The 5th generation of wireless technology. Basically, 5G will make everything you do online a whole lot faster. However, 5G cellular technology is dangerous because it emits Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation and it does so at ultra high frequencies and with ultra high intensity, compared to earlier technologies. The WHO classified RF Radiation as a possible “carcinogenic” in 2011. And there are literally hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies linking RF Radiation to things like cancer, crib death, DNA damage (especially in infants and fetuses) and male infertility. Also because of the limits of the frequencies used, in order for users to have good reception it is estimated they will need to put a mini cell station every 2 to 8 houses. This will multiply significantly the amount of RF Radiation we will be exposed to.
We’re talking nanoseconds to open a file, cruise the internet and watch movies and shows on Netflix. 5G operates in shorter signals, and because of that some tech experts estimate there will need to be base station for every 2 to 8 homes in an urban area. We’re talking thousands, if not millions of additional base stations across the country just to make 5G available for everyone. Implementing the 5G infrastructure will be an incredible feat.
According to PC Magazine, each generation of wireless technology has been defined by its capabilities, such as speed, responsiveness, and how many devices can be connected to the network at any one given time. 5G is expected to be the “Rolls Royce” of wireless connections, if you will. We’re talking nanoseconds to open a file, cruise the internet and watch movies and shows on Netflix.
5G is supposed to be 100 times faster than 4G while lowering the typical 4G “ping” factor from between 10ms and 50ms (milliseconds) to 1ms, however tests performed on the world’s first 5G phone in Chicago, were nowhere near as fast as promised.
In spite of the cutthroat American race between wireless providers like AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile, China has declared that it intends to emerge as the global leader on 5G rollout to its own 1.4 billion citizens. China is also mass-producing the technology to sell to the rest of the world.
In the U.S., 5G is being heavily promoted by the Trump Administration. The Federal Communications Commission issued a ruling in September 2018 that blocks cities from charging higher fees for installing 5G infrastructure. Loud protests have been registered from the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the National Association of Counties, the National Governors Association and the Nation Conference of State Legislatures. Why? Because the FCC’s actions are unconstitutional and cities are being stripped of the little sovereignty they have left. Thus far, the FCC is undeterred in its position.
More And More Cell Towers
This 5th Generation of cell phone technology is being rolled out as I am writing this article. Most people are familiar with the earlier cellular generations called 1G, 2G, 3G and most recently 4G. And if you think back over the years you will realize that as time has moved on, and as we have moved through the first four cellular generations, we have gotten more and more cell towers installed. Why is this?
If you ask the average guy on the street “why do they always seem to be putting in more and more cell towers?” Most people would say “they are just trying to improve our cell phone reception”. While this is technically true, what most people do not realize is that as we advanced from cellular generation to generation, the radio frequencies being used have increased.
The higher the radio frequency, the shorter the wavelength is, and the shorter distance they can travel. So we have needed more and more cell towers because our cell signals travel shorter and shorter distances. Yes, especially early on, we needed more and more cell towers for the different carriers to be able to provide coverage around the country. But as the generations advanced, and our signal distance capabilities shortened, we needed even more cell towers than we would have needed with earlier generations.
Frequency Increases Data Capacity
The reason that each generation needed to use higher and higher frequencies, is because the amount of data that needed to be carried by each generation increased significantly. 1G was mostly using the lower analog frequencies. These radio waves traveled very long distances and could go through buildings and trees. Since all we used was voice transmission this was sufficient.
But higher frequencies can carry more data. So with 2G and 3G where we got the ability to text and access the internet we needed higher frequencies to carry the huge increase in data. The same is true with 4G as we got full access to internet video streaming capabilities. Again we needed higher frequencies to be able to carry the huge increase in data.
Why 5G Needs A Lot More Cell Towers
5G is taking the need for more cell towers to a whole new level. With the roll out of 5G technology companies are trying to create the “internet of things”, connecting everything with computer functionality to the internet. From self driving cars to your baby monitor, and everything in between, will all be connected and sharing data. Even hologram telephone conversations are in the workings as this technology rolls out.
In order to carry this enormous and unbelievable increase in data the plan is to use dramatically higher frequency radiation. The 1G through 4G technologies used less than 6 GHz frequencies. 5G plans on at least using 24 GHz to 90 GHz, and possibly up to 300 GHz frequency RF Radiation.
