body. The memory in Foster’s pager had been erased. Critical evidence began to vanish. Many witnesses were harassed. Others were simply ignored. There were even suggestions that the body had been moved, and a Secret Service memo surfaced which reported that Foster’s body had been found in his car! The official reports were self-contradictory.
The Looting of Foster’s office
While the U.S. Park Police (a unit not equipped for a proper homicide investigation) studied the body, Foster’s office at the White House was being looted. Secret Service agent Henry O’Neill watched as Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, Margaret Williams, carried boxes of papers out of Vincent Foster’s office before the Park Police showed up to seal it. Amazing when you consider that the official identification of Vincent Foster’s body by Craig Livingstone did not take place until 10PM! Speaking of Craig Livingstone, another Secret Serviceman saw him remove items from Vincent Foster’s office in violation of the official seal. Witnesses also saw Bernard Nussbaum in Foster’s office as well. Three witnesses noted that Patsy Thomason, director of the White House’s Office of Administration, was desperate to find the combination to Vincent Foster’s safe. Ms. Thomason finally opened the safe, apparently with the help of a special “MIG” technical team signed into the White House in the late hours. Two envelopes reported to be in the safe by Foster’s secretary Deborah Gorham, addressed to Janet Reno and to William Kennedy III, were never seen again. When asked the next day regarding rumors of the safe opening, Mack McLarty told reporters Foster’s office did not even have a safe, a claim immediately shot down by former occupants of that office.
The next day, when the Park Police arrived for the official search of Vincent Foster’s office, they were shocked to learn that Nussbaum, Thomason and Williams had entered the office. Conflicts channeled through Janet Reno’s Department of Justice resulted in the Park Police merely sitting outside Foster’s office while Bernard Nussbaum continued his own search of Foster’s office. During this search, he opened and upended Vincent Foster’s briefcase, showing it to be empty. Three days later, it would be claimed that this same briefcase was where the torn up suicide note was discovered.
The boxes of documents removed from Foster’s office by Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, Margaret Williams, were taken to the private residence area of the White House! Eventually, only 54 pages emerged.
One set of billing records, under subpoena for two years, and thought to have originated in Foster’s office, turned up unexpectedly in the private quarters of the White House, with Hillary’s fingerprints on them!
So, who ordered the office looting?
Bill Clinton was unavailable, being on camera with Larry King. But Hillary Clinton, who had only the day before diverted her planned return to Washington D.C. to Little Rock, was on the phone from Little Rock to someone at the White House in the moments before the looting took place.
The initial reactions
Back in Little Rock, Foster’s friends weren’t buying it. Doug Buford, friend and attorney, stated, “…something was badly askew.” Foster’s brother-in-law, a former congressman, also did not accept that depression was what had been behind the “suicide“: “That’s a bunch of crap.” And Webster Hubbell, former Clinton deputy attorney general, phoned a mutual friend to say, “Don’t believe a word you hear. It was not suicide. It couldn’t have been.”
Outside experts not connected the official investigation also had their doubts.
Vincent J. Scalise, a former NYC detective, Fred Santucci, a former forensic photographer for NYC, and Richard Saferstein, former head of the New Jersey State Crime Lab formed a team and did an investigation of the VWF case for the Western Journalism Center of Fair Oaks, Calif. They arrived at several conclusions:
- Homicide cannot and should not be ruled out.
- The position of the arms and legs of the corpse were drastically inconsistent with suicide.
- Neither of VWF’s hand was on the handgrip when it was fired. This is also inconsistent with suicide. The investigators noted that in their 50 years of combined experience they had “never seen a weapon or gun positioned in a suicide’s hand in such an orderly fashion.”
- VWF’s body was probably in contact with one or more carpets prior to his death. The team was amazed that the carpet in the trunk of VF’s car had not been studied to see whether he had been carried to the park in the trunk of his own car.
- The force of the gun’s discharge probably knocked VF’s glasses flying; however, it is “inconceivable” that they could have traveled 13 feet through foliage to the site where they were found; ergo, the scene probably was tampered with.
- The lack of blood and brain tissue at the site suggests VF was carried to the scene. The peculiar tracking pattern of the blood on his right cheek also suggests that he was moved.
Despite numerous official assurances that Vincent Foster really did commit suicide, more and more Americans, over 70% at the last count, no longer believe the official story. TV specials, most notably the one put out by A&E’s “Inside Investigations” with Bill Kurtis, have failed to answer the lingering questions, indeed have engaged in deliberate fraud to try to dismiss the evidence that points to a cover-up.
