Although few Americans recognize the name of George Kennan, he not only was the source of the nickname “egghead”, he also was the bureaucrat entrusted with the maintenance of the Cold War in Washington for many years. He was named after his uncle. George Kennan, who spent many years traveling in Czarist Russia on “missionary work” for the world Communist movement. He was entrusted with many millions of dollars by Jacob Schiff, known as “A Prince in Israel“, who was born in the Rothschild house in Frankfurt, and who, according to his grandson, John Schiff, had spent twenty-two-million dollars of his, personal funds to bring about the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Most of this money was spent on revolutionary propaganda, which Kennan, with journalistic credentials, distributed throughout Russia. Some historians credit George Kennan as the pivotal force in the Bolshevik Revolution, pointing out that it was his distributing of thousands of revolutionary leaflets to officers in the Czar’s Army which turned them against the regime and led to the downfall of the Czar.
George Kennan also worked with Jacob Schiff in financing Japan in the Russo-Japanese War of 1905. The Japanese government decorated Kennan with the Gold War Medal, and the Order of the Sacred Treasure. (The World Order, by Eustace Mullins, p. 64). Schiff instigated this war to strike a blow against the alleged oppression of Jews in Russia, and to create a governmental crisis by which the Communists could seize power. The “1905 Revolution” failed miserably; the Communists had to wait twelve more years, with Schiff’s continued support, before they could seize power.
To those who have studied the history of the twentieth century, it is not at all paradoxical that the American government should have entrusted its foreign policy towards Russia to someone named after the man who is credited with bringing about the Bolshevik Revolution. When Franklin D. Roosevelt, repaying Communist support which gave him victory in his presidential race against Herbert Hoover, promptly extended diplomatic recognition to Stalin, it was George Kennan who was chosen to accompany Ambassador William Bullitt to Moscow to reopen the American Embassy. It was George Kennan who wrote the notorious 8,000-word “long telegram” sent from Moscow to Washington on Dec. 22, 1946, where, as he points out, it caused a sensation, and led to his being summoned back to Washington to head the newly created post of head of Policy Planning.
Kennan states in his memoirs that he had the only office directly adjoining the office of Secretary of State General George Marshall, and that it was lie, Kennan, who actually drafted the text of the Marshall Plan.
However, it is as “X”, the anonymous author of an article which appeared in the July, 1947 issue of Foreign Affairs, the official publication of the Council on Foreign Relations, titled “The Sources of Soviet Conduct“, that George Kennan continues to be remembered in Washington. This article laid down the principle of “containment” which was to be official U.S. policy towards Russia for the remainder of the Cold War. No wonder the New York Times called Kennan “America’s global planner“. Henry Kissinger, who inherited the Kennan policy of the Cold War, wrote in White House Years, p. 135, that “George Kennan came as close to authoring the diplomatic doctrine of his era as any diplomat in our history.”
Paul Kennedy, in The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, defined the “policy of containment” as follows: “The view from Washington was that a master plan for world Communist domination was unfolding and needed to be ‘contained’.” Walter Lippmann, who was a one-man think tank in Washington for fifty years, and an adviser to many Presidents, adopted Kennan’s policy in his influential The Cold War; a Study in United States Foreign Policy, as America’s senior elder statesman.
Kennan’s “containment” policy was just that; that the Soviet Union and world Communism would be contained, but never openly challenged or fought against. It was a permanent guarantee that the captive nations of Eastern Europe, which had been delivered to Stalin by Roosevelt, Churchill and Alger Hiss at Yalta, would never be liberated from Communism. An organization championing the captive nations was for many years the most hated and derided group in Washington, Composed of a few Congressmen from Chicago and Cleveland who had strong ethnic backing from Poles, Czechs and other Eastern Europe countries, it was a political embarrassment for many years to the oligarchs of the Cold War.
In his memoirs, Kennan mentions that one of the principal sponsors of his containment policy was then Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, who later, as Secretary of Defense, became one of a long list of “Washington suicides”, a special category a la Vince Foster. Although published in Foreign Affairs, a magazine read only by the Elite, it was quickly taken up by Arthur Krock of the New York Times, the most influential journalist in Washington. He reprinted the article in the New York Times, describing it as the “most important foreign relations document of the century“. A shorter version of the containment article was then published in Life magazine. It had now inundated the country.
Kennan states in his memoirs, “I emphatically deny the paternity of any efforts to invoke the doctrine of containment today.” He downplays both the “long telegram” and the article by “X”, claiming that they have been “misunderstood“. He modestly ignores the fact that he laid down the policy which our government has followed for forty years. His reward was a post as professor at the elite think tank in Princeton, the Institute for Advanced Study, where he worked beginning in 1950 until he retired, with interim appointments as Ambassador to Russia and to Yugoslavia. He also was awarded the Albert Einstein Peace Prize, presumably for avoiding a Third World War by his policy of containment (my studies have shown that a Third World War between Russia and the United States was never seriously considered by anyone in authority). It was only a “War Game“.
