Taking Back Our Stolen History
Culture / Cultural Marxism
Culture / Cultural Marxism


Hollywood is, as David Lynch titles it, an “inland empire” – a kind of covenantal city-state of its own, with its own religion, including all …

Sex Education

The false philosophies on human sexuality that were developed based on Kinsey’s “sex research” have provided the foundation and rationale behind today’s comprehensive sexuality education …


Music tends to create a tremendous emotional response in many people. The social engineers understand this and have taken great measures to control it. There …


Sports can be a wonderful thing for young men and women to compete with others, develop athletically, work within a team and build unity, learn …


(alternately called a left-winger or leftist) is someone who advocates an increase in government spending, power, and control, such as ObamaCare. Liberals often support the …


In American politics, “progressive” is a euphemistic term that means more aggressively Leftist than a mere “liberal”. Ironically, they began using the word “liberal” a …


After classical antiquity, Christianity became the predominant power shaping European culture between the 13th and 19th centuries. Biblical texts, commentaries, and apocryphal stories inspired artists …

White Privilege

The perceived societal privilege that benefits people whom society identifies as white. Typically employed by the corporate politician elite to make us fight each other …