The US double-crossed their puppet dictator Saddam by telling him they wouldn’t interfere if he attacked Kuwait, but they planned to all along. He began to retreat from his Kuwaiti invasion before the US attack in Jan 1991, but it was too late. During a 42-day carpet bombing, hospitals, schools, all sources of food, water and medicine were obliterated with depleted uranium, leaving long-lasting effects. As with all wars, there was media spin to gain public support for the war. Nurse Nayirah, actually the 15-yr old daughter of Kuwait’s ambassador to the US, Saud Nasir Al-Sabah, was coached by Hill & Knowlton to forge her infamous testimony about Iraqi soldiers removing babies from incubators. Another lie was that satellite photos showed Iraqi tanks and troops massing on the borders of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, threatening invasion, but actual satellite photos proved otherwise. Soldiers were force injected with experimental vaccines and subjected to biological and chemical weapons that the US sold Iraq in the first place – all causes of ‘Gulf War syndrome’, but blamed on psychological issues. Read More…
Chronological History of Events Related to the Gulf War

Whistleblower Dr. Rima Laibow Claims The U.N. Would Release A Virus To Trigger Depopulation Through Vaccines!

Study: Aluminum in Vaccines can Cause Neuron Death plus Motor and Memory Deficits Similar to Gulf War Syndrome.

Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program Begins as Military Mandate

The 1994 Rockefeller Report Examining Biological Experimentation on U.S. Military

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre: Ameriya Shelter bombing in Baghdad, Iraq.

Gulf War: Propaganda; Forced Vaccinations; Chemical Warfare; Iraq Annihilated; Gulf War Syndrome

President George HW Bush Announces the Gulf War and “the Opportunity to Forge for Ourselves and Future Generations, a New World Order”

Betty Mill’s Vision and Circles of Power