Taking Back Our Stolen History
Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland

MKULTRA and Child Abuse

The tales of Alice include the white rabbit whom she must follow. This rabbit is symbolic of the pagan Germanic goddess of Ostara. This was the early incarnation of the Christian holiday of Easter and allegedly gave roots to the fertility rites of spring with the rabbit symbolizing all of this. I went further into this perversion of the original intent of the holy-days on my post about the Illuminati and Occult Holiday Traditions, but here we see another incarnation of it in pop culture with the white rabbit.

In fact, there is more to consider with the sexual trauma allegations made by Holly Madison in her book Down the Rabbit Hole. In it she describes her relations with Hugh Hefner who she deems as a manipulator and sexual deviant (*allegedly).

Another popular inspiration from Carroll’s story was Jefferson Starship’s White Rabbit song. The writer of this song, Grace Slick, said that it was intended to veil drug usage lyrics past censors (*Oh my; have we’ve come a loooong way since the 60s!), but it was also a cautionary tale to parents who would read the story of Alice in Wonderland to their kids.

She alleged that Alice’s consumption of substances that made her feel larger and smaller would influence children to eventually experiment with drugs. In fact, in Alice in Wonderland we hear that Alice consumes a mushroom with the caterpillar who is smoking a different substance altogether, so maybe Grace Slick isn’t so far off the trail.

Getting back to the subject at hand- we see various symbols that suggest Alice is being led through a distraction while she is supposedly being abused. The world she enters is indeed within her own mind, and many claimed that this is similar to how victims of abuse deal with trauma. They enter into a state of dissociative identity and can even build an entire alter ego if they enter into this state too often (referred to as Dissociative Identity Disorder). Often times this state is depicted with the mirror symbolism- something we saw Alice peering into when she first enters the rabbit hole.

The MKULTRA mind control program intended to explore these sorts of ideas- particularly through the usage of LSD. I went deep into this territory in my hip hop conspiracy book SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC where we learned about the many alters of rappers who employ various personalities to perform (e.g. Beyonce aka Sasha Fierce, Nicki Minaj aka Roman Zolanski, etc.).

While I would consider this theory a possibility; I don’t know that it is all that well grounded in this particular case. Besides the allegations against Carroll’s interests in little girls, there are only a couple more somewhat flimsy pieces of support to consider.

For example, the Beatles song I Am the Walrus is most definitely based on Carroll’s Walrus and Carpenter poem in Through the Looking Glass. When Playboy asked about the lyrics, song writer John Lennon revealed that it was a confluence of acid trips while making mention of another person of interest…

The first line was written on one acid trip one weekend. The second line was written on the next acid trip the next weekend, and it was filled in after I met Yoko… I’d seen Allen Ginsberg and some other people who liked Dylan and Jesus going on about Hare Krishna. It was Ginsberg, in particular, I was referring to. 

Allen Ginsberg isn’t necessarily a household name, but I researched more into his background when I wrote Johnny Depp: Vampire, Satanist, or Illuminati?. What I found was that Depp was an admirer of Ginsberg; as are many other closeted occultists (*recall that Johnny Depp plays the Mad Hatter in Disney’s film versions of Alice in Wonderland).

It turns out that Ginsburg was a man who was pivotal in the counter culture and promoted Eastern religious schools of thoughts while also being a member of the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). So yes, we see another sick and twisted individual being hailed as some kind of hero. Carroll was into little girls and Ginsburg was into little boys.

Given that Disney has taken a profound interest in retelling the Alice in Wonderland tales, one must wonder if there isn’t a connection to be made. Disney has had multiple allegations of impropriety by conspiracy theorists and some of these came true when 35 employees of Disney World were arrested for sex crimes against children in 2006.

While that doesn’t necessarily implicate Disney as being supporters of this type of thing, it does add to the growing case of mind control and occult manipulation by the group. Given that most of the beloved Disney cartoons are based off some form of pagan belief system (like Sleeping Beauty), I have to wonder if this connection make it to the masses for consideration. We should also consider the fact that Disney paid billions of dollars to take over the Star Wars franchise which is the embodiment of this same tale of balancing the two forces of nature- positive (white) and negative (black).

One last supporting piece of evidence in the MKULTRA theory of Alice is the butterfly that is seen throughout the film representations. The butterfly is indicative of the subprogram of MKULTRA called Project MONARCH. This project delved into various genetic transference of mind manipulations and we’ve seen it hidden in many forms of entertainment, suggesting the artist or character was subjected to this trauma.

While nobody is sure what age Alice is in the first book, we can conclude how old she is in the second one. In Through the Looking Glass we hear Alice reveal her age twice; both times stating she is 7 and 1/2 years old. Is it odd that in the 1998 version of Through the Looking Glass we see a rather stunning looking 25 year old Kate Beckinsale portraying a child?

Is this meant to confuse the audience? Are we to become attracted to a character that is supposed to only be seven years old? In the British occultist Aleister Crowley‘s Aeon of Horus fantasies he believed we were to subject children to all things sexual even from a young age. It seems that there is a planned effort to confuse morality of what is right and wrong. It seems more than profane to have an adult woman portray a 7 year old child.

But maybe Lewis Carroll would’ve wanted it that way…

Life is but a dream

One of the interpretations of these tales is that we’re led to believe our entire lives are simply dreams. While I disagree with this because it is very deterministic in nature (*I don’t believe in fate because I think we all have the ability to shape our future); let’s explore the idea a bit.

At the end of Through the Looking Glass Alice considers the idea that everything she experienced may have been a dream by the Red King and that she was part of his imagination. At this point we see Carroll’s poem about life being a dream.

Carroll wrote:

In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die.
Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?

