How To Protect Yourself From 5G
Getting The Word Out – Enlarging Public Awareness
To start off I would say anything that you can do to share articles from this website on your social media pages and via email will help get the word out. Also you can share the actual letters and studies from the scientists and doctors mentioned above. Anything you can do to get the word out will help raise public awareness and concern for slowing down the 5G roll-out and real better safety standards.
Also a search of the internet will show you existing groups that you can join and help organize peaceful protests and government committee appearances to make these things known. We live in a constitutional republic and as such the citizens of the various states are sovereign. We just need to act like it and make enough people aware so that we can garner enough support to change public opinion.
5G Exposure Facts
The one good thing about 5G and its use of higher millimeter wave frequencies is the fact that they have trouble going through objects such as walls. This is not talked about enough but it is an important fact to consider. We will get some 5G radiation coming through our walls, just not enough to have a good signal. But our walls by themselves will protect us from a great deal of it. The 5G mini cell towers will also emit lower non-5G frequencies such as the 2.4 GHz frequency so it can penetrate walls.
Where our main increase in actual 5G millimeter wave radiation exposure will happen will be when we are out of our home exposing ourselves to all of the mini cell towers everywhere, and the 5G radiation sources (devices) that we bring into our homes (such as our cell phones and WiFi routers). But the increase in the lower RF Radiation frequencies will still have a devastating affect on our health when inside our homes. Remember a microwave oven cooks your food at 2.45 GHz frequency.
Let me give you a specific current real life example of what I am talking about. Right now a popular WiFi router is the 5 GHz routers. I have a Netgear 5 GHz router in my home right now. The problem with even the 5 GHz frequency is the waves are short enough and dense enough that it has trouble going through walls. So my 5 GHz router also emits the normal 2.4 GHz frequency that most other WiFi routers use.
It does this so that the router can send WiFi through the walls of the house to the rest of the house. 2.4 GHz can go through walls much better than 5 GHz can. So if I want to upload and download data via WiFi at the faster speeds the 5 GHz frequency can do, I have to pretty much be in the same room as my 5 GHz WiFi router. If I leave the room and shut the door I will be using mostly the 2.4 GHz frequency an speeds. (The 5 GHz frequency does get a weakened signal through some thinner walls and doors, but the signal does not travel very far.)
The new 5G (fifth generation) WiFi routers so far are all using the 60 GHz RF Radiation frequency. The 60 GHz frequency has way more trouble going through walls than the 5 GHz frequency does. What does this mean? It means you really have to be in the same room as a 60 GHz router to download at those speeds.
It also means 5G WiFi routers also must emit the 2.4 GHz frequency so that they can send internet through the walls to the rest of the house. Actually 5G WiFi routers emit all 3 frequencies, the 5G 60 GHz frequency, and the regular 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz frequencies.
Reduce 5G In Your Home
The main place that we are for sure going to be able to protect ourselves from 5G RF Radiation is going to be within the walls of our own home. To truly protect yourself you will want to protect yourself from all harmful forms of electromagnetic radiation within your home. There are four types: 1. RF Radiation, 2. Electric Fields, 3. Magnetic Fields and 4. Dirty Electricity. I have lots of articles on this website that show you how to protect yourself from each of these.
But lets go over what to do to protect your family from RF Radiation, and specifically 5G. First let’s start with the walls of your house. When 5G mini cell towers are all around your home you will want to paint the inside or outside of your home with a coat or two of a paint that blocks RF Radiation. You can check out the price of this paint here on
You can also get drapes and blinds that have conductive metallic fibers woven in the fabrics that will stop this RF Radiation from coming through your windows. People use these types of blinds and drapes along with the above mentioned paints for example when they have a regular cell tower placed right next to their home.
WiFi Router Guard
A WiFi Router Guard is a box that you stick your WiFi Router in made of a conductive metal mesh (see image to the right). I have tested this myself with a meter and it blocks at least 90% to 95% of the RF Radiation emitted by a WiFi router. Enough of the lower frequencies (the 2.4 GHz) get through such that I still have good WiFi through out my whole 3 bedroom house so I can watch YouTube and Netflix. But it blocks 90% to 95% of the radiation.
