Taking Back Our Stolen History

Security Week computer security analyst Jesus Oquendo published an article titled “Microsoft, the CIA and NSA Collude to Take Over the Internet”

Clever security researchers have uncovered the biggest security Coup d’état on the planet. Microsoft, the NSA, the CIA have all been colluding to create the …

Patent Office Director David J. Kappos Ordered an Unprecedented Third Reexamination of Leader’s Patent to PTAP even after Facebook had Failed on the Same Arguments 4 Times

Patent Office Director David J. Kappos ordered an unprecedented third reexamination of Leader’s patent to the Patent Trial and Appeals Board (“PTAB“), even after Facebook …

Hacked Hillary emails prove State Dept. Colluded with Obama and Clinton Foundation to give Globalists like IBM, Cisco, Microsoft and Goldman Sachs control of the Internet

Christina Sass, Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) program director, sent a 62-page CGI leadership email and briefing to two U.S. State Department ambassadors. The primary recipient …

The First Bitcoin Block Is Mined by ‘Satashi Nakamoto’ including within the code a Headline from ‘The Times’ that read, “Chancellor on Brink of Second Bailout for Banks”

In January 2009 the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto set the Bitcoin revolution in motion by mining the fledgling currency’s first ever block of 50 coins. And …