In these frequencies the wave lengths are millimeters long and highly dense. What this means to you and me is if it starts raining, or if you walk behind a tree, you would lose your cell signal. To over come this technology companies are planning to increase the number of cell towers dramatically as well as implement a more sophisticated directional beaming technology. 5G needs this in order to pass your signal from cell tower to cell tower and even bounce it off of obstacles to reach you. It is estimated that they will need mini cell towers every 2 to 8 houses in order to maintain good signal connections.
5G Mini Cell Towers
We have all seen the large cell towers along freeways and in different parts of our cities. We will still have those. However the “mini cell towers” or “mini cell stations” will not be nearly so noticeable. The image at the top of this article as well as the image to the right of this paragraph, are both pictures of current mini cell towers attached to street light poles in California.
These will be on street light poles like this, or situated on the tops or sides of buildings. Even things like church steeples will sometimes have them. They will be everywhere because if you walk behind a tree or if it rains there has to be another cell tower close enough by for the cellular algorithm to quickly transfer your signal to before you lose it.
The system will be constantly moving us from cell tower to cell tower without us even realizing it so that we keep our continuity and don’t lose our signal. Can you imagine what would happen if a self driving car lost its signal even for just a few seconds? That is why there will be so blasted many of these mini cell stations.
5G As Military Weapons
What a lot of people do not realize is that governments and other global entities are behind the roll out of 5G for more reasons than just increasing data capacities for civilian communications. 5G has huge military uses and functions. Some of you may have heard or remember US President Donald J Trump creating the new U.S. “Space Force”. Well he is talking about 5G technology. Let me explain.
China developed a space technology using “Quantum Entanglement“. This technology uses satellites and enables military communication that surpasses anything we have ever had or used in human history. China had a satellite that launched in August of 2016 which has now validated across a record 1200 kilometers using the “spooky action” that Albert Einstein said he abhorred.
I am going to talk a bit complicated for a moment. In the test of China’s satellite entangled photons were sent to separate stations on earth. Measuring one photon’s quantum state instantly determines the other, no matter how far away it is. And then they pair. One Photon can be sent to a particular station on earth while the other photon, it’s pair, remains in the satellite. When a third photon is entangled with the one on earth this is communicated back to the satellite. This enables a new encrypted method of communication.
So basically what Quantum Entanglement is is a way for a military to communicate amongst themselves in a way that is extremely difficult for an enemy to crack. (It also gives that nation the ability to more easily decode enemy encrypted communications.) It is an encrypted form of communication that we did not even think was possible. Albert Einstein thought of it in theory. China is developing this attempting to set up a space based military communication system that will not be able to be cracked by its enemies.
So what has this to do with 5G? Well this is an advanced technology using electromagnetic radiation as a means of communication. My understanding is very limited with this but in reading about it is an advanced part of the 5G technology. So basically right now we have a technology race between the super powers of the world, and implementing 5G is a key part of winning this race.
And being the first nation to fully implement 5G will enable control of space (including cyber space) and create other military weapon opportunities that will give a huge advantage to the most advanced nation.
So government and other global powerhouses all have a vested interest in rolling out 5G as fast as humanly possible. What this means is that the civilian cellular technology companies are not left to funding the required infrastructure build-out on their own. They are getting massive government and other global financial funding sources to speed through the infrastructure build out.
5G Cellular Networks As Weapons
Okay as I get into this topic do not think that I just put my tin foil hat on. What I am going to discuss here is what these systems could be used for if controlled by the wrong hands. The potential is there and is a big enough risk that I believe it deserves a brief mention. Even if we completely trust our government, (which would be foolish), computer controlled systems are subject to hacking threats by foreign enemy forces. The capabilities of the 5G cellular network could be used as a weapon against the civilian population. It could be used by our own government if they ever get evil enough, or be taken over and used by a foreign power as a terrorist act or as an act of war.
One of the key functions required by the 5G network for cell phone users to be able to not lose their signal is the ability of the system to use antenna arrays to both locate cell phones and to point at towers and cell phones. Even now with the earlier technology generations this capability is required, but it will be more important and refined in a 5G network.
A Bluetooth headset and the typical microwave oven use the exact same RF Radiation frequency, 2.45 GHz. The difference between one cooking you and one not is the amperage of the signal, or its density. Cell towers around a town could do more damage to the inhabitants of the town if the density of the signal is increased. Theoretically they could either cook the town as a whole, or point the energy at a specific person and cook them.
BELOW: Todd Callender and friends join SGT Report (March 2022) for a lengthy discussion about the experimental jab technology, 5G and smart phones which are all linked as it pertains to the eugenicists kill grid.