Below is my video review of the WiFi Router Guard. In the video you see me actually test the RF Radiation emitted from my 5 GHz WiFi router both before and after I stick it in the WiFi Router Guard. You get to see exactly how much RF Radiation it blocks. And in the latter part of the video I go into more detail about how well the WiFi still works. The video is short, but definitely worth watching. I highly recommend watching it.
As I always say by far the best way to protect your self from RF Radiation is to turn off your WiFi from your router altogether. You can do this by logging into your WiFi router settings and turning the WiFi off. If you do this you will want to hard wire your internet to where ever you have your computers so that you can plug them directly into the internet via Ethernet cables.
Important Meters
One thing that will be extra important to have as they roll-out 5G will be good meters that measures the different types of harmful electromagnetic Radiation. The least expensive route to go here will be to order two meters. First the TriField EMF Meter Model TF2 measures 3 of the 4 types of harmful electromagnetic radiation. It measures RF Radiation, electric fields and magnetic fields.
(Note: None of these meters I discuss measure the frequencies 5G devices will emit. But since 5G will also emit the lower frequencies these meters will be very helpful in assessing your exposure. I have not been able to find one that measures 5G frequencies. As soon as I do I will update this website so that people know about them.)
And the TriField meter is about half the price of my favorite RF Radiation meter, the HF 35C High Frequency Analyzer. And the HF 35C only measures RF Radiation. The TriField will measure all three I mentioned. Here is a link to the review I did of the TriField meter entitled “TriField EMF Meter Model TF2 Review – A Helpful Guide“.
The only other meter that you will need is one that will measure “Dirty Electricity” on the actual wiring in your home. My favorite meter here is the Graham-Stetzer Microsurge Meter. My review of this meter is this article entitled “Graham-Stetzer Microsurge Meter and Filters Review“. The TriField and the Graham-Stetzer meters will be crucial in the process of going through and protecting your home from harmful electromagnetic radiation.
Steel Mesh Bucket
These next items, steel mesh buckets, are something that people kind of just pass over. But they are very important in protecting against cell phone RF Radiation. They block 90 to 95% of RF Radiation just like a WiFi Router Guard. As 5G cell phones come out they will protect you both while you sleep or work.
The image on the left is called a WaveCage, and is perfect for keeping a smartphone in at night. The image on the right is a picture of a Steel Mesh Waste Basket that I purchased from Amazon. They are not as aesthetically pleasing an option, but they do the trick nicely.
The main thing that you want to use these for is to put your cell phones in at night when you sleep. You will want to make sure they are physically higher than your body and at least 4 to 6 feet away from you as well. During the day at work I keep my cell phone in a WaveCage sitting on my desk, or often higher up and farther away on a shelf in my office.
If you go to the one of my links here to you can search different variations of these still mesh metal baskets to put things in like your baby monitors and Alexa (or be like me and don’t get a big brother A-I device like an Alexa. Just saying.) Here is an example of another variation that you might prefer (see image on left) called the Steel Mesh Condiment Caddy. The main thing is make sure they are made of conductive metal. Most of the ones that I have found on Amazon are made of conductive metal.
Shielding Cell Phone Cases
What makes a shielding cell phone case so important is the close proximity our cell phones usually are to our body. Do you see the image of the girl talking on her smart phone in the picture on the right? She is using my favorite shielding cell phone case the one by SafeSleeve. It is an excellent quality case that is not too expensive. It is the best bang for the buck. You can check out its price here on, or on Amazon. My second favorite case is the one by DefenderShield. This case is a bit more expensive but really good as well. Check out its price here on Amazon.
The big thing to remember with any of these shielding phone cases is they only block a majority of the RF Radiation emitted by a cell phone. Some RF Radiation will still go around the best cases and into your head. So you should not hold the phone up to your ear as shown in the picture unless it is a last resort. If you ever do you definitely need to have a shielding case so that most of the RF Radiation is blocked.
And you want to have a shielding case so that as you carry your cell phone in a purse or a lose jacket pocket, you want the protection side of the shielded cell phone case facing your body. Try not to put your cell phone directly next to your body ever if you can help it. Always try to keep as much distance between you and your cell phone as possible.
Sometimes as I describe these things people take it as though I am saying you don’t need a shielding cell phone case. Nothing could be further from the truth. You do. You just still need to always keep as much distance between your body and your cell phone as possible.
