UN World Food Program Report: The Food Waste Produced By the World’s Richest Countries Could End Global Hunger, Twice
The food waste produced by the world's richest nations, some $750 billion worth annually, could end world hunger -- twice over -- according to the United Nations World Food Programme. More than 800 million people were considered food insecure in 2017. David Beasley, head of the Programme, released the info earlier this week on World Food Day. According to the organization, one-third of the world's food ...

FDA Attempt for Codex Alimentarius Roll-Out that would make Vitamins Banned or Prescription Only
An FDA document, introduced in stealth over the July 4, 2011 weekend, and masked with deceptive language, was an attempted tool for the roll-out of the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS in the U.S. In the hands of the FDA, which wants everything, supplements and drugs alike, to go through the vastly expensive new drug approval process. Under the Napoleonic laws of Codex Alimentarius, nutrients are classified as toxins, and have ...

The Human Development Report 1994: “Mankind’s Problems can no longer be Solved by National Government. What is Needed is a World Government.”
In the Human Development Report, published by the UN Development Program, there was a section (p. 100) called “Global Governance for the 21st Century.” The administrator for this program was appointed by Bill Clinton. His name is James Gustave Speth. The opening few sentences of the report said: “Mankind's problems can no longer be solved by national government. What is needed is a world government. This ...