Scientific Studies & Information
Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.
In an article published on Sunday, February 10th, 2019 by Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director Center for Family and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley on he posts a bunch of scientific studies on the harmful effects of 5G radiation. I just wanted to quote one of the findings here. It said: “The results also show that the peak-to-average ratio of 1,000 tolerated by the International Council on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines may lead to permanent tissue damage after even short exposures, highlighting the importance of revisiting existing exposure guidelines.” The guidelines mentioned here mean the current governmental RF Radiation safety guidelines which they are saying are insufficient. They are calling for new guidelines to be set up considering their new findings.
Following is a quote from a Daily Mail article about the roll-out of 5G: “According to Dr Joel Moskowitz, a public health professor at the University of California, Berkeley, MMWs could pose a very real danger. ‘The deployment of 5G, or fifth generation cellular technology, constitutes a massive experiment on the health of all species,’ he told Daily Mail Online. Because MMWs are weaker than microwaves, they are predominantly absorbed by the skin, meaning their distribution is quite focused there,
‘Since skin contains capillaries and nerve endings, MMW bio-effects may be transmitted through molecular mechanisms by the skin or through the nervous system,’ Dr Moskowitz writes on his blog. He also told Daily Mail Online that he’s concerned that ‘5G will use high-band frequencies, or millimeter waves, that may affect the eyes, the testes, the skin, the peripheral nervous system, and sweat glands.’ ‘Millimeter waves can also make some pathogens resistant to antibiotics,’ he added.”
Cindy L. Russell
This is a constant theme coming from many scientists around the globe that have participated in studies on RF Radiation. Another example is this study finding here by Cindy L. Russell entitled “5G wireless telecommunications expansion: Public health and environmental implications” posted on
In the abstract (I paraphrase) she talks about how the current human generation is the first generation to experience cradle to grave exposure to RF Radiation. She points out how difficult it is now to find a “controlled group” since it is hard to find anyone that has not been exposed. Since there are so many studies showing the harmful effects of RF Radiation, she advises a more “precautionary approach” to advancing new wireless technologies.
Letters From Doctors & Scientists
In an article entitled “Small Cells, Mini Cell Towers, Wireless Facilities And Health: Letters From Scientists On The Health Risk Of 5G”, the people at have a list of links to actual letters from scientists and doctor about 5G. In this article it says the following describing these links:
“Please see on this page a short list of letters from expert scientists, doctors and public health experts sent to government officials regarding the issue of streamlining small cells in neighborhoods. In these letters scientists share the research supporting their opinion that wireless exposure to the public should be minimized and the deployment of small cell antennas into neighborhoods should be halted.”
Just as an example of these letters, here is one written by 18 doctors and scientists dated September 19, 2017 to the then Governor of the State Of California, Edmund G. Brown Jr., they ask for his veto against a bill that was pending in the state legislature. In this letter they state “There is a substantial body of evidence that this technology is harmful to humans and the environment. The 5G millimeter wave is known to heat the eyes, skin and testes, and the ubiquitous placement of these towers will expose California’s population 24/7.
Of particular concern are the most vulnerable among us — the unborn, children, the infirm, the elderly and the disabled. It is also expected that populations of bees and birds will drastically decline.” Of course the Governor signed the bill into law. But this letter from these doctors and scientists is worth reading. They make some very good points.
The 5G Appeal
“The 5G Appeal” is a 182 page document put together by a group of doctors and scientists calling on the United Nations and the World Health Organization for “protection from non-ionizing electromagnetic field exposure”. The summary of this document says “We are scientists engaged in the study of biological and health effects of non-ionizing electro-magnetic fields (EMF). Based upon peer-reviewed, published research, we have serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices.
These include–but are not limited to–radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitting devices, such as cellular and cordless phones and their base stations, Wi-Fi, broadcast antennas, smart meters, and baby monitors as well as electric devices and infra-structures used in the delivery of electricity that generate extremely-low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF).” Here is a link to the full document.
Dr. Leszczynski Sounds Warning
And finally in an article on entitled “Dr. Leszczynski Sounds Warning at Australian Meeting: Precaution with 5G”, Dr. Leszczynski’s warning to the Australian government is described. They even include a video of Dr. Leszczynski speaking. It is a very important article and is definitely worth reading.
On the “Scientific Studies” page of this website I also have links to each of these articles and links also to many articles and studies on RF Radiation in general. This is a resource page that is always growing. As I find more scientific studies and articles by these scientists I am continually adding them to this page.
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