Taking Back Our Stolen History
Corruption & Fraud

Corruption & Fraud

“Corruption is a tax on development. . . . Wherever it grows, it hollows out governing institutions and undermines prosperity and stability.”—Christopher Patten, former European Commissioner and Governor of Hong Kong

Corruption and fraud are rampant throughout the world today. It exists in every industry: science, medicine, technology, government, military, media, education, finance, religion, etc. Forms of corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, and embezzlement. Corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, money laundering, and human trafficking, though is not restricted to these activities. Misuse of government power for surveillance, repression of political opponents, and general police brutality are also on the rise. Certainly, with power, often comes the desire to meet self-serving agendas and there are plenty of people in powerful positions worldwide who fit that description.

As materialism has become the highest form of achievement for so many throughout the world, it is no wonder that many are quick to succumb to corruption in order to achieve it. In a world created by God, we, as spirits, have obtained a mortal body with passions, appetites, and desires and must learn to control our passions and lusts, but many cannot. They lack integrity and responsibility and often seek to hide their corruption or collude with others to prevent exposure. As secret societies  formed, they sought the most powerful positions in government and industry so that their corruption and secret agenda would never be exposed until it was too late. Cabal members at the highest positions can sometimes offer immunity for crimes and sins, however it is only through the process of repentance that sin can truly be erased through Christ. Immunity is another counterfeit to a Godly principle by those who would presume to be gods themselves.

Chronological History of Corruption and Fraud:

Gunpowder Plot: Guy Fawkes a False Flag Patsy?

Gunpowder Plot: Guy Fawkes a False Flag Patsy?

Is the story we've been taught about the Gunpowder plot really treason by Guy Fawkes and the group of Catholic men, or has history gone the way of the victors once again? What we're told... As midnight approaches on November the 4th – the eve of the traditional opening of Parliament – armed agents of the King raid a basement room of the Houses of Parliament. They discover and apprehend one Guy Fawkes. People know Fawkes today, of course, because protesters and “Anonymous” fans around the globe wear a mask of him as they gather in front of financial ...
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

(Image) One Morning at the Gates of the Louvre, The day after St. Bartholomew’s Eve On this day commenced this diabolical act of sanguinary brutality. It was intended to destroy at one stroke the root of the Protestant tree, which had only before partially suffered in its branches. The king of France had artfully proposed a marriage, between his sister and the prince of Navarre, the captain and prince of the Protestants. This imprudent marriage was publicly celebrated at Paris, August 18, by the cardinal of Bourbon, upon a high stage erected for the purpose. They dined in great ...
Religious Reformer William Tyndale Burned at the Stake for Trying to Make the Bible Available to Common People

Religious Reformer William Tyndale Burned at the Stake for Trying to Make the Bible Available to Common People

William Tyndale, 12 years after he left England, was led from prison to the stake where he was strangled, then his body burned. He had time to utter one last cry: “Lord, open the King of England’s eyes.” Tyndale had suffered for the cause “poverty, … exile out of my natural country and bitter absence from my friends, … my hunger, my thirst, my cold, the great danger wherewith I am everywhere encompassed, … and hard and sharp rightings which I endure.” He insisted that death would be more pleasant than life if it were really true that men could ...
Joan of Arc Burnt at the Stake in Rouen's Market Square in France

Joan of Arc Burnt at the Stake in Rouen’s Market Square in France

A young peasant girl who could neither read nor write, she followed the voices and visions from God and completely reversed the course of the 100 Year War (with England occupying most cities) and kept France from becoming a colony of England. Greatly celebrated by her own people she was hated by the English who ultimately captured her and rigged a trial under the auspices of the Church to justify burning her at the stake. She fought for freedom for her people, but would not deny her religious convictions in order to obtain her own freedom. Twenty-five years later ...
Religious Reformer, Jan Hus, Burned at the Stake as a Heretic

Religious Reformer, Jan Hus, Burned at the Stake as a Heretic

Jan Hus, a Bohemian religious reformer, was condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake for his belief that Christ alone was the head of the church and that people should be permitted to read the Bible in their own language and in their own homes. Manuscripts of Wycliffe's bible were used as kindling for the fire that burned him at the stake. Ryan M. Reeves (PhD Cambridge), an Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, documentary on Hus... Movie: John Huss - Story of a Marty ...
Basel Massacre: Dozens of Jews Executed for Well Poisoning Allegedly Causing the Black Death

Basel Massacre: Dozens of Jews Executed for Well Poisoning Allegedly Causing the Black Death

Jews had lived in Basel since at least 1213, when the local community was one of the largest in Europe.[3] The community grew, and by the middle of the 14th century it featured 19 houses and a synagogue.[4] With the spread of the Black Death in the 14th century, there were pogroms against Jews because of rumors of well poisoning and very few Jews dying from the Black Plague, as it is known now. Some Basel nobles had been temporarily banished from the city on the basis of what was believed to be false testimony provided by the Jews (Ac quibusdam ...
The White Ship Disaster: Was it Mass Murder or an Accident?

The White Ship Disaster: Was it Mass Murder or an Accident?

It was perhaps the worst maritime disaster of the Middle Ages, not just because it cost 300 lives, but because one of them was the heir to the Anglo-Norman Empire. One scholar has a theory that the sinking of the White Ship on the night of November 25, 1120 was not a tragic accident, rather a case of mass murder. In the year 1120, King Henry I was at the peak of his power. He had taken control of both England and Normandy having defeated and imprisoned his brother Robert Curthose, and crushed several rebellious barons. He had also ...