“5G – The Benefits & Concerns
To make 5G, well, 5G, cell phone companies need more power than ever before. As I mentioned earlier, more towers and base stations will need to be built and secured to buildings around the country to make this possible. More towers and base stations means more RF radiation for you. This is where the concern over radiation enters the conversation.
We already know cell phone radiation can cause cancer. The World Health Organization recently classified RF radiation, like that from cell phones, cell towers and cordless phones as a possible carcinogenic in humans. Yep, it sure did.
Most recently, the U.S. Toxicology Program revealed the results of a groundbreaking study linking an increase in a rare form of heart cancer in male mice and rats. In that study, researchers exposed rats and mice to cell phone radiation similar to the levels we are exposed to in our everyday life. Guess what they found?
Low doses of RF radiation over a long period of time (10 years) increases the risk of cancer. And, that’s with cell phones that have yet to carry the 5G symbol at the top of your smartphone screen. A recent LA Times article takes a closer look the concerns regarding all this radiation from your phone and the 5G network.
“There is a big concern with the previous technology and it’s just being made worse with 5G,” said Kevin Mottus, outreach director for the California Brain Tumor Assn., who attend the FCC meeting and unsuccessfully attempted to ask officials about the health effects. “These are microwave transmitters and the closer you are to them, the more problems,” he said.
Desiree Jaworski, executive director of the Center for Safer Wireless, a nonprofit organization that educates the public about the potential hazards of wireless radiation, said 5G signals will be harder for people to avoid.
“Right now, you don’t have to live next to a cell tower. If you’re concerned about it, you can move away,” she said. “But once they have these cell antennas everywhere, you won’t be able to do that,’ LA Times.
Did you catch that last part? With so many cell phone towers and other smaller base stations required for 5G to work, there will be nowhere to go to escape the harmful RF radiation. You could live in the woods, off the grid, but cell phone companies will find you. I was once hiking in the middle of an alpine wilderness and spotted a funny looking tree.
It was a little too perfect for the perfectly imperfect standards of Mother Nature. It wasn’t a tree after all. As we hiked closer to the tree, it became very clear, like a 5G phone call, the tree was actually a cell phone tower disguised as an Evergreen. The tower was painted green and the antennas designed to look like branches and leaves. I have to give credit to whoever designed this cell tower, they did a great job. But, I couldn’t believe there was a cell tower in the middle of nowhere. I digress.
My point is, 5G towers and bases won’t be so discreet. These towers will be everywhere and so will the RF Radiation, adding to an already overloaded and polluted environment. Because there will be more power associated with the 5G network, some researchers are asking for more time to study the health implications of this new lightening speed wireless technology. It’s unlikely this research will happen before 5G is set to be up and running in the next couple years or so.
Why Is 5G Radiation Dangerous?
As I mentioned we don’t know a lot about the health implications of 5G radiation, but we do know 4G and other RF radiation sources are very likely the root cause of so many diseases and ailments we face every day. Low doses of RF radiation over a long period time are linked to cancer, headaches, depression, anxiety, sleep issues and other ailments.
Some researchers believe the wavelengths at which 5G operates will cause serious skin issues and eye disease. 5G will operate on a wavelength known at Millimeter Waves. These waves, as I mentioned earlier, can’t go through buildings and other obstructions- that’s why so many base stations and cell towers will need to be built. All these short millimeter waves could cause a host of really big health issues. In an article about 5G, one author lists, in-depth at least 11 reasons why you should be concerned about the 5G network.
“The biggest concern is how these new wavelengths will affect the skin. The human body has between two million to four million sweat ducts. Dr. Ben-Ishai of Hebrew University, Israel explains that our sweat ducts act like “an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths,” meaning that we become more conductive. A recent New York study which experimented with 60GHz waves stated that “the analyses of penetration depth show that more than 90% of the transmitted power is absorbed in the epidermis and dermis layer,”
Millimeter Waves or MMW are also linked to heart disease, compromise our immune system and change the health of our plants. I’ve never heard that one before. 5G network could affect our plants? That’s terrifying. One study indicates high levels of RF radiation can prevent plants from growing and having the nutrients we need to survive.