With the majority of Americans no longer believing the official claim of suicide, the perpetuation of the cover-up must be to prevent an examination of the motive, why was Vincent Foster murdered and his body dumped in Fort Marcy Park?
A photo of Vince Foster’s shirt after he was removed from Fort Marcy Park proves Foster had to have been shot where he was found.
One of the many false trails put out by government disinformation operatives was the claim that Vince Foster really did kill himself but did so someplace embarrassing and his body was moved to Fort Marcy Park post-mortem, explaining away the many inconsistencies in the evidence of a suicide at Fort Marcy Park itself. Contradicting that claim was the observation that, while the body was rather bloodless as found (suggesting that Foster was already dead by other means when a gun was fired into his mouth to simulate a suicide) once paramedics moved the body, blood poured from the wounds, staining Foster’s shirt.
The above photo is of Vince Foster’s shirt after it had been removed from his body at the Morgue. As can clearly be seen, the process of moving the body resulted in a great deal of blood flow from the head wounds. This proves that the gunshot wound to the head, although most likely post-mortem, was inflicted exactly where the body was found at Fort Marcy Park.
The ABC TV Photograph. Where’s the blood?
On Friday, March 11, 1994, in response to rumors which were even then beginning to circulate regarding Foster’s death, ABC News broadcast the following photograph, which had been leaked by the White House to Reuter’s news agency. The intent was to reinforce the claim that Foster’s death had indeed been a suicide.
The photo did not have the intended effect.
I was not a political activist at the time, nor did I ever intend to become one. My career is in feature film and TV visual effects, which I have been doing for almost forty years. I know about film fakery. And the instant I saw the above photo on TV I turned to my wife and said to her half jokingly, “This is staged! If I did work this sloppy I wouldn’t be working.” But the more I thought about it, the less funny it all seemed.
There are several troubling aspects in this photograph, which reveal it to be a staged shot. First and foremost among them the total lack of blood anywhere in the scene.
This lack of blood is the single, strongest proof that Vincent Foster did NOT put the gun into his own mouth and pulls the trigger. Had he done so, the blowback from the gunshot would have coated the gun, hand, and white sleeve of Foster’s shirt with a spray of blood and organic matter. None appears in the photo anywhere.
The FBI lab report reveals that even with the most sensitive chemical test available, no blood was found on the gun that Foster (we are told) inserted into his mouth and fired. Not only that, Foster’s fingerprints were not on the gun.
This is the crux of the suicide theory put forward by the government, that Vincent Foster, under stress, on a hot July day, put the barrel of a .38 revolver into his mouth and pulled the trigger, and did not leave blood OR FINGERPRINTS on that gun.
Click here for the official documents.
The lack of blood.
Was Foster already dead when the headshot was fired? One of the key pieces of information that argued against suicide was the lack of blood at the scene.
When the brain is destroyed, the heart will continue to beat on its own, for as long as it has oxygenated blood to feed it. This is why head trauma victims provide most donor hearts. The heart remains alive as long as blood is still in the body.
In the case of a gunshot into the mouth, the bullet has to pass through the sinus cavities. Any child who has been in a schoolyard fight knows how easy it is for the nose to start bleeding and how hard it can be to stop.
Had Foster really shot himself in the mouth, his heart would have continued to beat, pumping most of his blood out through the shattered sinus cavities and the entrance wound in his mouth, as well as out through the supposed exit wound.
But this did not happen. Witnesses at the scene reported a “trickle” of blood from the mouth and nose (one of the tracks appeared to have flowed up hill).
As can be seen by the above video, after a gunshot through the head, the heart continues to pump blood out the mouth and nose.
The front of Foster’s clothing should have been soaked with blood as the heart continued to beat. This did not happen. This indicates that Foster’s heart was already stopped when the gunshot into the mouth was fired to mask the real cause of death.
References regarding how the heart behaves following traumatic brain death.
- Brain Damage In Heart Surgery
- Ethics in Cardiac Surgery
- First Aid Book: Sudden Death
The Fiske Report.
Robert Fiske was the first Independent Council appointed to investigate the Whitewater scandal. For a variety of reasons, including his past association with BCCI (a failed bank involved with the laundering of drug money), Fiske was considered by many unsuitable to investigate the various failed S&L in the Whitewater affair (many of which also appear to have been involved with the laundering of drug money) and Fiske was eventually replaced by Kenneth Starr.