There was also the case of Major George Jordan –
“George Racey Jordan (1898-1966) was an American military officer, .. He first gained nationwide attention in December 1949 when he testified to the United States Congress about wartime Lend-Lease deliveries to the Soviet Union, in the process implicating Harry Hopkins and other high officials in the transfer of nuclear and other secrets to the USSR.”
“Jordan testified (along with General Leslie Groves, head of the Manhattan Project) to the House Un-American Activities Committee about the transfers.”
Jordan’s diaries: www.whale.to…
The government propaganda techniques by which the American people were terrorized for some forty years began with the dire threat of nuclear annihilation. School children went through daily drills of falling to the floor in terror of the atomic bomb which would destroy their school. Their parents built backyard “bomb shelters” stocked with food and water. Because “scientific studies” showed that the radiation peril would last for at least five hundred years, the survivors apparently expected to spend that much time in their shelters. Nationwide philosophical debates ensued as to whether the survivors, huddled in their shelters after the blast, should open the door to neighbors or to “minorities” who had neglected to build bomb shelters, or whether they should shoot those who battered down the doors to get food. Hollywood loyally produced many movies about the coming atomic debacle, such as Dr. Strangelove, in which insane fascists were determined to use the bomb to destroy the civilized world; War Games, in which a mad computer tried to trick the United States and Russia into destroying each other; and a steady stream of films depicting “Bette Davises” as little old librarians who were determined that students should be allowed to read the works of Karl Marx.
After years of exposure to the imminent threat of being vaporized in an atomic blast, Americans began to ignore the threat; many of them bulldozed their bomb shelters into swimming pools. It was obvious to our masters that new techniques of terror had to be developed. The Central Intelligence Agency now became the vehicle of mass terrorism. It became known as “the Company” under the leadership of stock promoter Bill Casey. He became highly skilled at peddling alarming statistics about the threat of Communism to Congress, who hastily voted vast increases in the “defense” budget. The oligarchs abandoned the now worn out doctrine of nuclear annihilation. There would be no need to spend two-hundred-and-fifty-billion dollars a year on tanks, guns and airplanes if they were all to be vaporized by a single bomb. The defense budget had been brought from a low of $13 billion in 1947 to a continuous budget in the hundreds of billions. With its top secret budget of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, never to be examined by anyone, the CIA sent its own James Bonds all over the world usually to attack and overthrow “anti-Communist” governments and “dictators” such as Ferdinand Marcos, who had been indiscreet in their denunciations of Communism. The CIA hired hundreds of journalists to write books and articles promoting its version of the Cold War, always at the highest prevailing rates.
The effect on both Russia and the United States of the Cold War conspirators has been devastating. Russia’s economy is in a state of collapse, with no improvement in sight. The United States has been looted; its infrastructure, its roads, bridges and other assets need many billions in immediate repair. We have the $5 trillion Cold War debt; but the most destructive effect on our nation is the Cold War’s effect on our morality.
The years of being terrorized by the atomic threat had a very destructive effect on morality. If we were to be vaporized at any time, it seemed worthwhile to seize the moment, to take pleasure, money and any other rewards while they were available, without consequences.
The effect of the CIA propaganda lies about the “great Soviet Union” which might take over the world at any moment has been equally destructive. When conservative economist Paul Craig Roberts landed in Moscow during the height of the CIA propaganda campaign, he was stunned to find that Soviet Russia had “a Third World economy“. I had proved in my writings that the United States taxpayer had been subsidizing the Soviet Union since 1917. In fact, Americans have been living a lie for four decades, the lie that we were in dire peril from “the Communist threat“. This lie has been demoralizing; it has placed us on the brink of bankruptcy; and it poses the challenge to us: When are we going to get rid of our Cold War conspirators? They must pay the price for the destruction they have wrought on our nation. We must drive them out of every office; bring them to trial for their high treason; and restore the Republic which our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us. It is this task—not sad jokes about “balancing the budget”—which will determine whether this nation will survive to the twenty-first century.
For a brief period after the end of the cold war, there was talk of a “peace dividend”, i.e. a sharp decrease in military spending and a consequent increase in spending, worldwide, of benefit to humanity. This might logically have been presumed, if the military expenditures during the cold war were really a response to a communist threat. However, the exact opposite actually occurred – military spending increased, most notably after the “war on terror” was launched with the 9/11 attacks.
Main Source: ‘The $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax’ by Eustace Mullins
Additional sources: whale.to; wikispooks
Chronological History of Events Related to the Cold War
![Operation Paperclip is Implemented to Bring 1600 German Eugenicists, Scientists, Doctors, Technicians, and Engineers to the U.S. for Employment in Exchange for Immunity](https://historyheist.com/wp-content/uploads/1947/07/OperationPaperclipScientists2_small1-300x86.gif)