Public Relations firm used for CIA disinformation campaigns against American citizens. They cooked up the ‘Nurse Nayirah‘ war propaganda, which included setting up the ‘Congressional Human Rights hearings’, and advises the WHO on how to present propaganda for the Covid-19 fake pandemic. Called an “an unelected shadow government” for its vast influence, its former CEO Robert Gray was a specialist in sexual blackmail.
Gulf War
Hill & Knowlton charged $14 million to the US government, and millions more to the Kuwaiti government for acting as “public relations consultants”. Lauri Fitz-Pegado coached ‘Nurse Nayirah’ for months to lie convincingly about the wickedness of the Iraqis. This deception which tricked the US public and bolstered support for the 1990-1 Gulf War. As of 2020, no one has expressed remorse, far less been was prosecuted for this episode.
Working for WHO during Covid-19
On May 20, 2020 the firm began working for the World Health Organization (WHO), to evaluate and recommend measures to “help ensure science and public health message credibility from the WHO in order to ensure there is trust in the WHO’s advice and that public health guidance is followed”.
The contract states H+K will identify influencers in key regions based on their relevance, reach and engagement. Influencers possess different strengths and serve different purposes,and H+K will classify leading voices across three categories:
- Macro Influencers those with large followings (1M+)such as celebrities for greater amplification of WHO messaging
- Micro Influencers – those with smaller but highly engaged followings who function as trusted advisors and informed validators
- Hidden Heroes The scientific, medical and health community – to ensure they believe and advocate the advice given
H+K will consider those driving coverage and conversations in the following areas:
- Media-to ensure that articles are balanced in a time of concern verging on panic and uncertainty
- NGOs-to ensure peer groups and local grassroots organizations endorse the role of WHO and its advice
- The informed public-those that read everything and use their own channels and networks to validate or invalidate claims
Sexual Blackmail
Former chairman and CEO Robert Keith Gray was a specialist in homosexual blackmail operations, possibly in collaboration with the CIA, and was reported to have collaborated with Roy Cohn in those activities.
Source: Wikispooks