Some research also indicated MMW have the ability to penetrate the cornea of the eye and cause all sorts of issues. RF radiation is also known to have a thermal effect on our bodies, with the ability to change our cell structure. This type of radiation is also known to break the blood-brain barrier, the body’s last line of defense against toxic chemicals.
All this research is based off 4G and other less power wireless communication devices. So, it’s terrifying to think about how 5G may affect our health. Experts in this particular study believe we won’t know see the scope of all the health problems associated with cell phone radiation exposure for decades to come.
5G Speeds
The speed at which you can upload a photo from your phone or put that perfect filter on your Instagram profile is outstanding. In a matter of seconds, you can share your favorite moments from your Hawaii vacation with the world. Your friends who are shoveling six inches of snow out of their driveway can comment and ‘love” the sunset beach photo equally as fast. All of this lightning speed communication is all thanks to modern day technology and 4G technology.
Soon however, we can upload, download snapchat, Facetime, Instagram, email, text and Marco Polo faster than ever before. In 2016, the United States became the first country to give the okay to dedicate a substantial number of airwaves for 5G. According to a recent article in the LA Times, 5G will operate at ten times the speed of 4G.
The increase in speed that data is moving from device to device means there will be more cell phone towers and more transmitters to make the 5G revolution possible. Cell phone companies are working hard to make 5G available to consumers by 2020.
“The Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously to allow wireless providers access to high-frequency airwaves that have had limited uses because they can’t carry data very far. Technological advances have made it possible to expand consumer wireless services into those airwaves.
But to use the spectrum, wireless companies will have to install thousands of small base stations — some just the size of smoke detectors — on utility poles and buildings to pass the signals along. The industry will spend about $56 billion to develop, test and deploy 5G services in the U.S. through 2025, according to IGR, a wireless market-strategy consulting firm,” LA Times.
All those small base stations will be emitting harmful RF radiation around every corner and neighborhood in the country. What we gain in convenience and speed we will lose in our quality of life and how we feel. Cell phone towers are already linked to depression, increase in cancer, tumors, sleep problems, anxiety, ADHD, autism and more.
Some experts fear the new wave of 5G technology, with all its power and speed, will also expedite cancer diagnosis’s. To really understand the potential health dangers of 5G, let’s take a closer look at this technology, how it works and why it could make you more prone to getting sick.”
Final Thoughts
This was kind of a long article. But this is a very important subject. If you are still reading here then you have learned a lot about RF Radiation, and specifically 5G. Please help us get the word out. The only way we can either stop 5G or at least get better safety standards implemented is if enough people are aware of the problem. Social media is great for this. Please share this and the other articles on this website that you may like on your social media sites.
And finally I want to thank you for taking the time to read this article. The fact that you have means that you are one of the more aware people we have in our country. We need more people just like you. Again thank you so much and I hope this website, and this article specifically was a benefit to you!
See also:
around 13 minutes into is, Barrie says:
“…by using Government figures, WHO figures, secret figures, I proved that in just three generations, 60 years of human life, only…of the exposed populations, only one in eight children after three generations could be born healthy.”
“…that experiment showed that entire species of animals, entire species can be extinct in five generations.
“…after five generations, for some animals, they could become extinct EXCEPT, and this is interesting, except bacteria and viruses, They seem to proliferate and grow and become more deadly in microwaves.”
Recall the book “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” (as well as research of Dr. Tent and Dr. Horowitz) where Dr. Mary was mutating viruses to radiate them and make them nastier. Dr. Mary was told by the CIA that this would only be used on terrible dictators such as Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
See also:
- Medical Connections with 5G EMF Exposure, COVID Illness, and the COVID Shots
- Interactive Global 5G Tower Locator – Tracking Worldwide 5G Rollout
- 1976 Defense Intelligence Agency Report on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation
- 1981 NASA Study of Electromagnetic Radiation Effects on the Human Body
- EUROPAEN EMF Guideline 2016 for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of EMF-Related Health Problems and illnesses
- Effects of 5G Wireless Communication on Human Health
- More…
Chronological History of Events Related to 5G
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![Internal Medicine Physician, Dr. Sharon Goldberg, Delivered testimony before Congress about the Dangers of 5G Technology](
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