To me this seems to support the goals of the current push on the “You Only Live Once” attitudes. In recent pop culture we’ve seen Pepsi campaign this with “Live For Now” as well as the rapper Drake with his song “YOLO (You Only Live Once)”. No matter how you view this kind of attitude, it is a byproduct of Nihilism.

The message is reckless in nature because it suggests that there is no future so live for the moment. While I find great importance in living in the present; the future should not be bleak or unprepared for. Nihilism wants us to destroy ourselves by giving into passions and being irresponsible (on some levels) and believing that life is “but a dream” could be a message that supports this.

Saturn and Chronos

The entire story is about Alice’s initiation into the beliefs of the occult and their pursuit of anarchy and chaos. The unpredictable world of “Wonderland” is that of pure chaos and no rules. One such rule that we live by is time. In the history of the occult beliefs, they think that Saturn (or one of its representations) came to instill certain rules and measures into our world. One of these was the concept of time. I wrote an entire article examining the character of Saturn, aka Cronus called Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Saturn and the Black Cube. In that article we see the purpose of Saturn in the devouring of children:

The ancient Romans worshipped the god Saturnus, who was the god of agriculture and time, and his reign was known as the time of Golden Age of peace and harmony. The Greek god that was the same as Saturnus was Cronus, the youngest of the Titans. The Carthaginian god Ba’al (or Moloch) was the same god, and devoured children (similar to Cronus who ate children).

So not only does this support the child abuse-MKULTRA mind control programming theories, but it also seems to imply that Cronus plays a role in Alice’s journey. In the occult traditions they believe that Father Time (aka Saturn) was the god of destruction. He is the principle of limitation and first introduced the concept of matter to exist. We were initially formless but Saturn came and introduced standards and measures (rules) that gave form to the material world.

In Carroll’s stories we find out that the Mad Hatter was accused of killing the man known as “Time” from the Queen. This is why chaos reigns supreme in Wonderland- there was a take back of power from Saturn aka Cronus who had established the rules before hand. If you were left to wonder if “Time” is meant to embody Saturn in Wonderland, take a look at Time from 2016’s Through the Looking Glass:

You’ll see the age old wisdom and symbol of the All Seeing Eye. Time is aware of the occult knowledge and that is evident here.

Attaining the High Rank

In Through the Looking Glass the Red Queen reveals to Alice that the entire countryside is laid out in squares, like a gigantic chessboard, and offers to make Alice a queen if she can move all the way to the eighth rank/row in a chess match. This is a direct example of the way the world is set up. If you jump through the hoops you can progress to the top of the food chain. In the world of the occult she is telling Alice that she can become a high degree initiate; much like herself.

In the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry they represent this progression through a sequence of degrees; similarly to how the Church of Scientology is set up. As you climb the ladder you receive more of the hidden knowledge and the true core beliefs of the establishment. It is hidden from those that are deemed unworthy. After some back and forth Alice progresses through the ranks and a crown materializes on her head. This is the top most sephirot in the Kabbalah Tree of Life. In fact “Keter” literally means “crown.” It is the most-hidden of all sephirot and the ultimate goal for all initiates who traverse the Tree of Life and its various universal lessons, so we can see that Alice has achieved the goal of high ranking initiate at this point.

Soon Alice is with the White and Red Queens, who confuse Alice by preventing any kind of logical discussion by spouting gibberish. Was it all a waste of time?…  Getting to the final challenge which contains no answer at all is indicative of more esoteric teachings. It is simply more chaos and confusion which is what the aim of the Illuminati.  We saw this in Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Holy Mountain when the initiates make the final ascension only to have an unexpected reception…

To further support this chaos theory; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass both end with a scene of chaotic uproar. It is only at the point when Alice finds out there is no answers at all that she is allowed to wake up. To me this sounds like a parallel revelation to Friedrich Nietzsche’s “There is no absolute truth” dogma. What Carroll and Nietzsche seems to be telling us is that there is no God, no Heaven, no Hell, no responsibilities, and no punishments (aka Nihilism). Pure chaos reigns supreme- as is seen in both tales about Alice and her initiation into the occult.

So what is the purpose?

The creatures Alice meets in her initiation experience are anthropomorphic- meaning they assign human attributes to non-human creatures. During the ancient ritual ceremonies the initiate would be confronted by these entities while traversing the spirit world in an altered state (whether that state was reached through hallucination, near death experience, or drug usage depended on the flavor of ritual).

All of the experiences Alice goes through are about questioning reality and defying logic. Perhaps that is why Carroll rejected the offer of priesthood when he was asked to fill his father’s footsteps? Was Carroll “enlightened” by the occult practices in such a manner that he no longer believed in organized religion? Was he part of the overarching plan of the “Illuminati” to break down cultural norms and Christianity in an attempt to change the world?

Mystical philosophies and altered states are embedded into many of today’s works of art- as was the entertainment of the late 1800s. Aldous Huxley wrote a similar tale called The Doors of Perception in 1954 that detailed his trip to the underground through hallucinogens one afternoon. This was also the inspiration for the name of the band The Doors which also knew the value of hiding occult symbolism in plain sight:

We see that here in Carroll’s tales about Alice being initiated into an occult school of thought where she questions reality and comes back up from the “underground” as a new person. At one time (and somewhat today) these schools of thought were subversive which is why these secret societies were originally driven underground. A tradition handed down to various occult groups comes out to the surface through works of entertainment and many of us are completely unaware. They target the messages to the youth in an attempt to talk to the collective subconscious so they can be groomed to accept the larger fate of human kind: the alien takeover of the Antichrist…


See also:

Chronological History of Events Related to Alice in Wonderland

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