Taking Back Our Stolen History
Coup d’état

Coup d’état

Also known simply as a coup (koo), it is the illegal and overt seizure of a state by the military or other elites within the state apparatus. A coup d’état is considered successful when the usurpers seize and hold power for at least seven days. Although the coup d’état has featured in politics since antiquity, the phrase is of relatively recent coinage; the Oxford English Dictionary identifies it as a French expression meaning a “stroke of state”. The phrase did not appear within an English text before the nineteenth century except when used in translation of a French source, there being no simple phrase in English to convey the contextualized idea of a “knockout blow to the existing administration within a state”.

Typically, a coup d’état uses the extant government’s power to assume political control of the country. In Coup d’État: A Practical Handbook, military historian Edward Luttwak says: ‘A coup consists of the infiltration of a small, but critical, segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder’, thus, armed force (either military or paramilitary) is not a defining feature of a coup d’état

According to Clayton Thyne and Jonathan Powell’s coup dataset, there were 457 coup attempts from 1950 to 2010, of which 227 (49.7%) were successful and 230 (50.3%) were unsuccessful. They find that coups have “been most common in Africa and the Americas (36.5% and 31.9%, respectively).  Read More…

Chronological History of Coup’s

Did Hillary Clinton Commit Fraud in Her First Cattle Futures Trade where She Turned $1000 Investment into a $100,000 Phenomenon in Under 10 Months?

Did Hillary Clinton Commit Fraud in Her First Cattle Futures Trade where She Turned $1000 Investment into a $100,000 Phenomenon in Under 10 Months?

On October 11, 1978, the future First Lady Hillary Clinton, a neophyte investor with an annual income of $25,000, opened a commodity-futures account with a deposit of $1,000. Her first trade was the short sale of ten live-cattle contracts at a price of 57.55 cents a pound: a commitment to deliver in December of that year 400,000 pounds of cattle with a market value of $230,200 ...
The Forgotten Coup - how America and Britain crushed the Government of their 'ally', Australia

The Forgotten Coup – how America and Britain crushed the Government of their ‘ally’, Australia

The 1975 Australian coup was successfully concluded on 11 November when Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam was to inform Australian Parliament about the secret CIA presence in the country. He was summoned by Sir John Kerr, who invoked archaic vice-regal "reserve powers" and summarily dismissed him. William Blum has written that Sir John Kerr acted on behalf of the CIA in procuring Whitlam's dismissal. John Pilger ...

The CIA-Backed Pinochet Coup in Chile (Sponsored by Pepsi Cola, ITT, & Chase Bank) Overthrowing (Killing) Democratically-Elected President Salvador Allende

The Pinochet Coup in Chile where a democratically-elected Chilean government under President Salvador Allende was overthrown in a brutal coup organized by the Chilean military with the backing of the CIA. General Pinochet soon emerged as the leader of the military junta which immediately engaged in gross repression against supporters of the previous government and other suspected opposition figures, while all political activity was banned. At ...
The Watergate Break-In: A CIA Coup to Overthrow US President Richard Nixon

The Watergate Break-In: A CIA Coup to Overthrow US President Richard Nixon

On June 17, 1972, a group of burglars, carrying electronic surveillance equipment, was arrested inside the Democratic National Committee offices at 2650 Virginia Avenue, NW, in Washington, D.C., the Watergate building complex. The men were quickly identified as having ties to the Nixon reelection campaign and to the White House. Though at the time the incident got little attention, it would snowball into one of the ...
France Exercises their Option Under Bretton Woods to Exchange Paper Notes for Gold so the US Suspended the Gold Convertibility of the Federal Reserve Notes

France Exercises their Option Under Bretton Woods to Exchange Paper Notes for Gold so the US Suspended the Gold Convertibility of the Federal Reserve Notes

France looked at the huge pile of paper notes sitting in their vaults, for which real French products like wine and cheese had been traded, and notified the United States government that they would exercise their option under Bretton Woods (agreement following WWII) to return the paper notes for gold at the $35 per ounce exchange rate. Of course, the United States had nowhere near the ...
Paul McCartney of 'The Beatles' Dies and is Replaced with a Double by MI5?

Paul McCartney of ‘The Beatles’ Dies and is Replaced with a Double by MI5?

In the fall of 1969, a persistent rumor that Paul McCartney had been killed two years earlier and replaced with a look-alike captured the imaginations of Beatles fans and the general public. Clues began to appear on album covers and in music, a lookalike contest was held after the alleged death date but no winner was ever announced, but more conclusively, a team forensic scientist in ...
The Bay of Pigs Invasion: A Failed Attempt to Invade Cuba by the CIA. Did JFK Lose His Nerve or Did the CIA Sabotage the Mission to Force JFK Into a Full Invasion of Cuba?

The Bay of Pigs Invasion: A Failed Attempt to Invade Cuba by the CIA. Did JFK Lose His Nerve or Did the CIA Sabotage the Mission to Force JFK Into a Full Invasion of Cuba?

The failure of the invasion of Cuba in April, 1961 by 1500 CIA-trained anti-Castro expatriates is generally attributed to President Kennedy's loss of nerve at the critical moment, when he cancelled the air strikes which were supposed to incapacitate Castro's air force.  As a result, more than a hundred men were killed, the rest surrendered, and the Cuban exiles in America never forgave Kennedy for this ...
The CIA-Directed Murder of Patrice Lumumba, the First Elected Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo who Sought Independence from Belgium

The CIA-Directed Murder of Patrice Lumumba, the First Elected Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo who Sought Independence from Belgium

US plans to eliminate Patrice Lumumba went as high as the President himself. On August 25, 1960, a subcommittee of the National Security Council known as the Special Group met. Thomas Parrott, the secretary of the Group, began the meeting by outlining the CIA operations that had been taken by ‘mounting an anti- Lumumba campaign in the Congo,’ and the meeting ended with the group “not ...
Operation Ajax: The CIA / MI6 Coup to Overthrow the Democratically-Elected Government of Iran and Replace It with a Controlled Dictatorship

Operation Ajax: The CIA / MI6 Coup to Overthrow the Democratically-Elected Government of Iran and Replace It with a Controlled Dictatorship

Operation Ajax (Declassified in 2013 / censored in 2012?) was a covert operation by the US and British intelligence agencies to topple Iran's first democratically-elected government and replace it with a controlled dictatorship by posing as communists to plant bombs and threaten Iranians opposed to democratically elected people who didn’t support Mohammad Mossadegh. It was also retaliation for the 1951 strike and revolt of the Iranians ...
The Zionist State of Israel is Created Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy? Or Was it an Elaborate Scam?

The Zionist State of Israel is Created Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy? Or Was it an Elaborate Scam?

In the late 1800s a small, fanatic movement called “political Zionism” began in Europe. Its goal was to create a Jewish state somewhere in the world. Its leaders settled on the ancient and long-inhabited land of Palestine for the location of this state. Palestine's population at this time was approximately ninety-six percent non-Jewish (primarily Muslim and Christian). Over the coming decades Zionist leaders used various strategies ...