The Preliminary Report On Vincent Foster by Robert Fiske.
Note that Fiske’s report was only preliminary. His final report on Vincent Foster remains sealed. When the Wall Street Journal filed a Freedom Of Information Act request to force the release of Fiske’s final report, the court, in an unprecedented prior restraint, ordered the Wall Street Journal not to report on the case, or to even mention what the final ruling actually was.
This illegal prior restraint is one of the indicators, which reveals how terrified the government is of the facts behind the death of Vincent Foster.
No sooner had the preliminary Fiske report been issued than it met with immediate criticism, even from the U.S. House of Representatives.
Careful analysis of the report by private citizens, typified by Hugh Sprunt’s “Citizen’s Investigative Report” revealed dozens and dozens of obvious and clumsy contradictions.
The Silver Black Gun
Among the most damning pieces of evidence to emerge from the official records was the deliberate and fraudulent manufacturing of the testimony of Lisa Foster in regards to the gun found with Vincent Foster’s body.
Vincent Foster was found with a .38 revolver made by Colt Arms. It was built from parts taken from two other guns, and as a result had two serial numbers. The Frame number was 355055, and according to the records of the Colt Arms Company , the gun was manufactured with a standard dark blue, almost black, finish.
In the Park Police record, the gun is described as black. The accompanying photographs in the Park police report show a black gun.
The photograph leaked by the White House to ABC-TV also shows a dark gun. Compare the reflectivity of the gun to Foster’s gold ring on his finger, just an inch away.
In all the statements by the Fort Marcy Park witnesses, in the Park Police reports, in the reports by experts at the FBI and ballistics lab, the gun is never described as anything but dark blue or (more often) black. The photographs recently obtained in Allan Favish’s FOIA lawsuit clearly show a dark surface to the gun.
No connection exists between that gun and Vincent Foster. Foster’s fingerprints were not on the gun. Neither was any of his blood. The DNA traces on the gun, while “not inconsistent” with Foster, were more likely to have originated with a black or a Hispanic than with a Caucasian. No gunpowder or bullet fragments were found in Foster’s wounds that could be matched to the gun!
Despite this, Robert Fiske inserted a comment on page 38 of his report on Foster; a statement that Lisa Foster thought the gun found with her husband was one she had brought up from Little Rock, Arkansas.
This statement came from an interview of Lisa Foster conducted by the FBI on May 9th, 1994, more than nine months after Vincent Foster’s death.
In the handwritten notes and final FD-302a report of the interview, the interviewing FBI agents describe the gun being shown to Lisa Foster as “silver colored”, not just once, but many times. The gun is never described as dark blue or black.
The FBI agents are not quoting Lisa Foster, they write down THEIR impressions of what is being said and done. In their own words, on the bottom of page 16 and the top of page 17 of the FD-302a form, “LISA FOSTER believes that the gun found at Fort Marcy Park may be the silver gun which she brought up with her other belongings when she permanently moved to Washington.”
In order for Lisa Foster to believe that the gun presented to her as the Fort Marcy Park gun might be the family silver gun, the gun presented as the Fort Marcy Park gun must also be silver. Lisa Foster doesn’t have to be a gun expert to know that silver is not black.
From the official record, its clear that Lisa Foster was shown a gun she recognized as the gun she brought up from Little Rock, but its equally clear that this is not the same gun as that found with Vincent Foster. Black is not silver.
Gun powder residue was found on Foster’s body, although not in his mouth. Later testing showed the residue to be unique to Winchester .22 ammunition, as reported in the amended complaint filed by attorney John Clarke on behalf of Patrick Knowlton.
Patrick Knowlton
The credibility of the suicide claim took another hit when one of the witnesses at Fort Marcy Park, Patrick Knowlton, came forward to claim that the FBI had altered his testimony. Patrick was then harassed and threatened, which prompted the filing of a lawsuit for witness tampering.
Here is a documentary about Patrick Knowlton, a crucial witness to the cover-up by the FBI and the American press of the murder of Deputy White House counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr., because Knowlton was at Fort Marcy park immediately after Foster was murdered and encountered a suspicious man and was immediately harassed and intimidated.
CLICK HERE to listen to an interview with the former lead investigator of the Vince Foster homicide investigation is in the public domain. Evidence greatly at variance with official pronouncement is discussed. He labels the conclusion of suicide to be a sham.
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